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hurry pottah & da missin hermione


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[spoiler=CHAPTER 1, PART 2 -- THE SEARCH FOR LOONYLOOPS]hrarah pottrah was walkin tru da halls of Hogwash wen he foundn a dor dat looked v v suspishis

"hmm i wunder if I shuld open dis door" he ponderd wisely "yes I shuld bcuz Loonyloops or Hermane Society culd b in here!!11!"

hairy opend da door but no 1 was in der it was jus Snap and da new stoodent calld lite yogurtmi he was v v mysteerius and deep and had lotz of secretz dat hrarah portor needed to fidn out abowt

hrarah potrot cunfrunted lite greekyogurtmi && grabbd his roeb "i kno u kno were Loonyloops is!!" he yelld but lite yogurtmi usd a spel dat maks u let go so hraylee pottero let go of him "no" lite said in a deep vois "loonyloops brok up wif me && bcame goffik i dun kno were she iz but i wil help u find her i lub her dats y"

lite yogrammy join hairy pewter && bcame his frend dey tocked a lot wile dey surched for loonyloops

in one of da clasrooms dey found sum clooz: der waz a card dat had a jak on it, a peace of toylet paypr wif wite stuf on it, and a chunck of gum undr a desck

"um dese r not clooz harrah dey r jus rndm stuff from a round da skool dey wil get us nowere" sed lite yogurtmi "no" sed horry potrero "des r loonyloops fav tings I kno dis bcuz Hermoines wuz frends wif her b4 loonyloops bcam goffik" harley potsmack pawsed 4 a moment "we need 2 cunsalt a v v speshul person..." harley potsmacker rubed his noze and den wif a v v deturmind fase he heded in2 da deeps part of da Hogwash cassle wif lite

lite den sed "well I hop dat i did not kill him yet b/c i can do dat wif my handi-dandi notbook" haru pottdesu lookd puzzld "wats dat i mean were did u get it frum" he sed "i got it frum a v v speshul man hoo had a bloo doggy dat wuz psykik or sumting dey were liek batman vigilantees && i aks dem if i culd borow it bcuz i wuz goin 2 Hogwash && dey sed ya" xplaned lite "o dats intrstng" sed haylee potrero

den Snap appread and sed "omg u guyz u cant b in here der iz a monstur in her" but dey did not buge "ok fin u seem v v brav i will let u in ok jus dont die or i will b v v mad!!!" sed Snap angirly

dey wen insid da dungun and dey saw da monstur

it was eeting da body of a Hogwash student o no das bad 4 ur helth!!

"WHO R U" sed da monstur "CUM CLOSE && I WILL EET U" she sed

"no u cant eet me im da protagonist" den lite said "wat wats dat" and den hurrura pottsticker sed "i dunno lol"

den lite sed "ya u cant doo dat imma rite ur name in my handi dandi notbook wats ur name"

"um my name is hanna mantana" sed da monstur

"ok hanna u r goign 2 die now ok by by"

"o no!!!" sed da monstur "voddlymurt help me plz!!!" den all of da sudden a man in a blak goffik roeb apperd and sed "goff deaf magick proteckt hanna mantana!" and den hanna didnt die but wuz protecktd from hairys and lites magick attcks

"o no!!!" sed hairy "hoo is dat goffik man iz he loonyloops" den lite sed "no u stoopid das not a gurl das volmdort da goffik king guy we mus stap him b4 he getz away" but sumhow he vanisht in a clowd of blak goffik fog dat wuz red & blak & scary

den hanna monsanto ran up 2 hairy and grabbd his nek wif hur hueg mussles "harley pottrah i wil kill u now bcuz u hurt my famly and my singin cureer 4 ever && i lost my moneyz 2 but dats ok bcuz voddlemturts prmissed 2 giv dem bak if i killd u" den lite said "wat hairy i did not no u did dat" den hairy sed "ok well i am a changd man ok! i did v v bad tings in da pass but das pass so um plz hanna stop u r chokin me!!!"

"no hrarry i m goign 2 kill u!!!!" she yelld & started 2 choke mairy fofftah hardr and hardr


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Esme are you a fan of Naglfar's works? Because that is what I immediately thought of when I attempted to read this and then promptly gave up.

Gamefaqs Naglfar or SF Naglfar? I ask because I'm not very familiar with either, but they aren't the same person, and both are in the " :wub: FE community :wub: "

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Gamefaqs Naglfar or SF Naglfar? I ask because I'm not very familiar with either, but they aren't the same person, and both are in the " :wub: FE community :wub: "

Gamefaqs Naggy, AKA Falgarn the Magnificent on fanfiction.net, who is best known for his eloquent Fire Emblem fanfics and in particular "A Tale of Mystery and Danger."

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[spoiler=CHAPTER 1, PART 3 -- VS. HANNAH MONSANTO]"wa ha ha ha ha" hrannah laffed like a crazi persun wif no candy

"hurrah i can feel ur neck abowt 2 snap!! r u redy to go 2 ur happy place, BRO?" hannurs sed 2 hurrah

hurrah's nek was about 2 snap and he saw everyting he evr did flash b4 his pearl-colord eyez den suddinly Lite Salami decided 2 hlep hurrah by casing a MAGICK. "Abro Kadabro!" sed Lite den out of his figners a swarm of DICKS attackt hannurs hand && she let go of hurrah becuz it hurt rly rly bad u know how dose tings bite omg

"lol how do u liek my MAGICKS I crated it myslef~~~~~~~~" sed Lite sarcastickly "no moar laffing, dough, becuz itz tiem 2 kil u 4 hurtng horrah potty!!" Lite cats da MAGICK agen and da DICK swarm begnan 2 poke hannur it da fase

"u daer mak me hurt, st00pid?! i wil hurt u now" hrannuh ran 2 lite && punchd him in da noez

"oh u st00pid bicth my noez!!!" he sed in pane "i will get u for dat!" but he culdnt bcuz hannurs keppt hitting him agen & agen he ws gettign beat 2 a PULP

"o no..." sed hurrah "I need 2 do soemting or Lite will die..." den suddnly a powurful blast of MAGICK came out of noewere && hit hannurs in da FAEC

"orgurghaaaah" she yelld

"who did dat?!!?!?!?!" sed hurrah den suddenly out of da dark it was SNAP who did it!!!! "snap wot r u doign here?!?!?!"

"i wuz here 2 saev u hurrah becuz u r da chozn 1 && u need 2 find Hormones b4 de end of dayz on dec 21 2012" haurrah did nut udnerstand but he wuz happy dat Snap savd him && Lite

"yes hurruah I am... t-toodles" lite startd 2 blush "ok bcuz if anyting happnd to u den... um nevermind ok" hurrah felt someting but den ignord it 2 go find Loonyloops agen

"hannurs was cray cray bcuz of Vovvurmurt i cant bayleef he wuld do dis 2 some1"

"well u noe wat dey say hurrah"

"wat do dey say"

"I duno"


"can u find any cloos"

"yes look at dis"

"wat is it?"

"its a peace of hair but it iz NOT FRUM HRANNAH"

dun dun dunnnnnnn

"omg we musst take dis 2 da lab && see whoo itz frum!!! cum on lite letz go!"


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[spoiler=CHAPTER 1, PART 4 (FINAL) -- LIGHT YAGAMI'S BIG SECRET]"ok hurry lets go 2 da lab hey snap can u take us dere" sed Lite

"yes I can childrun lets go 2 da lab and findn out hoos hair dis belongz 2"

Hurry, SNAP, && Lite Salami wnet 2 da lab it was dark && v v creepy wif cobbwebs && science junk evrywere but dey qwickly found da hair salon set up by Loonyloops b4 she wuz goffik

"um SNAP dos it still wurk" sed hurry

"of curse it works hrarrah dun b silly" SNAP nabbd da haur frum hurry's hadn and put it in2 da bubbling glass ting but den suddnly Lite broke it furryously

"LITE SLAMMY WOT R U DOIGN??!!!" yelld hurry

"im sorry hurrah and SNAP btu I cant let u do dat bcuz findign out who da heir blongz 2 will destroi Volvomortes glorous PLANZ" Lite sed with his changd voise "also hurry..." he sed deeply

"I am nawt lite saramui I am... LOONYLOOPS ACTUALLY" Lite I mean Loonyloops took hiz faec off xsept it wuz nawt his faec but HER MASK "I am goign 2 kill u && SNAP && plz VOFFYEMORF mwua ha ha!!!" Loonyloops crated a MAGICK dat turnd everyting in2 broccoli v v slowly "my vaggies r goign 2 consoom U!!!" she startd 2 laff hard "HOO HOO HEE HEE HA"

"o no! dis MAGICK is 2 powurful 4 u 2 faec haylee pottrero" sed SNAP "leaf me 2 fite Loonyloops u must escap && surch 4 Hurrmony" but den suddenly da broccoli grew moar && moar and bloked da door

"NO!" yelld SNAP "I gess hurry will haf 2 fite wif me cum on hurry use ur MAGICK"

"yes SNAP!" sed hurrah "ABRO KADABRO" hurry shot a sworm of DICKS at Loonyloops' faec

"oh shit hurry dat hurts! i wont go e z on u anymoar!!! Fiffle-niffle bootysmack!" Loonyloops boobz suddenly balloond && she ran && wacked hurry && SNAP wif dem "ha ha ha! Nutellatwix's FEMINIST MAGICK workz liek a charm!"

"ouch!" sed hurry as he && SNAP hit da broccoli wall "how r we goign 2 defeet Loonyloops?? FEMINIST MAGICK is rly rly stronf && super effective agenst MEN liek us" sed hurry but den SNAP snappd back at him "Hurry I am goign 2 have 2 use my final smoosh"

"no SNAP u wil die if u use it!!"

"but hurry u && I will be killd if I dont! cum o hurry be a bro"

"ok fine but promise me u will be ok, ok?"

"I wont b ok but if dis will help u findd Hormonez den I dun curr"

SNAP stumbld up and den shoutd an incantashin "ROSEANNE I SUMMON THEE TO RID THE WORLD OF THIS FEMINIST WITCH" SNAP fell down 2 da ground bcuz da MAGICK took a lot of enrgy den a v v fat wimmin appeered && body slammd Loonyloops she wuz covered under her ROLLS of blubbah

"no no plz hurry and SNAP make it stawp I v v cant BREAVE && my boobz r goign 2 POP" Loonyloops wuz going 2 be justiced but hurry felt bad but still she wuz evol && wuld kill hurry to pls Voofymoof

"hurry u must escape bcuz da broccoli walls are goign away" sed SNAP

"but SNAP wot is goign 2 happen if her boobz pop"

"hurry dey... dey r goign 2 blow up HOGWASH"


"im sorry hurry I rly rly am but dis is da only way"

dere wuz silence for moment and also a toot but dose jokez r not funny ok

"hurry I wil use dis Warp Staff and && dis chapter with an LTC ok Im sorry but u must escape && fidn Hurrmomoney u r our only hoep hurry" SNAP used da Warp Staff && hurry wuz outsied of Hogwash

he saw Hogwash explode && fall down in frunt of hiz bootyful pearl eyez dat had tearz in dem "o no my home dis is so sad && also SNAP"

"Volvomof I wil justice u 2!!!" yelld hurry "but now where do I go..." as he sed dat he saw a note on da ground && pikked it up it sed:

"Harry Potter,

plz meat me @ da Starbucks in Paplum Poplum we want 2 hlep u

lotz of LUV~*~*~ ;))) -- Lightning"


Edited by Esme
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