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Let's Ruin: Fire Emblem 8

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Hi there. I'm currently doing a screenshot playthrough of FE8, being posted on my tumblr.

The idea is to completely tear apart the story and make a mockery out of it where possible. Oh, and sometimes there is actual gameplay. Sometimes.

(Also: Mild language warning. Don't say I didn't warn you.)

And so, because I can (and no one will really care, I bet), I will be linking it here.

Any criticism, etc. is greatly appreciated.

Part 1: That very short initial opening

Part 2: Not-Eirika is stupid

Part 3: More impostors and Frelia is dumb

Part 4: Gilliam fails tactics, and people are still stupid

Part 5: Impostors unite to confuse King Hayden

Part 6: Still more idiocy

hope you enjoy, etc.

I'm just doing this because I can, so ehh

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god this took a bit longer than I expected

Part 7: The impostor reveals her name

also, expect daily updates, and occasionally two updates a day

(I have enough screencaps left to make part 8 whenever I want)

(another benefit to tumblr is there isn't a low image limit (ie; 50 here). I used 51 images in that update.)

Edited by Manix
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Not to be a complete ass or something (although when you hear those words, you expect complete ass, so I'm kind of damning myself already), but I find a lot of these playthroughs kind of uh...miss the point.


(what I imagine people reading this will look like)

I don't mind people ragging on Sacred Stones' plotline for whatever reason, so that's not really my issue. It's just that in an attempt to be humorous, a lot of said complaints come across as well, just pointless bitching. To Exhibit A!


(this calls for a change of plans)

The in-game text is of course, stating the obvious. Complaining about it though doesn't really come off as humorous or witty or genuinely interesting, but rather just a cheap attempt at humour (ha, coming from me this is nearly meaningless, maybe one day I will succeed at actually being funny). There is something to said for being random and spontaneous, but the comedic timing of that has to be pretty well done for it to work, otherwise it just comes off as lame.


(I don't know if I picked this because I thought it was a good example of random humour or just to poke fun at Shin's bad grammar; I'd like to think it's a little of both)

Anyone can just complain about every other blurb of text that pops up. Of course, there's nothing wrong with doing that from time to time. Paperblade's LP does it quite often, and I still enjoy it very much.


( I personally blame the lack of Shakespeare in his childhood)

However, there needs to be something more than that. What makes it interesting to read a satire, parody, witty remarks playthrough (...?) is when it subverts the readers' expectations


(You all know you thought it when you first played the game!)

So I guess what I'm trying to say is...

tl;dr; try harder at making me laugh dammit. /obligatorydoucheremark

Hopefully that criticism was in fact, constructive, and not as mean spirited as it looks to me right now at 3:42AM. If it is, I blame it on lack of sleep, oxygen, dehydration, vitamins, living quarters, etc. I mean, only the first is true, but anything to get me out of taking the blame for a mistake.

PS BTW, I never mentioned that your thing isn't like some travesty or something, just that it could use a lot of work. I liked the imposter bit, for example! I mean, it could have been less shoved in my face, but the basic idea was pretty cool. Man, they should do that for an FE game...

Edited by Refa
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Okay, that's fine! It's a valid criticism, and I will keep it in mind for future updates. Thanks for that!

You shouldn't have to apologize at all for the criticism, it's what makes people improve. And I don't mind criticism like that, as long as it's not inflammatory.

Edited by Manix
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