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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Okay I don't really know how to ask this but here goes.

Is it possible/even recommended to play the DLCs during the story (i.e not during post-game)?

Then, if it is possible, can you build support points in those DLCs, so you can build a certain amount of support levels without actually progressing in the main story? (I'm mainly concerned about that part because how are you going to get an S-support with between a character that comes pretty late in the story and the avatar?)

You can, but you can also build up support points in skirmishes, streetpass and spotpass team battles on any difficulty mode.

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The reason why I'm asking is because the claim that "Morgan" is a guest MU just, I dunno. It just seems, at best, questionable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the map sprite next to that name match up with Fem!Mark's hair? Adding to that, wasn't Mark's hairstyle different from a playable avatar?

Pretty sure Mark uses hair available to MU. Either way, there's no good way of telling at this point.

Okay so this may be really obvious but I'm going to ask anyway ....

Does Royal Weapon work on skill weapons (like Luna or Astra)? I'm guessing it does but I've never seen anyone say it does (then again it may have to do with it being obvious but still ...).

Yes, it does.

Okay I don't really know how to ask this but here goes.

Is it possible/even recommended to play the DLCs during the story (i.e not during post-game)?

Then, if it is possible, can you build support points in those DLCs, so you can build a certain amount of support levels without actually progressing in the main story? (I'm mainly concerned about that part because how are you going to get an S-support with between a character that comes pretty late in the story and the avatar?)

A lot of DLC is made for the main story, as indicated by the number of difficulty stars. Marth's DLC, for example, is a 1-star map designed for use right around the end of Ch4, when you first unlock the DLC. Difficulty can vary drastically within a given difficulty rating, but overall, the ones designed for the main story are the ones that go up to 3-4 stars: the DLC maps designed for postgame are the ones in the Light vs. Dark, Future of Despair, and Ultimate Training sets. Which is just 10 out of the 25 available maps.

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Does this answer your question?

that should have been spoiler tagged, LOL.

Can females be assassins? Serene's Forest says it's a unisex class but it has me curious since no playable female characters are assassins off the bat. (Unless there's some in the DLC I didn't see.)

EDIT: Further specification.

Edited by MagicLeafy
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Does this answer your question?

Yup, Thank you! :P

Yes. Every character (or pair) gets an ending with about FE5/7/8/10/12's text length (and won't be "short" ones like FE6 and FE10).

Thanks, that is good to know.

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Is it possible to give away/trade DLC via SD card? I say this because I only need certain DLC's for a day, (Eirika's, the EXP, and the weapons DLC) and I know somebody who will get at least Eirika's, so I made a deal that I'd find a way to "trade" our DLC for a day or two.

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This is the stupidest idea ever, but that would mean it would be possible by switching games/3DS's, right?

I was wondering about that too, could another game cartridge play the DLC on your 3DS? And I have another question if yes, what would happen to characters achieved by DLC, would they stay or go when the game is sent back, and what would happen to anyone in the demon fighter/bride class?

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If you play a file with DLC characters but no longer the SD card containing them, they lose their portraits, but stay the same gameplay-wise and keep their names. Eltshan is the exception; he keeps his portrait, being SpotPass-style. Everything goes back to normal once you play it with the DLC installed again, though.

DLC skills and classes are similar. They get placeholder names and depictions, with the classes all appearing as Strategists, even when using inaccessible weapon types. They still function the same gameplay-wise, but the items that unlock the skills and classes become unusable until you put the SD card back.

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If you play a file with DLC characters but no longer the SD card containing them, they lose their portraits, but stay the same gameplay-wise and keep their names. Eltshan is the exception; he keeps his portrait, being SpotPass-style. Everything goes back to normal once you play it with the DLC installed again, though.

DLC skills and classes are similar. They get placeholder names and depictions, with the classes all appearing as Strategists, even when using inaccessible weapon types. They still function the same gameplay-wise, but the items that unlock the skills and classes become unusable until you put the SD card back.

Strategist with Bows FTW.

In all seriousness though, I thought it would be a lot worse, like I wouldn't be able to get the class skills at all or anything. I'm so glad Nintendo decided to be nice and give us the option to do that.

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I was wondering about that too, could another game cartridge play the DLC on your 3DS? And I have another question if yes, what would happen to characters achieved by DLC, would they stay or go when the game is sent back, and what would happen to anyone in the demon fighter/bride class?

If you play a file with DLC characters but no longer the SD card containing them, they lose their portraits, but stay the same gameplay-wise and keep their names.

Because I need to flaunt my screenshot powers at everyone.

Here's to show what Othin says:


[spoiler=Eirika Model Turns into]


lol an MU strategist with a Bow, Lance, and Staff animation? I haven't actually tried it yet, but wouldn't it be funny to see a FeMU reclassed to bride, remove the SD card, and record the strategist model criting with weapons it normally can't? XD


[spoiler=The Skills]



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Just to make sure, do the portraits remain "blank" even for children characters? (For example if I gave Selena the class)

I actually hate how the Bride class looks, so this makes me feel happy that I probably won't buy it.

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Just to make sure, do the portraits remain "blank" even for children characters? (For example if I gave Selena the class)

I actually hate how the Bride class looks, so this makes me feel happy that I probably won't buy it.

No. The blank portraits are just for characters who use DLC art as their portrait, which is absent without the SD card. It's completely separate from the class and skill changes.

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Thank God. F10 just had patheticly short endings alright. But I have a quick question: Do character endings change based on who's pairinbg up with who? It isn't like Hector and his wives from FE 7 is it?

The husband's ending will serve as a template, and the wife's ending will fill the other half. For example, Kellam's paired ending will always be "(wife's part) ...As for her husband, nothing specific was recorded about him." The wife's ending will change depending on the husband, usually involving doing whatever they always do anyway but at a different location (because they moved with their husband). If MU is involved, it always uses MU's ending template.

There are exceptions in the exact text used for the endings, so I guess they aren't programmatically generated. This means the localized ending may, hopefully, be more varied.

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If MU is involved, it always uses MU's ending template.

Well, considering how they could be paired with every character of the opposite gender... yeah that would have been a pain. XD

Though, it's not as big as the amount of text for the support conversations, but I can see where they're coming from by using MU's template.

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