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Starting Genealogy of the Holy War....help?


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A pain in the dick, eh? Being female, I'm not going to touch that one lol.

I don't know how to enjoy this. It's just so bloody sad. I was worried a character or two might die between gen 1 and gen 2, but not like this. I'm going to take what pleasure i can in killing off every bad guy i can in this game now.

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Don't worry. Cuan and Ethlin's death is the worst event of the game. If you're past it, it's all uphill from here.

I dunno. There's an awful lot that happens behind the scenes that are much worse. Too bad the player isn't shown directly all the shit...

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Well, I'm nearing the end of chapter five with more and more dread now. I'm doing the final check on my inheritance items now, and a few questions arise.

First off, I'm looking over the list, I realized none of the kids can inherit Class A spears/lances, or A staffs. Does that mean items like Claude's Fortify staff is lost? Or would Corple (going to be Claude's son) hopefully get Major Holy blood and get Valkyrie and Fortify?

Likewise on holy weapons; does Brigid's son (Faval, I think) always get the ichival bow? levin's son (Sety) always get Holsety? I think so, but I want to make sure.

Finally, I have everything covered but axes (which I guess can pass on) and a rank A silver lance. Since I can't pass these down, they go to shops/bosses/etc in gen 2 as I understand it. Do the items keep their usage/kills, or all those stats lost?

Thanks for the help! :)

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Yes, Corple inherits Claude's staves if he's the father. Faval always gets Ichival if you get it for Briggid, but Sety isn't Levin's son unless he's paired with Fury, Sety's mother. But yes, Sety inherits Holsety if you get it and Levin's Fury's lover.

Axes can't be passed down, but yes, they do keep their kill count. I'm not sure, though.

EDIT: I'm an idiot who can't read.

Yes, Levin's son (and Patty) gets Holsety. Only Tiltyu's son (Arthur), Sety, and Corple can use it, though.

Edited by ZM456
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Finally, I have everything covered but axes (which I guess can pass on) and a rank A silver lance. Since I can't pass these down, they go to shops/bosses/etc in gen 2 as I understand it. Do the items keep their usage/kills, or all those stats lost?

Zeem covered everything else well, so I'll just hit this.

Yeah, everything you don't pass down (that isn't the knight/fursuit rings or a holy weapon) does get shoved somewhere. If you're really fussed, the Item Locs page here has two columns; the second one denotes where the item will end up if it isn't passed down to somebody.

Every single weapon keeps its kill count going into Gen 2, regardless of whether it was passed down or shafted onto a boss/shop somewhere.

Also, blood does factor in passing things down. Major blood means a * rank in one weapon, minor blood means +1 rank in that weapon EDIT: as long as the kid can already use the weapon type /EDIT. Only Cuan's blood affects lances, though, and he's sorta busy already.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Cuan and Ethlin's canonical death is even more painful because it's done as actual gameplay rather than a cutscene. It's almost as if the game is taunting you. "Here! Try and prevent this! I dare you!".

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Well, it seems I have expectations to meet for this post, so let me just say.... WHAT THE *$%& JUST HAPPENED?!


Ok, I kind of figured things were not going to go well with each conversation that came up in chapter five, but THIS? I figured the tragic twist would involve Deidre getting killed and not remembering Sigured and son, but THIS? The bad guy just...won! The good guys were wiped out, and the bad guy wins!? AM I THE ONLY ONE HAVING A PROBLEM WITH THIS!?


Sorry for the caps use, but I am shocked. I finished it last night, but I couldn't wrap my head around it until today. I replayed it again, just to make sure I didn't miss something. I keep thinking stuff like "Well, what about those Return rings I have? Can't we just warp back to the base?" and what not. I just can't bear to see this happen, and part of me wants to /ragequit. But I NEED to know how this game can continue, so i'll keep going. It's just painful. And maybe I'm being a sap feeling for characters in a game, but damn it, I do.

To motivate me to keep playing I read up a bit about gen 2, trying to get me to love these new characters, and one thing i read left me with questions. I knew FE5 is a spin off type of game, but one thing said there were hinted at pairings in THAT game for this game, such as Nanna and Leaf. Are there a lot of those? I would like to make sure my FE 4 pairings don't conflict with FE5 so I don't go all crazy when I get to that game, if that makes sense.

My other question is that it seems that some people survive chapter 5 massacre in the canon, others go missing, and others just die. I'm confused as to how that happens. I read some of it, but I was curious to what others thought of this, and who do we KNOW lived/died/etc and what not. There's so much left behind the scenes in this decade plus gap, and i want to KNOW. Does that make sense?

Anywho, I'm on to chapter 6. Hopefully I won't lead this team to their deaths, eh?

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Oh crud, another decision so soon!? Johan or Johalva....crud i hate making these kind of choices. They both look sound on paper, but I'm more interested in story. I 've tried both recruit options now, and Johan seems to be a ditzy romantic chasing after Lacke despite her having no interest, where she does seem to be interested in Johalva. Am I reading this right, or reading too much into this?

Anyway, any suggestions? My initial reaction was Johan as i liked his movement and face better, but after reading the recruit convo's i'm tempted to go with Johalva. Not sure though, hence the call for ideas.

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Johan has better move and a better speed growth while Johalva has 10% speed growth (wut) but both are pretty mediocre. If you plan on using one of them give them the brave axe

Edited by Ice Sage
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Johan is way cooler than Johalva. There's no question there.

Johalva is only better gameplayically if you're playing for turns (which you aren't) since Johan tends to die before Lakche gets there. Any other situation (like, all of them) Johan is a cooler person with a cooler name and better fightiness.

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Anyway, any suggestions? My initial reaction was Johan as i liked his movement and face better, but after reading the recruit convo's i'm tempted to go with Johalva. Not sure though, hence the call for ideas.

Yohalva has more personality and character for me--Yohan always turned out mediocre, generic, and plain. Using him will feel like you have an extra NPC on your back, while Yohalva--though not a great unit either--will at least have the unique class to make him feel fresh.

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Yohalva has more personality and character for me--Yohan always turned out mediocre, generic, and plain.

Okay, seriously, you have to be actually trying to be Mr. Name Hipster now.

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I prefer Brohan, although his brother Brohalva isn't much different. At the end of the day, neither of them are amazing, go for whoever!

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They can both be fun units. Johan is better at keeping up, and is faster. Johalva is harder to keep up with your party, but he can promote and use bows, which is cool. Either way, they both have a Brave Axe to their name until Leaf promotes or you get Hannibal.

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