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Is Naruto even about ninjas any more?!(Some spoliers)

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I mean to began with I love the series and have watch nearly every episodes/ read the manga. I thought Ninja were suppose to be about stealth and lurking in the shadows, not where bright orange jump suits(What kind of ninja wears orange?) and using justus.To me there more like magic warriors than Ninjas. The more I watch it the more it looks like other action animes like Fairy Tail, or One Piece. Ninjas are suppose to be stealthy right? Tell me does this look stealthy to you?!?!


Edited by Defender of the light
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I almost seriously'd a post about ninjas

Ninjas were common people- it was important that they looked like any other peasant, day job and all, so as not to be suspected. They were basically criminals skilled enough to sometimes be worth a feudal lord shelling out money for their assasinating or sabotaging something, without anybody being able to prove their involvement. They kinda kept their skills in their own families, and they were at least supposed to have actually accomplished some pretty impressive things, but otherwise I think they were kinda just dudes (who were unusually good at messing with people).

What's the deal with Naruto ninjas at this point? I assumed that literally every village was a ninja village, and that they're basically public servants and armed forces rolled into one, with this almost warrior-like code of honor. As opposed to "ninja villages" just being (generally) remote villages where it wasn't likely the rulers would be paying attention.

Edited by Rehab
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Um... I always thought that they were just samurai with Charlie Atlas Super Powers.

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The show has always been about ninja's that aren't really ninjas but more like hey lets go out there, kickeveryones ass and let them know who we are because i want to be hokage.

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Um... I always thought that they were just samurai with Charlie Atlas Super Powers.

Unfortunately I think that's just Rock Lee and Gai who are always going to be the best characters that aren't Shikamaru

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