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Impact: Chapter 1


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He sat down next to Wyuna, sighing. "You don't need to do something as silly as that, you know. Yeah, you might find your ability weird and all, but we've got someone who screams every few hours because she's turning into a cyborg. I guess it's natural to be so... curious, so frightful of such things."

His thoughts slowly drifted back to his sister.Char... She's dead, or she's going to be... How long can I keep this facade up? I can't just accept that my sister's g-gone...

He tried to shake himself out of his nightmare, asking Wyuna, "Not sure if you want to, or can answer this, but how long can you... use these voices or whatever? Like, if Dutin were to talk right after me, would you be able to use my voice? Just a little curious."

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"Kaden's right, almost. I barely did anything either. I just pissed it off and threw stones at its head, not the smartest move. Wyuna pretty much took it down by herself. That was awesome."

Dustin was probably feeling a little useless. There was only so much they could do, especially when up against monsters. The other boy, Kaden had started tending to Wyuna, and all was well. Selena's sudden departure was slightly worrying, Alan only hoped she was good at landing.


Richard had been hiding in a locker for the last hour or so. There were monsters on the prowl and he didn't really like the idea of being eaten by them. I'll stay here until it gets a little quieter, if they catch me I'm dead. If only grandpa were here, he'd sort them out.

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With the camp mostly empty, things finally had quieted down a bit. Marcus took the opportunity to nap a bit, figuring that he'd wake up if anything unsavory came by.

So he slept. At least, until an extremely loud noise sounded from the forest.


He rolled over and sat up slowly. The noise was followed by a series of cracking and crashing noises, as well as what sounded like a roar. He began wandering towards the source.

If nothing else, the sight oughta be interesting.

When he arrived, all he saw was... Well, he passed a huge lion-thing that seemed dead. A ways later, he arrived to see Wyuna and Kaden,as well as what sermed to be several badly damaged trees. He stood back a bit, lest any more sonic blasts come forth.

"...What happened here?"

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"Moving too fast? I don't think so, if two people really care about each other then who's to tell them they're going too fast? I know for damn sure I care about you and you care about me. We can explain everything to your grandpa, I know he'll understand if you tell him how you feel."

"C-Cyrus, please..." Kayla replied, keeping her head down and blushing still. "We have to take it slow, I barely know you. I don't want to jump into a relationship like that at the end of the world and suddenly be unable to get out of it because I did something hasty. You'd look better to Grandpa if we took it easy, too. I'm sure everyone else would be more comfortable if we weren't all over each other, either. Oh gosh, you make it sound like we're eloping..."

"So whadda ya say?"

Cyrus pushed back the visor of her hat and lifted her chin to kiss her, but she wouldn't have any of that. She pressed her finger to his lips. "Easy, tiger. One step at a time, okay?" she smiled sheepishly and moved her hand away.

"Might wanna make sure the area's clear before you start celebrating like that, dont'cha think?"

The sound of a corpse hurtling through the air and landing on the ground coupled with Selena's arrival startled Kayla so much that she instinctively (and hastily) clung onto Cyrus and knocked both of them down. "Ack, I'm sorry!" she apologized quickly and got off of him, standing up. "Celebrating? What're we celebrating? Moreover, how is she well enough to be out and about?"

"if you two are done making out, hurry up! You too, Selena!"

"B-But we weren't even making out in the first place! Ameraaaaaaaaa~ Wait uuuuuuup~" the younger girl complained, running after her friend.

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"B-But we weren't even making out in the first place! Ameraaaaaaaaa~ Wait uuuuuuup~"

Amera laughed, Kayla running to catch up to them. I wonder if Cyrus is taking it as quickly as I am. Maybe we both need to slow down... well, I definitely need to slow down. As Kayla caught up, Janson kept talking. He mentioned the chemical fire, and Amera was a bit surprised, "that was you, really? Wow... I don't know what to say, really, haha. I thought it was kinda cool, and at least no one really got hurt." She snatched up some of the stuff that was sitting in a classroom, a stapler and a pencil sharpener. "Well, neither did I. I was doing badly in almost every class outside of history, and... that was all a lie. Guess that class was terrible too." She stuck her tongue out a bit, looking for anything else they could use.


"Just take the compliment, what you did was cool," he said as he waved what she'd said off. "These powers are crazy, but some of them are so amazing. I do hope that you can either get your voice back or learn to control that thing, though. It'd suck for you to be stuck like this." He rolled onto his side, trying to relax his leg. Still jealous.

"Not sure if you want to, or can answer this, but how long can you... use these voices or whatever? Like, if Dutin were to talk right after me, would you be able to use my voice? Just a little curious."

He interjected, "well, let's find out! There you go, I spoke some, can you still talk in Kaden's voice?" He wondered how this power worked, but he didn't think it'd work.

"...What happened here?"

"I'll explain it in a second Marcus, shhh, we're trying something."

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'Dammit Cyrus stop panicking and saying things without thinking them through! I'll have to apologize later.'

Getting off the ground Cyrus ran after the rest of the group. "You think we should go through some of the lockers as well guys? We can probably find some more backpacks and stuff in there." He suggested

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"No one got seriously hurt? Last I remembered three kids got 3rd degree burns from it. Not my proudest moment, but hey, they refused to sit me down and teach at a pace I could learn..." He shrugged. Why can't it just be this? Or maybe... Maybe this is all she wants? I never could read a person for the life of me, especially a female. Jamming various objects into his bag that seemed smart at the time, Janson carried on in silence.

Giggling, Wyuna decided to try it out, concentrating on trying to mimic Kaden's voice, "Testing, testing, one two three." she said, in a weird hybrid of Dustin's, Kaden's, and Marcus' voices. It was enough to weird her out and be silent for the time being.

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"You think we should go through some of the lockers as well guys? We can probably find some more backpacks and stuff in there."

Amera thought about what Cyrus had said, smirking. Perfect! Those two are still in the hall! "That sounds like a good idea, you two. Tell us if you find anything, we'll just finish up this classroom..." She slowly shut the door behind her, making sure to not shut it too loudly. If everything went right she could finally explain things to Janson without getting interrupted. This is too good!

"No one got seriously hurt? Last I remembered three kids got 3rd degree burns from it. Not my proudest moment, but hey, they refused to sit me down and teach at a pace I could learn..."

"Really? They must've covered it up in the school news. Too afraid that you'd set a bad name for the students. Not that I mind, a lot of kids in school were jerks. Too many of them hit on me, I swear..." She giggled, taking this chance to take his hand. "Hey, Janson..." she felt rather embarrassed about the whole thing, even though it was simple, "about that thing I wanted to talk to you about, I think... I should just get it out of the way." She sat herself on a desk and pulled him over with her. "Let's... just be friends." She let that sink in with a small pause. "For now, that is. I can tell that you're not too comfortable with me shoving myself all over you. And you kept going on about not being worth my happiness, so..." She smiled at him, "I want to decide for myself if you are or not, instead of having you just choose like that." And now she was sticking her tongue out at him, "I really do like you. I don't think I can call it love, that'd be taking things way too fast, but there's something there. I normally don't like taking it slow with boys, but... I can make an exception, for you. So, could you make one? For me?" She lowered her eyes a little, but held her smile, "for us?"


"Testing, testing, one two three."

"Ahahaha!" Dustin fell onto his back laughing, "that was so funny! And so cool! Maybe over time, you'll be able to control those voices! You'd be like, some crazy awesome voice interpreter, you could put on shows and make so many people smile! Man..." he felt a sudden wash of jealousy come over him again, his smile and laughter fading, "wouldn't that be really cool?" He rolled onto his side away from everyone this time, not wanting to ruin the fun with his now frowning face. I don't care what Janson said, earlier. This isn't fair, world...

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'...what was that sound...?!'

As Selena wheeled about, she saw the approaching claw just in time to avoid a lethal hit, but not quite fast enough to avoid the blow in general. The grimy claw tearing into the lower area of her chest, rather than through the heart as intended, Selena was thrown from atop the roof, landing on the ground in front of the school building with a hard impact.

'...how did he get behind me...?' She managed to ask herself, as her vision began to fade out. A powerful leap and the beast was racing towards her again, planning to finish the job, no doubt. Doing the only thing she could think of, she blocked the snapping of it's jaws with her shifted arm, the teeth clanging against the metal with a resounding ring.

The low, victorious growl that the created emitted couldn't have been a good sign, and as predicted by the golden arrow, the metal arm began to creak, the teeth, backed by the force of the jaws, beginning to pierce the appendage.

A cry of severe pain. Selena couldn't think anything, couldn't do anything, the pain was too intense, piercing too far into her being. The only thing she registered was the sparking from her shoulder-

'...that shouldn't...'

Her face became awash with horror as the creature continued to tug at the appendage, which at this point had come over half way to severing. With a screeching tear, that halfway point had advanced to leave only a few connecting strips, the rest torn away, either to be forced down the beast's gullet, or tossed aside so that it could feast on her flesh.

'i...I nEEd tO do SOmETHinG...'

Selena's mind racked for any idea, anything. Think, react, survive. She had to do it before the arm was torn off, who knows if she could control it past that point. In a last ditch effort, she felt the arm shift one last time before it was torn from her body, only a sparking stub left extending from the shoulder blade.

Then the reaction happened. Within seconds, the creature let out a pained howl, before dropping dead beside her. Seems the things were still composed primarily of water, as the chunk of Caesium did exactly what it was supposed to, irradiate the brain slightly, before reacting with the water in the creature's system and doing things to it that even I won't describe.

Selena slumped down, her wound having bled out a decent amount already... atleast the arm wasn't bleeding, and she had avoided suffering... too many broken bones from the fall. She could only hope the others had noticed what had transpired.

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"Amera... I'll be dead honest..." Taking a deep breath and a moment to sort his thoughts out, "With how you've been acting... I'll be blunt. I've wanted to go crazy with you, just..." shaking his head with a wild look in his eye, "Explore your body, maybe in ways we'll both regret. I really really want you, but at the same time I have massive relationship problems, not the least of which is my inability to communicate properly, and I know that if we jumped in too fast it'd end horribly. I'm glad you'll back off for the time being, and honestly I won't be mad if you back off permanently or if you'll just outright hate me. I could deal with the latter the easiest... It's so fucking easy to hate, it's why I'm so pessimistic with people's intentions. I really wanna see where things can go... just... not so quickly, as you suggested. So yeah." Coughing and blushing just a bit. "I'll agree to that for us." And after that, Janson heard some more commotion outside, and confused as he was, he had to cut short that little talk. "Sorry, I should go check this..."

"That..." In dustins voice of course, "That could be a reality, you know. If I was able to alter my voice like that, there's no telling what I could do if I mastered it... Thanks guys, this is awesome, I'm glad we're in this together. You know?"

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Marcus shut up and backed up a bit. Obviously they were busy.

What followed was one of the weirdest things he'd ever heard. Wyuna said something in a combination of all his, Dustin's, and Kaden's voices... It wasn't like they were layered on top of each other, or anything, they were just like... melded together.

"Now that's a neat trick."

And then, as an afterthought...

"Is this related to that sonic boom-shockwave-thing earlier?"

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Wyuna's little attempt at replicating his voice had failed, but it did sound pretty cool. He wasn't really bothered that he didn't have a power - He'd seen what they could do to people, and he probably preferred being a normal guy.

"I... guess everything's working out fine," he said, smiling. "Hope the others are do-"

"No, stop! G-Get away... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-"

I... No way... I've heard that before, but I c-can't be sure... Any girl could scream like that, b-but...

He almost spoke, before barely stopping himself, grabbing Dustin's pen and notebook, scribbling in it before showing it to Wyuna.

If you can, say something in that voice.


Oww... s-so hungry...

She'd spent the first day huddled up against a tree, hoping everything was just... a bad dream. All the dead people, all the weird dead people... This couldn't be real, could it?

She had barely lulled herself to sleep the previous night, waking up as dawn came. Starving, she stumbled along, finally coming across a small stream, but there was still no food to be found. I... need to find Kaden... N-Nothing would have happened to him, right?

She would have continued daydreaming if she hadn't been barged into by some grotesque creature, her fragile body almost crashing against some rocks. The creature was a grotesque brown in colour, blood dripping from fangs protruding from its mouth, long chipped claws emerging from where fingers would normally be. It mercilessly swung its arm at her, its claws raking across the girl's face and chest, leaving 3 bloody trails.

Consumed with fear, she tried her best to run, but she tripped, her legs caught by some vines. Faced with certain death, Charlotte curled up, shielding herself from the creature with her hands. As she saw the creature preparing to strike, she screamed.

"No, stop! G-Get away... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

She heard the creature strike... something, with a dull sound ringing from it. She didn't dare open her eyes to look, believing that she was already dead.

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As Cyrus was searching through the lockers he really didn't find all that much sadly, just a few notebooks and pencils. Noticing that he and Kayla were alone while Amera and Janson searched a classroom he decided now would be a good time to apologize 'Well, a good a time as any I suppose'

"H-Hey Kayla?" He nervously spoke "I-I'm sorry about those things I said earlier, I've never done something like this before and I panicked." Giving a sigh he rubbed the back of his neck "I got really caught up in the moment and talked without thinking about what I was saying. We probably are moving way too fast to be honest, and that's my fault" Cyrus turned his head off to the side in shame "I do mean what I said about liking you though."

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Kayla was taking her time looking through the lockers, picking up pens and pencils that were in good condition and miraculously finding a locker mirror that was still intact.

"H-Hey Kayla? I-I'm sorry about those things I said earlier, I've never done something like this before and I panicked. I got really caught up in the moment and talked without thinking about what I was saying. We probably are moving way too fast to be honest, and that's my fault. I do mean what I said about liking you though."

She covered her mouth, giggled a bit, and smiled at him. "Cyrus, you're so adorable. I'm surprised you've never done anything like this before though, 'cause you seem experienced. You looked like the kind of guy who would've had at least one or two girlfriends in the past at the very least. I mean, you're an old man already~" She giggled and linked her arm with his, continuing, "But I think if we were under different circumstances, I wouldn't have hesitated to give this dating thing a try, though I probably wouldn't commit to it this early, since that's going too fast. A one-night stand would be completely out of the question, since the outcome would end up really awkward and sad and I'm not that kinda girl. It seems like Amera's experienced in this kinda thing, though..." she pondered on that a bit and wondered what she was doing with Janson all alone in that classroom. "Anyway! Eeeeeveryone's had a crush or two before. What's your type of girl? Amera seems like the type of girl guys tend to go for. She has a pretty face, a good figure, a sparkly personality, and she's super forward, unlike me. I'm actually kinda shy when it comes to these things and my curves aren't nearly as nice and my head's always in the clouds. A-And don't say I'm your ideal, because that sounds way too crazy to happen!" She clung to his arm a little tighter and looked down at the ground bashfully.

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Alan was still trying to get the fire going, he'd managed a few embers but it'd take a while with the drill method.


Caliban began searching the city. The others hadn't made it clear where they were going so it was all guess work, they'd probably go after places which had supplies. However, that didn't narrow it down much.


There were some new voices, they didn't sound like monsters. Richard still didn't like his chances, but fate decided to be cruel and reunite him anyway. He could hear a creak from the locker door, the hinges had given up, and the door fell off. Richard tumbled forwards, landing on his back.


He hadn't quite noticed Kayla and Cyrus, he was still trying to decide which way was up.

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"Amera... I'll be dead honest..."

This is the part where he says no, she thought, mentally sighing, and I get to move on with these feelings tearing at me as I try to forget about him.

"With how you've been acting... I'll be blunt. I've wanted to go crazy with you, just..."

... huh?

He went into a rant that she hadn't exactly expected, only expecting him to have said no and moved on, but as he went on she started to smile more, and turn a bit more red. When he'd finally finished she was redder than she'd hoped, honestly wanting to have dealt with it better. But she was still smiling, "uhm, th-that's... ahaha." First time I've gotten flustered in a while, "I kind of feel bad for asking us to be slow. If I'd known that you felt that way I might've pushed this a bit farther, but..." she quickly gave him a tight hug, "this works just fine." She almost started rubbing up against him when she saw a shadow of a person fall by the window, Janson himself hearing something happen, and rushing over to it.

"Th-that's..." It was Selena, and the body of one of the ghouls. She didn't look like she was in good shape. "Cyrus, get in here!" There as no time to think. Amera pulled open the window and jumped out, landing two stories down on her crazy legs. The muscles could handle it, but the bones and tendons were feeling the impact. That doesn't matter, keep moving, keep moving! She picked up Selena, wondering why she was so light, finally noticing the stub that used to be her arm. Oh geez, this really is bad! She had to get back up to Cyrus so he could help her, but she didn't know if her legs could handle the jump. "Ugh, I don't care if they can, she needs help!" She bent herself down and sprang up to the window, feeling the pain in her legs. She landed inside but only stood for a second, falling to her knees and setting Selena down before falling over herself. "Ow... ow, that really, really hurt..." The pain was causing her to cry a bit, hoping Cyrus would hurry up.


"That... That could be a reality, you know. If I was able to alter my voice like that, there's no telling what I could do if I mastered it... Thanks guys, this is awesome, I'm glad we're in this together. You know?"

"Yeah, pretty awesome, I guess." He tried to keep his voice as positive as he could, but it had become obvious that it was bothering him. Luckily Marcus spoke up before anything could happen.

"Is this related to that sonic boom-shockwave-thing earlier?"

Phew... "uh, yeah, that's some part of Wyuna's power. Not sure how it works, but it sure saved us back there." I really am jealous, wow. You're sad, man. Get over it, alright? You should be happy that you're normal.

"No, stop! G-Get away... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

A scream suddenly sounded through the camp, Kaden snatching his notebook and pen. "Hey!" Before Wyuna could read anything, he stole them back, giving Kaden a glare, "don't touch that! I'm pretty sure we all heard that scream, so I think we should go check it out, not spend time scribbling things down." He put the notebook back in his sack, starting to walk off to where it came from, "well? Who's coming?"

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Alan had heard the scream too but it had taken a little while to register, Dustin seemed eager to go see to it but Alan was worried about the state of his leg.

"don't touch that! I'm pretty sure we all heard that scream, so I think we should go check it out, not spend time scribbling things down."

Dustin had already started walking towards the scream, how much could he do with his leg like that?

"Hold on, partner. You're not going anywhere with that leg. The other kid's already gone, how about you hang around with Wyuna? Let ol' Alan handle this one. Don't worry, I may be old but I've still got some fight in me, I'm a pretty big guy too."


The scream echo'd across the wasteland, Caliban knew that something was amiss. Was it one of the others? He head towards it, hopefully it wasn't another monster... and hopefully someone else would be there to lend a hand. It wasn't coming from the fortress...

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Cyrus had a blush on his face as he heard Kayla talking "M-My ideal girl? Well honestly I'd have to say" "Cyrus get in here!"

Hearing Amera's cry for help, he got his arm back from Kayla and ran into the classroom "What the heck is the... Oh my god Selena!" The red headed woman was missing an arm and had a decent sized hole in her chest. 'Oh god can I fix that? She may be insane but she's still a friend!' Scared out of his mind due to what he was seeing Cyrus got on his knees next to Selena "This might kill me..." He muttered to himself before placing his hands on her and concentrating. It felt like everything he had inside was being used up to do this. Finally he fell to the side of the redheaded woman, dead to the world.

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Kayla was going to ask about what was going on, but she couldn't ignore the clanging noise behind her when the metal of the locker door hit the floor. She wanted to know what Cyrus was going to say to her and had an itch to give him a piece of her mind for abandoning her, but being a doctor guy came first, there was someone or something in the hall, and it needed investigating. There was a figure a ways down the hall, but there was no way to discern if it was friend or foe. "There's no way I can fight if it's another monster, but if it's a human, I can't abandon the person... What should I do?" The girl smacked herself on the head, trying to think more clearly. "Silly Kayla! Don't get your hopes up. There's no way it could be Richie. Seriously, what are the chances? It's not like this is an action-comedy adventure there the heroine finds her lost brother alive and well amongst the rubble and is completely fine and safe and sound!"

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As the healing energy surged through her, Selena's eyes opened, though rather slowly. As the stub of her arm came into vision, her slow wake was quickly accelerated to a terrified panic. She shot off the floor, and skid backward with her feet and remaining arm until her back hit the closest wall, her face blanched a pale white as she simply stared at the remains of her arm.

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"Hold on, partner. You're not going anywhere with that leg. The other kid's already gone, how about you hang around with Wyuna? Let ol' Alan handle this one. Don't worry, I may be old but I've still got some fight in me, I'm a pretty big guy too."

The pain in his leg agreed, Dustin stopping himself with a big sigh. "I just..." he walked back over to everyone, sitting down, "I feel useless. I feel like I'm not going to be able to match up to everyone else here because I can't do anything! I don't have some crazy power, or some way of helping those who do. So... I feel like if I don't push myself then I'm just added weight to the group. Something they don't need." He fell back and tried to get comfortable on the ground again, "this feeling sucks." I don't even feel like writing. This is seriously the worst. He wasn't about to cry, he even felt better now that he'd gotten it off of his chest.

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Watching an impulsive Amera jump out of a two story building and then right back up was a bit weird for Janson, however he simply shrugged. They had time to wait anyway, as it seemed Selena was freaking out at a torn limb. At first it didn't register with Janson, but after a moment his face was one of surprise, relazing that she lost her arm. Where did it go? He looked out the window to where Selena was and found nothing.. This world is moving too fast for me... he mused, not sure what to do. Cyrus was out, Selena was freaking out, Amera look in pain, and Kayla was somewhere else. "Better start somewhere." and so he did, wandering over to Selena, not sure how to try and calm her down, but still willing to try. Going down to her eye level, Janson tried to block her view of the stub with is own hand, trying just to get her attention. "Hey... Just pay attention to me for a moment, try to calm down."

Wyuna on the other hand had a mopey dustin hanging out near her. So she took it upon herself to try and cheer him up somehow. "So you feel useless without these 'powers', huh? does it sound fun to not be able to speak in your own voice? Does it sound fun to be a panicking mess like what Selena was? Does it? Honestly, until we figure out how to utilize these things correctly, which I might add we have no idea on what the scope of these things could be is, we're actually at quite a huge disadvantage. Take my power for instance. Those huge waves of force I can produce? Did you see how I could have killed myself with it? We would have been fine killing that... that THING without my 'power', I had one more bullet in the chamber, that thing was down, just aim and put the bullet in the brain. Instead, I'm sent careening into a tree and knocking myself out. I should add I don't know how to stop it, only thing I can do is predict when it'll happen..." done with her initial rant, she sighed. "I've been a normal person for as long as i know, but this just threw a wrench into the gears, Dustin. I was able to get by on my own ability, now my ability can kill me and harm the hell out of those around me... Just... think about that.. OK? I can understand your unease, but as a person with 'gifts' I can safely say that it's not all it's cracked up to be. I mean for God's sake, I'm talking in your voice."

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He rolled onto his side. He knew she was right, even though he still felt bad. "I know, Janson gave me pretty much the same spiel earlier. But what happens when you all learn to control those powers? Right now they're dangerous. Later they'll be amazing. Heck, some of them are pretty amazing right now..." He shook his head and groaned, "bahhhh, never mind me. I should be better than this. Complaining about something isn't like me at all. Sorry for that, Wyuna, you deserve better than dealing with my petulance after what's happened, alright? Just try to relax, I'll think about other things," he put on his best smile for her, rolling back onto his back. Not much I really can do, so complaining about it won't matter.


Struggling to pull herself up onto the desk with her legs in the state they were, she managed to get her torso on top with a lot of tugging. Everyone else was doing stuff, but Kayla... "Hey... hey Kayla, can you hear me? You there, girl?," she called into the hallway, "Janson's busy, Cyrus is out, and I'd really like to at least sit down in a chair..." She wasn't too keen on how close Janson was getting to Selena, but she knew that the woman needed it. If she'd just lost her arm, she'd be in a state of shock as well. "Quickly Kayla, I think I might fall off the desk if you don't...!"

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"S-stay away...!" Selena began with a panicked start, swatting Janson's hand away from her as he closed in.

"I... I don't..." She muttered incohesively, her remaining hand shifting into a small blade as she tried to push herself further into the wall.

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"Hey... hey Kayla, can you hear me? You there, girl? Janson's busy, Cyrus is out, and I'd really like to at least sit down in a chair... Quickly Kayla, I think I might fall off the desk if you don't...!"

Kayla was startled by Amera's voice. She figured she'd be in the classroom with Janson and Cyrus. "Yeah, I'm here, I'm on my way!" she yelled back and dashed into the classroom, not noticing the latter two with an additional third. "How do you get yourself into these messes? What'd you do to to almost fall off a desk and not be able to get yourself back up like this, silly goose?" she chided, pulled Amera up to a sitting position, and helped her onto a chair. "Anyway, while you guys were having your adventure, I noticed that we have some company in the hall. However, I'm unarmed, so there's no way I can go and confront whoever's there by myself. I'm not sure if it's still there, though. I wanted to keep an eye on it, but you beckoned me hither." The wannabe medic sighed and poked at Amera's legs. "Well, how do you feel? Does it hurt when I move your legs?" she asked as she straightened and bent each leg at the knee in turn. "Why don't you guys fill me in on--"

She finally noticed why there was such a big fuss. Selena was missing an arm, Cyrus was passed out on the floor, and Janson seemed to be cornering Selena whose remaining hand was transformed into a small blade.

"--whatever... happened..."

"It looks like I'm going to have my work cut out for me."

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