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Impact: Chapter 1


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Things had quieted down, it seemed. Marcus groaned and shifted a bit before propping himself up against a tree. "My head..."

"Kayla, Cyrus, have you seen Janson?"

"I- He was-..."


"I heard his voice in the forest over that way, along with what sounded like a gun. He was... he was yelling about fighting, like he was running from something and getting freaked out by it."

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He was trying to use the rocks to knock the branches into the ground, but he didn't have much luck, the branches consistently breaking. After a while, he finally managed to knock one of the large branches into the soil. The branch seemed firm enough to both stand and hold the tarp up.

"Kayla, Cyrus, have you seen Janson?"

"The guy throwing a hissy fit just now? Haven't seen him, probably went back to get some other stuff." Not as though I mind him being gone...

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"Kayla, Cyrus, have you seen Janson?"

Kayla helped Cyrus set Selena down under the canopy and replied, "Nope, sorry. I wasn't keeping an eye on him, because he made me cry and super grumpy. Was I supposed to?" She poked her head out of the makeshift tent and noticed that Marcus was awake. "Hey Marky, do you wanna take it easy and lay down under the tarp? Maybe it'll help muffle noise or something."

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A smirk came from Wyuna but she couldn't exactly say no, "Eh, do what you want, as long as we can make it to some more competent people, we can strike up a plan and possibly save ourselves." She started a slow walk keeping pace with Janson. "Hey, Janson, what are these folk like anyway?"

"Uh... I honestly didn't get a great chance to meet with them all. I've been in their company for like... a few hours at best, and in those hours I was just fuming and letting all my negativity fuel my reactions. to be honest, I hope that doesn't affect how they treat you two."

"That's... reassuring? Anyway, do they seem level headed and, well, no easy way to put this I guess... smart?"

"They could be. Can't say for sure, again, don't know em too well. Look." Moving along, he shrugged, "I didn't mean to give the wrong impression, either of them or myself. From what I can think of at the moment, they seem... Best way I can put it? Human. We're all humans here, we should get along for that alone. The whole needing each other for basic survival is a damn secondary requirement."

"I'll just wait and see then." Wyuna had to readjust her grip on the box as she started stepping over various debris, "Well, I hope we won't impose..."

"I doubt it." His reply came, sounding very resolute. "I very highly doubt it."

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"Nope, sorry. I wasn't keeping an eye on him, because he made me cry and super grumpy. Was I supposed to?"

"Wait, what? When did that happen? And, so... no one knows where he is? What, did he just wander off?!" Oh geez, this isn't good. "Well, someone keep an eye out for him. We can't go losing people in the group, even if we do argue. Gotta stick together." He glanced around at all the entrances to their little clearing, hoping that Janson would show up in one of them if he kept looking. This was a serious way to lose his mellow.


"They sound fun," Amera chimed in, keeping her pace with Wyuna. More people was always a good thing to her. It gave her hope that maybe some of the people she knew from school had survived. It'd be nice, but don't get those hopes too high. The chance is too slim. But still... the thought is nice. "Do you guys have some sort of shelter set up? It's getting kinda dark. I don't wanna be without shelter in case some of those... things show up again." Her pleasant thoughts faded as her mind conjured a picture of the one that had grabbed her. It made her shiver, just thinking about those things. Get your mind off of that! Just... think of something pleasant! Make a joke! Anything! "Hey, Janson..." she quickly thought up, "heehee... any cute boys there?" It was something.

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Taking a moment to breath and gather his strength, Janson trudged on again, only mildly listening to the conversation until the subject of guys came up. He was about to answer when Wyuna chimed in, "Yeah.... I'm all for survival and living, but I'll be pretty honest here, some eye candy wouldn't be bad..." Janson turned back and gave a rather worried look, to which Wyuna replied again, "Hey, I'm only human. What, just because I'm a woman means I can't have desires like that too?"

"No, no it's not that it's just... Maybe it's just my nature, but right now... 'that' is one of the last things on my mind. And I'm sorry, I don't think my take on who's cute or not could be taken seriously one way or the other."

"Oh come on don't be so... predictable. What, you fishing for a comment? You're not... bad, I guess. Could use some less missing flesh and blood, but other than that you're the prize catch!" Wyuna snickered in Janson's own voice.

A little miffed he tried his hardest to shrug it off. "Look. There's guys around our age I guess, some younger. That's all I'll say. There's also a fairly old man, gotta be in his sixties or something? I dunno. Maybe you're into that..." He moved in silence for a while before a semi random blurb, "Not like there's a chance for me anymore as it is..."

About to say something to that, Wyuna stopped herself, saving the trouble. If he wants to be like that, I don't think I can really help out like that...


It wasn't long before Janson saw the camp, pointing it out to the others. "And here we are, ladies. Let's go, shall we?" Moving with a little more gusto, Janson hobbled his way into view, groaning a little as he tried to announce himself, "Hi guys, sorry about the sudden disappearance and if you didn't notce, well... That's fine. I found some more people and another surprise you might like, especially with all of those things about..." He held out the rifles he found and the two pistols in his pockets as he motioned to Wyuna and Amera.

coming into view was Wyuna holding the box, giving a rather friendly wave to everyone, "Good evening, I hope you don't mind our intrusion. He told us you guys had a camp, and well... You can figure out the rest." Of course, her introduction probably would've been less weird if she had anyone but Janson's voice...

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Cyrus was surprised that Janson actually came back alive, let alone with more people......and guns

"Well it's good to see more people survived, so welcome aboard." Cyrus greeted the two newcomers. ""Where in the hell did you find those Janson? More importantly did is there any ammo for them and spare magazines? What condition are they in?"

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As she was moved, the electric shocks continued to stimulate Selena's body, causing her consciousness to flicker slightly. As she was set down to rest, her eyes opened slowly, with a flutter.


Clutching her newly transformed arm, Selena curled about herself, groaning with agony. Her feet and the right side of her face were also victim to a dull pang of constant pain, but compared to the arm, they were child's play.

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Selena had begun to come around. She wasn't in a very good state, but at least she was conscious again. It seemed like her newly infected areas were painful, but there wasn't much they could do.

"Good evening, I hope you don't mind our intrusion. He told us you guys had a camp, and well... You can figure out the rest."

The angry one had returned with two ladies. It was good to see more survivors. The more people they had, the better their chance of being rescued was. The one who spoke sounded slightly odd, she almost sounded like a man."

"Good to have you aboard, we're still in the process of setting up. We've had a few scares, but on the whole we're managing. I'm Alan, and this is my granddaughter Kayla. What can we call you two?"

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As if to answer his glances, Janson and two new girls appeared from one of the clearings, Dustin sighing as he calmed down. Janson's alive, and he even managed to find some more people. Guess I was worried for nothing. "Welcome back, man. If you're up for it, go help Kaden and Alan finish setting up the tarp. Gotta have some place to sleep for the night." He finished writing down an idea, and then shoved the notebook and pen into his bag. He tried his best to stand. Gotta get to know the new people.


Whoa, so many people survived! This was great, she thought, as Wyuna began talking. Amera waited. She wanted to get a look at everyone before saying anything. There were a few boys there, two over near that tarp, a woman laying there near them. Hmmm. There was another man in a white coat, another girl near him. Hmm hmm... One man had just stood up near a tree, and an older man had approached them.

"Good to have you aboard, we're still in the process of setting up. We've had a few scares, but on the whole we're managing. I'm Alan, and this is my granddaughter Kayla. What can we call you two?"

"Oh, I'm Amera! Nice to meet you Alan!" She jumped out from what had been her hiding place behind Wyuna and shook his hand, all while sporting a wide smile. "It's great that so many people survived all that. Anything I can do to help? Can't sit around and do nothing, I've gotta make myself useful now that my leg's feeling better." She giggled a little. It felt good talking to people.

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Kayla hid behind Cyrus' back, and eyeing Janson and leering at the newcomers warily. She wasn't happy that this guy was back so soon with a pair of women she assumed to be his new girlfriends or harpies or something. She noticed the brunette checking out the guys around camp and suddenly felt threatened for no apparent reason, subconsciously gripping onto the back of Cyrus' coat.

"Good to have you aboard, we're still in the process of setting up. We've had a few scares, but on the whole we're managing. I'm Alan, and this is my granddaughter Kayla. What can we call you two?"

The girl gaped at her grandfather mouthing "Why did you do this?!" at him, knowing he'd get the message with just a glance at her face. She just waved at them and contorted her face into what she hoped to be a refreshing smile and ducked behind the old guy again.

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Dustin asked Janson to go help out with some manual labor, to which he responded with a sheepish smile before turning back to Cyrus, "Wel you're looking better than before... Anyway, I know these pistols work, and honestly I don't know if the ammo in that box she's holding actually goes to these guns or not, you'll have to check with her."

Setting the box down in the camp, Wyuna held her hand out to shake Alan's while talking in his voice, "The name's Wyuna, sir. It's good to hear that you're managing. Kinda nice to know there's other out here braving the elements, you know?" There was a girl, Kayla she assumed since that's who responded to Alan's comment, but she didn't seem to want to talk. Amera started talking to him and introducing herself. "And I dunno Amera, we've been through a bit and while you're free to go do whatever, I think I'll take a breather to be honest. That should be alright, right sir?" she mentioned in Amera's voice. Man, this voice thing is gonna be so troublesome...

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Noticing that Kayla seemed to not be trusting of Janson or the new people yet and seemed to be attached to him Cyrus thought he should try to help her out. "Suppose I should start on seeing what we have to work with. Why don't you help me out Kayla? Two heads are better than one as they say."

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Janson gave him a shy smile, which confused Dustin a bit. He's a bit more open than that, what's up? He staggered himself over to him and the new woman, the other girl already going off to bother Cyrus and Kayla. "Wyuna, did you say? I'm Dustin, nice to meet you. And Janson, what happened? You just disappeared. I was worried, man." He frowned a little, nothing angry but a tad upset. "I mean, you did end up finding more survivors and some guns, so I guess it's not a problem... ahh, don't mind me, I'm just glad you're alright."


"And I dunno Amera, we've been through a bit and while you're free to go do whatever, I think I'll take a breather to be honest. That should be alright, right sir?"

"Sure, get some rest. I'll be fine. I wanna help out." The people seemed friendly. All except that girl from before, who Alan had introduced as Kayla. She seemed... awkward? Maybe she's just shy. I should go say hi! Jacket guy started talking about something, Amera bounding over to him and Kayla. She leaned in a bit, "Hey you two! I'm Amera. You are?" smiling at them, hoping that this girl would open up a bit. "I heard you talking about something, maybe I can help? I don't really want to relax yet. I figure I could be a bit useful. What do you say, Kayla, jacket guy?"

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"Uh... I'm Cyrus and this is Kayla." Cyrus said a bit surprised at how peppy the new girl was "I know a bit about old weapons so I was going to see exactly what we have to work with. If you wanna help I guess that's fine."

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"Uh... I'm Cyrus and this is Kayla. I know a bit about old weapons so I was going to see exactly what we have to work with. If you wanna help I guess that's fine."

"Oh, that's right, he did find some guns back there. Silly me, I completely forgot, haha! Sure, I'll help out, Cyrus. I used to collect them on the fortress, though I've never really fired one. Not until earlier." She scratched her head and stuck out her tongue. "Right, lead the way, jacket man. And it's nice to meet you too, Kayla." She stuck out her hand to shake the girl's, smiling all the while.

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"Hey you two! I'm Amera. You are? I heard you talking about something, maybe I can help? I don't really want to relax yet. I figure I could be a bit useful. What do you say, Kayla, jacket guy?"

Kayla yelped and let go of Cyrus' coat, backing away several paces. This Amera girl just suddenly ran up to her and started asking a million questions. She blinked at the other girl several times, wondering why she was trying to be so in-your-face friendly.

"Right, lead the way, jacket man. And it's nice to meet you too, Kayla."

"Uh, right. Likewise," she replied, straining a smile. "She seemed to be staring at Cyrus an awful lot, and they're both old weapons junkies from the look of it." Kayla attempted to keep up the smiling thing and shook her hand, making a conscious effort not to shock her, but she still ended up shocking both herself and presumably the other girl painfully. On instinct, she withdrew her hand and apologized. "S-Sorry about that," the girl avoided eye contact, shoved her hands into her pockets, and stared at the ground instead, "it seems like my body generates electricity or something. I didn't mean to shock you. Well then!" she turned to Cyrus, her cheeks flushing a pale pink out of anixety, "It seems like you found yourself a gun buddy, so uh... have fun or something. I'll go uh... check on the scary la-- I mean Selena. Have fun!"

She darted off back to the tent thing without looking back and crouched down next to the now-conscious Selena. "Hey, how're you feeling? Are you alright? What happened back there?" she asked, trying to get her mind off of the old man and harpy #2. "They're both gun junkies, so I'm just gonna be in the way. He seems like the type who'd like the company of busty bimbos more, anyway!"

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"And I dunno Amera, we've been through a bit and while you're free to go do whatever, I think I'll take a breather to be honest. That should be alright, right sir?"

"That shouldn't be a problem, myself and Caliban should be able to get this tent up. If you're feeling worn out, take it easy for a while."

Caliban had fortunately carried on during the commotion, he seemed more concerned about shelter than gawking at medical stuff. Alan rejoined him in the work, they only had two corners to go. It would be big enough to get them all in, but it might be what some would considered crowded. Kayla had given him a funny look earlier, but he was probably imagining things. She probably had gas or something.

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Cyrus was confused why Kayla suddenly took off, wondering if something was wrong with her. "Did I say something wrong? Bah whatever, let's go see what we have in stock Amera."

"I'll be needing the guns too Janson, gotta see what condition they're in and whatnot." He said as he made his way over to the big blue

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"I'm sorry... we don't have any painkillers," Kayla replied sadly. "You said you wanted to speak to me in private earlier? What was that about? If you don't wanna talk about it anymore, it's fine. You should probably turn in early, plus it's getting late."

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"What happened...?" Janson was about to say what happened but Dustin shrugged it off it seemed, "Nothing happened, yeah..." he absently looked to the hoody tightened around his stomach before looking up again, "I'm just... angry I guess. With myself, nothing more." Taking off the hoody, which was a little painful due to the blood drying out and scabbing underneath, Janson grimaced but was in truth incredibly fine. "Just kinda tripped and fell, certainly didn't run into more of those creepy ass humanoids... Gah, sorry. Like I said, I'm kinda frustrated right now, and having been slashed across the back of my head nearly disemboweled, I think I reserve the right to be a little agitated."

Suddenly a Cyrus walked up to him. "Huh? Like I said, the pistols seems to work just fine, if you wanna check these rifles, be my guest." Taking the straps off he felt awkward handing the weapon over, so he decided to abruptly break the ice. "Look, about earlier... Let's just put it behind us, OK? Both of us kinda messed up."

Wyuna smiled. "Well... I'll rest up then. I woke up achy and then I had to bust my ass to go toe to toe with a friggin nightmarish... thing. Dunno what you all went through but I'll definitely take a breather. If you need help with manual labor, don't hesitate to ask, though!" Figuring it was cool, Wyuna shuffled herself over under the tarp, not trying to intrude but still making herself at home as she flopped down on her back and sighed with relief.

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"Right... I don't know if you know this, but... you seem to generate a constant electrical field. When I touched you earlier... I..." Selena said to Kayla, extending her hand towards the girl. As the arm shifted into a metallic form, an area near the wrist popped open, revealing several glowing cylinders.

"These are energy cells... they charged when I touched you... I... I couldn't pull away... it was like I was drawn in..."

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Kayla stared at Selena's wrist, unsure of what to make of it. "I thought that you could only shift your hand into different objects? How do you suddenly have energy cells? Moreover, what was that blast from earlier?"

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