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Impact: Chapter 1


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Thankfully Cyrus still had the medkit on him from earlier, though supplies in it were running low "Take this, there should still be some sterilizing wipes in there and bandages. Make sure to keep pressure on his leg." He said as he handed over the kit

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"Something like this should work on keeping the thing grounded, but like you said, we need more supports."

"That sounds like a plan, hopefully once the others get over here, we can get something put together."

Conveniently, the others had just turned up. He watched as Dustin stumbled towards them with Cyrus on his back. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst. He watched in horror as Dustin fell to the ground. Thankfully, Kayla had started tending to him, but it looked like a severe bleed.

Rushing over, Alan eyed the wound. Cyrus had already passed over some supplies, but it would be best if he intervened.

"Let's see if we can tackle this one together. Try and keep that leg lifted... if you feel like you're shocking him, ask someone else to take over. You've done most of it. All we need to do now is give it a clean, and apply some pressure."

He searched through the bag, which was worryingly empty. Fortunately, there was an antiseptic wipe left, as well as a bandage.

"OK, dear. Could you clean the wound out whilst I get the bandage ready... the sooner we plug this up the better."

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"What... happened?" a small voice spoke up as everyone began to crowd around him. He started to wake up, albeit groggy and tired. Looking at his leg, he was surprised by how much blood was there. Was it really that bad? I shouldn't have pushed myself this far. Jesus... Kayla, Cyrus and Alan were all shouting at each other, trying to fix him up. It felt good to be cared about, as he tried to stay awake.

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"OK, dear. Could you clean the wound out whilst I get the bandage ready... the sooner we plug this up the better."

"Okay, Grandpa! I'm fine, actually. No tingling." Kayla was relieved. Cyrus could barely move since his legs were out of commission, and she didn't expect Alan to be so close by. She took the wipe and disinfected the wound for the most part, only to find that there were little glass shards still embedded in his flesh. "Grandpa, there's still glass in the wound, are there tweezers in the kit? Should we tie some of the gauze around his leg while we get the glass out?"

Edited by Huang Yueying
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"Grandpa, there's still glass in the wound, are there tweezers in the kit? Should we tie some of the gauze around his leg while we get the glass out?"

Fragments in a wound could prove troublesome. As much as he wanted Kayla to take part, there were some things she wasn't ready for. He drew a pair of tweezers from the bag.

"Mind if I take a crack at this one? This could get a bit fiddly, could you start with the bandage?"

He passed her the bandage, and inspected the wound. There were a few choice shards in there, Dustin could probably do without them. He'd take out what he could, blood was starting to obscure his view of them. He began picking out the more obvious ones. Dustin seemed to have woken up, hopefully he would stay still.

"Now, Dustin... this might hurt a bit. Do your best to stay still, I don't want to be poking anything I shouldn't."

The bleed was pretty bad, and with no spare units on stand-by, finishing sooner would be better than later.

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"Now, Dustin... this might hurt a bit. Do your best to stay still, I don't want to be poking anything I shouldn't."

"Al... alright. I can barely feel my leg... shouldn't be too hard, heh." He tried his best to brace himself, knowing that it would probably still hurt a bunch. This is what almost dying feels like, huh?

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"Mind if I take a crack at this one? This could get a bit fiddly, could you start with the bandage?"

Kayla nodded and let Alan do the hard stuff. "You passed out for a bit from blood loss, and we're working on fixing it. Hang in there, buddy, this'll be painful, but you'll be fixed up in no time!" Kayla smiled at Dustin, trying to be reassuring. She wound a bandage around his calf tightly and pressed the disinfecting wipe below the wound, but made sure that the top corner of the wipe had only the slightest contact with the gash so that it would soak up any excess blood.

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It took a few minutes, but Alan had managed to get the worst of it out.

"Kayla, let's get this bandage on. There might be an odd little bit left inside, but I don't want to go fishing around for any longer. Dustin, as long as you take it easy, you shouldn't be too bad. Let's see if we can get you something to drink afterwards."

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"Already working on it, Grandpa!" Kayla smiled and wrapped the last of the bandage around Dustin's wound and secured it with a fastener. She removed the other bandage that was used to apply pressure to the wound and lowered his leg. "So, how are you feeling? Do you think you can sit up?" she asked Dustin and then turned to Alan "Oh, Grandpa, do we have any iron supplements? That might help him recover faster!" The girl was thrilled to have been able to work beside her grandfather, and she was ecstatic to have taken part in saving two lives. "I'll definitely become a heroine of justice at this rate~!"

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Dustin, as long as you take it easy, you shouldn't be too bad. Let's see if we can get you something to drink afterwards." "Thanks, Alan..." He smiled, sighing as he took the moment to actually relax. It hadn't been as painful as he'd expected, the glass removal. Alan had a steady hand. "So, how are you feeling? Do you think you can sit up?" He propped himself to sitting with his arms, blinking a few times and shaking his head to finally get himself awake. "Yeah... Yeah, I can sit. I feel a lot better. You're amazing, Kayla. I can't believe you remained so calm." He shifted his leg, a bit of pain coming through it. "I'm not going to try to stand for a bit, though. Sorry." Not like they'd need the help of a now cripple, anyway. I'd probably just end up hurting myself more.

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"Oh, Grandpa, do we have any iron supplements? That might help him recover faster!"

Now that was thinking ahead, unfortunately, they were unlikely to find said supplements in the mess.

"Haha, that's a spiffing idea. It's a shame we don't have a hospital, you'd fit in wonderfully. Better give our hands a clean, I'm not sure we'd make a good impression if we found anyone. I think for now, all we can do is make sure he's eating properly."

He turned to Dustin, who seemed to be coming back to life. He watched as he talked to Kayla... she did him proud.

"Take it easy for now. Maybe when Cyrus is feeling a little better he can heal you a little, he'll be dragging himself along with his teeth if he does anything now."

Edited by Folgore Red
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"Sorry guys, that's gonna have to wait a while. I'm still really tired from doing it to Kayla. A few more hours is my estimate for when I can do it again." Cyrus said as he got himself into a sitting position.... then the poor bastard realized what he just said.

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"Yeah... Yeah, I can sit. I feel a lot better. You're amazing, Kayla. I can't believe you remained so calm."

Kayla laughed nervously. "Eh... Not really... I actually kind of lost it in the beginning and panicked a bit, so I was just telling myself, 'Hey Kayla, snap out of it! Do what Grandpa would do!' I still had to ask Cyrus for help, though."

"Haha, that's a spiffing idea. It's a shame we don't have a hospital, you'd fit in wonderfully. Better give our hands a clean, I'm not sure we'd make a good impression if we found anyone. I think for now, all we can do is make sure he's eating properly."

"Oh Grandpa, you're exaggerating!" Kayla smiled shyly, turning red from all of the praise she was receiving. She shuffled around some of the equipment in the kit and managed to produce a last wipe and cleaned her hands with it before passing it off to her grandfather. "Unfortunately, there go the last of our supplies. The thermometer is pretty much shot, and I doubt we'd be able to find a mercury one anywhere. The scissors will come in handy, though. Anyway, Dustin, just take it easy, okay? That means no standing!" She completely missed Cyrus' unintended innuendo.

Edited by Huang Yueying
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Chanji sat on the ground watching as the scene unfolded around her. Dustin's leg was bound shortly, and the older man suggested getting him something to drink. She dug around in her bag and pulled out one of the water bottles. “Hey, I have something for Dustin,” she said, offering it.

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"Eh... Not really... I actually kind of lost it in the beginning and panicked a bit, so I was just telling myself, 'Hey Kayla, snap out of it! Do what Grandpa would do!' I still had to ask Cyrus for help, though."

"Could've fooled me. I wouldn't have been able to keep my cool if it was the other way around." He figured she just didn't like receiving praise, and left it there. No need to force it onto someone. "Doesn't matter anyway, you did a great job. Now, if I can just scoot myself over to that tree..." He slid his way over to one of them, sighing as he started to relax.

“Hey, I have something for Dustin,”

Huh wha? He didn't recognize the voice for a second, spotting Chanji when his eyes found where it had come from. "Awesome Chanji, toss it over." He held his hands out to catch it, sure that he could still manage that.

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"...A few more hours is my estimate for when I can do it again."

"Don't worry, Dustin should be fine until then. Time to get back to getting that tent up."

He took one of the wipes from Kayla, and gave his hands a good clean. Hopefully they could get it up by nightfall, but that would be pushing it. Alan only hoped that it didn't rain.

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Hmm, that probably wasn't a good idea. “I'm not throwing things at injured people,” Chanji said, standing up. She walked over and handed him the bottle instead. That done, she sat down next to him to wait for the others to finish the tent thing.

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Cyrus managed to slide himself over next to Dustin, really wishing that his legs would start working right again. 'Atleast I can feel a little bit now but I want all of it back dammit!'

"Man this has been one hell of a day eh Dustin? So much stuff so quickly and we're all acting like a huge bumbling mess, not really knowing what to do."

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“I'm not throwing things at injured people”

"Ahhhh, you're no fun, haha," he joked, taking the water that was handed to him, "but thanks. I do appreciate it." Water had never tasted better, even if it was lukewarm. He had to drink something. At least it wasn't stagnant. "Hey, Chanji... I've been meaning to ask. D'you know anything about your power? About how it works? Like... I remember when I took your hand earlier, to help you up, you changed back. D'you think the same would happen if you tried now?" He was curious, since it was a rather unique power. Before he could get an answer, Cyrus sat down near them.

"Man this has been one hell of a day eh Dustin? So much stuff so quickly and we're all acting like a huge bumbling mess, not really knowing what to do."

"Not knowing what to do? Are you nuts?" Dustin laughed a bit at what Cyrus had said, not sure if he was joking. "We're doing just fine. We're setting up shelter and finding food. We're finally acting like a group. It's pretty amazing, really..." he sighed and looked up, watching the sun go down between the leaves of the tree. "Best part, we're all still alive. That means we're doing better than most... So don't think like that. We're doing just fine." He sighed a bit but kept his smile. He had to stay positive.

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Now that Dustin's all fixed up Kayla had two choices. One: She could go help set up the tents and make herself useful. Two: She could sit around like a bum and get to know the others. Deciding that the first option would be hazardous to others since they're messing with metal, she decided to sit with Dustin, Cyrus, and Chanji, feeling rather useless at the moment. Since the others were already already conversing, she didn't bother butting in and kept a bit of distance just in case.

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“I have no idea. You think it works by touch, though?” she asked, curious. Well, that kind of made sense. She just ate meat, and she had changed back after contact with Dustin. She didn't remember her first transformation, but perhaps she had touched a dog or something. Hmm. Nothing to do but test it. She poked his arm. Nothing. Her ears fell, she she lowered her brow in confusion. “Doesn't work.”

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Giving a nod to Kayla Cyrus responded to Dustin "Yeah I suppose you're right, but I can't help but wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow. Things will have set in on us by then no doubt." He mopped before watching Chanji attempt to change back. "Didn't work by touch? Think it might be a time thing?"

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“Doesn't work.”

"Huh... that's weird." Cyrus chimed in about it being on a timer, which might make sense, "maybe Cyrus is right. I mean, we found you when you were a dog... thing, so, maybe you had just spent enough time in that form before you touched my hand." He threw his arms up a little. "But who knows? I mean, it'd be great to find out how these powers work, but all we have right now is conjecture." Kayla joined them, or at least sat near them. A bit too far away to join in conversation. "Hey, Kayla, why don't you join us? We might as well get to know each other if we're going to be sticking together for a while. Come on, we won't bite, haha."

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"Hey, Kayla, why don't you join us? We might as well get to know each other if we're going to be sticking together for a while. Come on, we won't bite, haha."

Kayla frowned a bit and dug into the ground with her heel. "It's not you guys, it's me. I'm afraid I might zap you guys, so I'm keeping a bit of distance. I mean, I'd love to get to know all of you better, but I'm afraid that you'll all get hurt if I come too close, you know what I mean? I blew up at that Janson guy earlier, and it's a miracle that he's not seriously hurt. He didn't scream or anything. He just laughed it off as if it tickled, but that incident was really painful on my end, and to be honest my hand still hurts from it. I don't understand how that didn't faze him at all."

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"You aren't lashing out with electricity at the moment so I think we'll be fine." Patting the ground next to him "Come on, take a seat. If we're all gonna be stuck together we might as well know eachother"

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