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[FE7] Olympic Games


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Refa: Florina, Lucius, Isadora, Dorcas, Serra, Guy, Nino

PKL: Fiora, Lowen, Erk, Rath, Lyn, Rebecca, Jaffar

BBM: Heath, Kent, Canas, Dart, Vaida, Legault, Harken,

ZM: Sain, Priscilla, Farina, Eliwood, Bartre/Karla, Karel, Wil

Callum: Oswin, Pent, Raven, Matthew, Louise, Hawkeye, Renault

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ZM: Sain, Priscilla, Farina, Eliwood, Bartre/Karla, Karel, Wil

Chapter 11 - 6 turns (6)


Chapter 12 - 4 turns (10)

Hector had 9 SPD before the boss arrived. I swear I did not RNG abuse, since I'm using a GBA. But Marcus missed the boss on my first attempt (and also the second and third ones just because) like always, so Hector doesn't have 9 SPD anymore. He has 8 SPD now, but eh...

Chapter 13 - 4 turns (14)

Marcus went south with Hector while Eliwood and Bartre went to the village.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns forced (21)

Marcus got the village while Hector, Eliwood, and Bartre killed things.

Chapter 14 - 5 turns (26)

Probably could've done this in four, but I got some good level ups here. I'm happy, and Prissy joined.

Chapter 15 - 7 turns forced (33)

Trained Priscilla, Eliwood, and Hector. Eliwood is pro.

NAME       LVL      CLASS       HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Hector     10.10    Lord        27  14  7   10  5   12  4   B Axes
Eliwood    7.38     Lord        23  9   10  12  10  6   4   B Swords
Bartre     3.85     Fighter     29  10  5   3   4   4   1   D Axes
Priscilla  3.74     Troubadour  16  6   6   8   7   3   6   C Staves
Marcus     --/4.74  Paladin     33  15  16  11  9   11  10  A Swords A Lances B Axes

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Hmm, ZM, Marcus should be able to get his ass over to the hill and occupy it before Zagan, especially if Eliwood is there to take care of the Archer.

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Chapter 16 - 5 turns (38)

Goodbye Marcus. Hello Sain and Wil.

Chapter 17 - 12 turns (50)

I hate this chapter.

Chapter 17x - 4 turns (54)

Hector rushes. Everyone else gets EXP.

Chapter 18 - 3 turns (57)


Chapter 19 - 7 turns (64)

Sain promotes before killing Uhai.

Wil and Priscilla are doing alright, Hector's SPD blessed, Eliwood's blessed all around, and Bartre is STILL at base SPD.

Chapter 19x - 5 turns (69)

Sain rushes.

EDIT: Originally done in 7 turns, but found a way to finish it in 5.

Chapter 20 - 6 turns (75)

Rush. Got the brave bow for Wil.

Chapter 21 - 2 turns (77)

Sain dropped Hector in Oleg's range turn 1 thanks to Ninian, who then finished him off on turn two. Priscilla then spams torch for a bit, and Wil and Eliwood buy some stuff. Sain gets the Elysian whip.

Chapter 22 - 3 turns (80)

While Sain rushed down to Eubans, I came up with a strategy to get the 10,000 gold. Priscilla dodged a javelin from Heath, who was then recruited and opened the door so Priscilla could get the gold. Rath was recruited, too.

Chapter 23 - 6 turns (86)

Could've been 4 turned if Pent critkilled Jasmine. Oh well.

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (88)

Priscilla spams torch while Sain goes against loLloyd.

Chapter 25 - 6 turns (94)

Oh man, this was hard to figure out. Having an RNG screwed Bartre sucks.

Had to promote Wil, so he could protect Ninian and Priscilla from the pirates and Pegasus knights approaching the middle. Sain and Hector went north, and after Sain seized the first castle, he charged over to the one to the northeast. Hector then had to rush back down to recruit Farina. Eliwood had to handle the bottom one on his own and hit level 20 just in time. Bartre did nothing, and Priscilla hit level 9. Hopefully I'll get her promoted in time for her to do some things in BBD.

Chapter 26 - 11 turns forced (105)

Standard defense. Eliwood promotes and shows off some awesome stats. Priscilla also promotes and gets some combat in, and enough EXP so I don't have to go to Jerme's map. Hammerne staff obtained.

NAME       LVL         CLASS              HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Hector     20          Lord               37  20  14  13  8   14  5   A Axes
Eliwood    20/3.55     Knight Lord        38  20  21  20  19  11  12  A Swords D Lances
Bartre     6           Fighter            32  13  5   4   4   5   4   D Axes
Priscilla  10/2.28     Valkyrie           30  13  12  13  13  6   14  A Staves E Amina
Wil        12/4.06     Sniper             33  13  16  12  13  10  6   B Bows
Sain       13/14       Paladin            41  25  18  23  12  10  6   A Lances C Swords C Axes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 27 - 7 turns (112)

Promoted Farina at level 14 so she could ferry Hector farther. Missed out on Karel, though. Oh well.

Priscilla reaches D Amina.

EDIT: Redid this chapter and got 7 turns. Woohoo.

Chapter 28 - 15 turns forced (127)

Wil died, but it isn't like he excelled in anything. Still, he will be dearly missed. All chests opened thanks to enemy thieves.

Chapter 28x - 16 turns (127)

I'm dumb, since I threw the speedwings away. Oh well, no one really needs them at this point. Training was done for Priscilla, Farina, and Eliwood.

Chapter 29 - 5 turns (132)

Priscilla rescued Sain, who killed Linus by turn 3. Farina got the Warp staff, as well. Vaida recruited.

Chapter 30 - 3 turns (135)

Priscilla will always be my favorite warper. :wub:

Eliwood capped STR, SKILL, and SPD.

Chapter 31 - 11 turns forced (146)


Chapter 31x - 5 turns forced (151)

Bartre's not level 5 promoted, so Karla didn't show. And damn, Farina is SPD screwed. Sure, she promoted at level 14, but come on. She got the body ring.

Chapter 32 - 4 turns (155)

I just realized I forgot to buy door keys. Fuck

Anyway, Rescue broke, warp has one more use, and Sain double crit Limstella with a spear. Eliwood was gonna be backup, but fuck, that was awesome.

Chapter 32x - 1 turn (156)

Priscilla warped Eliwood to Kishuna.

Final - 9 turns (165)

Never forget to buy door keys. EVER.

Priscilla and Athos had fun with bolting. Some lucky critkills happened. Unit analysis in next post.

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NAME       LVL         CLASS              HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Hector     20/8.09     Great Lord         43  25  20  20  10  19  12  A Axes D Swords
Eliwood    20/20       Knight Lord        53  27  26  24  24  18  19  A Swords B Lances
Priscilla  10/20       Valkyrie           38  24  21  19  27  10  21  S Staves B Amina
Sain       13/20       Paladin            46  25  20  24  16  11  6   S Lances C Swords C Axes
Farina     14/20       Falcoknight        44  23  24  23  15  16  18  S Lances E Swords
Bartre     6           Fighter            32  13  5   4   4   5   4   D Axes

Hector performed very well for me, unsurprisingly. He was fairly SPD blessed, so doubling was very useful in later chapters before he promoted. He was pretty beast once he promoted. 91 WINS

Eliwood was phenomenal. He was blessed all around, and turned into a monster once he promoted. He got the boots, which he put to good use. 111 WINS

Bartre didn't do shit. Thanks to him not gaining those crucial SPD procs in earlygame, he sat around doing nothing at the starting point. He helped prevent Vaida's wyverns from appearing in CoD, but that's it, really. 8 WINS

Priscilla was amazing, like always. She promoted before Kenneth's map, and was an excellent warper/rescuer. Thanks to the Afa's drops, she had high stats, even though she promoted at level 10. Made good use of bolting, too. 59 WINS

Sain was obviously the MVP this draft. Glad he got tons of SPD, so he could efficiently low turn a bunch of chapters. 156 WINS

Wil performed well, despite forcibly having to promote in Crazed Beast. Sadly, he died in Battle Before Dawn due to the RNG being a bitch, but it wasn't a TOTAL loss. I still performed quite well without him. It's a shame he didn't live, though. :( 35 WINS

Farina got a bit SPD screwed, but she could still double well. Her stats skyrocketed in Battle Before Dawn and Night of Farewells, which helped since she was crucial for 5 turning Cog of Destiny. Would've rather had Heath or Fiora, but Farina rocks. 63 WINS

Karel and Karla were never recruited.

Athos had 3 WINS, plus killing the dragon.

Marcus was a beast in earlygame. Thanks for the help, buddy! 44 WINS

I feel like I improved a lot. I was gunning for under 175 turns, and I got 165. If only I planned ahead, I could've done better. Still, I'm proud of this turncount.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 11 6/6

Chapter 12 4/10

Chapter 13 4/14

Marcus started near enough to 4 turn. He carried Hector to the throne while Lowen and Becca got the village.

Chapter 13x 7/21

Trained Lowen a lot. He got the boss kill. Marcus got the village.

Chapter 14 4/25

Marcus killed stuff. Erk got recruited and killed an armor and a few other enemies.

BROwen went to the cavalier next to Prissy's village and also took on Pirates. Hector took out

the soldiers near Merlinus.

Chapter 15 7/32

Trained Lowen and Erk a bit.

Chapter 16 5/37

Marcus ferries Hector over the mountains. Lyn and co. battle stuff and shop. They

also get the Heavy Spear. Bye Marcus.


Dammit Hector. This is like, the worst Hector I've ever had.


You shall be missed, sir.


So bad.




ANY Erk is better than my last one. This one is pretty good, I'd say. Keep it up plz.

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Chapter 17 9/46

I almost 8 turned it, but Lowen was a few points short of ORKO'ing the boss with Heavy Spear.

Extra turn got me the Knight Crest though, so all is good.

Chapter 17x 3/49

Lowen @ Iron Sword gets the Devil Axe village. Then rushes to fargus. Erk took on enemies

on a forest and got a bunch of exp. Lyn killed Damian.

Chapter 18 3/52

Lowen killed Zoldam. The others trained.

Chapter 19 4/56

Rebecca and Erk take down snags and Lowen rushes to Uhai. He promotes mid chapter so he could make it to

Uhai. Erk got the Torch staff. Fiora get.

Chapter 19x 4/60

Fiora ferries Hector to throne. Lowen makes his way there too and KOs Aion.


Got a lot better.


And my trend of glass cannon, Fighter strength Lyn continues.


Still so bad. She saved a turn with Longbow in Uhai's chapter, so all is forgiven.


Still the best cavalier.


Dat speed. But dat magiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY



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Chapter 20 4/64

Fiora and Lowen ferry Hector to throne. Lyn gets rid of enemies on the way. Erk obtained

the Brave Bow.

Chapter 21 2/66

Lowen ferries Erk and drops him in Oleg's range. Erk weakens him in EP then in Player Phase.

Lowen gets the Whip village and Fiora finishes off Oleg.

Chapter 22 3/69

Lowen Fiora and Ninian go for Eubans. Lyn gets Rath. Hector gets Axereaver (Heath)

Chapter 23 3/72

Fiora goes for one of the bosses. Erk goes for the other. Rath and Lyn tag team the other enemies on

the east. Hector gets Hawkeye. Matthew gets Ocean Seal.

Chapter 23x 20/Free

Trained Rath and Rebecca. Erk spammed staves.

Chapter 24 1/73

Fiora double spears Lloyd after Erk torched to reveal him.


Still the same. He will probably get to 20 before promo so Im not worried.


She stopped proc'ing str. But still pretty bro.


I'm still trying.


Still pretty bro, but has taken a backseat.


Dat speed. His magic is improving.


Best unit.




Saves all the turns.

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Chapter 25 3/76

Fiora rescues Lyn, gets danced by Ninian and she drops Lyn and cantos back. Ninian gets Rescue dropped

by Erk and Rath. Lowen rescues Hector and rushes to pascal. Lowen and Hector handle Pascal's fort.

Lyn solos the axe fort and Fiora+Rath tag team the last one.

Chapter 26 11/87

Training. Erk got to C staves.

Chapter 27 Kenneth 5/92

Fiora and Rath make their way to Kenneth and drop Hector. Fiora killed Kenneth.

Chapter 28 15/107

Defend. Got all the loot

Chapter 28x 19/Free

Trained Erk to A staves.

Chapter 29 4/111

Fiora went for the warp then for boss. Erk and Lowen handled the middle and then the north.

Jaffar took the east enemies. Lyn and Rath took down armors in the center. Hector recruited Vaida

and blocked draco reinforcements.

Chapter 30 3/114

Erk first uses Rescue on Rath. Hector moves towards Rath and gets Rescued by Rath, who moves 7 spaces

forward of Erk. Next, Erk warps Rath and Rath drops Hector in range of the throne. Kaim dies in EP to

Rath and Hector takes the space.

Chapter 31 11/125

Stoopid boring chapter.

Chapter 31x 5/130

Arena and bought Killer wepons

Chapter 32 3/133

Warp and Rescue stuff. Rath and Fiora teamed up on Limstella.

Chapter 32x 1/134

Lyn kills Kishuna with Mani Katti.

Final: Light Part 1 3/137

Killed things

Final:Light Part 2 1/138

Killed Dragon.


Lame. I gave him a Wing btw.


Lamest unit ever




After promotion, he never stopped getting nice levels. Pretty bro.


Dont let her defense fool you. She actually had +2 from base and promo gains but after like, Level 10 she started proc'ing it like crazy. Helped a lot vs Kishuna.


Best unit ever <3


Still saves all the turns, even though he didnt get str this time :(


Best Hector ferrybot.


Helped in endgame, I guess.



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