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Impact: Chapter 1


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'...more of... them?' Selena froze up momentarily as her memories flooded back to her, arm being ripped clean off her body as she was helpless beneath the creature.

That was when they attacked. One of them swept at Janson, dealing some heavy damage, and another shot in through another window, seeming to ignore her completely and charge at Kayla.

'...it's them again it's them again itsthemagainitsthemagain!... no... I'm not going to...'

Biting back her fear, Selena shifted her arm and feet, rushing the beast from behind. Sweeping her leg low, Selena brought her foot into position to trip the creature, extending a serrated blade from her heel, and digging it into the lower leg of the creature, jerking it backwards towards her bladed hand, which shot out towards the creature's head, hoping to cleanly kill it in a single blow.

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No more time to get ready, the creatures were in the room, Amera watched in terror as one wasted no time tearing into Janson. He ducked, he stabbed, he missed, it clawed again. "I hate these fucking monsters!" She screamed again as she pulled the gun up with two hands and fired at the beast. She'd unfortunately closed her eyes as she did, though, opening them to find that of the five shots she'd blasted out, four had flown right out of the window, only one spot on the monster bleeding. She'd gotten it in the arm, but that wasn't enough. Her attention was distracted as Selena sprung out of her coma and took down one of them. Wait, no! Amera had a clear view of the creature's face, and it was smiling. "Selena, no, get away from it!"

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Cheney lit another cigar.

Well, he reflected, he could stay here and let those things eat whatever they looked like they were eating... and probably die, alone. No, surely his best chance lay with their prey... had other humans survived the crash, too?

Cheney kicked open the door into the school and started the slow, cautious walk up the stairs. Well, it wouldn't do him much good if he tripped and let the bastards jump him...

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The man could hear noises, but wasn't sure what to make of them. Were these monstrosities fighting among themselves or were there other people out there? It was too dangerous to try to find out with his injuries. He also had someone else to look after, and he thought his power was strange ... "I'm afraid to carry her around at times, but she sleeps like a rock." he commented as he hoisted the young girl up into his arms. The school was no longer safe ... never was, but now it sounded like it was being overrun completely. He opened the door to the class room they had been hiding out in and peeked his head out checking each direction in the hall. "Looks clear ... ish." He was still too scared to make a run for it until a loud shriek came down the hall. That got him moving in an instant.

As he dashed down the halls, he could feel the heavy steps of his pursuers. They were right behind him and closing in fast. "Oh damn! Oh damn! Oh damn!" he cursed over and over again as he neared a dead end. He made a sharp right and phased right into the wall with the girl. They were inside another classroom and there were several bodies. "... is the whole school their hunting ground or something? We've gotta get out of here!" He ran through the wall again and made it to the next room over. This one wasn't empty, though. It was the first clear look he'd gotten at the creatures; tall, strong, vicious, and picking through the bones of their victims before turning their attention to him. "I think I need to try another room." They snarled in response and began to head over. He didn't wait around to be torn apart and ran for the door. He made it through in ghostly fashion and kept on running. The monsters on the other hand just ripped the door down as they left and followed.

The next time he was cornered, just phasing through the wall wouldn't solve the problem. They were at the end of the building and on the second floor. The window behind him indicated a long drop and some fractured bones at best. Even if they escaped now, they wouldn't get far like that. They didn't give him time to think about a solution and rushed in. He quickly dropped the young girl and reached for his gun, civilian model hyperion powered pistol. The mutant's arm phased through his body when it attacked, and he positioned the gun right under his chin so he could blow the thing's head off when he pulled the trigger, but the gun wouldn't fire at all. "W-what? Oh that's right ... nothing's been working around here, of course my gun wouldn't be an exception!" He managed to say just that much before another grabbed his arm and hauled him down. Too distracted by the malfunction, he didn't phase through before part of his arm was torn off. He dropped the gun and used the other arm to grab the girl. "You're not d-dying here ... dammit! ARRRRGH!!!" With the last of his strength, he phased her all the way through the floor, only falling partially through himself. She collapsed somewhere on the first floor, while her protector died. His top half was left to the monsters, while his legs dangled from the ceiling of the first floor, partly fused with it.

Firmia slowly opened her eyes, a few moments later, and was shocked to see the man stuck in the ceiling. So many thoughts were flooding her mind in that moment. He shouldn't have been like that. He should have come down by now or gone back up. His legs shouldn't just be hanging there. "M-mister Nielson ...?" She thought he might be dead. She hoped he wasn't, but ... he had spoken with her about his power, and what might happen to him if he never came all the way through something. "Mister Nielson ...?!" She stood up and tried to reach him, but he was too high up. Now what ...?

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Alan and Caliban had finally arrived, drawing the creature's attention to them. Kaden slammed the creature with the branch, yelling, "Come on, you bastard! Look over here!"

Now all you need to do is jump at me, and we'll see how sharp this branch is.

Edited by Shatter
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Bullets whizzing by the creature, it tried to hide is figure for a moment before it eventually got shot and then it felt yet another pain in its arm. Grabbing it and howling in pain, it seemed to have given Janson enough time to bring his knife down on the creature, tackling it to teh ground and wailing on it with repeated stabs to its chest, its shoulders, its face, though not really getting any clean shots on the thing. As he went berserk on teh thing, giving his own feral screams, he didn't notice the third creature climb in, just as ugly, just as angry and just as dangerous as its friends, letting out its own terrifying shrieks.

The creature with Selena reacted quickly to the pain in its leg, turning to face what was attacking it and swiveling such that its shoulder was stabbed. Well that wasn't good. Bloodlust fueling the creature, she took a swipe at Selena with her spare arm, hoping to rend some flesh and get some cherry juice blood.

In yet another place, there were more humanoids roaming about. One of them perked up, sniffing the air and looking quite perplexed. "SsSMoke...? A fIRe! FlEsh!" the last one was a gamble, but he did smell something that resembled flesh, fresh flesh at that, but it was... odd. But the creature didn't complain. Food was food. Scurrying towards the smell, they made no effort to hide their satisfaction for the hunt, snarling and even laughing hysterically along the way.

the second fleshling spoke to the womanoid, and her face contorted as she went for him, wanting to devour him down to his bones. Leaping over the other two, she flailed her massive form as she let out a loud snarling sound.

Edited by RainbowKitty
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Good, good... ohwaitohwait NOT LIKE THAT HOLY SHIT

He hadn't expected it to leap at him with such ferocity. He yelled back, both in anger and in fear, waiting for the creature to impale itself on the branch.

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The creature had managed to avoid her finishing blow, instead taking it in the shoulder. In it's surprise, it lashed out towards her, it's aim just below her head, at the stump of a shoulder that used to be a full arm.

'...what's left of this thing had better hold up...!'

As the spiked shield protruded from Selena's shoulder blade, hold up it did, as the beast's grimy, clawed hand was stopped dead at the barrier, and impaled upon the protruding spike.

'...now to...!'

In what could only be described as an agonized scream from the creature, spined barbs shot out from the impaled spike into the clawed hand, locking it against the stub of Selena's arm.

Digging her foot in farther, and tripping the creature with her other, once again digging a barbed piece of metal into the beast's flesh, she brought them both down to the ground, with the creature held hostage as a shield, incase one of the others attempted to maul her, it's comrade would go first.

"...you see this arm? Or what's left of it... you bastards are the ones who did this to meeee...!" Selena seethed, as she grappled the creature.

"Tell me how it feels, would ya?"

With some form of sadistic grin, Selena began pushing her dagger further into the beast's shoulder, smirking as the blade hit bone. The smirk growing as that bone began to give, and the panicked shrieks began to intensify.

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Cheney stopped abruptly in his tracks, the sudden stamping on the fragile wood sending his foot flying through it. He hissed a curse as he pulled his foot back out. Something didn't seem right here... but he couldn't place a finger on it.

Perhaps it was the fact that something smelt like raw sewage and rotting flesh-

And suddenly the beast was on him, clawing into his back before Cheney even knew what it was. The ex-convict roared and swung his massive right fist at the thing, backhanding it just hard enough to send it reeling. Cheney desperately scrabbled up the stairs, bleeding rather more than he'd hoped and rather less than he'd expected. "CUNT! OFF!" he shouted.

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She opened her eyes, the one she'd shot at was wrestling on the ground as Janson stabbed at it. She couldn't shoot at it, if she did she might hit him! She thought there was nothing she could do until another one jumped in through the window. Keep your eyes open this time, girl! She braced herself and kept one eye open, firing another five times. This time she saw two bullet holes in the monster's right arm, causing her to smile and attempt to jump up, stopping because of the pain in her legs. I still hit it, I wonder if I can-- She pulled the trigger again, having aimed at the monster, and she heard a click. No bullet came out. Oh shit... She panicked and tossed the heap of metal at the monster as hard as she could.

Edited by seph1212
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Alan and Caliban had drawn the monster's attention, the enemy now had 3 targets to deal with. They didn't dare move. Even if it was outnumbered, it still looked pretty menacing.

"We need to be careful!" Alan shouted. "Don't attack recklessly!"


Richard was happy to see his sister, but all the grown-ups suddenly looked tense. There was talk about monsters, and before he knew it they were fighting them. There wasn't much he could do, he was only a kid. He only hoped the others would be OK.

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With all the wounds Janson inflicted upon the creature, it started groaning in pain as it began to lose feeling in its arms. Seething with rage, it tried to take a bite at Janson with all its might, chomping down on his knifing hand! The teeth tore into his flesh, none too gently at that. Grunting painfully, Janson strengthened his resolve though he could not pull his arm from the monster's vice-like grip, so instead he decided to continually bash it with his free hand, picking its head up off the ground and slamming it on the hard tiled floor with all the force he could muster until he started hearing some cracking bone, and even then he continued in his rampage. Finally dead, the creature's grip loosened as it drifted into a permanent sleep. His right arm ached, and it hurt to use it immensely, but right now janson couldn't care less. I'll be fine, they won't if I just sit back! He heard a thwok noise behind him after 5 gunshots, and he was surprised to see a gun sliding by him as his gaze looked up towards the third creature. Running out of drive and yet, feeling desperate, Janson ran to one of the desks. Grabbing it by the edge, he used all of his strength to whirl it around once and then let it fly at the creature who seemed all too focused on Amera. It leaped but got absolutely smashed by teh desk. Not killed but really damn injured and probably a concussion at this point. Janson panted and hoped someone else could capitalize on that for him.

The other creature continued to shriek in pain as it felt the arm begin to rip and tear from its own body. The sheer amount of pain filling it combined with the bloodlust it was feeling made the creature go berserk and start snapping wildly about, even biting its own tongue in the process.

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"Kayla thumb the switch on the side then shoot!"

The girl fumbled with the switch, nearly dropping the weapon as she did so, and expected the creature that came flying at her to tear her into pieces. Luckily, Selena stepped in and protected her, and was doing quite a number to it. Kayla looked back and forth at her companions, trembling from fear of being eaten and accidentally shooting the wrong target. Janson somehow crushed one of the things to death, while a third honed in on Amera and was promptly beaten back by Janson. Not one to stand around and just let herself be protected, she fired three shots at the creature that Janson temporarily stunned. The first bullet completely missed the mark and lodged itself into the wall. The second bullet hit its shoulder blade, causing it to shriek in pain. The final bullet pierced its skull, putting it out of its misery.

Kayla shook so much that she couldn't maintain a good grip and dropped the gun. The force from the recoil caught her completely off-guard, and the sound of the gunshots coming from such close proximity hurt her ears. Even more blood splattered the already stained classroom, and the sight of Janson's wounds were enough to make her queasy.

"I... I killed someone. It wasn't exactly human, but it was a sentient being. Doesn't that... make me a murderer?" She dropped to her knees, letting her tears flow silently.

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The creature began to shriek even more wildly, flailing and snapping it's jaws, though it could not reach her as is, and even ended up hurting itself further. Selena then jammed her knife in all the way through the bone, tearing the arm of the creature off, and in the process, stabbing the beast in the jaw.

"So, how did it feel?" Selena asked, not expecting a response, as she brought her blade down through the creature's spinal cord, throwing the lifeless body off of her as she stood.

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Throwing the gun had done nothing to the monster, which didn't surprise her, and what else didn't surprise her was the thing trying to charge her afterwards. Please not again! She threw her arms up and heard a crash, creaking her eye open to watch the creature fly off into the wall. Janson had mustered up some insane strength to bash it into the wall, to which she sighed. There was still the issue of killing them, and Cyrus wasn't doing anything. Is he just stunned, or what? Kayle too the initiative and shot at it, getting the best shot out of everyone in the group. Selena took her turn to finish off the last one, which was frightening to watch. She really is insane... "Is it over? Can we go back now?" She blurted out after a few moments of silence, "I really want to get back and just rest after all of this... Janson, are you gonna be alright? Kayla?" Her concern turned to them, as he seemed to be in pretty bad shape, and she was crying on the floor. Cyrus, if you're gonna do anything, at least go comfort her.

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Cheney chewed his cigar a little contemplatively. This thing was on his ass, and had just sliced open his back. "Fuckin'... didn't crash-land for zombies'n'shit..." The ghoul was more than a little wary of him, which was probably smart. He'd hopped up to a more solid platform than the creaky wooden stairs, which was the exit to the next floor. "Alright then," Cheney grunted, "guess I'm just gonna have to come and TAKE it from you..."

The convict ran up the stairs two or three at a time, screaming wildly, and came up swinging before the ghoul could react; it seemed surprised to be treated as mere prey. The bellowing of "EAT MY IRON BEAR DICK!!" was an unfamiliar sound to it, as well. Then the massive, sinewy right fist came in swinging and...


"Ah, horseshit-"

Cheney swung in with a not inconsiderable left hook, staggering the beast and allowing him to clobber the thing senseless with his right. One would think, anyway... but it was back up with seemingly impossible speed, and at his throat, seeming just to bounce off the wall. The ghoul took hold of Cheney and simply bodily threw him down the stairs. The criminal was left lying on the ground, twitching and groaning as power and adrenaline coursed through him, and the ghoul seemed to cackle at him as he lay on the cold, cold floor. Cheney spat out a tooth and yelled "Stop... fuckin'... laughin' at me and FIGHT me, you GUNSEL SLUT!"

The ghoul obliged.

Cheney grabbed its head in his massive fist and started to crush it, cackling madly all the while.


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Cyrus wasn't able to get another shot off at the creatures after his first one, they were moving way to fast for him to get a solid target. Thankfully though the others managed to deal with the threats in a rather effective manner, aside from Selena. 'Christ she really is out of her mind, I know she just lost her arm and all but good lord!'

Sadly, Kayla was taking it rather badly. Dropping to his knees in front of her Cyrus enveloped her in yet another hug, trying his best to comfort her. "It's all right Kayla, it's over and done with. You did good."

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Cheney grumbled as he ascended the stairs. He hadn't smoked for twenty-seven years to deal with this shit...

Oh, yeah. The cigar.

He stared at it for a couple of seconds, wiped the ghoul brains on his pants from it, relit it and wedged it back in his mouth. Gotta conserve that shit.

When he came to the top story, there was no room left for subtlety. He ripped it off its hinges and held it like a club. Could never be too cautious... he began creeping through the school, looking for trouble.

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"It's all right Kayla, it's over and done with. You did good."

The girl didn't have the energy to push Cyrus away. She merely stared out into space, hiccuping and sniffling every once in a while. "I... I killed someone. I'm... I'm a murderer, aren't I? Shouldn't I be... saving people instead? Shouldn't I be trying to rehabilitate them? What... What... just what am I doing? These were... beings that could think for themselves. They feel just like we do. Aren't they just... trying to survive? Who are we to end their lives like that? Do we have a right to discriminate just because they don't look human? Who are the real monsters in this scenario?"

Kayla leaned against the old man weakly. She was tired. Tired of crying, tired of fighting, tired of seeing people get hurt, tired of seeing death everywhere she went, tired of surprises.

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Amera wasn't having any of this.

"Don't even try to give me that, Kayla," she blurted out. "What were we supposed to do, sit here and let them kill us? Eat us? They didn't care if we were alive! They didn't care if we were trying to survive! Why should we care about them?!" She started sniffling, forcing herself not to cry, "they weren't going to try and help us, and I certainly wasn't going to let them help themselves TO us. Would you really rather have died? Your brother and your grandfather are still alive. I don't think you'd want to leave them. So don't give me that crap..." She wiped away new tears, "and don't think I was anymore comfortable with killing them than you are. It's tough on all of us..." Finally getting a feeling back in her legs that wasn't pain, she struggled to get herself standing, bracing herself on the desk. The painkillers must be working... "Now if you don't mind... I just want to get back to camp. I'm tired of all this as well..."

Edited by seph1212
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The ghoul impaled its mouth on the spike, screeching in pain as it lay on the floor. Kaden quickly pushed it away before scrambling towards the small blue dome, where his sister was.

He smashed his hands on the dome respectively, pleading,"Charlotte, it's me! Whatever you're doing with this... shield, stop



The banging had gone away for a while now, but not here was someone... or something, making that dull sound once again. She couldn't hear anything aside from the leaves under her feet rustling as she moaned, "Go away... S-Stop..."

From the outside, Kaden could not hear her either.

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With all the hassle that had just passed, Janson felt calmer, stumbling for a second as his adrenaline wore off. Looking about, Selena seemed to be up now, though looking a bit... bloody. "Selena... Are you ok now? Think you can walk back to camp with us? And if you don't mind could you help carry stuff?" It only just dawned on him that there was a hole in his mouth, poking his tongue through it with some mild discomfort. He sighed as he picked up his things, lugging them over his shoulder. "Is everyone else okay? Kayla? Cyrus? Amera? You ok kid?"

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Alan and Caliban's maneuvere had given Kaden his chance to strike, the creature lay on the grounding, breathing its final breaths. However, Kaden had taken its place assaulting the dome. It made sense he wanted to get in, but it would only scare anyone inside.

"Charlotte, it's me! Whatever you're doing with this... shield, stop it!"

Caliban grabbed Kaden, and did his best to pull him away from the dome. Alan went in front of him, blocking his way. He'd have to reason with him, but would he listen? The old man had some words for the boy.

"Kid, calm down! She's just been attacked by a monster, the last thing she wants is someone banging on it again. I'm sure she'll let it down once she realises we won't hurt her."


Richard didn't understand it at all. Why were there monsters? Why were they trying to kill them? Were they killing actual people... it didn't make sense. It was like some creepy videogame except real and with no extra lives. Was the world going to be like this from now on? The others were hurt, especially the strange metal lady. People were crying... it was a lot for a young boy to take in.

"You ok kid?"

One of the men had asked spoken to him. He had no idea who he was, and he looked a little weird but Richard figured he was better than the monster men.

"I'm fine, mister." Richard answered. "It's not very safe here, shouldn't we try and get out before more of them find us?"

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