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Shining Force II Draft Challenge


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As requested by Proto, mainly.

If anything seems out of order or should be changed, discuss it!

- This draft is for 4 players. There are 28 draftable units.
- This will be played on Hard Difficulty (Not Normal, not Ouch!, not Super).
- Bowie, Sarah!Vicar and Peter are free for the entire game.
- Sarah!Vicar, Chester, and your choice of Jaha or Kazin are free until you arrive by boat and build New Granseal.
- Drafting order is 1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1 Snake style.
- Any items, stat boosters, and equipment may be used.
- Mythril may be sold or used, but Mithril Weapons may not be sold.
- Angel Wings and Egress may be used as rationed. Rationed Egresses may not be passed from location to location.
1. 2 Egresses are allowed for the entirety of Grans Island and the first fight on Parmecia (First 8 battles at the beginning of the game).
2. 3 Egresses are allowed between Battle 9 (Peter Joins the fight) and Battle 21 (Devil's Tail)
3. 2 Egresses are allowed between Battle 22 (Chess Battle), and Battle 27 (En route to Tristan, the next battle after Higins).
4. 4 Egresses are allowed between Battle 28 (Pangoat Valley Worm Bridge Battle) and Battle 37 (Battle with the Red Baron)
5. 3 Egresses are allowed between Battle 38 (From Galam to Yeel) and Battle 42 (Defeat King Galam!)
6. 1 Egress is allowed in Zeon, The Final Battle
- Everyone is free for the Kraken battle.
- Units may not be promoted past level 20. If they hit level 20, they may no longer engage in battle, cast spells, or use items. They may still be deployed for.trading midbattle. Units at level 20 must promote if they are able to, to desired class. Units requiring alternative promotion items may continue to battle until said promotion item is acquired.
- Do not, under any circumstance, use the cheat to access Enemy control or Game Completed Glitch. You may use the Fast Movement glitch if you'd like, as it doesn't affect actual gameplay, only game speed.
- Fairy Woods is banned.
- Scoring is determined by the amount of funds acquired by endgame. Each additional Egress reduces your final funds by 1250.
-Additional Rules:
-Egress may be used to immediately exit a battle, for the purpose of team reorganization, shopping, saving, etc. This does not count towards the alloted Egresses, as long as 0 EXP is gained, and 0 items are used.
-Slade and Kiwi, unless drafted, are not free for the first battle set. Only Chester, Sarah, and Kazin/Jaha*
*Exception is Kraken Battle
-Additional Egresses result in a 10% Endgame Gold fine, so think twice if you think the EXP is worth it.
-Taros Sword should be discarded immediately if it is obtained, and must NOT be sold, because again, this is purely an issue of luck.
-Kills earned by AI Units (Jaro/Peter) are fine, even if said unit is undrafted.

[spoiler=Draftable Units]


Signed Up Players & Drafting Order:
1. Elieson: Sarah (Master Monk), Chester, Randolf, Elric, Taya, Higins, Gyan.
2. Proto: Karna, Gerhalt, Tyrin, Claude, Chaz
3. Magnus Blade: Slade, May, Rick, Sheela, Janet, Lemon
4. Blitz: Kazin, Jaha, Frayja, Eric, Jaro, Zynk

Edited by Elieson
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Hmm? There's a SF2 competition? I'll check it out right quick. :)

EDIT: I've never done a SF2 draft before, so count me in~!

Just got this in my PM box, so Magnus Blade is in. We have all 4 slots filled, and now, I'll seek someone else to RNG 1-4 for us.

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Drafting order will be posted by Refa~

Edited by Elieson
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I'd be a moron if I didn't draft MM!Sarah. Sorry Proto, I know you wanted that so badly.

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I know it'd be smarter to draft an earlygame unit, but I can't let the best character ever get snatched from me.


Now, about the draft.

It seems as if we're allowed to keep undrafted units alive, but we can't let them enter combat. In that case, can we still use them for trading items during battle?

There is a difference between a ban and a penalty. The punishment for Egress is far too severe (16.67% is no joke) and would be considered a ban. You should implement a penalty for using undrafted units to allow players to progress when they have an impossible time otherwise.

Considering that I had some trouble with Normal Mode, I am gonna get slain over here...

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Lol, crap! I just had a feeling Karna would be picked after Sarah.

Oh well. I'll pick Slade. I should be able to make use of his Ninja spells if I can't get my hands on a magic user. =P

And thank goodness I've beaten this game twice on Ouch!, otherwise, I'd have a hard time on Hard (No pun intended).

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Confirming combat ban for undrafted units.

And the alternative is to die in battle and lose half of your current funds. That seems a bit too steep to me too.

As for using undrafted units to proceed, considering that the only battle without more than two free units is the first battle on South Parmecia, I dunno how necessary of a change that is. Maybe force a single death of Bowie in any battle following a battle with undrafted characters?

Also, I recall that some battles can be repeated indefinetly, such as "Battle to Howel", "Desert of Taros", "One Step Past the Fairy Wood" and "Finding the Cave to North Parmecia". I suggest Egress be allowed for immediate exit of those battles, as only certain land tiles initiate the repeat of those battles (any others, please let me know).

As for banning Egress outright...eeehhhhh.

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Confirming combat ban for undrafted units.

And the alternative is to die in battle and lose half of your current funds. That seems a bit too steep to me too.

Wait, what? You lose half of your funds if someone dies? I thought that only applies to Bowie dying...

As for using undrafted units to proceed, considering that the only battle without more than two free units is the first battle on South Parmecia, I dunno how necessary of a change that is. Maybe force a single death of Bowie in any battle following a battle with undrafted characters?

That cuts half your funds, which is probably worse than using an extra Egress. I'm just saying there should be an option to prevent people from raegquitting if it gets too tough.

Also, I recall that some battles can be repeated indefinetly, such as "Battle to Howel", "Desert of Taros", "One Step Past the Fairy Wood" and "Finding the Cave to North Parmecia". I suggest Egress be allowed for immediate exit of those battles, as only certain land tiles initiate the repeat of those battles (any others, please let me know).

Or basically, anytime you enter a battle that you already completed. btw is it allowed for us to keep repeating those battles for the purpose of grinding (and racking up money)?

As for banning Egress outright...eeehhhhh.

I don't think it's a good idea to ban it outright, so I think 1/6th is a bit harsh imo.

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Wait, what? You lose half of your funds if someone dies? I thought that only applies to Bowie dying...

That cuts half your funds, which is probably worse than using an extra Egress. I'm just saying there should be an option to prevent people from raegquitting if it gets too tough.

Or basically, anytime you enter a battle that you already completed. btw is it allowed for us to keep repeating those battles for the purpose of grinding (and racking up money)?

I don't think it's a good idea to ban it outright, so I think 1/6th is a bit harsh imo.

Rgg, on my phone. Replies in order.

That's what I meant, by a Bowie death.

Then what, we impliment "counters" that keep track of Egresses, and each counter represents say, 1250 funds, by endgame? Just a suggestion.

No. if you already completed the mandatory battle, then a repeat for grinding is unacceptable, and may be eggressed out if accidentally triggered.

Understood. Then consider funds deficit equal to 1250/egress. Also note, building the 15 myrhtil wpns just prior to Endgame cost 5000 each.

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Rgg, on my phone. Replies in order.

That's what I meant, by a Bowie death.

Ah, okay. So we can let our undrafted units die after Kraken.

Then what, we impliment "counters" that keep track of Egresses, and each counter represents say, 1250 funds, by endgame? Just a suggestion.

That could work. 1250 seems like a reasonable amount.

No. if you already completed the mandatory battle, then a repeat for grinding is unacceptable, and MUST be eggressed out if accidentally triggered.


Understood. Then consider funds deficit equal to 1250/egress. Also note, building the 15 myrhtil wpns just prior to Endgame cost 5000 each.

I don't think anyone will draft enough characters to require 15 of them. But yeah, that's expensive!

Also, have you considered allowing us to use Egress for the purpose of killing undrafted units, under the condition that no drafted unit enters combat? It'd be annoying to have the enemy attack an undrafted unit and force you to restart the battle.

Edited by Luster Purge
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Well while Blitz is still thinking (apparently an entire day of thinking STILL isn't enough for him >.<), I started my adventure.

Chose Hard mode of course (Not normal, not super, not Ouch!), and named myself PRETZEL, because when your life is cut short by a PRETZEL, you tend not to forget it.

Ran around town and visited school, because apparently everyone in the village says I have to visit school, as I'm one of 4 kids that actually goes to class. Found Astral wanking off in the basement, but he told me go upstairs and wait for him to finish....oooookkkkkkkk?

Waited for him, he snuck off to the castle mid-lecture, and we followed him. We includes SARAH, the badass mischieveous elf girl that is more of a nuisance than a healer, and CHESTER, the obligatory High HP/Decent everything else Knight, that charges into battle armed with his trusty Wooden Stick.

Yes. A Wooden Stick. That's the weapon that will lead to the world being saved. My trust is reeaaaallllly in that guy. He can be my pack-mule, since he's got 4 legs anyway.

Anywho, snuck into the castle, raided the treasure room (ANGEL WING FUCKING LOOT YEA!), and nabbed an Antidote and a Medical Herb. Found Astral poking a sleepy king, then followed him to the ancient tower, of which all evil was sealed. Because me and my ragtag team of classmates are really supposed to be in the ancient tower of evil. Makes sense, no?

Astral got knocked out by a red gooey Gizmo, then the red gooey Gizmo splurted out 6 white webby sticky sperm copies of itself. Man I hate these things. Solo'd the fight with PRETZEL/SARAH, and didn't have to use a single Medical Herb even though the enemy dodged twice. I gained a level too, so shweet~ And I got money, which is the main reason I fight to begin with, so rockall~

Astral got to his feet, ran back to the king, we followed, and found that the king had been turned into a zombie, so Astral launched a fireball at his face, knocking him out, then Astral fell asleep because he's just a silly old coot anyway. Blah blah ensued, kings orders yada yada, adventure dangerous journey, and glory...meh, I'm game.

So now the town has people in it. There's KIWI, locked in prison. There's the boatyard, where I ganked a Quick Chicken and Medical Herb from (Yes guys, that's a hint. Go search the barrels in the boat (Topside and Inside), for treasures. Bumped into JAHA, who I completely forgot about because he decided to sleep in like always, but is now all of a sudden superwarrior and wanting to join me in my quest for ultimate gold and glory!

Not enterring the next battle to Yeel yet, for basic reasons, but yup. Progress. FYI When I recommended taking it slow, I meant the battles, not the drafting process BLITZ!

PRETZEL 02.70 13 8 10 5 5
SARAH 01.83 11 10 9 5 5

CHESTER 01.00 11 0 8 5 7
JAHA 01.00 9 0 14 7 4

GOLD 420

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I talked to Elieson and he confirmed that all mentions of Grans Island actually refer to the first eight battles, before the one-year-break. That means, your 2 Egresses for the beginning of the game includes the Cliff Fight, where Chester and Jaha/Kazin are free.

Speaking of Chester, I am seriously considering using him, but after my Riviera Draft where I got really upset for not being able to use Kiku-Ichimonji, I decided to go with my favorite SF2 character:


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Arg. My next two picks, gone. Screw this, I need some muscle. I'm tempted to pick Chester for early game, but I can't...I just can't....

But having an early game unit that isn't sucking back experience would be nice, and Chester (and Kiwi) are my only hopes.

And I need some magic. Maybe....hurggg.

Give me................


Elric (I'm shooting myself in the foot here, aren't I) Changed my mind, I'll just suffer with Loladin Chester, and forego the Pegasus Knight promotion.

Also give me Randolf

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