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[FE7] Support Chain Draft Redux


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And now, if I've got my stuff correct, Hawk King chooses between... Renault and Farina? I think so.

Chapter 11:

Go across the top, beating face. Pretty straightforward.


Edited by Shota Sigurd
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Chapter 11 - 7 turns (7)

I couldn't get shit to work without a crit I got, but it felt like it was way too low and I let that run go. Got the Red Gem.

Chapter 12 - 5 turns (12)

Eliwood fights on a fort down south, everyone pools together up north to try and survive. Marcus moves up to assist and kills the boss.

Chapter 13 - 7 turns (19)

Marcus spawned on the wrong side. Serra got the village, Matthew got Guy.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns (26)

Much needed training and general stellar levels all around.

Chapter 14 - 5 turns (31)

Marcus charges, Hector and Guy pick off stragglers and Guy kills the Cavaliers with his Killing Edge. Eliwood, Matt and Serra stayed around spawn. Somehow, Erk lived.

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Hawk King chooses between... Renault and Farina?

An obvious choice. Renault comes for free!

Ok, maybe not. But come on, Hawk King. Don't be a jerk.

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  • 1 month later...

Chp 11: 6/6

Went west. Got the Red gem.

Chp 12: 5/11

Eliwood got the secret book. Marcus went up to help Hector. Bartre killed what Marcus left behind. Mathew sold the Red gem and bought an Iron Axe for Hector.

Chp 13: 5/16

I didn't think I could get 5 turns but then I found a strategy that goes South that worked.

Eliwood and Bartre went left. Marcus took Hector down and dropped him in the river on turn 2. All the enemies went after Marcus since he had less HP and DEF, leaving Hector a clear path to Boies whom he 1RKOed on turn 4.

Hector is getting ridiculously blessed. His last 2 LVs were +6 and +5.

LV7 | HP 24 | STR 12 | SKL 7 | SPD 11 | LUC 6 | DEF 13 | RES 0

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Not done with tonight's stuff, but I might as well update you all.

Chapter 11: 6/6

Gotta love standards.

Chapter 12: 4/10

Thank you, HNM for making this NOT a complete pain in mine rear.

Chapter 13: 5/15

Eliwood could've gotten more EXP here, but he was busy getting the Torch.

Chapter 13x: 7/22

Obligatory. Lots of EXP for Hector and Eliwood while Oswin carried Merlinus.

Chapter 14: 4/26

This was... Erik's chapter? I had to do a very small piece of rigging to make it through here (forcing a 62 displayed Wolf Beil to connect on EP4).

Chapter 15: 7/33

Standard. Eliwood got the Sealen kill, and Erk is starting to get EXP.

Chapter 16: 5/38

Lots of killing things. Lyn and Kent got some EXP. Woot?

Chapter 17: 7/45

Unbanned Marcus is very nice to have around. Erk got many kills, and Kent carried Matthew to the Crest.

Chapter 17x: 3/48

Hahahaha invincible Marcus charges! Lyn stole kills. She sucks.

Chapter 18: 2/50

Bullrushed Zoldam, and wound up critting him (I lol'd). Hector shopped.

Chapter 19: 4/54

Horace told me this was doable, so I did some finagling, and so it was. Eliwood is really pulling his weight, as is Erk (who promotes at the beginning of 19x).

Chapter 19x: 5/59

Wheeeee wall of Armor Knights and Marcus' inability to ORKO Aion.

Chapter 20: 5/64

Legault + the Member Card cost a turn, but were worth it.

Chapter 21: 3/67

Why are FE7 bosses actually hard to ORKO?

Chapter 22: 3/70

Eubans is retarded.

Chapter 23: 5/75

Urgh, this is annoying. Still managed to five-turn with one flier and a fairly shitty Erk.

Chapter 23x: (20=>0)/75

Gehahahahaha. Heath got seven freaking levels here on top of the three he got in the desert. He is now ready to rape the game. Erk got to D staves.

Chapter 24: 2/77

Erk shot four Torches, and Marcus Javelin + Silver Lance dented Lloyd. Lyn killed him with an Iron Sword (LOL) and Kent did an arena round. Heath got the Bolt and the Seal!

Edited by Shota Sigurd
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WHAT THE FUCK!!! This was supposed to be HECTOR HARD MODE. When did he change it to normal??? I just spent like 3 hrs on 13x and right when I beat it, I find out its a normal mode draft.

I am so mad right now.

I drafted Harken and Vaida for their HHM bonuses, too. This is stupid, good-bye super blessed Hector...

edit: Yeah, I just re-read the whole thread. It WAS supposed to be HHM. I suggested HNM to help get people to join but Jedi never said he would change to HNM and no one else said anything about it.

When did it change to normal instead of hard?? Did anyone else think the same as me??

Edited by Hawk King
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WHAT THE FUCK!!! This was supposed to be HECTOR HARD MODE. When did he change it to normal??? I just spent like 3 hrs on 13x and right when I beat it, I find out its a normal mode draft.

I am so mad right now.

I drafted Harken and Vaida for their HHM bonuses, too. This is stupid, good-bye super blessed Hector...

edit: Yeah, I just re-read the whole thread. It WAS supposed to be HHM. I suggested HNM to help get people to join but Jedi never said he would change to HNM and no one else said anything about it.

When did it change to normal instead of hard?? Did anyone else think the same as me??

No one else was gonna join if it was HHM originally, believe me I asked. This is how I got most of the people in the first place, I apologize for the inconvenience.

This is my fault and you can yell at me all you want, I was pretty sure I had changed the OP to HNM but apprently I didn't so.. Feel free, rip my head off like I know you've been wanting too for a good while now.

and fine SB we'll go with HHM so no one has to redo anything, and I apologize again for being an inept stupid fool.

Everyone picked for HHM and by god it will be HHM, so enjoy yourselfs and I'm sorry for my stupidity

Edited by Jedi
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Dude Jedi, I dont hate you. Making mistakes is part of life. Learn from it and move on.

I just want to know when it changed to normal. I mean, read the first page. I was under the impression it was Hard mode. If you change something like that, you need to make it explicitly clear before the drafting starts.

Did anyone else think it was Hard mode or am I the only one?

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Chp 14: 5/28

Marcus did the majority of the work. Bartre killed the enemies near the start area. 4 turns would have been possible if effective damage was 3x...

Chp 15: 7/35

Killed the boss and the thief after he yanked the Silver axe.

Chp 16: 6/41

Got both villages. Marcus escorted Hector.

Chp 17: 8/49

I was pretty happy with this one. Marcus and Hector went to the throne. Bartre, Eliwood, and Lyn trained near the start. Like an idiot I sold the lockpick earlier so Mathew couldn't get the Hero Crest for Bartre :(

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Chapter 11: 6/6


Chapter 12: 5/11

Marcus + Eliwood + Hector tag-team. iirc, Hector got quite lucky.

Chapter 13: 5/16

OH MY GOD THIS MAP. I had to rig a few crits with Emowood to protect my undrafted units.

Chapter 13x: 7/23

People got raised.

Chapter 14: 4/27

I had to get lucky on the last EP for this one.

Chapter 15: 7/34

I was out of everything when this map ended.

Chapter 16: 6/40

Blah blah fights blah blah <300G

Chapter 17: 7/47

Raven was a bitch to kill, and Erk got a lot of EXP. No Crest.

Chapter 17x: 3/50

Marcus bull-rushes; sadly, I miss the Devil Axe.

Chapter 18: 3/53

Excellent levels, but no Ring.

Chapter 19: 4/57

Marcus had just enough Str to two-shot Uhai with the Silver Lance.

Chapter 19x: 5/62

A cakewalk. Lyn/Kent/Erk in particular trained.

Chapter 20: 6/68

Went impeccably. Hector downright humiliated Darin (Iron Axe ORKO with 3% crit; wholly unnecessary and totally badass), and I obtained not only Legault, but the Ring, the Barrier, and the Member Card, the first of which immediately goes to Erk.

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Chapter 21: 3/71

I jumped Oleg and shit. No Arena, but got the Whip. Erk is a Sage now. Very routine.

Chapter 22: 3/74

Shopping at the Secret Shop was a LOT more of a hassle than it had any business being. Got the Knight's Crest, but I delayed promotion on Kent. Wanna know why?

Chapter 23: 4/78

BECAUSE I GOT GENESIS. THAT IS WHY. AND FILLA'S MIGHT. And, of course, the Ocean Seal. Eliwood sat on the bench because Lyn was lower-leveled, and pretty much everyone wound up contributing (although I'm pretty sure I could've four-turned without Marcus, but Ninian would've been exposed to a bit more combat). Erk was surprisingly bro, and killed almost as much stuff as Pent. Kent is promoting at some point fairly soon, I think?

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Another update, because it's going to be awhile until I figure out how to do Cog quickly. And by that I mean "figure out how to avoid everyone falling asleep".

Chapter 23x: (20=0)/78

Lots of training. Heath leveled like a pro. Eliwood got Afa's Drops.

Chapter 24: 2/80

Trivially easy; Heath got the Seal. Hector x Eliwood C Support.

Chapter 25: 3/83

Kent and Heath both had to promote for this to work. Fuck the forest fort with a rusty pitchfork.

Chapter 26: 11/94

Forced. Hector hits level cap, Eliwood promotes at Level 13. Heath got Hammerne and shopped.

Chapter 27: 6/100

Easy-peasy. Heath capped Speed at 17/5 ._.

Chapter 28: 15/115

Forced. Got everything but the Seal.

Chapter 28x: (14-16=0)/115

Yawn. Lyn promoted at 13.

And let's see our motley crew.


He's got A Axes and a C support with Eliwood. He ORKOs everything with a Hand Axe. What a baller.


Hasn't done much but improve herself yet. Hopefully, she'll have good enough combat to help in Light 1.


A Sword/C Lance, C with Hector. Pretty baller, all told, but a minor Str screw is really hurting him.


Suck my dick.


S Anima/A Staff. Decent combat-bot and finally has Warp/Rescue.


Finally surpassed Marcus, for the most part. A Lance/C Sword/C Axe, near B on both of those.


He's got surprisingly kickass combat. I think I'll promote him and let him rig Silencer beat stuff up with promo gains.


Dance, magic, dance~. Haven't needed to use Filla's Might yet, though I did burn two Ninis' Grace uses at some point.


Ate a Robe and some Boots and never stopped being the best. Keep on keeping on! He also got D Swords somehow... maybe that MIGHT come in handy?


Not so clutch now that Kent has Str and Hand Axes, but still strong. Ate a Speedwing to stay current.




Even at bases, he's a MACHINE.

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Chp 17x: 3/52

Got the Devil Axe and Canas.

Chp 18: 3/55

Marcus killed the boss. I did some much needed shopping.

Chp 19: 5/60

Marcus has base STR... If he had proc just 1 point of STR I could have gotten 4 turns.

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Chp 19x: 5/65

Marcus cleared the way for Hector. Got the goddess icon.

Chp 20: 6/71

Could have gotten 5 turns but I recruited Legault for his swag.

Chp 21: 3/74

Got all the villages except for the wyrmslayer. Legault stole the Herocrest for me.

Chp 22: 3/77

Marcus killed Eubans. I recruited Rath and Heath.

Chp 23: 5/82

Canas went south west. Pent took care of the north for me and everyone else stayed in the east and killed the bosses. Got the ocean seal, body ring, and filla's might. Also, got 700 exp for the gaiden.

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Chp 23x: 12(+4)= 0/82

Took a Pricilla penalty. Bartre promotes at LV 19. Canas promotes at LV 18.

Chp 24: 2/84

Bartre kills Lloyd with a Swordreaver. Got the Purge that Athos might use later.

Chp 25: 6/90

Hawkeye went Northeast carrying Hector. Marcus and Bartre killed Pascal. Eliwood, Lyn, Canas, and Ninian went West. Farina get!

Chp 26: 11/101

Training. Farina took the Afa's drops, dragon shield, and a goddess icon.

Chp 27: 11/112

Jerme's map sucks. Harken get! Eliwood promotes mid-chapter at LV 20, and Farina promotes at LV 20 after the chapter.

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  • 1 month later...

Chp 28: 15/127

Training. Enemy thieves got all the treasure for me. Lyn sits out due to not having enough deployment spots. Nino and Jaffar were gotten for 28x.

Chp 28x: free/127

Enemy thief got me the speedwings. Marcus sat out and Lyn reached LV 20 for her promotion.

I am so fucked. This will be my 1st time taking on HHM CoD and i am running dangerously low on weapon uses.

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Chp 29: 15/142

Fuck this shit. I could have saved like 5 turns but I just didn't want to restart again.

Chp 30: 7/149

Took Elibro with me.

Chp 31: 11/160

too many defend maps in this game...

Chp 31x: 5/165

got Karla

Chp 32: 4/169

2 warps, 2 rescues and the rescue staff broke.

Chp 32x: 1/170

Bartre warped over for a crit kill.

Final 1: 4/174

killin dudes

Final 2: 1/175

killin dragon.

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