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Sprite Requests


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As some of you may know, I'm currently making a hack and working like mad to meet the deadline for FEE3 thank god for the delay and would really, really enjoy some help with spriting. I was hoping to be able to do portraits by myself but as my cast grows so too does the demand for graphics and it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to keep up with how much stuff I need done, since I'm not the most creative person and I'm starting to run out of splicing ideas. A new set of eyes would really help to brighten things up and ease my workload. So I thought I'd ask here, since I know that you're a very helpful bunch.

First in the order of business is portraits. As I said, I'm not wtfamazing but I can hold my own when it comes to splicing. I place an emphasis on a clean approach rather than a creative approach so sometimes my portraits look a bit bland due to said lack of adventurousness. So yes, I'm mainly looking for hair+eyes+mouth+body splices, though if you think you can do a little more than that it'd be a bloody dream come true. In terms of styling, I use FE8 colours, but with FE7-style shading, so the far side of the face always has the 2nd skin tone and not the 3rd. To get an idea of the quality, take a look at the spoiler portraits, amusingly arranged like the cast of the Brady Bunch or something. A nice palette is really, really important to me: a hair/face/body splice can really shine if a good palette is chosen. I try to avoid using hair colours that you might find on a rainbow, but if I do, I pick earthy ones where possible.


With that out of the way, here's what I currently need done:


1. Eva (Thief F) - thief, around 13-14 years old. A street-smart girl with a disdain for the law enforcement.

2. Marlon (Archer M) - a young serving boy, who happens to also be a talented archer. 15-16.

I've got some more stuff lined up including battle sprites but I'll see how this stuff goes first. If you're splicing, it might be a good idea to PM me first with characters/parts you'll be using to check if it hasn't already been used. I hope it goes without saying, but I need framing+chibis as well, but you can worry about that later. Thanks for the reading this far! And if you make something, thanks even more! :newyears:

Edited by Agro
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But... I don't have Liselle?

Edit: At any rate, I've decided to do those two myself, so the only things I'd be needing are the Archer and the Thief.

Edited by Agro
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what happened to Gareth

In fairness, he looked more like nineteen than sixteen.

Edited by Furetchen
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what happened to Gareth

In fairness, he looked more like nineteen than sixteen.

beta!kyle/beta!forde wasn't really doing it for me, my friend

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but they're beta mugs and that means i was being inventive and not coasting on a mug's obscurity to get away with a lazier splice at all

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Sure! Have you tried giving her Lyn's ponytail or something? I have a splice that uses Fir's ponytail already, so that might be a bit of a problem...

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Wowwwww thanks. Yes, I believe I could put them to good use, if you don't mind me recolouring them?

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oh god, green-haired refia looks hideous

I might just keep them the way they are >_>

and thank you again.

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Okay! Give it a try. Ponytails usually go behind the shoulders and not in front unless they curl around specifically for it, though.

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Uh, I know these aren't what you need, but I've got them hanging around and you're a cool guy:



Need them for anything?

That creepy grin guy would make an awesome pedophile preacher! Damn you seph for not offering them to me!

What am I saying, I already have 58 characters in MoH xD

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