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How did everyone do in the Mad King's War and the three years afterwards?


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A comparison of their bases between PoR and RD. Laguz are omitted because they are all over the place.

Astrid  | 21| 13|  7|  6| 10|  8| 14|  5| 10|  1|  0|  2
Bastian | 17| 10|  9| 16|  6|  8|  6|  8| 12|  0|  0|  0
Boyd   	| 26| 15| 15|  1| 16| 12|  9| 10|  8|  1|  2|  3   	
Brom    | 14|  8|  9|  3|  8|  9|  9|  8|  7|  1| -2|  4
Calill  |  0|  0|  0|  0|  0|  0|  0|  3|  0|  0|  0|  0
Devdan  |  5|  3|  3|  1|  8|  8|  2|  4|  2|  0|  0|  2
Elincia | 20|  9| 10|  5|  5|  4| 14|  7|  9|  0|  0|  0
Gatrie  | 21| 13| 13|  5| 12| 15| 10| 10| 11|  1|  1|  7
Geoffrey|  4| -6|  6| -1|  6|  1|  7| -3|  6|  0|  0|  1
Haar    |  0| -1|  2| -6|  5|  3|  1|  3| -3|  0| -1|  0
Ike 	| 30| 25| 19|  1| 22| 16|  8| 16|  7|  1|  3|  4
Ilyana  |  6|  2|  5|  4|  2|  4|  0|  0| -1|  0|  0|  0
Jill    |  6|  0|  0|  1|  2|  6|  8|  2|  1|  0|  0|  1
Kieran  | 19| 11| 10|  5| 10|  8|  8|  8| 10|  1|  1|  3
Lucia   |  2|  2|  3| -2|  6|  4|  3|  4|  7|  0|  0|  0
Makalov | 17|  7|  9|  3| 10|  8| 12|  7|  7|  1|  0|  2
Marcia  | 20| 14|  8|  6| 10|  9|  8|  8|  9|  1|  1|  1
Mia 	| 21| 13| 10|  5| 16| 15| 12|  6|  6|  1|  1|  1
Mist 	| 20| 12|  7|  9|  9|  8| 10|  5|  9|  2|  0|  0
Neph 	| 14| 10|  7|  4|  9|  9|  6|  6| 11|  1| -1|  2
Oscar   | 29| 12| 14|  6| 16| 14| 13|  9| 13|  1|  1|  3
Rhys    | 19|  5|  8| 13|  8|  9| 13|  7| 10|  1|  1|  1
Rolf    | 20| 14| 12|  3| 12| 13|  9|  7|  7|  1|  2|  3
Shinon  | 12| 11| 12|  1| 13| 11|  6| 11|  8|  0|  1|  1
Soren   | 24| 10|  9| 17| 13| 10|  6|  7| 14|  1|  0|  0
Sothe   | 20| 15| 13|  3| 13|  9| 10| 10|  9|  0|  2|  2
Stefan  | 20| 15|  8| -1| 10| 11| 15|  9|  7|  0|  0|  0
Tanith  |  6|  3|  4|  0|  3| -1|  4|  4|  7|  0|  0| -1
Tauroneo|  0|-10|  2|  1|  4|  7|  4| -1|  1|  0|  1|  6
Titania | 15|  3| 13|  6|  9|  7|  8|  9|  7|  0|  0|  2
Tormod  | 18| 14| 11|  7|  7| 11|  6|  8|  5|  1|  1|  1
Volke 	| 43| 27| 18|  5| 23| 22| 12| 19| 19|  0|  0|  0
Zihark  | 13|  5|  7|  5|  9|  8|  5|  6| 11|  1|  2|  1

Thanks to Naglfar and Camtech for fixing up the table.

Man I spent way more time getting these numbers to align than actually calculating them (which only took 10 minutes). All of my spaces seem to either count for half a square or a full square, depending on which will screw over my positioning. :/

Notable features:

Geoffrey, Tanith and Jill all gained miniscure levels despite their significant involvement in the war being hinted at. Geoffrey had Paragon to boot.

Shinon has amazing growths as we all know.

Lucia and Tauroneo managed to get their hands on a ton of boosters because lol power abuse.

Volke gained the most levels. Thank god no one went backwards.

Quick someone volunteer to fix the numbers.

Edited by nano
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Titania, Jill and Marcia should be 20/20, or 20/20/1 assuming they got an extra level or found a crown after the war.

And Rhys should have been benched.

Edited by nano
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I think levels are good as they are. Maybe having Fiona at higher level and far better bases, as well as Meg. I don't know, maybe Meg Lv. 8, and Fiona Lv. 16 or so.

I would have liked using Pelleas in 1-E and Daein's P3. LEA playable in Greil's P3 and choose if Ilyana goes to GMs or stays with the Daein Liberators.

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I think levels are good as they are. Maybe having Fiona at higher level and far better bases, as well as Meg. I don't know, maybe Meg Lv. 8, and Fiona Lv. 16 or so.

I would have liked using Pelleas in 1-E and Daein's P3. LEA playable in Greil's P3 and choose if Ilyana goes to GMs or stays with the Daein Liberators.

This thread is about comparing the PoR base stats with the RD ones. :facepalm:

Anyway, how come Renning isn't on the list (since Bertram and Renning are the same person, I don't see why you can't compare Bertram's HM stats with Renning's base stats in RD)?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Why did old Tauroneo get such a big boost but young and powerful Jill got almost nothing? Come on...

Unit that can roflstomp the game -> lol you go back to base stats

Unit that joins wtflate and sucks -> OH HI YOU GET A WTF BUFF

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Unit that can roflstomp the game -> lol you go back to base stats

Unit that joins wtflate and sucks -> OH HI YOU GET A WTF BUFF

It seems to me that you've answered your own question there...

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Anyway, how come Renning isn't on the list (since Bertram and Renning are the same person, I don't see why you can't compare Bertram's HM stats with Renning's base stats in RD)?

Haha I didn't think of them, There is Sephiran and BK too.

Well they are kinda static in terms of development anyway, so their level and stat increases don't actually mean much.

Haar has -6 in SKL, but actually it is a +6.

Oops. I did these in Excel and had to manually change some the signs. Must have let this one slip through.

You forgot Calill, though not very spectacular: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0.

I'm pretty sure I did Calill at some point... Oh well, apparently all she did during the war was getting some self-defense training from Largo.

And threw away all the knives in the house after adopting Amy.

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three words

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Astrid  | 21| 13|  7|  6| 10|  8| 14|  5| 10|  1|  0|  2
Bastian | 17| 10|  9| 16|  6|  8|  6|  8| 12|  0|  0|  0
Boyd   	| 26| 15| 15|  1| 16| 12|  9| 10|  8|  1|  2|  3   	
Brom    | 14|  8|  9|  3|  8|  9|  9|  8|  7|  1| -2|  4
Devdan  |  5|  3|  3|  1|  8|  8|  2|  4|  2|  0|  0|  2
Elincia | 20|  9| 10|  5|  5|  4| 14|  7|  9|  0|  0|  0
Gatrie  | 21| 13| 13|  5| 12| 15| 10| 10| 11|  1|  1|  7
Geoffrey|  4| -6|  6| -1|  6|  1|  7| -3|  6|  0|  0|  1
Haar    |  0| -1|  2| -6|  5|  3|  1|  3| -3|  0| -1|  0
Ike     | 30| 25| 19|  1| 22| 16|  8| 16|  7|  1|  3|  4
Ilyana  |  6|  2|  5|  4|  2|  4|  0|  0| -1|  0|  0|  0
Jill    |  6|  0|  0|  1|  2|  6|  8|  2|  1|  0|  0|  1
Kieran  | 19| 11| 10|  5| 10|  8|  8|  8| 10|  1|  1|  3
Lucia   |  2|  2|  3| -2|  6|  4|  3|  4|  7|  0|  0|  0
Makalov | 17|  7|  9|  3| 10|  8| 12|  7|  7|  1|  0|  2
Marcia  | 20| 14|  8|  6| 10|  9|  8|  8|  9|  1|  1|  1
Mia     | 21| 13| 10|  5| 16| 15| 12|  6|  6|  1|  1|  1
Mist 	| 20| 12|  7|  9|  9|  8| 10|  5|  9|  2|  0|  0
Neph 	| 14| 10|  7|  4|  9|  9|  6|  6| 11|  1| -1|  2
Oscar   | 29| 12| 14|  6| 16| 14| 13|  9| 13|  1|  1|  3
Rhys    | 19|  5|  8| 13|  8|  9| 13|  7| 10|  1|  1|  1
Rolf    | 20| 14| 12|  3| 12| 13|  9|  7|  7|  1|  2|  3
Shinon  | 12| 11| 12|  1| 13| 11|  6| 11|  8|  0|  1|  1
Soren   | 24| 10|  9| 17| 13| 10|  6|  7| 14|  1|  0|  0
Sothe   | 20| 15| 13|  3| 13|  9| 10| 10|  9|  0|  2|  2
Stefan  | 20| 15|  8| -1| 10| 11| 15|  9|  7|  0|  0|  0
Tanith  |  6|  3|  4|  0|  3| -1|  4|  4|  7|  0|  0| -1
Tauroneo|  0|-10|  2|  1|  4|  7|  4| -1|  1|  0|  1|  6
Titania | 15|  3| 13|  6|  9|  7|  8|  9|  7|  0|  0|  2
Tormod  | 18| 14| 11|  7|  7| 11|  6|  8|  5|  1|  1|  1
Volke 	| 43| 27| 18|  5| 23| 22| 12| 19| 19|  0|  0|  0
Zihark  | 13|  5|  7|  5|  9|  8|  5|  6| 11|  1|  2|  1

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Tormod gained 1 con 1 wgt compared to 2/2 for Sothe and 3/4 for Ike. Poor Tormod. Still, it's better than Soren's 0/0. Maybe branded grow slower? Ilyana is also 0/0, she really needs to get those stomach worms checked before it gets even more serious.

Ike also gained the most con out of everyone, proving once and for all that roids are overpowered.

Tanith went on a diet and became the only character to lose weight.

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Quick someone volunteer to fix the numbers.

          lv  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov Con Wgt  	
Astrid     21  13   7   6  10   8  14   5  10   1   0   2   	
Bastian    17  10   9  16   6   8   6   8  12   0   0   0   	
Boyd   	   26  15  15   1  16  12   9  10   8   1   2   3   	
Brom       14   8   9   3   8   9   9   8   7   1  -2   4   	
Devdan      5   3   3   1   8   8   2   4   2   0   0   2   	
Elincia    20   9  10   5   5   4  14   7   9   0   0   0   	
Gatrie     21  13  13   5  12  15  10  10  11   1   1   7   	
Geoffrey    4  -6   6  -1   6   1   7  -3   6   0   0   1  	
Haar        0  -1   2  -6   5   3   1   3  -3   0  -1   0   	
Ike        30  25  19   1  22  16   8  16   7   1   3   4   	
Ilyana      6   2   5   4   2   4   0   0  -1   0   0   0   	
Jill        6   0   0   1   2   6   8   2   1   0   0   1   	
Kieran     19  11  10   5  10   8   8   8  10   1   1   3   	
Lucia       2   2   3  -2   6   4   3   4   7   0   0   0   	
Makalov    17   7   9   3  10   8  12   7   7   1   0   2   	
Marcia     20  14   8   6  10   9   8   8   9   1   1   1   	
Mia        21  13  10   5  16  15  12   6   6   1   1   1   	
Mist 	   20  12   7   9   9   8  10   5   9   2   0   0   	
Neph 	   14  10   7   4   9   9   6   6  11   1  -1   2   	
Oscar      29  12  14   6  16  14  13   9  13   1   1   3   	
Rhys       19   5   8  13   8   9  13   7  10   1   1   1   	
Rolf       20  14  12   3  12  13   9   7   7   1   2   3   	
Shinon     12  11  12   1  13  11   6  11   8   0   1   1   	
Soren      24  10   9  17  13  10   6   7  14   1   0   0   	
Sothe      20  15  13   3  13   9  10  10   9   0   2   2   	
Stefan     20  15   8  -1  10  11  15   9   7   0   0   0   	
Tanith      6   3   4   0   3  -1   4   4   7   0   0  -1   	
Tauroneo    0 -10   2   1   4   7   4  -1   1   0   1   6   	
Titania    15   3  13   6   9   7   8   9   7   0   0   2  	
Tormod     18  14  11   7   7  11   6   8   5   1   1   1   	
Volke 	   43  27  18   5  23  22  12  19  19   0   0   0   	
Zihark     13   5   7   5   9   8   5   6  11   1   2   1



oh wait someone already did it damn

Edited by Camtech
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I'd like to see one of these comparing characters to their PoR counterparts at the same level (for those that aren't at the same level that they were in PoR of course)


Ike at level 20/11 in PoR has 45 hp, 23 str, 9 mag, 23 skill, 25 speed, 16 luck, 20 def, and 14 res (greater than or equal to .5 rounded up)

Ike at level --/11 in RD has 44 hp, 22 str, 2 mag, 28 skill, 23 speed, 14 luck, 21 def, and 7 res

-1 hp, -1 str, - 7 mag, +5 skill, -2 speed, -2 luck, +1 def, -7 res

Astrid at 20/2 in PoR has 34 hp, 16 str, 8 mag, 19 skill, 18 speed, 11 luck, 14 def, and 11 res

Astrid at --/2 in RD has 33 hp, 13 str, 8 mag, 16 skill, 15 speed, 17 luck, 10 def, and 14 res.

-1 hp, -3 str, 0 mag, -3 skill, -3 speed, +6 luck, -4 def, +3 res

Well, we don't know what level their RD counterparts promoted at, but still, it'd be nice to compare to where they "should" be

Why did Tauroneo lose 10 hp? Ah well, it's not like he's really in danger of dying at any time in part 1.

Edited by Momentai~
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I think PoR and RD have different promotion bonuses for some classes, which is why I didn't bother with them.

Tauro's HP is actually kinda relevant. If he had 10 more HP he probably could march down the cliff with a crown and pass in 3-12 much more easily. Instead he has to kinda tiptoe around some enemies so he doesn't get ganged up and die.

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