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Impact Signup/Q&A


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Signups/Q and A!

Q: What is Impact? That's a rather vague name...

A: I'm glad you asked, random viewer! Impact is going to be a survivalish RP based in an alternate apocalyptic future earth setting dealing with a sudden genetic mutation pandemic!

Q: What kind of technological levels are we looking at here?

A: Good question again, you are so smart! We're looking at future tech here. I'll be ok with lasers, robotics, cybernetics, a ton of stuff, just not spaceage themed things. Humanity has not reached living in space yet in this RP, and... upon further viewing, you'll see why even electrical machinery will also be out of use, within reason of course. If you have specifics for your characters you want to happen, I'll look into specific cases.

Q: You said genetic mutations... What do you mean by this?

A: How to explain... Due to a certain event in the RP, humans have been altered! Sometimes with catastrophic results, and sometimes you might not even tell! Rest assured though that everyone is changed, for better or worse. Also, due to mutations I'll allow any spectrum of the rainbow for hair color (hooray~)

Q: You didn't really answer the question there...

A: Darn... Well ok. Here's the gist of it! Humans are genetically altered, some of them may be able to spew fire, some may be able to change shapes and sizes, some may even be able to interact with the world with their very own brain! However, all of this is new, no one knows how to fully and safely utilize their newfound powers. A pyro may be able to shoot out fire, but they'd be burned in the usage of it. A shapeshifter may not be able to control when and how they change, or maybe it's a permanent transition! And a person with a mental power may experience sever headaches, migraines, general mental unpleasantness... Hey, evolution is tough business, but it's not all bad! With each usage of power, a person can get to know how it works, build up tolerance and perhaps even get to the bottom of just how they changed, and what they may become~

[spoiler=Some backstory that ends where the RP starts]The human race has decided to move into the sky of their own planet, living inside massive flying fortresses made of metal. The world below has been abandoned due to overpopulation on a disasterous level. Not everyone agreed with the sudden choice to leave the ground, but there was no real choice to begin with. You were told to go, or you were left behind. Lethal toxins were spread all over the surface, eradicating any who were left behind. The justification? Humanity would return when they were ready, once the place was "cleared of impurities". There is no democracy in the true sense of the word, there is only compliance or punishment. You can voice your opinions so long as it coincides with what the current ruler wants. But... life goes on. Many have become complacent with their lives in the sky. Indeed, it's actually incredibly comfortable, machines doing everything for us for the most part.

"A eutopia born through fear is still a eutopia" Is a common description for the life on this particular fortress. Humans caught up in their complacency didn't know what to do when the magneic storm hit, the fortress plumetting from on high onto the ground below. Mass hysteria and a certain change took place in the humans... Some literally exploded in a fiery blast, some became so changed that they resembled monstruous beasts instead of humans, some were... more lucky than others. Humans killed eahcother by accident, their new 'powers' unleashed without their knowing. Only a select few were able to make it to the emergency escape pods, though unfortunately the magnetic storm almost completely destroyed any functionality in any of them. Millions died that day. This day... Crashing upon the shore of what used to be California, the fortress lays in absolute shambles and ruin, a fitting end for the tyranny that took place. This is where it all begins, this is where it all starts and potentially ends.

And down here we have the (drum roll please)


Here's an example, my character.

Name: Janson

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Physical description: Dark blue hair, pale skin, standing at about 5 foot 8 inches with a rather slim build to him. He wears sweats and a jacket, and his shoes seem to be all too worn. Overall he's very plain, but he does have a striking appearance via his contrast of hair to skin.

Backstory/Personlaity (this is actually optional, most characters are coming from the same backstory is the reason why.): Timid yet he wants to explore the new world he's been thrust into. His mutation is causing him tons of anxiety and unrest, to the point where he doesn't know if he can actually sleep at all. It's a miracle he even survived the crash, or so he tells himself constantly, wondering if he's actually alive or not. Prone to exploding out of nowhere if he gets stressed enough, often voicing all the negativity in his mind at the time.

Genetic mutation: Massively increased regeneration. The downside is that his body needs constant movement due to the accelerated recovery. It works so friggin hard that he has to expend some energy or his heart might die due to overheating his system so to speak.

Extremely simple! If there's questions, please ask. I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.

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Name: Cyrus

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Physical Description:


Backstory/Personality: Cyrus was an assistant to the doctors on the fortress, hoping to one day become a doctor himself. He'd rather think about a situation before jumping right into it, but when the time comes he's prepared to act. Has a fascination with the history of the planet below, including the weapons that were used over the many wars. Never fired a weapon but has read many books on the subjects and manuals. Knows the types of rounds needed for a gun

Genetic Mutation: Healing capabilities: Thankfully coinciding with his medical background, Miles has the ability to heal wounds on another person, unfortunately at the moment he's tired after so much as a single bullet wound. With time and practice though his ability should become incredibly useful. One of the few to develop a sub mutation as well, he can generate a small flame about the size of what you would get from a lighter from his thumb

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Name: Chanji

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Physical description: About 5' 4” with shoulder length braided brown hair and red eyes (after impact). Currently wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt. She found a small backpack in the rubble and stuffed it with anything that looked helpful (food, water, flashlight, ect)

Backstory: The only family member she was able to find after impact was her dog crushed in the rubble. Unfortunately, her attempt to retrieve the animal left her with other problems...

Genetic Mutation: Involuntary partial shape shifting, werewolf style. Any prolonged skin contact with a sufficient amount of anything containing another species's genetic code causes her to take on physical traits of that animal. The more of her body that changes, and the more of her skeletal structure that has to change, the more painful the transformation is. Thankfully, the shape shifting is only limited to vertebrates.

Note: She can't eat meat or wear anything produced from animals (wool, leather, fur) or risk causing a shift. Survival issues, anyone?

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Name: Dustin

Age: 22

Gander: Male

Physical description: Short blonde hair, just down to his ears. Stands at 6'1", with a medium build. He got his hands on a blue t-shirt and some jeans after the crash, having come out of the shower during it. Has a small bag he slings over his shoulder.

Backstory/personality: He considers himself rather average. He doesn't mind conversation, and enjoys spending his time with others. Would rather relax in a quiet pub that dance in a loud club. Rather down to earth (so to speak). He was a college student before the crash, majoring in writing. Spending time writing was something he considered special in life, being able to create stories to his own specifications and wants, so he's only really searching for a notebook and a writing utensil, right now. He does want to get back to his old life, if that's possible.

Genetic mutation: None. He was (un)fortunate enough to not have any power surface after the storm and crash. Or, he hasn't figured out what it is.

Name: Amera

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Physical description: FseE.pngFxme.png

Backstory/personality: A rather spirited gun nut, who enjoys collecting the items. Not the new age lasers or beams. Old, bullet using guns. She's never actually used one, simply having read about them, but has always wanted to try. The crashing gave her the chance to do so. The old world would have to have some, right? She had to find some, try some, make her collection larger. Maybe this crash wouldn't be so bad. She grabbed the best part of her collection, a Smith & Wesson 6 barrel revolver, and got ready for what she thought would be fun.

Generally peppy and happy, talkative, and not very quiet.

Genetic mutation: Her legs are more powerful than a normal person's, letting her jump higher and run faster. Doing so causes them to hurt, though, so she can't use her legs for a bit after going past her regular limits.

Signing up two with SB's permission, just gonna introduce one when the RP starts, for now ' 3'

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It's not an RP without me!

Name: Alan Gallagher

Age: 64

Gender: Male

Physical description:


Generally in good shape, especially so considering his age. Most commonly wearing brown trousers and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

Backstory/Personality: From an early age, Alan had always been interested in the human body, having asked for a model skeleton on his 8th birthday. His interest was probably what drew him to surgery. With modern technology, machines were able to assist his work more and more, although he preferred working without them. Eventually married and blessed with children, then later grandchildren, Alan's hands were pretty full. His working career was generally successful, but he chose to take an early retirement in order to spend time with his wife - who suddenly became ill and passed away a year or two before the impact. Having far too much free time on his hands, Alan took up boxing and painting - two hobbies his family never could understand.

Having survived the disaster, Alan decided to return from retirement and find other survivors. With no way of contacting his family, he could only hope that they had survived too. Whilst rather firm and maybe even stubborn, Alan is generally friendly and even cracks the odd joke. Always looking out for the people around him and, even at his age, he's not afraid to throw a few punches if need be.

Genetic mutation: No powers of his own, but curious to the cause of them - having seen a few people with them. He often jokes that his power is being too stubborn to die.

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Gonna start with posting for 2 characters, but not using one of them just yet.


Name: Kaden

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Physical Description:


Of course, not that flashy, and without the sword.

Backstory/Personality: Kaden and Charlotte weren't exactly born into a wealthy family, their parents just making enough to get by. Their parents were often busy at work, leaving Kaden alone to take care of his sister, often late into the night.

When Kaden was 14, his parents were killed in a plane accident, leaving the siblings all alone. With no relatives or friends they could really turn to, Kaden learnt how to care for his sister, while earning whatever he could. They barely managed to survive, selling off a few of their parents' old belongings when absolutely necessary.

When he was 20, and scavenging his parents' storage room for items to sell, Kaden came across an old pistol, a small stash of bullets nearby. He had seen those before, but never tried one, nor really cared to. Curiosity overtook him, as he followed the instructions on how to load the gun, before firing a test bullet. That day, he found himself a new weapon.

When the fortresses crashed, Kaden was far from his home, only surviving out of sheer luck. The first thing he thought of was his sister, and he immediately began to try and find a way home, determined to find her.

Having taken care of his sister all his life, he's incredibly protective of her, to the point where he'd willingly sacrifice himself to keep Charlotte safe. Aside from that, he's rather cold to anyone but his sister, and doesn't make friends easily. He's also stubborn, but not unreasonably so, and he prefers to look at the realistic side of things.

Genetic mutation: Akin to Blink in Dota, Kaden can teleport relatively short distances, about 50 metres, at maximum. Unfortunately, this teleportation causes an extreme, sharp pain inside his head and his limbs. Also, at the moment, this ability... isn't exactly voluntary.


Name: Charlotte

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Physical Description:


Obviously not wearing a school uniform, probably a sleeveless blouse and jeans. Also, boobs would be a little smaller.

Background/Personality: Charlotte grew up absolutely dependent on Kaden for almost everything. She was too young to understand what had happened when her parents died, and as for why Kaden would occasionally bring her along when he worked or for shopping, she couldn't really understand either, but she enjoyed spending more time with him.

As she grew up, she became inseparable from her brother. He was one of the few joys in her life, and every moment he was gone, she felt as though there was a void in her heart. When the fortresses fell, Charlotte was still at home, only alive because she had hidden under the dining table.

Charlotte is scared rather easily, and when she's in danger, she instinctively curls up, trying to protect herself instead of running. Aside from that, she's almost the polar opposite of her brother - Friendly, flexible, and always willing to help someone - If she can, and it doesn't endanger her, of course.

Genetic mutation: When she's extremely scared, Charlotte can involuntarily conjure up a small dome/shield around her, protecting her from physical harm. However, this immensely tires her - A few minutes of the shield might result in fainting, over 15 minutes and she probably risks death. Also, she doesn't know she can do this... yet.

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Name: Sherry Troupe

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Physical Description: Due to her mutation, her human body is completely gone. Her new body, is a humanoid form made out of an unknown, black,liquid-ish form. It is complemented by a red ribbon that never falls off he rhumanoid body.

Background/ Personality:

As one of the orphans on the Fortress, Sherry has learned to fend for herself and other orphans by stealing from others, but never killing. A pacifist who does not wish for bloodshed unless absolutely neccesary, this new world will test her feeling towards peace and the new face of humanity during these times. Due to the mutation, her previous cheerful and optimistic personality has been replaced by a moody and pessimistic, if not scared, disposition. She does not know who her parents are and she does not care about the past, preferring to live in the here and now.

Major Mutation: Due to the Impact, Sherry's normal human body has been replaced by a liquid yet humanoid form. Due to her liquid like substance, she can transform herself into puddles of massive goo which is excellent for espionage and sneaking past unwanted commotion. Her body can form any number of close-range weaponry, however she has no access to ranged attacks. Consquently it seems as though she cannot return to her original form of a human being and is stuck being a liquid being. However it should be known that she cannot cross large bodies of water and she can be easily trapped in any kind of bottle, of whatever size.

Minor Mutation: To consume food she must think of the command to eat in which she can dissolve any solid objects, though she has lost the ability to taste the food that might be for the better. She also cannot sleep or feel anything physically. She can't remove her ribbon for an unspecified reason. She is also flammable and after catching fire for a few seconds, explodes. It takes 8 minutes to reform herself.

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Cyrus, Chanji, Dustin, Amera, Alan all approved

Kaden and Charlotte are questionable (will talk to you later)

Sherry is... Concept is OK, however, she literally cannot be a person that was left behind. People that were left behind (which, by the way, was in the year 2100ish, I'll admit that was my fault, I thought I mentioned it) were poisoned to hell and back. There will not be any surface dwellers until later in the RP, if only because you don't know what's going on down there. Going beyond the time/placement, the ability seems incredibly... too far advanced as it stands. She's a blob that has no real drawbacks and plenty of utility/killing power? Lets dial this stuff back a bit, PM me or ask me in skype/IRC.

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Name: Selena

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Physical appearance:

524461.jpg - only notable changes are pants instead of shorts/stockings, and the eyes are green.

Background/Personality: Selena worked as an engineer in the sky fortress. While it was the machine's job to keep humans comfortable, it was hers to maintain those machines, and improve upon them. Aside from her occupation, she was a rather normal occupant of the skies, though in an attempt to salvage the fortress, she never made it off, by some stroke of luck surviving the crash from the belly of the beast. She had a rather cheery disposition, with a positive outlook, though it has been warped by the Impact.

Genetic mutation: Selena's body has been altered, allowing her to shift her flesh into a metallic state at will, as well as alter the shape and composition. However, at the moment, the only part of her body effected is her hands, and any part effected looses it's sense of touch almost entirely, the nerve endings shot by the mutation to the point that the only things that will register is those that deal enough damage to cause pain.

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Name: Caliban Isaac Quinn

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Caliban stands at 5'10" tall with broad shoulders and large arms. Not bodybuilder large, but he definitely has an imposing figure. He has bronze skin that is from a combination of sun and cosmetics. His hair is in a black mohawk; he wears it that way with a combination of eyeliner to give an impression of a dark, mysterious character. This in combination with his piercing grey eyes make people tend to fear him. Both arms and hands are heavily tattooed with different religious, mythological, and symbolic pieces; the ink continues into an impressive back piece of the Fall of Lucifer as detained in Milton's Paradise Lost. His pectorals are tattooed with Greek and Egyptian deities, and a large portion of his left arm is dedicated to the Lord Buddha himself. His legs are filled with memorial pieces dedicated to friends and family who have died before him. His clothing is simple, usually sleeveless, and allows him to move as well as he can.

Backstory: Caliban lived vicariously through his friends, living on the sky fortress until the Impact. He was somewhat rebellious, enjoying to go against the grain of what "normal" was. Upon the Impact, Caliban lost most of his close friends and family, thus being forced to live on his own. His isolated nature stayed stagnant, yet he knew he needed others for survival. In groups, he would stay quiet, only speaking when necessary. He only worked with others for survival, not for pleasure. He knew too well the destructive nature of his mind after he lost control, and he knew that he needed to stay away from harming others in that way again.

Personality: Isolated, keeps to himself. Agitated easily, so he tries to avoid confrontational situations. When he is confronted, his power loses control.

Genetic Mutation: Caliban's mind became stronger after the Impact. He was able to memorize things more easily, and he could retain more information. His power has barely surfaced, but his mind has allowed him to move objects up to ten times his body weight. He can barely move small objects at the moment. When he loses control, all of the objects around him begin to fly through the air haphazardly, causing a danger to everyone around him. Due to the strength of his mind, he is also more protected against psychic invasion/attack.

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god i suck at this

Name: Marcus Cory

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Physical description: Dark brownish hair, green eyes and very pale skin. Skinny and generally not in the best shape. Stands about 6 feet tall and wears his hair however it is when he wakes up.

Backstory: Marcus was a very introverted person before the crash and is still decidedly one after it. He excelled in nearly all academic subjects in school, showing a quick intellect and sharp mind but had no physical coordination whatsoever; the walk across two hallways to reach his room was enough to tire him out. He had high hopes of becoming a mechanical engineer, however, as he was fascinated with the machines that kept all of them so comfortable. With the storm, though, this was all dashed.

Marcus didn’t expect to survive the crash. In fact, when he woke up near a small handgun, he would have shot himself if the clicking noise it made when he cocked it wasn’t so loud as to make him drop it. A small group of other survivors found him and convinced him to live, if only because someone needed to help rebuild. Marcus became resigned to life, figuring that someone didn’t want him to die.

As a person, Marcus is aloof, reserved and a bit of a coward. His mutation has rendered him pretty much unable to use a gun and as such tries to avoid any kind of hostility by simply not speaking. It’s not uncommon for him to play mute near strangers; the last thing he wants is to unintentionally cause someone to laugh or angrily yell (see mutation). Even around people he’s comfortable with, he’s quite a bit gloomy and resigned to the horribleness around him. Literally the only thing that keeps him going is the hope that he’ll be useful in the future.

Genetic mutation: His sense of hearing has been altered, becoming acute enough to hear things across city blocks; unfortunately this causes problems with the amount of noise in his general environment. His ears are actually so sensitive to the point where someone speaking to him even slightly above normal volume can cause him pain without earplugs. The only reason his eardrums haven’t been blown out already is that they seem to heal instantly, or at least don’t seem to retain permanent damage?

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Name: July Stevens

Age: 20some, can't remember exactly

Gender: Nobody can tell and they can't remember what they originally were. Not fussy with pronouns.

Physical description: (default form) 5'7" or so, lean, hair/skin/eyes a mostly uniform medium brown. Hair turns out a bit stripey sometimes, depending on what the last set of transformations was. Favors clothing that is either loose and nonrestrictive or formfitting but stretchy-- current scavengings are a slightly shredded outsized t-shirt and cargo shorts. Can't stand certain fabrics. Silly leftover habit of carrying around an empty pair of black glasses frames and donning them when they want to come across as particularly smart, their one big impracticality after the crash. No shoes, sometimes transforms feet in order to deal with particularly difficult terrain.

Personality/backstory: A fairly ordinary student before the crash, with a history degree that for the moment is lamentably useless and some smattering of engineering knowledge, about half of which is remembered from studies and half of which is misremembered from fiction. A bit reckless and impulsive, easily startled, but generally friendly enough after initial wariness. Occasional periods of being extremely talkative. Memory is a bit scrambled, but mostly still there in some form or another. Tends to get frustrated when attention is called to the memory problems. No lasting issues with forming new memories, though they are a bit naturally scatterbrained.

Currently just sort of panicking and running around wild. Shouldn't be too hard to bring them back to their senses.

Mutation: Limited voluntary shapeshifting. Mostly stuck with humanoid features, hasn't figured out how to fully break humanoid form or successfully pull off many animal features yet. Can easily change pigmentation and bone structure within human bounds, and can change ears, eyes, hands/feet, skin/hair texture somewhat outside those bounds. Limited success with adding horns/wings/tail. It might be possible for them to learn more with study and practice, but those are sort of in short supply at the moment. Bigger, more detailed shifts can add to fatigue.

Can't change most major organ systems without disastrous permanent results, and a panicked series of early shifts in brain structure before they worked out what their powers were has resulted in some memory loss (can't remember age or original body, some holes in memory of previous life though the big picture is mostly still there) and other neurological difficulties, primarily sensory processing issues. They're too afraid of screwing something else up to try and correct those issues, and the memories are almost certainly gone for good. Limited success with strengthening/expanding lungs, but no gills or anything like that. Nonessential organs run the risk of just getting deleted (they might not have an appendix anymore.)

The big limiter to their ability is mass-- they can't increase it without eating a lot of protein, which is not the easiest thing to obtain in large quantities anymore. To strengthen their muscles, add limbs, increase bone density, anything like that, the rest of their body has to get smaller. Weight loss due to injury, illness, and hunger is thus a huge problem, since if it occurs they'll have to eat enough to gain it back. (It's likely that they were taller than they currently are before the crash.) So to grow wings large enough to be functional, for instance, they have to shrink the rest of their body down almost to child size. They can get a little taller than their default form, but at the expense of muscle mass, and they don't usually have incentive to make themselves very tall and skinny. Likewise if a limb is lost, they could probably regrow it with some difficulty, but they'd have that much less mass to work with, and would wind up a bit smaller and a lot more tired.

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Name: Kayla Streiss

Age: 18

Gender: Female



This is just a mugshot, it'll be subject to change if I ever finish drawing her. :U

She has shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes and stands at 5'4" with a fairly slim build. Her favorite articles of clothing are her sand-colored hooded duster, because it makes her feel like an adventurer and the vintage-style paperboy cap that she finds to be extremely charming. Unfortunately, they aren't exactly in the greatest shape, but she makes the best out of the situation and enjoys the new rugged look they now provide. She prefers comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and doesn't understand why women like tight clothing so much and thus avoids these articles like the plague.

Backstory: From an early age, Kayla was well-known as a rowdy troublemaker with a mischievous streak. She would slip away from her parents' watchful eyes and return home covered in minor wounds and a toothy grin on her face. Though she was quite the rascal, she was never without need or want, and her family showered her with affection, though they never comprehended her wanderlust. Her beloved grandfather's disposition inspired her to become a heroine of justice and apply for medical school, though she probably won't hear anything about it at this point.

Personality: This little lady is still as mischievous as ever, and her cheery disposition never changed. She seems to have little regard for danger and can't stand for injustice. She also seems to have some weird affinity for fixing things in order to find out how they work.

Genetic mutation: Kayla's body is constantly giving off static electricity, zapping anyone and anything she touches, though she's currently unaware of it. Maybe one day she'll be able to produce currents and set things on fire, but as of now she's akin to a lightning rod.

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Name: Sid Lengan

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Brown hair, blue eyes, 6'1, rugged, wears a black trenchcoat, blue t-shirt, and blue jeans. He also carries a sword around which increases his badassery level.

Backstory/Personality: Sid is a modern day swordsman. He brings about a mysterious aura with a fairly serious demeanor (Although he can be quite hot-headed at times!). He was a renowned duelist until the day of the evacuation and inevitable crash.

Mutation: Ice, baby. Everything he touches gives off a freezing sensation. Enough pressure causes the object or person he touches to freeze. He currently cannot control it as it is a newfound ability.

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Sorry If I haven't been making my character, but apparently I get this horrible black screen when I use my labtop and get to Serenes Forum. So yeah I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

I should get my character by Saturday-Sunday. Promise.

Is registration for the RP still on? I notice you have 7 whopping pages... Is it still ok?

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Name: Wyuna

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Physical description: Silver hair, brown eyes, a relatively strong build given her short stature, a sleeved shirt with a hoody tied around her waist, kahki shorts and some steel toed boots to finish it all off.

Backstory/Personlaity: Outgoing and friendly, Wyuna enjoys the company of others. She wanted to join the police force, but there were some nasty rumors going around about them, and her, when she was just about to finally join up, eventually she was pressured to leave. Feeling betrayed Wyuna grew reserved, doubtful and untrsuting of even her closest of friends. On the day of the impact, she had no idea what was going on, and as scared as she was, she found herself all alone in a hostile environment armed with only her wits about her and a policeman's tonfa she stole.

Genetic mutation: Voice mimicry, sound dampening. Can store up sounds all around her and unleash it in a fierce concussive force. The downside? She needs another's voice to speak, and she can't control how much she stores up and when she releases it.

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Name: Shannon

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Physical Description: 4'10, ~102 lbs, flat-chested, pale skin. Plain-looking. Her eyes are green, but have a cloudy quality to them. Hair is dark brown. She usually wears lacy, flowy clothes - nothing risque, though. Her dresses are as plain as her demeanor and looks.

Personality: Even before the world became a shambles, there wasn't much room for a girl who couldn't see too well. Shannon was fortunate enough to have some of her parents' income to help her along, but her poor vision (more specifically, her blindness outside of a 4-foot radius) did her no favors at any job she attempted. Tormented by constant headaches and her disability, Shannon spent a lot of her time away from people, not wanting to trouble them with her presence. Her self-imposed exile kept her in her apartment building, in her studio apartment on the third floor, for months on end. Her landlord wanted to evict her, but hadn't the heart to - he just left the girl alone, to waste away, or so he thought.

Then the fortresses fell. It was a nightmare to Shannon, a hellish orchestra of screams and crumbling cities, a danse-macabre during which nothing she clung to felt secure. Somehow, the cacophony and destruction passed over her, as if to pity the poor girl, and she found herself alive when the dust settled - but in a world she could not recognize. Still, a wave of calm washed over her as she realized that the limitations of the floating world did not apply here. Perhaps there was room for a near-blind girl in a world beneath the clouds. Shannon set out to find out if there was.

Today, she has spent a fair amount of time building a community, a tiny haven for people as lost as she was above. Thanks to her calm demeanor and the blessings the world-fall granted her, Shannon has finally found purpose caring for and protecting whomever will come to her for aid.

Genetic mutation: Shannon's mind was touched by the fall, causing her most prominent emotions to bleed out of her head and temper the emotions of the people around her. People within a 40-foot radius of Shannon feel trace amounts of whatever she is feeling; not enough to completely alter their minds, but enough to give Shannon a definitive aura, something tangible that informs people how she feels and encourages them to feel the same way. It is entirely possible to ignore this aura entirely, though weaker-willed people may find that difficult.

Additionally, if Shannon concentrates, she can alter the force of gravity as it applies to one inorganic object of her choice. For example, if someone carrying a gun intends to shoot Shannon, she can concentrate and multiply the gun's weight tenfold, causing it to drop to the ground, or even to dislocate the shoulder of a thug who won't let go. Shannon must concentrate consistently and without any interruption to maintain this gravitational alteration, and while she is doing so her emotional aura is suppressed.

Edited by Sir Biggles the Antisocial
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Name: Richard Streiss

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Physical Description


Backstory: Richard lived happily with his parents and his older sister. Rather quiet and laid-back compared to his sister, his hobbies included playing piano and chess. However, despite their differences, he was close to his sister and his grandfather Alan. Could be considered clumsy, Richard was often tripping over things and struggled in sports, but still managed to make friends at school.

He was at school during the crash, being, to his knowledge, the only survivor in the school. After a brief period of worrying, he decided he'd do what he could to survive.

Genetic Mutation: Unknown to Richard, his coordination and balance have improved greatly, beyond that of normal human capabilities. Chances are that anyone else would have used this ability far better than him, but he still remains clumsy and prone to accidents.

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Name: Firmia

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Physical Description: Small, slim, and frail looking. Her skin is pale and accentuated by white hair. Her eyes are a golden yellow. (will have a picture at a later time)

Backstory/Personality: Before the fall of the sky fortress, Firmia was a quiet and stoic child with little interest in much of anything. It may have been a part of her grooming, but none of that mattered after the fall, as she lost her memory of her life before then and is now riddled with curiosity. She doesn't remember the past and doesn't recognize the present so she wants to know more, even if it means pestering the crap out of people.

Genetic Mutation: Her body-mainly her skin, while both looking and feeling normal to the touch, is actually extremely tough and doesn't bruise or rend easily. It seems to be a mutation that benefits her primary power, which allows her to cling to almost anything. The higher her alertness or anxiety, the stronger the bond to whatever comes into contact with her bare skin(this includes her own clothing). The effect is quickly resolved with water, but otherwise continues until she calms down.

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