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New Lizard Man

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I saw it with my own two eyes.

Rhys Ifans, playing Dr Curt Connors, achieved mankind's noblest dream, our most sought after goal: to transcend our mammalian ancestry and become lizard men. He achieved this goal with the assistance of Peter Parker, who in turn received the knowledge he used to aid Connors from his father, who had worked with Dr Connors in the past.

When he began to turn green my eyes became moist.

When I saw his full manifestation, powerful briny waterfalls roared down my face in tribute to the tears that lizards were unable to cry for man at this glorious moment.

When he donned his labcoat I put my hand over my heart out of loyalty to his reptilian science.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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Someone's been reading alot of Icke's work, I see.



Well I am a fan of the Ike Eisenhower speech where he warns of the military industrial complex. And his speech about our technological capabilities outracing our emotional capabilities. Hmm was that the same speech? It's been a while.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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Well I am a fan of the Ike Eisenhower speech where he warns of the military industrial complex. And his speech about our technological capabilities outracing our emotional capabilities. Hmm was that the same speech? It's been a while.

No David Icke, former green party MP, announced he was the son of god during an inerview and since then has been convinced that the royal family, George Bush are reptile humanoids.

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No David Icke, former green party MP, announced he was the son of god during an inerview and since then has been convinced that the royal family, George Bush are reptile humanoids.

-I am not the son of god.

-Lizards are not the sons of god they are the products of evolution.

-I am fairly sure that the royal family and any current living US presidents are not lizards. Nixon probably was a lizard.

Thank you for your concern.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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The Lizard man was alright I guess. What was really overwhelming about him was he was a genius of a lizard man. Keeping human thoughts in Lizard form. So un-Hulk-like

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