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Impact: Chapter 1


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Seeing that Janson was busy schmoozing away with his harem, Kayla decided to check up on anyone else who seemed to be injured. Dustin made a full recovery, Janson would recover with tender love and care from Amera since that's obviously how things work, Cyrus was being a tired old man and Kayla would deal with him later, that Firmia girl seemed like she was okay, Selena was... Selena and missing, Richie and Grandpa seemed fine, and then there was a couple(?) passed out on the ground.

"Char-Aaaah! Sis... H-Help..."

Okay, so they weren't a couple. Kayla shuffled over to Kaden and crouched down next to him. "Hey Kaden, are you okay? What's wrong? Talk to me, buddy."

Edited by Huang Yueying
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Oh for the love of... He was about to protest but he simply gave up, deeming it an un-winnable battle as things stood, not to mention he didn't want to spoil her mood. What if that's still the wrong thing to do?I shouldn't be leading her on like this, it isn't fair to her or me or anyone really... But what's the harm in letting her at least think it's ok? Or maybe I really should try and give this a go. I mean, the world did end, I may never get another chance, and yet... Clearly this was a difficult dilemma for him, hardly hiding his dismay despite following after Amera. "Yeah, there's a stream er... that way." He pointed towards the north, sure of where it was now that he thought about it. "And truth be told I'd like a bath as well. Thing is, I'm gonna suggest you don't go alone, so take Kayla or Wyuna with you if you're gonna go. Or whoever you trust, really... I ain't your chaperone, I'm just giving advice."

Wyuna made her way towards the pileup of goods, a smile on her face as she sorted through everything, trying to make neat as possible piles. "You guys did good, this oughtta last us a decent amount of time, and with all the non-perishables, we can take our time and ration it all out easily. And look at all these clothes!" She was impressed, not even paying attention to her own voice anymore as it seemed to shift to various people who were speaking as she went on.

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"Hey Kaden, are you okay? What's wrong? Talk to me, buddy."

He flinched, only able to turn his head in the rough direction of Kayla's voice. "That g-girl... with the scratches... She's my sister. S-Something... happened to her... I-Is she a-alright?"

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The moment between a grandfather and his grandson was interrupted. The moans of Kaden caught Alan's ear.

"Sis... H-Help..."

His gaze shifted to his sister. For some bizzare reason, she was bleeding... he was sure they checked her over when they had got back to base. Cyrus had spent himself on Dustin, he'd have to see what he could do. Releasing Richard, he hurried over.

"Kayla, what's happening? Those wounds don't look good... do we have any supplies left?"


Richard watched his grandpa hurry off, probably to take care of the injured. Caliban knelt down next to the boy.

"Hah, your folks are pretty busy people. Your grandpa's a good man."

Richard wasn't sure what to make of this big stranger. He seemed nice enough, but he was pretty scary looking... he did know his grandpa though... he was a strange man.

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"That g-girl... with the scratches... She's my sister. S-Something... happened to her... I-Is she a-alright?"

"She's just passed out right now. She seems to be sleeping soundly," Kayla replied and reached over for the medkit.

"Kayla, what's happening? Those wounds don't look good... do we have any supplies left?"

The girl looked over at her grandfather in surprise. "Oh! Hi, Grandpa. The girl's just bleeding, but Kaden doesn't seem to be in good shape. I found another medkit when we went scavenging," she smiled and lifted the container to show Alan. "Hey buddy, can you move at all? How're you feeling? Don't worry we can take care of your sister's wound, no sweat."

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"Yeah, there's a stream er... that way. And truth be told I'd like a bath as well. Thing is, I'm gonna suggest you don't go alone, so take Kayla or Wyuna with you if you're gonna go. Or whoever you trust, really... I ain't your chaperone, I'm just giving advice."

"Then be my chaperone, geez." She stuck her tongue out again, having way too much doing that, but Janson did seem a bit bothered by what she was saying. "Janson, I said I'd take this slow, and I will. I was just joking. Don't fret it too much. But seriously if you want to come along, you can. I'll just find some part of the stream that you can't see me from. But if you'd rather noooooooot~" she walked over to the clothes pile that Wyuna had started sorting, "Wyuna, there's a steam over that way, right? Janson told me about it, can you come with me? I'd really like to get a bath in and I don't think it'd be a good idea to ask the boys to stand watch." She giggled, waving Firmia over as well, with a smile. "Just grab this, this, that... that's a bit risque but no one's gonna see it, and that..." Dunno how well that'll fit... she grabbed enough clothes to get dressed after; a simple T-shirt, jeans, and the delicates.

"Oh, right, Kayla!" She called over to the girl before noticing that she seemed a bit busy. "Oh, I guess she can go later. Seems she's got a patient with her grandpa. Anyway, Wyuna, you coming?" She was all too eager to get moving. "Firmia, you too! Girls first, and all that!" This'll be fun. I think.

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"Oh! Hi, Grandpa. The girl's just bleeding, but Kaden doesn't seem to be in good shape. I found another medkit when we went scavenging... Hey buddy, can you move at all? How're you feeling? Don't worry we can take care of your sister's wound, no sweat."

"Legs and head feel numb, everything else seems fine, though." He tried pressing his hand on the floor again, before immediately drawing back. "Wouldn't mind help turning over so I'm face-up, though."

As long as she's fine...

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Narrowing his eyes like he'd just spotted a long lost arch rival, Janson kept his mouth shut when Amera decided to imply that he should go watch her bathe. And then he scoffed at her mention of still taking it slow despite jumping right into the exact same routine. "Friggin autopilot..." He mumbled to himself as he sifted through clothing to try and keep himself busy.

"Hm?" Wyuna looked up at Amera, puzzled for a moment before nodding her head. "Oh yeah, sure. Lemme grab something too." Grabbing some CLOTHES, Wyuna prepped herself for the trip, deciding to pack a loaded pistol just in case. "Yeah there's a stream not too far from here, maybe a fifteen minute walk one way." Matching the cheeriness of Amera with her voice, Wyuna decided to wait before heading. "Anyone else coming? We're all... okay most of us are adults here, it's gonna be better to have as many people do this at once than to spread it out over the course of the night."

"I guess I'll go too then..." Janson replied absentmindedly, picking up some CLOTHES as well and heading off by himself, not even paying attention to the branches at face level brushing up against him.

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"Oh, right, Kayla!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, Amera?" Kayla whined. "I'm busy, silly kitty! Did you need something? The painkillers are in the backpack if your leg's acting up again."

"Legs and head feel numb, everything else seems fine, though. Wouldn't mind help turning over so I'm face-up, though."

She helped the guy lie down on his back and opened the medkit. "Did you hit your head or something? Fall over? What happened?"

"Anyone else coming? We're all... okay most of us are adults here, it's gonna be better to have as many people do this at once than to spread it out over the course of the night."

Not really paying attention to what they were doing, Kayla was just focused on helping Kaden get back on his feet. "Oh my gosh they're not doing that, are they? There's a time and place for everything, but seriously, that's just inappropriate. Aren't they also bringing a kid? That's just gross! And a crime. Well, was a crime, but it should really still be a crime!"

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"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, Amera? I'm busy, silly kitty! Did you need something? The painkillers are in the backpack if your leg's acting up again."

Kitty? What the hell? "It's not that, we're just gonna go take a bath, so, you should come along... she's not listening is she?" Amera sighed. Oh well, she can stink it up with her boy toy. She turned her attention back to Wyuna, "a fifteen minute walk, you said? Well, we should get going then! I hope it's not too cold. Can't stand cold water." Might have to jump in with my clothes on, wait! A thought occurred. "Did we find any towels in that mess of buildings? If we did, someone should grab them." Unable to contain herself, she trailed on after Janson. "Hey, watch your head! You're gonna walk into the branches!" She laughed a little, ducking one and walking after him. I hope he'll be alright.

Edited by seph1212
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"Did you hit your head or something? Fall over? What happened?"

"Don't know... I felt like I was being... compressed? It's complicated, I'll explain later." He reached an arm out towards his sister, careful not to touch her. "Think my nerves got screwed or something... Take care of her first, alright? I'll be fine."

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"Don't know... I felt like I was being... compressed? It's complicated, I'll explain later... think my nerves got screwed or something... Take care of her first, alright? I'll be fine."

Kaden had probably received some sort of crushing injury, there wasn't much they could do other than keep him still. It was a common enough case... just with an unusual story. Hopefully it wasn't neurological, that could cause problems later.

"OK, champ, You just hold on there, try not to move anything. We'll see what we can do about your sister."

He turned to the girl, who was presumably called Charlotte - Kaden shouting her name constantly made it easy to work out. The girl had some scratches down her face, presumably from one of the monsters.

"Kayla, we'll need to clean her up and see how deep those things are. If they're not too bad we can just cover 'em... if not, I hope we've got the supplies for stitches."


Caliban had gone off to do something, leaving Richard behind. He didn't want to get in the way but there wasn't really much he could do.

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"Yeah yeah, I'll be f-" THWACK! What appeared to be a thorny bush caught him just below the eye, gashing him as he barreled forward. ".... Just great." Feeling the gash wound and noticing it had actually cut much deeper than expected, the man paled for a moment before shrugging and trecking further. "I'll be fine" he decided to say out loud to quell any sort of questions coming at him, not that he expected anyone to care anyway. It was a little unnerving to note that if it were an inch higher, his eye would have been taken out easily. It would've grown back anyway... God, listen to me, I don't even care about my well-being anymore! Am I really so far gone?

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"Kayla, we'll need to clean her up and see how deep those things are. If they're not too bad we can just cover 'em... if not, I hope we've got the supplies for stitches."

"Okay, Grandpa! I found a sewing kit during our scavenging adventure, so I think it should be okay. We can just run the needle through fire to sterilize it, right?" Kayla replied and began disinfecting the girl's scratches. She hoped they wouldn't scar; getting scars on a girl's face is always such an unfortunate occurrence. It didn't take long for Kayla to realize that the scratches were much deeper than she initially thought.

"Ummm... Grandpa? These scratches are really deep and the bleeding doesn't wanna stop and I dunno how I'm supposed to do stitches. Should we switch?" She sat up straight and eyed the two siblings with scrutiny. Both of them had visible bruises and scrapes, and Kaden had an unsightly stab wound in his shoulder that definitely needed to be seen to.

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"Okay, Grandpa! I found a sewing kit during our scavenging adventure, so I think it should be okay. We can just run the needle through fire to sterilize it, right?"

Bright as ever, Kayla never failed to make him proud. They'd need doctors when they got things going again, and she'd make a fine addition to their ranks.

"Sounds good. Heat treating's the best we can do. Try and patch up his shoulder, leave the stitching to me. We can only do our best, it'd be shame if it scarred too badly."

He made his way to fire with the thread, it was a good thing they'd got it going... they'd need it for more than warmth.


Richard had got up to wander about, most people were a lot older than him so he wasn't sure who he could talk to. Still no rescue, I think this may be it...

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Clothing and Hygiene

Firmia nervously made her way over to the 'free clothes' as she thought of them. Was there really anything in her size? Furthermore was there anything she could substitute her uniform for? One thing she was worried about regarding her powers, were if they activated while she was wearing something form fitting, her movement would be heavily restricted unless she tore the fabric with force. That was where she realized that her school uniform offered a slight advantage. She wore a loose shirt with short sleeves, ankle high socks, and a long pleated skirt. Even if her powers activated while she was running, there wouldn't be enough material clinging to her legs to stop her in her tracks. And so she went into the pile looking for things similar to what she already had. She found a t-shirt, which was a decent enough substitute for the uniform shirt. The shirt wasn't in her size, though. In fact, very little seemed to be. "Ummm." And now she was aware that she was going to be 'falling behind' Janson and Amera soon.

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Taking a glance up from his writing, he noticed that some people had started leaving, the doctors dealing with Kaden and whoever the girl was. "Wow, I get really absorbed into this stuff, don't I? Alan, Kayla, who's the girl? Are Kaden and her both alright?" He stopped writing for a bit, finding the health of others a bit more important.


Ohhhhh, that sounded like it hurt. Amera cringed, a bit worried about Janson, but as the man started walking about she decided to not pay it any mind. Or at least not too much; if he said he was fine then he was fine, right? Looking behind her, she noticed that Wyuna and Firmia were still at the pile of clothes. "Hey, you two, better get a move on! Just grab whatever you think'll look good on you and come on!" She didn't take the time to think about Firmia's size, simply focused on jumping into what was probably lukewarm water at best. It'll be freezing, won't it? Urgh. Not cool. But a bath is a bath! She turned her attention back to the man in front, "hey, Janson, are you sure you're alright? After that fight and that bush, are you sure you shouldn't just relax for a bit?"

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Amera decided to check up on him, frazzling him. "I'd relax if I felt like it. Ever since that damn crash I've never really felt tired at all, in fact I haven't slept since then either and to be honest I don't think I'm sleeping again tonight." He gingerly rubbed the gash on his eye, noting another torn chunk of skin gone. "Ah shit. This is gonna get really annoying now..." He blinked and to his surprise it was rather painful to do so, moving the flesh around as such." Well great, now I get intermittent spurts of pain." Taking his injured hand up like he was about to smack it against the tree, he hesitated. Mostly due to the thought of the agonizing pain it'd bring, but deep down he knew it was an outstandingly dumb idea. "But it doesn't matter, I'll just get better. No matter what the hell happens to me I'll just jump back...." Leaning against the tree face first for a moment, Janson continued to mumble to himself, eventually pushing away and going towards the stream again, gritting his teethe and talking in angry bursts. "Who needs a learning curve? There's no such thing as a goddamn mistake anymore. I guess I threw out my humanity card along with the crash ruining my fucking life a hundred fold." his tangent tried to touch eveyr subject, never truly satisfied enough to stay on any one topic long enough. He seemed to walk by another person on his way there, sparing just a glance towards the red haired lady before registering it as Selena. "Gonna take a goddamn bath, you're welcome to come along as well, seems we're doing it in bulk anyway." He mentioned rather gruffly and without a single care to how awkward it sounded.

Wyuna rolled her eyes at Amera, laughing silently to herself. Looking back over to Firmia, Wyuna smiled and looked at what she picked out. "That's a little big but it's probably all gonna be a bit big on you, dear. How about you go and take these as well?" Wyuna looked through the pile and picked out some shorts that'd be a bit big but still wearable for the little girl. "And what luck! It seems someone found a belt, so you can keep it on no problems! Whadday say to that, huh?" And then Wyuna got a little closer, making sure to keep her voice down so as not to try and cause embarrassment. "And if it's any bother to you, I can kinda keep you separated from the others if you wanna bathe separately. Your choice. But if you're uncomfortable with anything that happens here with us, just come talk to me or to Alan, that old guy over there OK?"

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Pain, pain, pain. Everlasting, ever continuing pain. It was the trial she chose, the trial she placed upon herself, as the repeated swings of her knife dug into her shifted flesh, again and again. Selena had lost track of time entirely, the only constant was the uniform time in-between spikes of pain, the robotic movement of her arm as it was brought down upon her own body in it's self-imposed malice.

That was when the familiar voice of Janson rang out, stopping her movement as she was to pull the serrated edge out from the wound, her eyes simply catching in place as she looked at him, though his glance towards her was quick, and apparently did not register her actions. His distraction left Selena without any focus to speak of, and as the flesh of her foot and hand reverted to normal, they were ejected from within eachother, leaving only blood trickling from the wound and onto the ground beneath her... Selena still did not even notice her own bleeding until this point, the wetness registering with her, if not calling her attention.

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"Sounds good. Heat treating's the best we can do. Try and patch up his shoulder, leave the stitching to me. We can only do our best, it'd be shame if it scarred too badly."

"Sure thing, Grandpa!" Kayla replied enthusiastically and helped Kaden sit up. "I need to clean and bandage your wound, so you're gonna have to take off your shirt. Do you wanna do it yourself or do you need help? Don't worry, I'm not gonna run around screaming that you're a pervert, so don't be shy!" she giggled. It seems as though her mood always improved when she was helping out, especially alongside her grandfather. The feeling of being needed and being an important part of the group was really what was keeping the girl from breaking down and going crazy.

"Alan, Kayla, who's the girl? Are Kaden and her both alright?"

"How nice of you to join us, I thought you disappeared into your own little world!" she laughed and stuck her tongue out at Dustin. "Her name's Charlotte, apparently she's Kaden's sister. They're both a little scuffed up right now, but it's nothing that Grandpa and I can't handle. Did you wanna watch or something?"

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"I'll... Let me try myself." He gently clenched his fists, getting used to the weird... numb feeling, before slowly pulling his shirt off.

"At least my hands feel a little better... Anyway, about Charl... She'll be fine, won't she?"

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Making the Best of Things

Wyuna certainly had better eyes than she did; she wouldn't have been so picky about what she wore if she had found a belt sooner. Shorts weren't really her thing, but given the situation, and the inclusion of the belt, it would do. She was still secretly hoping that she would just happen upon another school uniform in her size before all was said and done. "Oh, thank you." she said with a nervous smile. People in this post apocalyptic new world sure were nice. And Wyuna proved nicer still by asking her if she wanted to have a more private bath, but Firmia was a little worried about the idea at first. "But what if-" she paused to lower her tone. "What if those monsters come back and I'm too far away from everyone? You'll still be close by ... right ...?"

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"But it doesn't matter, I'll just get better. No matter what the hell happens to me I'll just jump back... Who needs a learning curve? There's no such thing as a goddamn mistake anymore. I guess I threw out my humanity card along with the crash ruining my fucking life a hundred fold."

Amera didn't know what else to do but sigh, staring down at the ground as they went. One moment he's happy about the crash, the next he's miserable. Don't really know what to do with this one. She kept on thinking, as Janson apparently passed Selena, Amera waving at her and giving her a smile through the bush. Maybe I could talk to Selena about it? She's older, maybe she'd know what to do. Can't really just force myself on him, that wouldn't cheer him up. What had first started as a thought had turned into some serious brooding for the girl, hand on her chin as she followed after Janson. What do couples normally do? Was it hold hands? That's not jumping him and it seems pretty tame. Maybe that'd cheer him up? She decided to take his hand in hers and smile at him. "Don't get too down. You're not in this alone."


"How nice of you to join us, I thought you disappeared into your own little world! Her name's Charlotte, apparently she's Kaden's sister. They're both a little scuffed up right now, but it's nothing that Grandpa and I can't handle. Did you wanna watch or something?"

More family, huh? "I was, sorry about that. And Kaden, I told you that you'd find your sister! Have some more faith, man, haha." He was pretty happy that his lie had turned into truth, glad that maybe the guy would stop being so depressing about this whole situation. "And sure, I guess I can watch. I hit a small writer's block, so it's probably better to get my mind off of that. What kind of treatment do they need, doc?" He stuck his tongue back at her before laughing a little, enjoying the small talk.

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If Cheney especially wanted to sum up his feelings in the new camp, it would be... 'self-satisfied'. Already he'd found new clothing vaguely in his size, if only a white singlet, some brown pants and black boots. Someone had made him stop bleeding. And, more importantly, some smokes. He lit one of his new acquisitions and sighed, almost in bliss, leaning back against the wall.


Damn, this was boring. Idly, he wondered where everyone else was, and wandered off to go and find them.

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"Of course I'm not in this alone." he shot back, "You think I don't know that? To me, that's the problem. Things are simple that way." His hand in hers, Janson simply felt confused. "What are you doing...?" Pulling it away, he gave her a confused look. "Amera, look, I'm fine. See? Fine." He waved his hand in front of him, grimacing only slightly before turning and going on his way. "I don't wanna deal with this right now..." he said out loud, more to himself than to Amera. With the stream in view he sighed and started taking his jacket off. This of course was an easy task since it was so torn and ripped. "Well I'm going in, see you in a bit."

"Of course i will. No one is gonna interrupt you, or else they're gonna get hurt, ok?" A quick pat to Firmia's shoulder before she continued in Firmia's voice. "Also, if you're wondering why I sound so... awkward, I don't know either. We all got changed and apparently my voice is... everyone else's, I even copy those things, animals, sounds I hear..." Shrugging, Wyuna still put on a smile. "It just means I'll be a hell of a performance at a party, eh?"

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