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Mafia of the Manly Men

Excellen Browning

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LOL, oops. I was just trying to go through all the D1/N1 stuff, and then wanted to post quickly so people would stop bugging me about lurking, and didn't really think about that whole dying thing.

Eclipse looks pretty definitely townish. Iris is still obvtown. Cam is pretty clearly town and should figure out how to act like it. Helios should continue existing now that it is day. At this point my top suspects are Bizz, Paper, and Helios.

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ok. reason for your suspicions?

I actually have reason to suspect you, Kay, but I think Helios is more important to address. And I don't want to get into anything because I'm not looking to die. You want to fight, you'll get a fight.

And Paperblade's been a null read for me since the beginning of the game ): I highly doubt he's mafia, but I'm not very skilled at reading him

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also if anyone wants to know why i think shinori is town i can tell you if you really want i guess.

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On second thought, I might just end up using my last CPS.

So far I have started one with Shinori and Iris started one with me.

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A. why

B. which one do you want to lynch

Well, in your case, from what I have noticed, you are mostly jumping in to comment on easy things and not saying anything important or complicated. Although, normally when you are scum you make more jokes, I guess.

I am always bad at reading Bizz, but most of her posts seemed to be stuff that largely pointed out her supposedly being town. Saying "hey scum don't kill me" doesn't really help much. =/

Well, I would rather lynch you. Helios will probably be forced to start posting more if he is able to, anyway.

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I don't really know where I keep saying "Hey I'm town don't kill me!!" I just don't want to die. It'd be kind of a waste to kill me, anyway.

Also you said you were suspicious of Helios but never specified why, and now you seem to be backpedaling.

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but you said he was one of your top suspicions...

are you just suddenly taking that back

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Because Helios was always way more active in previous games when he was town, IIRC.

He was out for most of D1 supposedly.

also >lynching for inactivity

I bet you would have lynched Aere too

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Currently don't want to touch Helios. Don't want to lynch paper because of a convo I had with him. I'm frankly really suspicious of Eclipse but for now I'm actually going to ##Unvote ##Vote: Kay.

Nightmare didn't really strike me as right but he did vote for rapier early which means I either doubt he's scum, or he didn't expect to happen to happen. SK is highly probable though.

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PSA: I've got two doctor appointments tomorrow and when I come back from them I'll probably still be under sedation, so I'm not sure if I'll be around very much tomorrow, at least not until a lot later.

Okay now that that's out of the way, I'll say some things to (hopefully) ease everyone's minds.

Based off of claims -- assuming people are telling the truth of course -- BBM, Shinori, Psych, and Cam are town as well. Based on my convo with Paper I'm led to believe he's town. I know I'm town, so that leaves 5 other candidates for the scumteam.

Bizz keeps whining pleading not to kill her, and last time she did that she was third party survivor I think. I know she loves the SK role, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's asking not to kill her so she can enjoy it some more.

I honestly don't even remember how Town!Kay plays anymore because I think I've only played with her once I think, but based off meta she seems to be leaning towards scum right now. However, I'm not sure why Nightmare would want to lynch a scumbuddy so early in the game when there wasn't even much pressure on him, so she could also be town or an SK candidate. Gonna wait a little and refrain from judgment for now.

Eclipse has been acting weird, and she completely dodged Psych's question about the somewhat failed hook. She was also talking about how weird her role was or something. She hasn't helped a whole lot with scumhunting so far and was defending Rapier. However, I don't think Eclipse is the type of person to openly buddy someone so hard so early, especially since it wasn't like Rapier was a scum!PR or anything. Gonna wait a little bit on her as well before I get a better idea.

Iris has been around a lot more than I've ever seen her around (yeahhh summer!) but she hasn't really posted much quality and hasn't been all that memorable imo. I don't remember a whole lot of scumhunting really and I remember her trying to give more attention to the inactives. She claims to have some plan though which makes me a bit curious. Leaning scum to me for now, but I'm kinda curious about her plan.

Already said why Straw looks scummy and IMO he looks like the best lynch target atm. Also caught him lurking a few times.

I still have two CPS left, so if anyone has some free ones and would like to ask me anything go ahead.

Also curious about what this part of Scorri's role meant: "However beware, some people are stronger than you, and bad things may happen to you if you target such a person". Does it imply that there's a granny in this game? The rules say that we might not know everything about our roles, so is it possible there's some kind of secret hierarchy or something that says if you kill someone higher up than you you'll die? Just something to think about since it could help us figure things out better.

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Iris and I talked in CPS the other day and I think it was pretty productive.

Bizz has been pretty weird, as has Kay, and I'm willing to believe Bizz might be pulling the don't kill me route as mafia. ##Vote Bizz

I would like Eclipse to at least explain why she's so defensive over my questions. Who's to say the Mafia doesn't have some sort of driver or something and needed to protect eclipse for her role?

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