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[FE7] Support Draft the Third


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Wow, ur lyn was the opposite of mine. And dat rath. Good job boron.

Thanks, PKL. :P Your Lyn looks pretty awesome, although ... I wish you luck with your Erk. Unless he decides to get a lot of magic, he's going to cost you some turns with his horrible Warping. (Unless Priscilla catches up before then.)

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Well, at least I have Pent to replace him. I think I might bench Erk when i get Pent haha. Wow, I ve never benched a unit before in a draft...but dorcas and erk are begging for it.

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Well, at least I have Pent to replace him. I think I might bench Erk when i get Pent haha. Wow, I ve never benched a unit before in a draft...but dorcas and erk are begging for it.

I think I've benched units in drafts if I didn't need them. I usually do not take Matthew to endgame even if I have the space for him. I would've benched Lyn as well, but I was determined to do Lyn/Rath so I dragged her along. But anyway, at least you have Pent!

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Chapter 19 - 7 turns (66)

Gave Florina speedwings.



Chapter 19x - 7 turns (73)


Chapter 20 - 6 turns (79)

Promoted Kent at level 15 and watched him axe Darin to death. Legault get.

Chapter 21 - 3 turns (82)


Chapter 22 - 5 turns (87)

Heath get. Kent murders Eubans with a javelin to save time.

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Chapter 23 - 4 turns (91)

Heath got secret book for no reason. Pent helps clear the map. Hawkeye get.

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (93)

Florina gets the angelic robe and promotes. Heath buys some weapons, and Kent and Florina beat Lloyd.

Chapter 25 - 6 turns (99)

Thanks for wasting my time, Farina.

Chapter 26 - 11 turns forced (110)

Standard defense. Louise get. Florina buys killer weapons, javelins, and hand axes.

Chapter 27 - 9 turns (119)

Promoted Heath and Eliwood. Went to Jerme's map for some reason. Not complaining, though, since I got good time. Kent, Florina, and Heath rushed to open the doors with enemies as fast as they could. Louise sniped the knights in the bottom.

Chapter 28 - 15 turns forced (134)

Nino get. A staves on her? Not gonna happen. :( THIS CHAPTER WAS SPENT TRAINING NINO.

Chapter 28x - 18 turns (134)

Got Nino to level 13. Promoted Farina. Heath got the speedwings.

BTW, Hector got the boots.

Chapter 29 - 10 turns (144)

Nino promoted at level 15. Heath's level ups in this chapter seriously redeemed him. Hector got promoted at level 16. Oops.

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Chapter 30 - 5 turns (149)

If you don't have warp, the next best thing is Heath and Florina Airlines.

Chapter 31 - 11 turns forced (160)

Hector and Nino TRAIN. All the Ostian knights died. :(

Florina uses the body ring.

Chapter 31x - 5 turns forced (165)

Killer weapons are stocked up and Nino trains in the arena a bit. Hector uses a spare goddess icon and Florina uses the dragonshield.

Chapter 32 - 9 turns (174)

No warp sucks...stupidly learned that Florina couldn't rescue Hector anymore due to the body ring. Oh well.

Chapter 32x - 7 turns (181)

No warp sucks. Heath, Kent, and Florina trucked for Kishuna while Hector gets some last minute EXP. Nino fires some bolting shots at the swordmaster in the room, which actually saved a turn or two.

Final - 8 turns (189)

Athos got some lucky criticals against Lloyd and Linus, saving my ass. He also critkilled the dragon, saving a turn. Woot, draft done. Unit results next post.

Miscounted C19, which actually took 8 turns. My final turncount is 190 turns.

Edited by ZM456
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Unit analysis:


Hector did alright. Was really slow, but picked up when he promoted. Missed a lot, though, which annoyed me to no end. 49 WINS


Promoted Eliwood at level 13 in chapter 27, and even though his stats suck, he helped out a lot in later chapters. 47 WINS


Killed a few things and got to C support with Florina that helped out a few times, but otherwise, Lyn didn't do shit. 9 WINS


Matthew got a lot of STR before midgame, but his usefulness started to dwindle during midgame, as expected. 37 WINS


Marcus, your help during earlygame was appreciated. 49 WINS


This is the worst Florina I've gotten, but she was still amazing. She was still 1RKOing or critkilling most enemies. Third most useful unit. 89 WINS


This guy. THIS GUY. This draft's MVP. Kent was promoted early, but his stats caught up to him quickly. A lot of chapters were finished early because of this badass. I've never had a more awesome Kent before this draft, and this persuaded me to use him more often. 155 WINS


Only notable things Legault accomplished were stealing Linus's iron rune and killing a fighter blocking the throne in chapter 20. Other than that, he only looted. 3 WINS




Heath's DEF is so below average. Aside from that, second most useful unit. Was very helpful during the endgame. 80 WINS


Hawkeye's shining moments were in chapter 26, killing the wyverns from the west, and in CoD, killing the pallies and nomads. All he did, really. 59 WINS


Farina made up for the wait in Crazed Beast, but she really didn't become useful until she promoted in Battle Before Dawn. Still. 42 WINS


Chapter 31 was Louise's shining moment, but all she did really was snipe at the bowmen through the walls. Still helpful. 25 WINS


Nino was amazing...for one chapter. She handled the western half of chapter 32 by herself, which is why she's so highly leveled. She hit D staves right before Athos finished off the dragon, so :awesome:. 47 WINS


Athos killed things with Luna. 7 WINS

All in all, fun draft. Feel like I've improved a lot from my last one, so yeah. Lack of Priscilla hurt, but this was really good. :lol:

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Chapter 25 3/78

Fiora drops Lyn in Turn 1 with Ninian's help. Dorcas and Erk rescue drop her.

Priscilla Oswin Hector Eliwood and Matthew take the northwest. I did a Ninian rescue drop chain after she danced

Fiora (who rescued Erk) so that Oswin could attack a cavalier with Hand Axe, Priscilla rescues him and Ninian could dance Priscilla

so she could seize that fort. The northeast fort was handled by Fiora+Erk. Lyn solo'd the southwest.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		13	41	29	15	11	12	5	13	6	Axe B
Eliwood		14	71	29	11	12	14	16	7	4	Sword A
Lyn		18	68	30	16	20	19	15	7	2	Sword A
Matthew		8	21	24	6	8	15	4	4	1	Sword C
Dorcas		8	12	34	10	9	6	3	3	0	Axe C
Oswin		4	23	39	19	13	10	5	21	7	Lance A Axe C
Erk		1	52	29	10	12	16	7	6	8	Anima B Staff E
Priscilla	7	27	20	7	7	11	10	3	9	Staff A
Fiora		6	82	46	17	24	24	12	10	16	Sword E Lance A
Ninian		2	35	15	1	0	13	10	5	5

Chapter 26 11/89

Trained Pent up north. Fiora trained with enemies near the Hammerine village

and she got the Hammerine too. Eliwood trained in the southeast forts, healed by Priscilla.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		13	84	29	15	11	12	5	13	6	Axe B
Eliwood		18	25	31	13	15	16	19	8	8	Sword A
Lyn		1	00	34	18	22	20	16	11	7	Sword A Bow D
Matthew		8	22	24	6	8	15	4	4	1	Sword C
Dorcas		8	12	34	10	9	6	3	3	0	Axe C
Oswin		4	41	39	19	13	10	5	21	7	Lance A Axe C
Erk		1	81	29	10	12	16	7	6	8	Anima A Staff E
Priscilla	9	12	21	8	9	12	11	3	11	Staff A
Fiora		10	14	50	19	25	26	13	11	20	Sword E Lance S
Ninian		3	46	16	1	0	14	11	5	6
Pent		9	88	35	21	21	17	14	12	17	Anima S Staff A

Chapter 27 5/94

Fiora ferries Hector and ORKOs Kenneth with Silver Lance.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		15	44	31	17	11	13	5	14	7	Axe B
Eliwood		1	00	35	15	15	17	19	9	11	Sword A Lance D
Lyn		19	90	31	16	20	20	16	8	2	Sword A
Matthew		8	22	24	6	8	15	4	4	1	sword C
Dorcas		8	12	34	10	9	6	3	3	0	Axe C
Oswin		5	37	40	20	13	10	5	22	7	Lance A Axe C
Erk		1	88	29	10	12	16	7	6	8	Anima A Staff E
Priscilla	9	48	21	8	9	12	11	3	11	Staff A
Fiora		11	15	50	19	25	26	13	12	21	Sword E Lance S
Ninian		4	04	17	1	0	14	12	5	7
Pent		10	50	36	22	21	17	15	13	17	Anima S Staff A

Chapter 28 15/109

Derp. Trained. Fiora got boss kill.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		17	26	33	17	11	15	5	14	7	Axe A
Eliwood		5	74	38	18	17	20	21	9	12	Sword A Lance C
Lyn		20	--	32	16	20	20	17	8	2	Sword A
Matthew		8	23	24	6	8	15	4	4	1	Sword C
Dorcas		8	12	34	10	9	6	3	3	0	Axe C
Oswin		6	27	41	20	13	10	6	22	7	Lance A Axe C
Erk		1	88	29	10	12	16	7	6	8	Anima A Staff E
Priscilla	11	40	22	8	10	13	13	3	12	Staff A
Fiora		16	74	54	22	25	28	15	12	23	Sword E Lance S
Ninian		5	25	18	2	0	14	12	5	8
Pent		11	96	36	22	21	18	15	13	18	Anima S Staff A

Chapter 28x 20/Free


Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		19	15	35	19	11	15	6	15	8	Axe A
Eliwood		12	73	45	20	21	23	25	10	14	Sword A Lance B
Lyn		3	71	37	19	22	22	18	13	8	Sword A Bow D
Matthew		8	36	24	6	8	15	4	4	1	Sword C
Oswin		6	85	41	20	13	10	6	22	7	Lance A Axe C
Priscilla	13	69	24	8	10	14	14	3	13	Staff A
Fiora		20	--	58	23	25	28	17	14	26	Sword E Lance S
Ninian		7	17	19	2	0	15	14	5	10
Pent		16	89	41	25	22	22	19	16	19	Anima S Staff A

Chapter 29 4/113

Fiora rescue drops Lyn with Ninian's help and cantos towards warp village.

In turn 2, she gets warp and sends it to Convoy. Pent warps Eliwood up through the mountains so

he can take care of the Longbow Nomad. He kills Longbow Nomad in Turn 3. In turn 4, he

javelins everything else there. Fiora Brave Lances boss. Oswin hand axes the Armors near the start.

Vaida is recruited she moves, ninian dances her and she is warped to kill a few leftover enemies.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		1	00	38	19	13	18	6	16	13	Axe A Sword D
Eliwood		17	48	48	23	24	24	27	11	14	Sword A Lance B
Lyn		6	97	38	20	23	22	19	13	9	Sword A Bow D
Matthew		lol
Oswin		7	76	42	21	13	10	7	22	7	Lance A Axe B
Priscilla	13	69	24	8	10	14	14	3	13	Staff A
Fiora		20	--	58	23	25	28	17	14	26	Sword E Lance S
Pent		18	29	42	26	23	22	19	16	19	Anima S Staff A
Ninian		7	57	19	2	0	15	14	5	10
Vaida		9	85	43	20	19	13	11	21	6	Sword A Lance A

Chapter 30 3/116

Rescued Eliwood with Pent. Hector moved towards Eliwood. Eliwood rescued Hector and canto'd

left and move only 6. Turn 2, Pent warps Eliwood. Eliwood drops Hector next to boss and cantos.

Hector Killer Axes Kaim in EP ORKO'ing him. In turn 3, Pent battle a random thief for exp.

Eliwood got a Wolf Beil and Hector arrived.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		2	01	39	20	13	18	7	16	13	Sword D Axe A
Eliwood		17	88	48	23	24	24	27	11	14	Sword A Lance A
Pent		19	19	42	26	23	22	19	16	20	Anima S Staff A

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Chapter 31 11/127

Trained everyone. Focused on Vaida, Lyn and Hector. Body Ring, Dracoshield and White Gem get.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		7	09	44	21	17	21	9	19	15	Sword D Axe A
Eliwood		18	01	49	24	24	24	27	11	14	Sword A Lance A
Lyn		14	20	44	22	29	27	21	16	14	Sword S Bow C
Pent		20	--	42	27	23	22	19	16	21	Anima S Staff A
Matthew		lol
Oswin		9	69	44	21	13	10	7	23	9	Lance A Axe B
Priscilla	13	80	24	8	10	14	14	3	13	Staff A
Fiora		20	--	58	23	25	28	17	14	26	Sword E Lance S
Vaida		15	18	46	22	22	16	13	23	8	Sword A Lance A

Chapter 31x 5/132

More training and a bit of shopping.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		8	92	45	25	18	22	10	19	15	Sword D Axe A
Nils		7	57	19	2	0	15	14	5	10
Eliwood		18	01	49	24	24	24	27	11	14	Sword A Lance A
Lyn		16	88	45	24	29	29	22	16	15	Sword S Bow C
Pent		20	--	42	27	23	22	19	16	21	Anima S Staff A
Matthew 	lol
Oswin		9	69	44	21	13	10	7	23	9	Lance A Axe B
Priscilla	14	02	24	8	11	15	15	4	14	Staff A
Fiora		20	--	58	23	25	28	17	14	26	Sword E Lance S
Vaida		17	42	47	23	22	18	13	24	8	Sword A Lance A

Chapter 32 4/136

Despite the good chances to crit, Fiora didnt get even one crit, but she had a lot of Enemy Phase

+Player Phase to take down Limstella anyway. She just wasted a bunch of Brave Lance. Anyway, I warped

Fiora ahead to kill Limstella. In turn 4, Nils refreshed Hector and Pent warped him after Limstella died.

Vaida got the Sophia village and Lyn went up to train.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		10	28	47	27	19	23	10	20	15	Sword D Axe A
Nils		7	91	19	2	0	15	14	5	10
Eliwood		19	38	50	25	24	24	27	11	15	Sword A Lance A
Lyn		19	95	46	24	29	30	22	17	16	Sword S Bow C
Pent		20	--	42	27	23	22	19	16	21	Anima S Staff A
Matthew		lol
Oswin		lol
Priscilla	1	28	27	10	12	15	15	6	17	Anima E Staff A
Fiora		20	--	58	23	25	28	17	14	26	Sword E Lance S
Vaida		19	31	49	24	23	20	13	24	9	Sword A Lance S

Chapter 32x 1/137

Warp Killing Edge Lyn. Repair Warp. Lyn kills Kishuna.

Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv				Support
Hector		10	39	47	27	19	23	10	20	15	Sword D Axe S
Nils		8	01	20	2	0	15	15	5	11
Eliwood		19	38	50	25	24	24	27	11	15	Sword A Lance A
Lyn		20	--	47	24	29	30	23	17	17	Sword S Bow C
Pent		20	--	42	27	23	22	19	16	21	Anima S Staff A

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Final: Light Part 1 2/139

Lyn is strong enough to survive Linus and Lloyd. Vaida Brave Lances Uhai and gets a crit.

Fiora takes care of the Ursula and Jerme. Pent boltings the siege tome user in Kenneth's room. Athos

kills Kenneth and the druid. Hector takes care of Darin and the generic.

Oswin trades Pent's Bolting for Elfire so he can counter in EP. In turn 2, Eliwood kills the Basilikos

I forgot his name. Lyn finishes off Lloyd. Hector is rescued by Priscilla and he KOs Linus.

Pent boltings Ursula. Fiora finishes off Jerme. Vaida kills the last longbow generic.

Nils dances Pent. Pent warps Athos and Athos lunas nergal.

Final: Light Part 2 1/140

See video. LYN killed DRAGON.

Note: The sain and wil battles are from chapter 16 where they are free.

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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