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Poll: Rate the DLC art! Part 2

1-5 stars  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Elincia

  2. 2. Ephraim

  3. 3. Celice

  4. 4. Eirika

  5. 5. Lyn

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The 2nd set! These are better than most in the first, imo.

Once again, Click on the picture for full body art.











EDIT: Derp, I forgot Cellica... She will be tommorow.

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Elincia: I believe Anouleth explained why is sucked... I'll just avoid this one. 1

Ephraim: So cool... so very cool 5

Celice: Who are you? Why are you so ugly 1

Erika: I like it, haters gonna hate >_> 4

Lyn: She looks kinda flat, not in that way, but literally he artwork feels completely 2D. But ah well. 3

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Elincia- Something about her seems off: 3 Stars

Ephraim- One of the better DLC artworks that they put out: 4 Stars

Celice- Wierd looking and peacock feathers: 2 Stars

Eirika- lol random bride: 3 Stars

Lyn- I actually kinda like this art style: 3 stars

Overall these were meh. Not terrible, though.

Edited by canasniimehugh
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Elincia: I like the look, even if it's a little odd

Ephraim: Sexy

Celice: Whatisthis

Eirika: Unpractical but nice

Lyn: Loyal to the original and nicely captures the spirit

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Let's see,

Elincia- 3 Stars Looks alright, but the way that white thing looks like it is being tucked into her boots looks weird. She also seems to have as much nose as Micky.

Ephraim- 5 Stars Oh yes. Looks freakin' amazing. No more comment.

Celice- 4 Stars Pretty darn good, the feather/tail things coming off his coat/jacket looks cool, but his face looks weird.

Eirika- 3 Stars What did they do to your sword? Pretty meh, but the staff looks cool.

Lyn- 3 Stars Eh, it's alright. I wonder why she has two swords though. Maybe they are the Mani & Sol Kattis.

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Elincia: It's okay. The hat is funny, and doesn't fit her character, but eh. It still looks cool. 3

Ephiram: All can agree this is one of the best DLC here. 4

Celice: cool looking, but still a little awkward.. 3

Eirika: YOU ARE A SWORD USER. Aside from that, kinda wierd.. but cool sorta :P 2

Lyn: Shading is a little odd.. face is kinda creepy too. Although outfit is nice. 3

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Elincia: Um no. *

Ephraim: Kinda cool. One of the better ones. ***

Celice: Why peacock? **

Eirika: One of my favorites. Manages to not mimic the original art but still works well with the character and looks nice. ****

Lyn: Tiny feet, but otherwise pretty solid. ***

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Elincia - I'm not fond of the face, but that's more of my taste for less animu faces. The actual issue comes from her lower half of the body. I don't really know what's going on with her legs and the weird-ass cloth thing on her legs. The top half is alright design-wise. 3.

Ephraim - is very sexy. 5

Celice - wtf Peacock thing okay the art isn't that bad by itself other than babyface, but the design is...really awkward. I'm not fond of it. 3.

Eirika - Disregarding my opinions on the class, the artwork itself deserves some praise. The dress, however ridiculous for battle it is, is quite gorgeous, and I expected nothing less from FE12's artist. I'd probably have preferred to see Eirika with a lance or bow, though instead of the staff, and I feel the eyes could've been a bit higher up on the head. Feels a bit low atm. 4.

Lyn - It's very stylised. I do feel that it portrays Lyn's character well, though, and the outfit is a nice blend of both her original garb and her class outfit (not that Lyn's outfit is hard to turn into the SM outfit but still). The legs are kinda awkardly positioned, but it's nice overall. 4.

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I found Elincia's a little strange at first glance, but after realizing that she's in the typical FE13 Falcoknight attire, it warmed up to me and I think its one of the best.

These five have some of the best artwork, with the only thing I could complain about being Celice's eyes.

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Elincia: It looks weird but alright. 4 because I can see Elincia and it uses her color scheme.

Ephraim: 5, one of my favorite DLC re-designs. Ephraim was really lucky to get the great knight class.

Celice: A 2, it's not horrible, but the eyes, face and emphasis on the peacock-like coat just ruins it.

Eirika: One of my favorite female re-designs. She looks beautiful, but I gave her a 4 because of the oddness.

Lyn: Had to give her a 5 in comparison with the other female DLC. The one most true to the character and with some nice changes. Lyn should thank Sairi.

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Elincia: She actually has a nice falcoknight design that calls back some details from her FE9 and FE10 outfits while fitting her into a new class. Shame she lost swords, but oh well. The art's pretty fun even if it loses some of Elincia's personality along the way.

Ephraim: The best DLC art. He's just... *swoon*

Celice: Weird eyes that stare into your soul, but overall I'm okay with this one. I think it falls on the side of a little below average.

Eirika: Mixed feelings on the bride class itself but I think this was mostly well-done. Eirika isn't the worst choice for the class though I wish they had brought some of her tomboyish aspects into the art.

Lyn: My favourite female DLC art. I respect the tiny feet as an artistic choice. It definitely looks like Lyn through and through while bringing in little details from existing swordmasters.

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Elincia: 3 Stars - Better than Micaiah's but still needs a more noticable nose...

Ephraim: 4 Stars - Probably more deserving of a 5 Star rating but meh... Still, his is pretty cool.

Celice: 5 Stars - I don't know why but I really like his design, it's just so... Awesome.

Eirika: 4 Stars - One of the better female designs, probably more deserving of 5 stars as well but I chose 4 so... yea...

Lyn: 4 Stars - A little different from the Lyn I know but alright, 4 Stars seemed pretty fair here.

Overall a better batch then the first bunch, well, that is, except for Leaf... By far the best out of all. =P

Edited by Kyza
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Elincia: 1. No

Ephraim: 5. It looks great.

Celice: 2. Face just looks awkward and I don't like the coloring style.

Eirika: 4. The art is beautiful, but the concept is still bugging me.

Lyn: 4. I personally don't like the way it's colored, but I like the dynamic-ness or whatever that's called.

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Can't find any faults with Ephraim, Eirika is also rather nice, but the design bothers me slightly--maybe the dress looks a bit too wide in places?

Cellica isn't here yet, but I like that piece as well.

Ike... ouch.

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Elincia-3. Ok. But could have improved her facial design.

Ephraim: 5. It looks great.

Celice: 3. Face just looks awkward and I don't like the coloring style.

Eirika: 5. The art is beautiful.

Lyn: 2. Lyn's anatomy is phail looking like she's 2 dimensional. Facial design is good though.

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Elincia: Boy, it really sucks to be a Tellius character in DLC. It could've been better if it didn't suddenly turn Elincia into a goddamn mecha in disguise as a girl, and she doesn't seem to know what a waist is either. 2/5

Ephraim: It starts out really good - the top half is fantastic and could've been up there as one of the best. Then you get to his legs, which feel way too small and skinny. I'm probably personally exaggerating how tiny his feet are, but it bugs me way too much. 3/5

Serlis: The direction with his outfit is a very jarring shift, but it's pretty well-done for what it is, and at least the Swordmaster thing is somewhat acceptable given Serlis' tutelage under Shanan. His main problem is his godawful face. Micaiah Syndrome strikes again. 3/5

Eirika: Ignoring her stupid choice of class, the artwork itself is absolutely lovely, easily the best of the female DLC characters and up there with the best overall. Then you get to the stupid choice of class. 4/5

Lyn: I'm quite fond of the heavier-lined approach of the piece, even if it does clash with everything else in the game, but there are some pretty annoying issues with it - namely, her awkward head, the posing (though at least she's not Micaiah or Celica) and her amazing shrinking legs. It's a shame, because the same artist posted a few more sketches of their redesign of her, and those were great, better than the end result here. 3/5

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Elincia: That leg makes it bad... and the fact that the pose isn't like her character. 3/5

Ephraim: Freaking badass. 5/5

Celice: Those eyes and that peacock... otherwise okay. 3/5

Eirika: Nice design, but just hate the fact they gave her bride class. 4/5

Lyn: The legs are weird, but otherwise pretty nice. 4/5

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