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RvB3: Lyn


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This way. The signs are fading, but they're really moving. I think I can track them if they keep this pace.


Are you sure? Really?


Remember, I'm from Sacae. Bern's foot soldiers are slow and clumsy… And to a Sacaen, men are easier to track than rabbits.

Whether or not this is the same kind of "sneaky" you want to ascribe to assassins is debatable, but the context for this quote is that Lyn is hunting down a group of soldiers with her tracking insights in order to hunt them down, kill them, and reclaim the Fire Emblem. Seems pretty fitting to me, anyway.

Good times indeed, friend. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

I consider this reveal less a problem with the Lyn DLC specifically and more a referendum on (and I can't emphasize how silly this enough) PEACOCK CELICE. bawk bawk

Fair enough. So she gets one out of three.

And yeah I'm completely confused now as to why they went with Celice over Sigurd. Seems like it would've made so much more sense to leave him out entirely.

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seriously how did anyone ever think that could have been plausible or a good idea

Exactly. DLC characters should have classes that make sense and are logical, like bride. ;):

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I think Lyn making it in as a Swordmaster kind of goes back to one of my old ideas - they might consider female version of classes different from the male ones.

I had given up on that because it seemed like this original DLC set wouldn't go on for much longer, and there wouldn't be enough characters to use that for anything, but here she is. Still, I kind of expected Lyn this time due to Talisman 2 and Eliwood's own lack of relevance in the RvsB chapters. It'll be odd if he doesn't make it in at all though...

Edited by NeonZ
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A murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.

A member of the a branch of Ismaili Muslims (1094–1256), renowned as violent militant fanatics.

does that sound like Lyn to you

seriously how did anyone ever think that could have been plausible or a good idea

Of course, you can still reclass her to Assassin if you're that interested in throwing away her personal weapon. If that's all you meant, then never mind. But it never would have made any sense for her to be set with Assassin as her original class.

does leaf really seem to be the kind of person that would fit a trickster?No not really,I can't imagine leaf being someone who tricks people or plays pranks or something like this....

There is no possibility of a five star map set. I've explained this over and over and over.

I only wait for that being also proven false,just like you said there is no possibility for lyn to become a dlc,because it simply fits too well that we've got 15 main characters and that there are sets with 3 parts for the characters with 5 levels....

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I've got to say, I expected it to either be Lyn or Eliwood.. since they're gonna save Ike for last, I know it.

Still, a Swordmaster? We already have Celice, so why give us two?

And Iote's Shield!? Yeah! I always have trouble against those nasty archers, so this'll come in handy! =)

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With Cellica and Swordmaster Lyn I think we can now safely assume that we don't know what they're planning, so all this arguing about how "they're definitely doing this because they did that before" is pointless.

And all this arguing that Lyn can't be an assassin? Because Leaf's a glamorous and elusive phantom thief? And Roy's a hired sword? And Micaiah's a heretical practitioner of the dark arts?

Edited by Mysterique Sign
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Ahhhhhhhh! So conflicted! >o< On the one hand, I'm so happy to see that we get amazing not moe/fanboy art of a super awesome lady lord, but on the other hand, Eliwood. :/ I was hoping we would get Sigurd in there too, but there's only one more DLC slot left, correct?

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Ah, I knew it. I was just about to comment on this because this just proves Red vs. Blue was the female-only set to the King vs. King set, both of which introduce a new gender exclusive class and a special skill on the last two maps.

To me, they have continued the patterns and redundancy wasn't much of a concern. It was more who to fit where, Marth-Roy-Micaiah in ST was for the release progression, but I can't figure out what KvK and RvB's river drying up and the field getting lighter mean respectively. LvD went from rain to sunlight depending which side you faced.

This does bring doubts about whether or not there's more than one map left for the horse-riding lords (and possible others). IS has been paying attention to the ratios but with Lyn being the starting lord of FE7, they could just leave it at one guy left for LvD. I still go by the theory that they stop for a while by LvD3 and return to DLC maybe bi-monthly or when the game is internationally released.

That makes sense. I don't think IS has destroyed any patterns and this is actually pretty accurate on our part. We all expected an FE7 character and look who we got. The thing we overlooked was them attempting to over-look class redundancy, just like before when we mistook Alm for being counted as FE1 instead of a character outside of the set teams.

Now, this does change things up for Ike, but I'm going to stick to my guns and expect him to show up in Paris' class anyway. Unless Ike somehow is Paris and Sigurd joins in LvD 3 as a Paladin. It's break the character to map thing though.

Also, Lyn looks quite pleasant, though not much of a deviation from her original appearance. Whom is this illustrator?

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Speculation: next week is Eliwood for LvD3.

Also, the first and only DLC in the Ike and Zigludo set. Five stars. All enemies have all stats capped on the easiest difficulty with 80 enemies. As difficulty increases, there are more enemies with higher caps, better forges, and more absurd skill sets. This takes place on the Lagdou Ruins floor 8. Upon completion you get both Ike and Zigludo. Costs 1000 yen.

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Perhaps it could be Sigurd next, and then they'll release Hector, Eliwood and Ike in one more set to spark the international release. Makes sense to me; don't know why it wouldn't make sense to others, especially as those three are arguably the most popular/well-known Lords over here, FE7 having been the first translated game and Ike being, well, Ike. Unless he's Paris, which I imagine there being about a 50% chance of.

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Well this is kinda surprising, but not too much. I've never really been convinced by the supposed patterns people keep using to predict things. I mean people were practically 100% certain it would follow some specific pattern which really just seemed kinda stupid to me. Anyways, even though it doesn't seem logical for there to be another DLC set I'm going to say there will be. I just can't see them not making so many of the other lords DLC.

Oh, and if it matters I support Lyn making sense as an assassin. Except for the Sol Kaati deal, that made me know it wasn't going to happen. And of course swordmaster > assassin but both would have made sense.

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Whom is this illustrator?

According to this Wikipedia entry, he did the character design of 7th Dragon 2020 and several of J-pop group supercell's album art. I heard he drew Hatsune Miku in some of their songs that used her voice, which explains otherworldly Lyn's somewhat Miku-like hairstyle and colour.

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Even if we get more DLC sets afterwards, I'm pretty sure the LvD3 character has to be Ike. Otherwise, what would have been the point of choosing a random Path of Radiance map for the ultimate battle between All Stars heroes and villains of the franchise?That map only has relevance to Ike, considering it's where his father died and he became the leader of the Greil Mercenaries.

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That makes sense. I don't think IS has destroyed any patterns and this is actually pretty accurate on our part. We all expected an FE7 character and look who we got. The thing we overlooked was them attempting to over-look class redundancy, just like before when we mistook Alm for being counted as FE1 instead of a character outside of the set teams.

Now, this does change things up for Ike, but I'm going to stick to my guns and expect him to show up in Paris' class anyway. Unless Ike somehow is Paris and Sigurd joins in LvD 3 as a Paladin. It's break the character to map thing though.

Also, Lyn looks quite pleasant, though not much of a deviation from her original appearance. Whom is this illustrator?

Exactly. They've been holding very closely to their patterns; we just haven't been good at predicting those patterns. We thought they were trying to make characters have distinct classes, but in reality, they were just sticking to characters who would have distinct art. Micaiah got the Dark Mage class not because of avoiding redundancy with Cellica, but as a reason for her to have the Dark Blessing skill.

I still say they're not going to break the game-map connection, though. So Ike still has to join in LvD3; he just now could be a Hero instead of Paris's class.

I do still think it's plausible that we might see a final standalone map. I'm not sure about the odds, but if it shows up, we'll see it after LvD3. A full map set would've started by now and they don't have enough material left for it anyway, but a standalone map has good reason to not show any trace of itself until the end, and wouldn't require the same content patterns as the others.

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Aha, I was forgetting about Micaiah's skills. Lyn as a swordmaster for her Sol Katti makes sense, and Celice as a swordmaster is to avoid the same look as mercenary Roy.

My final guess, LvD3. Ike, Paris' Class. One of his skills will be Aether.

Hero Ike would look pretty similar to Vanguard Ike and would certainly make sense. But we'll see, I'm just going to stick to my original prediction and hope it pans out. I am prepared to be wrong on the class.

A final standalone map featuring either of these situations makes sense to me. You, against all 12 spotpass teams OR you against all series final bosses.

That map only has relevance to Ike, considering it's where his father died and he became the leader of the Greil Mercenaries.

Black Knight to be the last character :p

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Is it bad if I thought shoulderpads would be accessories Lyn would wear if she had appeared in FE6, even in flashbacks?

This news makes me so happy, that now I'm looking even more forward to this game. With any luck the other two will make DLC themselves. As far as artwork's concerned, I think I have a new favorite. Might not have been Raita Honjoh, but any artist that doesn't screw with how a character looks is okay with me. (I'm looking at you when I say this, Masastsugu Saitoh!)

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