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Name: Cheney

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Physical description: Brown hair, unshaven, a Caucasian at six foot six with a heavy, broad-shouldered build. Right hand is massive and misshapen. Fucking musclebound. Distinctive marks; tribal tattoos on his arms and one of a naked woman on his left thigh. Wearing a singlet, brown pants and black boots.

Personality: It was inevitable a brute like Cheney would live through the crash, if anyone would. Crude, rude, but brighter than he appears, Cheney's been in and out of penitentiaries for petty theft more times than he cares to count. It's a miracle the state hasn't just given up and had him executed by now. Of course, a criminal record like that isn't something to shout around. The hand's pretty distinctive, but if it means people aren't inclined to fuck with him, it's a trade he's willing to make. The way Cheney sees it, this world is ripe for the plucking for men like him; violent, tough, and ambitious.

Genetic mutation: Incredible endurance, and strength in his right hand. Unfortunately, his right hand is also currently a massive slab of a thing with a vestigial sixth finger. It isn't exactly going to be achieving much in the way of finesse, let alone handling any firearms.

Edited by Furetchen
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I suck at this, so I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong.

Name: Raymond

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Physical description:


... Without the duel disk and the cards. I'll just say this is his school uniform (it's too fancy but I can deal with that).

Backstory/Personlaity (this is actually optional, most characters are coming from the same backstory is the reason why.): He was on his way to home when it all started, leaving both his school and his small group of friends behind without knowing he would never get to see them again. At that time, he just wanted to get home and rest after spending practically all his weekdays on studying to the exams, but infact he never got home nor saw anyone else familiar again - he only saw the commotion running towards his direction, and he only remembers his last moments trying to struggle agaisnt it and see what was going on before the fortress crashed.

Ray is basically an average student without anything else of special to be noted until the incident, as he got to know a side of him which he thought never existed and began to deal with all of his losses. Because of his mutation, he became an 'antithesis' himself, having to deal with his most primitive survival instincts and listen to his reason at the same time. When he isn't being affected, he could even be considered 'friendly' or 'caring', yet timid.

Genetic mutation: The only visible change was his hair, which changed to a dark grey shade. He would look perfectly normal, if not for his psychological changes. After the incident, the radiation reacted on his brain and made Ray's most basic survival instincts to be amplified in a Darwinist manner - to survive at all costs, to adapt to the enviromnent, to know when there is a predator stronger than you (and know when to run away/engage), to kill when it is imperative without remorse (in order to survive), to not pick fights agaisnt foes who look stronger etc.

The only drawback is: He can't control it. Nor can he stop listening to his instincts, or object in any matter, turning him into a sociopath of sorts. A beast and a man at the same time, trying to keep his sanity and survive without becomming a complete monster.

Edited by Rapier
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this is mostly so I can remember this idea for a power

Name: Claire

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Physical Description:


Background: Claire wasn't born to a rich family. Her parents were middle-class, but they were too preoccupied with living a life they could not afford. Their sole daughter meant almost nothing to them, money being their chief concern.

From young, Claire never really received any love from her parents. They would ask a babysitter to take care of their child every night they went out, and even when they were home they paid their daughter little attention. It was no wonder that when Claire went to school, she became extremely close and involved with her friends, considering them her true family.

Of course, the family would fall into financial trouble, Claire's parents forcing her to do her part. A beautiful, young girl of less than 18 years with virtually no training would have been unable to find any work. Her only asset was her body, and out of desperation, she resorted to it.

When she graduated, she immediately left her parents, moving away. She needed to find work, and she needed enough money to tide her through. The body which had worked so well for her in school was still the only tool she had, and to get the money she was so desperate to get, she went back to selling her body, working as a prostitute in the more lenient, wild countryside, were regulations weren't stringent and a person in her line of work could make some decent money.

Genetic mutation: Stronger eyesight and faster movement in the dark. During the night, Claire can see perfectly, however, during the day, she's almost blinded by the sunlight. Of course, things like sunglasses or a cap would help. In addition, in the dark, she's much more agile and has a quicker reaction time, amongst others, but in the day she moves just a touch slower than normal people.

Edited by Shatter
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so basically marcus + super sight.

Marcus is awesome on the earlygame and midgame, but his growth sucks so he's going to get swapped by other units later.

Just hope his char is not a Jeigan with good growths and you'll be fine.

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