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Samias's Art Stuff


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This is just a quick thing I did before class because I got all excited about the starter evolutions. Fennekin's is really... o_o... but I really like Chespin and Froakie's evolutions so I had to draw the water evo. I'm definitely picking Froakie so I am praying that its final evo is much, much better than Samurott.


Edited by Samias
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Sometimes I take requests, but at the moment I'm just drawing the stuff I really want to do since I don't have very much time for myself. I have like 12 hour days at school not including time spent on homework q_q If I'm looking for stuff to draw usually I'll mention it here, though.


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Whoa this new one is reallllly rad! The colors are great! The lines seem somewhat thinner than your usual as well, which I think works quite well. I like the amount of detail you added to the clothing.

There's a small thing kinda bugging me, the eye seems a little high up on the face. But ohgosh I love this seriously @_@ I want mooore stuff like this

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I don't know what those blue lights are but it looks like someone's about to get magic'd lol. The eye does seem a little high on the face, but I only noticed after she mentioned it, so I dunno. Looking at the first sketch of her it does seem like the eye got moved up and back a little bit. I like the design on this one regardless.

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I didn't change the position of the eyes so much as the chin wasn't so cast in shadow from my original sketch. However, that change in proportions definitely make the unchanged features look a little wonky. Alas, that's always a problem cleaning up a sketch. Stuff that works when it's messy has to be interpreted in cleanup and I probably should've moved the eye when I fixed the nose and mouth. I can't really take that much credit for the details, since it's RO fanart. Speaking of fanart...


I still need to fix some stuff before I start colouring.

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Yeah that was something I changed out of the stuff I mentioned. I fixed up her hair a little too and removed the visibility of the far ear cause it looks kinda weird. But then it looks kinda weird without the ear showing too so I'll figure it out sometime XD Also I owe all my posing stuff to drawing a lot and studying anatomy. Every week I get out there and try to draw from life, though I don't post the sketches very often. Occasionally I have some of it up on tumblr but I don't post my art nudes here, though I would consider them sfw.

Anyway here's a thing that was changed a little but I didn't get much work done on it since I was pretty sick at school. Some of the colours are temp like the cheapo lighting that's just blocked in with an overlay right now.


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Tiki next, for the love of FE, Tiki next

The changes so far look pretty good, though maybe with the ear, you should probably only have the very tip of it popping out. It might just look tacked on at that point, but at least it would give the right impression of the angle her head's at. Just some thoughts.

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I was sick again for a bit (that happens a lot :() but i finally found the time to work on this after I caught up on school work. I kinda wish I'd changed the far arm to held up towards the butterflies (which were in the sketch) but I didn't even think of it until I was done! I was really worried the colours wouldn't turn out nicely since I severely overcompensated for the brightness of my school computer, but it looks nice at home.

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Hey my advice on the ear was used, awesome lol. The colors look pretty nice, but yeah I agree, the arm might have been better (far arm) reaching up to the butterflies. There is one other thing I'm only just now noticing, but with the right leg shaded it looks like it's bending inward a little too far. It'd be fine if it was bending at the ankle (because the foot is the real culprit here), but it looks like it's bending just below the knee to me. That's all I've got on this one so far, but I like it.

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Hey my advice on the ear was used, awesome lol. The colors look pretty nice, but yeah I agree, the arm might have been better (far arm) reaching up to the butterflies. There is one other thing I'm only just now noticing, but with the right leg shaded it looks like it's bending inward a little too far. It'd be fine if it was bending at the ankle (because the foot is the real culprit here), but it looks like it's bending just below the knee to me. That's all I've got on this one so far, but I like it.

Part of the problem is I realized the boots start above the knee so I was trying to fix it up but yeeaah there's some awkward leg bendiness compared to the original sketch where it looked fine but then I decided to change a bunch of details to be more true to how the outfit actually is. art is hard

[spoiler=rough sketches]

Original Nah sketch where the knees were under the top part of the boots




two of my favoured OCs and also one token bad guy


other OC involved with the up-top guys


Samias as a Japanese high school delinquent?


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I see what you mean about the boots now.

What are the names of those two OCs of yours (the ones sandwiching the bad guy) if you don't mind me asking? Every time I try to refer to them I end up drawing blanks and having to go 'that one' or 'her/him'. Well at least I recognize them, Mr. Slick and Ms. ... Ms. ... Capris lol

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Since you asked so nicely, I ended up sketching up a real quick cast sheet of a bunch of the people from that particular universe of characters. I did reuse some names of some characters as it ends up having parallels to another story of mine, kind of like an AU thing due to my creative bankruptcy XD


And I decided to scan some of the stuff out of my mini-sized sketchbook. It makes me draw thumbnail sized but sometimes I hit the end of the page and it makes me super sad ;_; but it's so much lighter than carrying around a big book.


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Ah, at last I can commit these to memory (or just rush back to this page ... either or : ]). That person with the snake on her arm reminds me of one of my npcs in RotE; keeps a few brainwashed vipers in her sleeves. Oh before I forget, does Karyna use a particular fighting style or is it just entirely self taught?

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Karyna is into MMA, especially kickboxing in the karate/Muay Thai hybrid sense, which she picked up while she was in high school. She's got a twist to it though; she has a limited teleport that allows her to blink around every so often. Most people in this world have a magical resonance that allows them some limited magic power. For Karyna, she has her short-range blink and also she heals faster than most people. Her brother, Lukas, has a limited telekinesis that allows him to push and pull things from afar, plus he can erect barriers that act as solid walls so long as he can keep it up. Faizel has a wind resonance that gives him a lot of vertical mobility, plus he can slash people up with wind. Zenais can paralyze people by pinning their shadows, and can become indistinct in the shadows. Sergius can illuminate wide areas, heal others, and trap people in a small ring of fire. In the same universe, there are people who have much more exceptional powers and maybe they'll make cameos. Meta doesn't seem to have a resonance at all, but he does deliver shocks from his fingers using electrodes he has embedded under the skin of his hands.

This old thread is the RP previous to the story I'm writing now. It's already been a few years since it finished but there's a pretty good setting foundation still so I'm happy about it. Magic is divided into wind-water-earth-fire and also light-shadow. Everyone is some combination of the two, unless their resonance is pure light or shadow. Light usually denotes defensive or support powers, while Shadow denotes more offensive powers. So Karyna's resonance would be a Light resonance, Lukas's is Wind-Light, Faizel's is Wind-Shadow, Zenais is Shadow, and Sergius is Fire-Light. I'd link my current story but it's hardly even started and when I write, I have a bad tendency to write super dry and boring... and I'm slooow. Therefore pretty much nothing has happened yet and I'm just rattling off stuff in my head...ahaha...


Well since I don't like posting without having some art, here's something I doodled in my break between classes. The stuff I'm working on now is pretty brutal though. I have to be better at concentrating during class.

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Speaking of Faizel, this stuff is all very much WIP and also a large part of learning new things. I am just kind of stumbling through this stuff but here's the 3D model I'm working on.

First I sculpted the head in ZBrush


And I did a low res retopography (resurfacing) of my work using Topogun. I still need to make adjustments as this is my first pass.


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