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Splicing Competition: what should we do?



35 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do with the splicing competition?

    • Change the rules (see post for the link to the new rules).
    • Keep the rules as-is.
    • Let the person running the splicing competition decide.

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Hi muffin faces!

So because we're an indecisive bunch here at Serenes Forest, we're making a poll to see what you guys think we should do about the splicing competition!

Should we change the rules (new rules) so that we don't have these quasi custom splices, or leave the rules as is? Or should it be up to competition runner?

Please vote so we can get the competition up and running again! Also, please explain why you voted for what you did.

Thanks. :)

My choice:

I went with let the competition runner decide. That way, they can decide weekly whether to use the old rules or the new rules.

Edited by eCut
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I also went with letting whoever runs it deciding it, because I think it would add a little variety to the comps. I'm fine with the new rules anyways, but might I suggest being at least a little lenient with the color rule? Some of the more novice spriters might not be able to reduce them to 15.

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Yeah I don't think it is a big deal if there are 17 or 18 colours; sometimes you miss some skin colours or a random pixel here and there when recolouring. As long as it isn't crazy rainbows or anything. :)

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I think that we should leave the rules up to whoever runs the competition. I personally think that using the new rules is a bit restrictive, and that the older ones allow for more freedom, but I would like it if the people who host the competition can decide on which ruleset to use so that we don't have to stick to only one.

If anything we can use both rulesets for the current splicing contest, with the winner or 2nd place choosing which ruleset to use. (Though this may end up being confusing, so I don't know how well that would end up)

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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If the person who runs the competition is the one who won the previous one, I think it's very fair to say that they get to pick, and as previously stated, would add some nice variety to the splicing competition. I don't really like the new rule set because I don't like creating work under such strict rules, but on the other hand it makes a more level playing ground for everyone so people don't have to feel as discouraged by skill level.

I also like Astra's idea, perhaps 1st place could pick the set and 2nd place could pick the rules, that might give people a bit more of a reason to enter.

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It is a cool idea but I think it could get a little confusing if first place picks set and second place picks rules.

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So much for private poll. :P

Anyway, I'm voting on the let the runner decide, as there are parts I like and don't like from the new rules. I like the "submit sprites to host" rule, but I really don't like the hackbox one (I've seen cool things from these competitions that would never fit in a hackbox), and they seem sort of restrictive.

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I really don't like the hackbox one (I've seen cool things from these competitions that would never fit in a hackbox), and they seem sort of restrictive.

Thing is with a hackbox restriction, it puts people on even footing, because one could argue being able to splice, say, a half body with the 3 mugs.

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Thing is with a hackbox restriction, it puts people on even footing, because one could argue being able to splice, say, a half body with the 3 mugs.

Last time someone broke the hackbox that badly, it became a main character in MoH. I would say I don't see the reason to limit stuff to hackbox size now that we have FEXP anyway, as that rule was primarily so that things could be hackbox insertable if someone took a liking to a particular mug. Why else would there be 16 color rules and other things of that sort? Sure, to even out the competition, but don't tell me that hacking restrictions had nothing to do with it.

And now they're gone, soooo yeah.

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Why else would there be 16 color rules and other things of that sort?

The "16-color" rule is more about keeping in line with the standards and style of the "art" than anything else. Since you're using GBA mugs as a base, keeping the resulting splices to the same restrictions adds more... authenticity, I guess, to the end result. It also gives voters a better baseline to judge against, since you can add significantly more detail with a higher number of colors permitted.

Plus, there's also the notion that this is a spriting competition/contest, not a "Who can make the best item that can be put in a hack?!" contest. Being able to add the works made for these competitions to a hack is secondary or even tertiary to the main goal of these events, which is to attempt to produce a piece of work for the contest, making use of your current skillset and attempting to improve your abilities. Just like how winning is secondary or tertiary; sure, it's nice that your peers are in agreement voting for you, but these contests aren't solely about winning.

(Yes, I realize that the first and second points could be a bit contradictory, so let me clarify slightly: Even though sticking to official GBA dimensions and palette restrictions is suggested/enforced, that doesn't automatically mean that it becomes about hack-insertion eligibility. Yes, both of those are required for something to be used in a hack, but (and forgive the logic terminology) the former does not necessarily imply the latter like how the latter always implies the former.)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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I like most of the rules though the hackbox size one(I break that a lot... :/) is eh and the small pieces one is a little ambiguous. I think it would be good to allo whoever is hosting it decide each round and maybe even let the winner who chose the set decide. That way some competitions are more "go crazy and make something really cool" while some are "lets make a more practical/realistic fe style mug." Though really I think the new rules allow plenty of creativity still.

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I'm fine with the 16 color rule. I just think the hackbox is old hat. At the least, make it so mugs can fit inside the "whole" hackbox. That is, not the upside down T shape...


But the whole "box" in and of itself.


Because sometimes people might wanna go crazy with hair, and I love crazy hair. It gives me a boner.


I need counseling.

Edited by Adolf Klokler
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>assuming people care about fexp

>anybody using a splicing comp mug that wasn't theirs' in a hack


I think his strategy might be to hope people start caring by mentioning it in every post, lol.

Anyway, my stance was made clear in the ticket, and I don't participate in these anyway, so I don't plan to make an actual vote in the poll. I'm glad our community has managed to come to a consensus on something for once, though :P!

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I'm fine with the 16 color rule. I just think the hackbox is old hat. At the least, make it so mugs can fit inside the "whole" hackbox. That is, not the upside down T shape...

But the whole "box" in and of itself.

i actually don't mind that and was going to bring it up myself

but people usually use the box anyway

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I'd, honestly, say keep the old rule. Because to me, and probably some advanced spriters, the new rules are just obvious states of the old rules. Some is even useless, meaningless. Most of you have said this in the ticket but I haven't paid attention to it and my internet was out so.

Anyway, that's my opinion but I will discuss the rules with Vamp. Because he has been hosting some recent rounds for me. Due to my laziness. Plus I am not sure who is the main host, me or him.

>Horrible. :3

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I'm not sure if I want to keep it up to the person running it, unless there's some guarantee that the new ruleset will be used. Otherwise, if whoever's running it doesn't like the new rules, they'll never be used.

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About time we made progress on this. I was starting to think that there would never be a splice competition again. And stopping at 59 would really irk me. I don't like 9's.

Anyway, I voted to keep the rules as-is since a few of the proposed restrictions seemed kind of silly. 90 degree rotations only? What's wrong with 45 or 30? And the hard restriction on hack box size and colors seemed a bit much. This comp is more about art for art's sake rather than making mugs for hacks. I see the box and color thing as more of a guideline. Fudging it a bit shouldn't really be that big a deal (Within reason).

I think the best way to handle the "is it too much customizing?" question is to let the one running the show be the judge.

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This comp is more about art for art's sake rather than making mugs for hacks.

That would be an art thing then. This is a splicing thing. It carries with it the inherent limitations of the pieces and their context.

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That would be an art thing then. This is a splicing thing. It carries with it the inherent limitations of the pieces and their context.

I think the splicing comp is about being creative and coming up with new concepts/ things for the pieces that is given. The only "limitation" I can see here is "recognizable pieces" to show where the spriter took it from and built it into. Said the one who spliced up a Sync, haha. Honestly, the hackbox isn't a concern. I might reconsider the reshading rule, but definitely not the hackbox rule.

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90 degree rotations only? What's wrong with 45 or 30?

We went over this in the topic. It's because any other rotation distorts the original image and adds artifacts, not to mention you would require a more advanced image-editing program than MS Paint to do so. Plus, 8 different views is more than plenty.

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