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NEWS on sony smash brothers (ripoff)

Cammy white

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The game is just a trainwreck so far. It just ignores Sony's interesting properties and when desperate for a female character, they choose Fat Princess over Virginia Maxwell, Jeane d'arc and Ellen (Folklore one, not Heavy Rain) and includes third party multiplats and two versions of the same character over first party characters like Garl Vinland, Wanderer, the giant enemy crab or Dart (even though LotD was pretty bad, Dart does have an interesting moveset).

Punch Time Explosion was a bad game, but at least it had a good variety of Cartoon Network characters past and present.

Edited by deuxhero
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The game is just a trainwreck so far. It just ignores Sony's interesting properties and when desperate for a female character, they choose Fat Princess over Virginia Maxwell, Jeane d'arc and Ellen (Folklore one, not Heavy Rain) and includes third party multiplats and two versions of the same character over first party characters like Garl Vinland, Wanderer, the giant enemy crab or Dart (even though LotD was pretty bad, Dart does have an interesting moveset).

Punch Time Explosion was a bad game, but at least it had a good variety of Cartoon Network characters past and present.

Fat Princess is more successful than Wild Arms, Jeanne d'arc and Folklore overall. Even more than that, she was more successful for the PlayStation itself. Fat Princess' PSN sales were huge, she's the #2 best selling PSN title of all time and she only served to further prove that downloadable titles belong in console gaming. Just because it's a character you don't like or don't think is cool (it'd be hard to argue she's cool!), doesn't mean there isn't something behind her inclusion. Her success for PSN is worth more than any of those characters' contributions to the consoles they were on, considering Sony has only had this generation to introduce their userbase to the PSN, and it was a reluctant adoption.

Now if they added a car from Gran Turismo as a fighter, then you'd have reason to complain. Unless it transformed and doubled as a Transformers rep.

Anyway, super happy to see Dan there! There are so many things they could do with him, and I'd love to see this launch him into a third installment of his own series.

Edited by Tangerine
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Yeah, Fat Princess definitely deserved a spot more than Maxwell, Jeane d'arc, and Ellen. Those were niche titles, even within the Playstation realm.

You can get away with ones that didn't receive a lot of sales like Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, as they were cult hits and generally regarded as the best game you've never heard of even before they came out, but Wild Arms and others like Jeanne d'Arc were rather too unknown to probably be worth more than "trophy" space, a la Brawl.

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After watching some videos of the beta I have to say, its not bad. There are no health bars, only AP bars, which you fill up to unleash super attacks which kill the enemy. There are 3 levels supers. There are only 3 attack buttons. So the basic rundown of this game is: Attack foes to gain AP, use supers to kill enemy. Easy party game right there. I don't see why people call it a Smash clone. It borrows some things but it plays completely different.

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ICO makes a lot of sense to be there. Like Esau said, it's a major cult hit and it's the same company that created Shadow of the Colossus, a game that many people have considered one of the best games to hit the PS2.

I'm not having any problems with the roster to date. The only person really missing is KH2's version of Sora or even Riku. If they managed to add in a character from the KH universe, a lot of haters would probably shut up.

Edited by Life
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We still need Raziel, Spyro and Crash.

Oh god I thought they'd confirmed Crash. I mean personally as a childhood fanboy of the Playstation I think Spyro's a must, and Raziel'd definitely be great, but Crash should be right near the top. It helped make them.

You know, come to think of it, I think that's where I'm coming from with a lot of my (and I'd venture many others' here) earlier recommendations and ideas: You want to have the mainstays that are synonymous with the brand to everyone (Mario, Link). Then you want to have ones that are quite popular, but more for people familiar with the brand name (Fox, Captain Falcon). Finally, and quite importantly, you want to have a bunch of characters popular most with people that are huge fans of the brand but unknown to outsiders to generate a sense of community and conversation ("Who's this Ness guy and why can he shoot fire?" "What's the story with this Mr. Game and Watch?"). I mean I can't really give insight on the Japanese release where this was all originally centered, as I didn't grow up in it. But I can say that in addition to being popular as a result of interesting game mechanics, it also subsisted heavily on word of mouth and discussion of the diverse cast of characters.

I don't think this game will sell at launch. Mostly do to the fact it comes out 2 days AFTER the Wiii U release.

I don't know man. This is the first Nintendo release I think looks real iffy. I guess it's still a long ways off until the release, so I can't accurately judge what's being thrown at me, but I personally feel they're gonna need some work.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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The gamestop preorders for the deluxe Wii U were sold out within a day of their release. I wasn't expecting it either, but it's selling like hotcakes.

Also, if Spyro and Crash aren't in it, they'll have almost completely defeated the point of the game. The Playstation was my first real game system and those two were the main games I played. Course, the other is Parappa (more specifically Um Jammer Lammy but you know) and he alone is what made me interested in the game in the first place.

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The problem with Spyro and Crash is that they're not wholly owned by Sony, and that's why they appeared on other consoles/the original devs haven't developed games for them since the PS1/PS2 gens. If you look at the Naughty Dog website, they acknowledged that Universal kept the rights to Crash and they had to let him go. Although, if Sony's really serious about this, they should go and get the rights from Universal. Capcom walked that entire plank with Marvel to bring us MvC3, so I don't see why Sony can't do otherwise.

As for Rasiel and Tomba, they're third-party characters.

I think that the Wii U doesn't have any bearing on people who won't buy a Wii U. However, I do agree that this might not sell as well as Sony would like it to be.

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The problem with Spyro and Crash is that they're not wholly owned by Sony, and that's why they appeared on other consoles/the original devs haven't developed games for them since the PS1/PS2 gens. If you look at the Naughty Dog website, they acknowledged that Universal kept the rights to Crash and they had to let him go. Although, if Sony's really serious about this, they should go and get the rights from Universal. Capcom walked that entire plank with Marvel to bring us MvC3, so I don't see why Sony can't do otherwise.

As for Rasiel and Tomba, they're third-party characters.

I think that the Wii U doesn't have any bearing on people who won't buy a Wii U. However, I do agree that this might not sell as well as Sony would like it to be.

We've already got third party characters though, like Big Daddy and Raiden. While the game is called "Sony" All Stars, it's pretty much assumed by everyone that it isn't just Sony owned guys.

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Oh, sorry, I think you misread my post. I meant that it might be a little harder to acquires Rasiel or Tomba for the game because they're third party, and not that it's very hard or impossible to do so. I mean, at this point, both Spyro and Crash are third party as well.

I recall Sakurai (creator of SSB) said he would like Capcom characters in SSB (First thing coming to mind would be Street Fighter in SSB). If Sony did get Capcom characters in their games, the SSB fanboys would have a fit.

Dante's already confirmed for PSA. Although he's prolly the only one coming from PSA, unless Tokyo Game Show proves otherwise.

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Dante has (to my knowledge) not been on a game on a Nintendo console, besides its DmC Dante, so I doubt SSB fans care. If it were a veteran from a fighting game (again, Street Fighter), a cult favorite (like Viewtiful Joe) or someone from a game on a Nintendo console (Mega Man comes to mind) then the results would be more balistic.

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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Dante has (to my knowledge) not been on a game on a Nintendo console, besides its DmC Dante, so I doubt SSB fans care. If it were a veteran from a fighting game (again, Street Fighter), a cult favorite (like Viewtiful Joe) or someone from a game on a Nintendo console (Mega Man comes to mind) then the results would be more balistic.

Devil May Cry -is- a huge favorite, keep in mind. But I do understand the rage. Heck, imagine if Solid Snake and Shadow Moses Island were in Brawl...

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I don't think many people cared about Snake being in Brawl. Sony fans got MGS4 exclusively in the same generation, it's kind of hard to beat that if you're an MGS fan, lol. One is absolutely integral to the series proper, the other is an appearance in a party brawler that has no bearing on the series. If Nintendo fans are mad about Dante when he has never even had a game on a Nintendo platform (and the upcoming reboot isn't even on one), they've gone insane and need to take a step away from gaming for a while.

Edited by Tangerine
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People are mad because it is NOT Dante in ASBR, it's Donte, the lame guy from the writers who David Jaffe noted as being unable to tell badassery from being an unlikable "douche" when he had to supervise them.

And Project X Zone is coming next month and WILL have the real Dante on a Nintendo system.

Edited by deuxhero
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The new Dante seems no realistically different from the others, to me. He was always a douche with terrible one-liners, and the dialogue was always practically B-movie quality.

I personally think the majority of the hate for the new DmC seems incredibly overblown.

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News and updates for this games sure have slowed down a lot.

I wonder if this means that all characters revealed from here on out will be unlockable characters. I know there's been conflicting reports on whether or not the roster is fully unlocked at the start. I'm trusting that there will be unlockable characters based on what the strategy guide at Amazon says.

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People are mad because it is NOT Dante in ASBR, it's Donte, the lame guy from the writers who David Jaffe noted as being unable to tell badassery from being an unlikable "douche" when he had to supervise them.

And Project X Zone is coming next month and WILL have the real Dante on a Nintendo system.

..and that's a crossover game. That's still not Dante having a game on a Nintendo system. "The real Dante" is beyond silly as well. There is almost no difference between the new one and the old one outside of looks.

The new Dante seems no realistically different from the others, to me. He was always a douche with terrible one-liners, and the dialogue was always practically B-movie quality.

I personally think the majority of the hate for the new DmC seems incredibly overblown.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't like being the bearer of bad news (and I really hope by some freak chance I'm wrong), but according to Omar, the person directing the game, the 20 characters revealed so far are all we're getting on the disc:

Notable FAQ Quotes About the roster

So this is confirmed to be the final roster on the disc:

Big Daddy

Cole MacGrath

Colonel Radec


Evil Cole MacGrath

Fat Princess

Heihachi Mishima

Jak and Daxter



Nathan Drake



Ratchet and Clank


Sir Daniel Fortesque

Sly Cooper


Sweet Toot

Toro Inoue

Yeah, no Crash or Spyro, which were probably the two most requested characters for this game.

Personally, I'm still wanting to play it, but not nearly as much as before.

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  • 1 month later...

This trailer came out a couple days ago if anyone's interested.

Looks like the main villain of the game is Sony's very first mascot that they abandoned after 1 month of advertisements and never spoke of again. He wants revenge I guess, lol.
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