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New spider man


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just saw new spider man, here's my thoughts on it.

  • Why are they making another spider-man so quickly? The last one sucked, yeah, but why rush back with an idea? Give it some time!
  • Biological warfare, dinosaur looking things, this could be really bad too.
  • Of course my dad is paying for this, and it's the first day since last Thursday I haven't had work, I need my R&R, man.
  • There's some cool stuff, but I could definitely tell a few scenes were made with 3D in mind.
  • The
    Uncle Ben death scene was done wellDid I need to spoiler tag this? I don't know. did it just to be safe.
  • Good movie, what always makes Spider-man so great is that it really hits you with stuff you can somewhat relate to.(Great power, great responsibility, all that shit)
  • Another thing that makes Spidey stories great is that he always seemed so outmatched at certain points, Batman shit is the same way. Cpt America, Thor, and a few others are kinda lame. The real balance is making the protagonist seem like an unbeatable badass while making the antagonist some unbeatable guy who uses cheap methods.
  • Family scenes, girlfriend scenes, this spider-man seemed darker and hit the deeper messages better. Either that or I'm getting old
  • Younger sibling is "Young Shawn" from Psych. Totally figured that out on my own. It was kind of like the front of my mind was totally focused on the movie and in the back of my mind I had a search engine going for kid actor with freckles. I figured it out 45 minutes after he appeared.Yes, I know 85% of you guys don't watch Psych
  • Emma Stone is fine...!!!

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just saw new spider man, here's my thoughts on it.

[*]Why are they making another spider-man so quickly? The last one sucked, yeah, but why rush back with an idea? Give it some time!

I'm pretty sure this is part of WB's contract with Disney. To keep the rights, they have to actually use the franchise every few years. It's really not a good thing at all.

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I'm pretty sure this is part of WB's contract with Disney. To keep the rights, they have to actually use the franchise every few years. It's really not a good thing at all.

ahhh. You make ALL the sense!

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  • Why are they making another spider-man so quickly? The last one sucked, yeah, but why rush back with an idea? Give it some time!

Spiderman 3 was the best Spiderman (of the former series of movies) movie, what are you talking about.

  • Biological warfare, dinosaur looking things, this could be really bad too.

How is it bad? It's not like the effects were crappy, on the contrary, it was pretty well-made.

  • Emma Stone is fine...!!!

Understatement. She's gorgeous.

Personally, I loved the movie. This is Spiderman. He actually has a sense of humour.

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Really? You liked the third one? I thought toby McGuire lost it. Dancing on tables and whatnot.

I thought this movie was great. Those were just pre movie fears.

Damn right

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I saw a large part of 3 a bit ago, and I have to say...it was this awful movie that was so bad it's good. I couldn't tell if they were serious and terrible or fucking with me. I'm certainly glad I didn't see it in theatres, but it did entertain

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When I saw the trailers the only thing that really interested me was lizard man. He seemed like a really fun villain to watch in terms of action scenes. Also I love lizardmen characters, and he was the first spiderman villain I "met" when I was watching the cartoon show.

Emma Stone doesn't look that great. I mean I think even Emma Watson is more attractive!

The blue fiery thing that appears in the sky in the trailers, that I'm pretty sure has something to do with biological warfare, was a lot like the blue stuff that appeared in the sky in The Avengers. I'm not even saying it was a ripoff or something, it was just oddly timed that two super hero movies in the same summer had such a similar effect IMO.

I only saw the first two spidy movies in the trilogy, and I only liked most of 1 though there were some cool things in 2.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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Really? You liked the third one? I thought toby McGuire lost it. Dancing on tables and whatnot.

I thought this movie was great. Those were just pre movie fears.

Damn right

I liked the third one because it had multiple foes, it had Venom and the whole "your worst enemy is you". That part where he goes all emo and does those ridiculous things are the "funny" parts, which I find kind of funny when it gets too silly. It's a side thing, not the main plot.

Emma Stone doesn't look that great. I mean I think even Emma Watson is more attractive!

Your opinion is wrong!

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Emma Stone

Emma Watson

I'll take the latter, thank you.

Get a picture of Emma Stone and we'll talk. There's better.

I remember watching the dance scene in Spiderman 3 and thinking "Did I wander into a different theater on accident?"

Why is everyone making such a fuzz over that scene? It's a minor thing.

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oh yeah that was stupid as fuck

i think they made a new spiderman because everything in new york is sorta modernized now. i remember the first spiderman had redbirds(old subway cars), today, the subway cars are a newer model. same thing with buildings, police and taxi cars too.

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i think they made a new spiderman because everything in new york is sorta modernized now. i remember the first spiderman had redbirds(old subway cars), today, the subway cars are a newer model. same thing with buildings, police and taxi cars too.

I'm pretty sure at least half to three quarters of that stuff was like that when the old spiderman movies came out though. The taxi cars are undergoing some kind of major revision but I don't think it's been rolled out yet (among other things they have separate passenger controlled heating/AC). I dunno what other things make them "modernized" now since in the mid 2000s when Spiderman 1 came out, since I haven been in an NYC taxi in at least a decade, probably (i.e. maybe never). Compared to the DC, Tokyo, Paris metros and the Amsterdam tram/trolley system I'd say NYC's subway cars still seem a little outdated in appearance (not to say I don't like them).

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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Is Emma Stone naturally a red head or does she just wear it like that? Either way isn't it ironic she changed to a blonde for spiderman? The normal Chick in it is a redhead. Stuff like this pisses off the diehard spidy fans, but I like it that they are looking for anything to change it up. Also, she's better with the blonde IMO.

I take it back.

I would like to make a formal public statement.

Emma Stone is actually more attractive than Emma Watson.

My apologies.

We got SeverIan on our side!!!

Emma Stone

Emma Watson

I'll take the latter, thank you.


watson is mine fuck off

You do always obsess about her...

I just read a pile of nothing.


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Is Emma Stone naturally a red head or does she just wear it like that? Either way isn't it ironic she changed to a blonde for spiderman? The normal Chick in it is a redhead. Stuff like this pisses off the diehard spidy fans, but I like it that they are looking for anything to change it up. Also, she's better with the blonde IMO.

I am about 90% positive that Gwen Stacey is "canonically" a redhead in the comics, except when she becomes Black Cat - then she has white/grey hair.

None of you can have fun. :Knoll:

*Bitchslaps Ein, then Knoll*

I do what I want!

Incidentally, due to bitchslap,

KnollRoll.gif :Einroll:

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