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Impact: Chapter 1


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Amera sighed, very audibly. She still didn't know how to get through to him. I should give it a rest for now. Maybe he'll come around on his own? So instead of hound Janson about how rude she thought he was being, she threw her arms up and followed after him, coming upon the stream rather quickly. Finally, water!

"Well I'm going in, see you in a bit."

"No way, me first!"

She dropped her change of clothes and ran in front of him, trying to slow herself down near the edge of the water. She almost tripped in! Watch those legs girl! Safe, she turned and stuck her tongue out at Janson, laughing a little, "Whoa... that was clooooOOOooooOOOOOSE!" Unfortunately, her legs had wobbled a bit after her sprint, causing her to actually fall in. An annoyed looking face popped out from the water a few seconds later, spitting a bit of water out. "Well! I was planning on washing these clothes anyway... might as well do it now!" Propping herself onto her back, she thought it best to float for a bit to calm herself down.

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And so both women sounded suspiciously like Hilary Haag, but to Firmia this was actually interesting. "I think it's a good power." she replied with a smile, not immediately realizing that Wyuna probably had inherited a downside somewhere just like her and everyone else around here. Firmia was about to walk right into it and didn't have a clue. "You can fool a lot of people into thinking you're someone else! That's awesome! Oh, but ... what's your regular voice like?"

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Looking at a wet Amera certainly did some confusing for Janson. Well... I never said I wasn't physically attracted to her. But still, I don't need this right now. Shaking his head and taking it all off (ALL OF IT), he put his old clothes and the spares to the side as he decided to do a short hop in. A bit colder than expected, he let out a light surprised gasp before submerging himself and reveling in the crisp coldness that made him shiver from head to toe. It wasn't the cleanest he'd ever felt, but being able to rub all the blood and sweat made it worthwhile. It also gave himself a chance to get a closer look at himself, feeling fragile just at the mere sight of his lack of definition. Heh... Could be worse, I could be dead I guess? Although I can't say that with any certainty. Oh well, I suppose I could make some conversation, at least try and be human again. "You uh... sure you wanna have your clothes on while you wash? Now you'll have to dry them off or else they'll be unwearable due to being wet and mildewish..."

"My regular voice? Ha! I wish I could show you. But I can only seem to mimic things I'm near, hopefully just for the time being." Sighing and looking about. "Last time I tried I just kind of... mixed all the sounds together to make one weird voice. But uh, my voice? I was deeper than you are, obviously, way more commanding sounding as well. But don't worry, you sound like you could get plenty angry with this voice if you're interested." She threw that in there in the hopes that it'd cheer Firmia up a little bit. "Come on though, if you wanna go we should head out now before it gets darker and colder."

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The water was pretty cold, making her glad she'd tripped in. Her clothes were definitely making things a bit warmer, and that was all she needed. It was fun floating around; she wasn't about to give that up because of some cold water.

"You uh... sure you wanna have your clothes on while you wash? Now you'll have to dry them off or else they'll be unwearable due to being wet and mildewish..."

Oh yeah, Janson's still here. Paying too much attention to the water~ She forced her feet the bottom of the stream, shoes still on. The feeling of shoes in water wasn't that comfortable, but it was better than stepping on some sharp rock. Her eyes then made contact with his naked torso, spotting his clothes on the bank. She blushed a little, but it didn't phase her. "Yeah, clothes are fine. I can get them washed at the same time and then just hang them in a tree to dry overnight, why, did you want me naked, or something? I'm sure you can wait for that, "and that way, no mold, mildew, anything. Seems better than washing them separate, that would just take more time." She forced herself to hold that line in her head, trying her best to take things slowly. Slipping back onto her back, she decided to bring it up. "So... you're naked, huh? Mind if I ask why?"

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It was a let down that Wyuna was outright forced to use other people's voices, but similar to Amera, she didn't seem too miffed about it. She seemed to think it was a temporary thing. Firmia sure hoped that was the case with her own powers, otherwise she might not ever be able to make good use of them. Either way, if Wyuna wasn't going to waste time feeling bad about it, neither would she. "Okay, I'm ready to go get cleaned up, now." she replied with a wide smile.

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Alan return to Kayla and Charlotte. It wouldn't be too hard to fix her up, but he had one major concern. Pain. If the girl woke up and panicked, things would get messy. Something containing Lidocaine or the like would definitely be useful.

"Hey Kayla, do with have anything like Lidocaine in the bag? We'll be lucky if she sits still and lets us do all this... plus, I'd rather not hurt her, she's been through enough pain as it is."

They'd been lucky with supplies so far. It wasn't unusual to have a topical anaesthetic amongst kits but there was always the off-chance that it could be missing... especially in civilian kits.


Richard's wandering had lead him to Selena. The wound on her leg immediately caught his attention. How did she get so badly hurt? Why didn't she go to get help? He approached her nervously... he vaguely recognized her but he wasn't too sure.

"Um... miss, are you alright? That's a nasty cut you're got on your foot. Can you walk? If you can't I'll go get my grandpa, he's good at this kind of stuff."

The lady was a little strange, something seemed off... but he couldn't quite tell.

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"At least my hands feel a little better... Anyway, about Charl... She'll be fine, won't she?"

"Yup! She'll be just fine. She only has those scratches and my grandpa was the fortress' best surgeon, so you can rest easy." Kayla grinned at Kaden, partially because she was confident in her grandfather's skills and the other part because she wanted to reassure him as much as she can.

"And sure, I guess I can watch. I hit a small writer's block, so it's probably better to get my mind off of that. What kind of treatment do they need, doc?"

"Hey, I'm nowhere near close enough to be a doctor, sillyhead!" she chided. "Their wounds are fairly light, so all we need to do is disinfect and wrap them up." She took out another wipe from the kit and began to disinfect the wound, but the grin she had on before quickly disappeared. "Unfortunately, I think both of them need stitches... Kaden's wound is pretty deep."

"Hey Kayla, do with have anything like Lidocaine in the bag? We'll be lucky if she sits still and lets us do all this... plus, I'd rather not hurt her, she's been through enough pain as it is."

The girl quickly scanned through the medkit. Most of them contained the basic disinfecting wipes, bandages, gauze, cotton balls and even a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, but she couldn't find lidocaine in any form at all. "I'm sorry Grandpa... I can't find it at all. It only has the most basic of supplies. Maybe if we go back to the school tomorrow we could try and raid the nurse's office or something."

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"I'm fine..." Selena replied as she stood, her injured foot shaping itself into a metallic state, and when it shifted to it's normal form once again, the bleeding had stopped.

"You're Kayla's brother, aren't you?"

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"I'm naked because I kinda don't like having sweat and grime and blood caked onto me, I dunno about you..." Dunking his head into the water proved to be a fairly dumb move on his part, the water seemingly agitating his fresh wound. Janson merely lifted his head up and endured, gritting his teeth as he continued to soak in the cool water. "Does it bother you? You invited me after all. Don't know why, honestly. Not much of a 'show' since I assume that's what you were going for." A bit bitter, a bit matter-of-fact, Janson still wasn't really trying to start a fight or anything. "You know, while I've still got your attention, I've gotta ask. Why is there so much effort put forth towards me? It's just... mind boggling. Most humans don't like my attitude and I can completely understand that, hell, I couldn't stand me in a room with myself only. And I swear to whatever God is still laughing down at us right now, if you're looking to 'fix' or 'help' me, you can just give up on that endeavor. I'm not going to change for some superficial reasons... Eh, you know, that's not a fair question, and i'm just being arrogant here. Forget I said anything." Taking another dunk, he decided to wash his hair as best he could.

"Good." Wyuna replied as she made her way into the woods yet again. There was a Selena entering camp as she left, though Wyuna had no idea why she was entering and payed it very little attention as she continued leading little Firmia towards the stream. Hearing other voices, those of Amera and Janson, Wyuna decided to veer off with Firmia hopefully following. "Well, this should be fine, right? I can go a little ways away and you can call out when you're done, okay? Just be careful of any sharp objects in the water and you'll be fine~."

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"Hey, I'm nowhere near close enough to be a doctor, sillyhead! Their wounds are fairly light, so all we need to do is disinfect and wrap them up."

"Hah, coulda fooled me. You seem to know all of what you're doing over there! You'd make a fine doctor, no doubt about that." Note to self... nah, just write it down. He wrote down the quick idea for a doctor, even though it was clichéd. Turning his head back to Kayla, her expression had changed.

"Unfortunately, I think both of them need stitches... Kaden's wound is pretty deep."

"We have enough to take care of both of them, right? I could try to search around near camp, maybe see if a med kit fell nearby. It's a stretch but it's better than just sitting here, especially now that my leg's better." He stood and jumped a little in place, enjoying the lack of pain shooting through the limb. "Just feelin' a bit restless. Might even take a walk."


"I'm naked because I kinda don't like having sweat and grime and blood caked onto me, I dunno about you... Does it bother you? You invited me after all. Don't know why, honestly. Not much of a 'show' since I assume that's what you were going for."

She brought herself to her feet again and waded over to him, leaning against the bank, a few feet away. "I didn't invite you for a show, I invited you to get clean. Come on, Janson, I said I'd try to take this slow. You've gotta give me a little credit. Maybe?" I think I'm doing better. Gotta try and lay off the innuendo though. Those don't help. Janson suddenly laid into her with a bunch of serious questions, most of which she wasn't expecting. She still had answers, though. "Well... this is blunt, but... you've never really had a girl like you, have you?" She giggled, not meaning to be as rude as she had sounded there. "I didn't mean to sound rude there, you just don't seem to be handling this very well. I said I was going to try to make this work, and so did you, so I guess that's why there's all this effort. And I'm not trying to force you to change or trying to fix you. That would be silly. But maybe," she turned and waded over to him, "you'll change yourself? Who knows? Heehee~" she pushed off of his chest lightly and drifted back into the stream. "Ahhhhh, this water feels great~! I'll have to remember this stream is here, I could come here every morning!"

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Stitches... I can deal with it, but Charlotte? Maybe it's good that she's unconscious now, but I'm still worried for her...

He sat there, silently brooding as Kayla and Alan tended to him and his sister. She's still wearing those clothes from yesterday morning, and they're horribly torn and dirty - Mine too, really. And food for her, as well as water... Well, there's the stream, I guess.

"Hey," he called to nobody in particular, "You guys have enough food for at least one more person, don't you?"

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"I'm sorry Grandpa... I can't find it at all. It only has the most basic of supplies. Maybe if we go back to the school tomorrow we could try and raid the nurse's office or something."

That was unfortunate, he'd have to go through without it... leaving those wounds open any longer wasn't a good idea. He'd take care of her first, and then move onto her brother.

"Kaden, I'm afraid this might hurt your sister a little, I'm sorry. The rubbing alcohol will stink and the needle's not exactly going to tickle. We're in luck, this thread is silk... I'm gonna have to remove it at some point, but it shouldn't scar that much at all."

He soaked a cotton bud with the alcohol and began dabbing at the wounds. If she could tolerate this, she might stay out for the sutures themselves.


Caliban lay under a tree, wondering what would happen next... (it's all I've got)


"I'm fine... You're Kayla's brother, aren't you?"

Richard nodded, she at least knew who he was. He noticed her foot, it was shiny. It's like she was a robot or something.

"I am, miss. Do you know my sister?"

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"Well, a little. We met not too long after the crash... found you, your Grandfather... hell, I don't know exactly what she has going on with Cyrus, but she found him too..." Selena replied, with a somewhat bitter expression.

"Some people have all the luck, don't they?"

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Pain, Panic and Discovery

Firmia stuck to Wyuna like glue(not literally) as they made their way toward the stream. Once they were close enough for Firmia to go the rest of the way herself, Wyuna gave some very timely and sound advice and told her to call for her when she was done. With an attentive nod in front of it, Firmia replied. "Okay."

Now the reason the advice was timely was because there were a few sharp rocks around, and Firmia was destined to encounter one during the course of this bathing scene. It didn't start off bad, however, as she approached the stream with her shoes still on. After she took all of her clothes off was when the problems started. She watched where she was walking as she made her way to the water, but stopped just shy of the stream's edge to make sure no one else was in plain view. ... nothing. She took one more step without looking and the sharp rock got her. "Ow!"

She hopped back away from it only to find that her feet had both secured themselves to the other flatter rocks. She inadvertently donned a new set of shoes as she began stumbling all over the place and flailing about. She just couldn't recover her balance like this. "W-whauahgaaaaaah!" And into the stream she went after finally losing her footing and falling like a tower. "Blooooooorgh-" Hundreds of little bubbles escaped her lips as she moaned in the water. She quickly noticed that while her feet were still a little sore, the rocks weren't stuck to them anymore and quickly stood up. With just her head and shoulders on the surface, she looked down at her feet and moved her toes around. "Wait a minute ..." Cupping some of the water and taking a closer look at it, she began trying to figure out what had just happened. "It never stops until I calm down. Is it some kind of anti ... power ... water ...?"

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"I'm not a medical expert, but... since she's unconscious, she wouldn't feel that much, would she? Unless it hurts so badly that she wakes up, I don't know."

He slowly tried to move himself over towards his sister, dragging/sliding his limbs across the floor. It was still hard for him to believe that both him and Charlotte had survived the fall, but the main thing he felt was pain - The pain in his shoulder, and more importantly, the pain of seeing his sister wounded so badly.

Again, it's my fault... Don't worry, Charl. You'll be fine.

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"I'm not a medical expert, but... since she's unconscious, she wouldn't feel that much, would she? Unless it hurts so badly that she wakes up, I don't know."

"I hoping she stays asleep. The human brain's a funny thing, sometimes taking in sound or touch even when unconscious. But, it's better that we get this over and done with. I'm gonna start now, I'll understand if you wanna look the other way. Just take it easy.

Alan began the suturing. It had been a good number of years since he'd last done one, but it was still fresh in his mind. Retirement could wait a few years, there was work to be done.

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Unmoved by her explanations and her teasing, Janson rolled his eyes. "You're assuming we're staying in one spot for the rest of eternity or something. Do you see some plentiful food source I'm missing? Because really, I think we can sit out here for maybe a few days, tops, and that's hoping to God those weird ass humanoids don't come and find us." You people don't seem to understand how fucking desperate the situation really is. Jesus Christ... "Anyway, I'm done, see you later I guess." Pulling himself out of the stream, captain naked put his CLOTHES on and, oh fine I'll give a brief description. It seems like he has on... a pair of red shorts, his old shoes, a black long-sleeve shirt and his old destroyed jacket. Tossing his old clothes as far into the woods as he could, Janson spat. "So, I'll wait on you it seems. Unfortunately I didn't really bring a weapon with me but if anything decides to sneak up, don't worry." Sure of himself, he slumped down by a tree, facing away from Amera.

A small ways away, Wyuna decided to go check up on Firmia, though when she assumed there was no immediate danger upon slightly closer inspection she merely called out. "Hey! You alright Firmia?"

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Was she alright? She thought so, but what had just happened was quite unusual. The water was going to remain suspect until she got a second opinion. "Umm ... is this water safe to bathe in?" Fortunately for Wyuna, Firmia didn't end with an incredibly vague question like that. "I got a bunch of rocks stuck to my feet, but when I fell into the water, they came right off."

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"Hah, coulda fooled me. You seem to know all of what you're doing over there! You'd make a fine doctor, no doubt about that."

"H-Hey!" Kayla complained, blushing a bit. "I just know how to take care of people is all. I mean, if you asked me about, like, heart bypass surgery, I wouldn't even know the first thing there is to do it. Luckily the wounds you've all been getting are relatively easy to treat, since they're all external ones. Once we start getting into diseases and organ or tissue failure... well I wouldn't be able to help with that."

"We have enough to take care of both of them, right? I could try to search around near camp, maybe see if a med kit fell nearby. It's a stretch but it's better than just sitting here, especially now that my leg's better. Just feelin' a bit restless. Might even take a walk."

"Yeah, of course. You shouldn't bother, though. Most med kits don't have topical or syringe anesthetics, because people assume you'd be able to get basic first aid before getting shipped off to a hospital that has them. Why don't you go take a bath or something? Everyone else is at the stream. Just remember to bring a change of clothes."

"Hey, you guys have enough food for at least one more person, don't you?"

"Yup! We have plenty to go around, though we should be frugal with how much we're eating." She watched her grandfather as he began stitching the wound closed. One day she would have to learn how to do it, but for now observing was good enough.

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"I'm just trying to have fun, gosh. Look at the bright side of things! We've got a nice group of people, a place to relax for a bit, we're not dead. Even if we can't stay here long, it's nice that this stream is here for us all to relax in. Iiiiii think it's nice." She heard Janson getting out, giving him his privacy as he changed by not looking. She sort of wanted to, but that could wait. I almost don't want to get out, this water is so relaxing...

"So, I'll wait on you it seems. Unfortunately I didn't really bring a weapon with me but if anything decides to sneak up, don't worry."

But I can't relax for too long, it seems! She sighed a little, swimming around just a bit before dragging her soaked body out of the stream. "We didn't bring any towels, did we? Geez... guess the clothes will dry out eventually. Don't look!" I doubt he will, but still... She forced the wet clothes off of her, after a bit of a struggle, and hopped into the ones she'd picked out. "These shorts are kinda long... but at least the shirt fits! Oh, I forgot socks..." she'd also jumped in with her shoes on, so that meant walking back uncomfortably, "hope there are some at the pile. And some new shoes, yeesh. But I guess that's my bad for leaving them on! Ready to go then? Oh! And you didn't look, right?" She gave him a tiny glare, but over laced it with a smile.


"You've got Alan, here, if heart bypass surgery comes into play, just take the compliment, haha," he laughed as he leaned on the tree. If he wasn't going anywhere, he didn't want to sit back down. "Nah, I'll be alright. I'd just come out of the shower when the fortress came down, so I should be alright for now. I probably don't smell amazing, but I won't stink up the place." He gave himself a sniff, not grossed out by the result. Perhaps being outside was airing him out better than he thought.

"Hey, you guys have enough food for at least one more person, don't you?"

Kaden seemed worried about the food, but Kayla addressed that quickly. "Yeah, and besides, we can probably just start hunting or-- Oh, shoot! I forgot about that monster!" He shot up from the tree, looking around camp. "There's no way I can carry that entire thing, but do we have a knife or something? I could probably go get a bit of it and carry some back, geez how did I forget about it?" He leaned himself back against the tree, wondering if it would still be good to eat at this point. "I don't even know if it'd be good to eat in the first place."

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"Feh... I warned you, although admittedly too late." He smirked as his gaze wandered over the surrounding area. He couldn't find anything of note, though his curiosity was piqued when he thought of where the stream might lead. "Most animals hang around water, right? Maybe... we should just move along this stream, never really staying in one place. I think movement will be key in the coming days..." Janson rambled, not really sure of what he was saying until he said it. Where do I even fit in here? "So... how big is this place? Do we even know where we are at all? Did anyone get a look of where we landed... I suppose we were too busy witnessing hell raging all around us... nevermind." Deciding that sitting down wasn't doing much good, Janson wanted to go scout out the place a little more, maybe find higher ground to figure out a potential path for the group. "I'm heading... that way. East I think." He pointed as he started walking off. "I'll just be a little while, unless you wanted to join me, in which case, you'd better be quick about it."

"... Huh?" Wyuna had to come investigate this new turn of events, going over to the stream herself and cupping the water, tasting it again. "Uh... Yeah, it seems fine except for the typical aftertaste in it. I dunno what to tell you, dear. Except... maybe there's some undetectable by taste and feel chemical in there that's messing with you?" Wyuna wasn't quite sure what Firmia was going on about, though she wasn't about to start calling the girl crazy. Yet, anyway.

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Having largely failed to find his new companions, who seemed fairly entertaining, Cheney wandered off to try and find something vaguely productive... bounties and the like. If they were going to be stuck here, they may as well make a profit, and besides, surely SOMEONE had to want a willing explorer.

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She took the time to stretch while Janson talked, easing her feet into the feeling of wet sneakers. It wasn't that pleasant, but it was better than barefoot. Especially if they were going to be walking, which Janson seemed to want to do. "Yeah, sorry about that. I wish I'd taken the time to look while I was up on the fortress. Maybe I could've spotted a landmark, maybe something they taught us in history class that I could recognize, but..." she sighed, "I thought it was a dream. How could I have been so stupid? ... I guess it's not important, at this point." She looked up at the sky, wondering why no planes had flown by, no shuttles, no anything. Surely the other fortresses should've found out about this by now...?

"I'll just be a little while, unless you wanted to join me, in which case, you'd better be quick about it."

Reality knocking, she jolted after him, catching up to his pace. "Hey, Janson, why hasn't anyone come to try and help us out? You don't think this crash is worldwide, do you?" It was bothering her a lot, thinking about it. We're really in trouble if it is...

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Well, if there was something horribly wrong with the water, she was probably too long wading to avoid some of the effects, now. Especially since whatever it did to her seemed pretty instantaneous. She figured it might just be best to finish bathing quickly, get into the 'pile clothes', and then cross her fingers for the next few days. That was her first thought, but then she began to wonder if this was a universal thing or just an isolated incident. "Maybe I should try this with some other water ... the drinking water maybe? It's clean, righ-err ..." It sounded a little inconsiderate as soon as she said it; here any water they come across could very well be contaminated, and she was going to douse herself in anything they found that was clean just to test a theory? "N-never mind, never mind, m-my powers probably just don't work in water or something!" she nervously and ironically followed up with.

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"I hoping she stays asleep. The human brain's a funny thing, sometimes taking in sound or touch even when unconscious. But, it's better that we get this over and done with. I'm gonna start now, I'll understand if you wanna look the other way. Just take it easy.

He gently held his sister's hand, muttering, "I... won't need to, it's alright." His sister's hand felt unusually cold, but at least she seemed as though she'd be fine... He could only hope.

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