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Is there any way to get though Raven's Tale without killing Erk?

You aren't supposed to get as far as Erk before the chapter ends. If you can, I need to add more enemies. Edited by The Second Archsage
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You aren't supposed to get as far as Erk.


Well, right now when I start the map it has very few enemies on it, so it didn't take me long to get within his range. After that, he went to heal wounded enemies, and before I knew it he was within range of my units. I'll try again with the patch you just released...

Edit: Is Erk supposed to move?

Edited by shinpichu
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Oh, I goofed. I took out the enemies in the opening event for testing purposes and (again) forgot to put them back before making the patch. My bad. That sorta ruins the whole map.

New patch. This should have all major issues resolved.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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just thought I'd mentioned


love how this guys just kicking back in the treasure room in legault's tale part 2.

also the ash general is totally a pyromaniac. hes so obsessed with burning things!

and though lundurgens description totally suits him it probably shouldn't be there.

Edited by ShinyPichu
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I'll get those two little bugs fixed up right away.

I've also got a new blog post up. No, it isn't a boss profile (more will be coming soon, though). With development coming to a close soon, I thought I'd post about some gameplay concepts that have been bouncing around in my head. Interested in hearing some feedback, I suppose, though most (if not all) of the ideas likely won't be developed.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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Did this start happening after using the staircase mechanic? In the first few turns, I haven't noticed the same issue. Specifics on the timing would be appreciated.

I've ran through Eliwood's tale a few times on the beta-6 patch. It occurs around turn 11 or 12 . As far as I know, the staircase dialogue doesn't matter, since some runs I just wasted turns in the throne area.

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enemy supports for the win.

of the four concepts i have to say that the shops thing would be a good idea but a lot of people would probably just prefer getting the additional unit as opposed to an extra weapon as some more unit support is always a very tasty option. i would like some more dark magic users than canas but that might just be me and my dark magic obsession.

by the way is legaults chapter suppose to end with the new fang huddled in a group as NPC's than ending or is that just not finished?

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by the way is legaults chapter suppose to end with the new fang huddled in a group as NPC's than ending or is that just not finished?

I've been meaning to write dialogue for that for over a year, lol. Literally every time I play Legault's tale I'm reminded of that, and I always just proceed to forget.
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I've been meaning to write dialogue for that for over a year, lol. Literally every time I play Legault's tale I'm reminded of that, and I always just proceed to forget.

ah that explains that. hope you can get top that at some point cause I'm really looking forward to how its suppose to end. :}

also its possible to end ravens tale in two turns by getting alastor into the one spot that allows for two range weapons to hit him and you get to double team him with heath and the pilum.

Edited by ShinyPichu
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Just played the new patch and still couldn't get past the first three tales. Also, issues that were supposed to be fixed weren't fixed like the enemy reinforcements appearing in Lyn's tale.

Please fix this, i couldn't bear to play Eliwood's tale for the fourth consecutive time

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These are the issues I found:

1. In Rath's tale when opening any chest, you obtain the treasure, but the tile doesn't become an empty chest.

2. Niime has no death quote in Rath's tale.

3. The weapon descriptions for spears and tomahawks say:

spear: "a powerful, rare throwing spear"

tomahawk: "a rare, powerful throwing axe"

It would make sense to change them both to "rare, powerful", or "powerful, rare" (btw I got this info from Hervor's equipment).

4. Not all of the talk and village events in several tales could be activated at times, but I think that's an emulator problem, because it happened in other FE hacks i've played too like FE Forever.

5. You might want to write some extra conversations for when Dayan, Rath or Prasad visit the houses in Lyn's tale as the villagers say things about them when they are right in front of them.

6. In Merlinus' tale, when Merlinus visits a village, it says that the supplies are delivered but the village doesn't actually rebuild :/

Edited by KoopaTroopa
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Not a bug, but could you possibly move Yorrick's spawn point in Kent's Tale? He ambushed spawned, moved, fired off a Bolting at an NPC General... and missed. Okay, that doesn't bother me. What does is that the spot he moved to was right on top of the cliff in front of Caelin castle. Hence putting himself in range of the surviving NPC Ranger and Short Spear equipped NPC Paladin. He bit the dust before I could even react to his return.

So... perhaps move his spawn point so he can't kamikaze like this? Because, frankly, that was a bit of a let down.

...And Raven's tale, yeek! Talk about a...

...Bolivian Army Ending! I am going to take great pleasure in executing Arcard with Echidna's axe come FE6!

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I also just finished Raven's tale. I thought Shen was pretty cool, but I have one critique.


I don't even get an achievement? I would have at least liked some reward. Made the ending even more depressing as Raven still dies.

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I can't unlock Pent's tale. I downloaded the newest patch on the last page and played through each tale again and it still didnt work? Do I have to make a new save or can someone throw me one?

I'm sorry. I literally just tested the unlock feature (the second time, I tested before putting the patch out too); it works on my end, so I'm unsure what's happening here. I tested a variety of orders, too, and they all worked.

It's pretty confusing to have people saying that they can't unlock the next two tales, and then having other people giving me screenshots of those exact tales that are supposedly impossible to get. Here's a save, I guess.

I don't even get an achievement? I would have at least liked some reward.

Nope, because you aren't supposed to do that :P:. You get an achievement for surviving past 24 turns.

1. In Rath's tale when opening any chest, you obtain the treasure, but the tile doesn't become an empty chest.

2. Niime has no death quote in Rath's tale.

3. The weapon descriptions for spears and tomahawks say:

spear: "a powerful, rare throwing spear"

tomahawk: "a rare, powerful throwing axe"

It would make sense to change them both to "rare, powerful", or "powerful, rare" (btw I got this info from Hervor's equipment).

4. Not all of the talk and village events in several tales could be activated at times, but I think that's an emulator problem, because it happened in other FE hacks i've played too like FE Forever.

5. You might want to write some extra conversations for when Dayan, Rath or Prasad visit the houses in Lyn's tale as the villagers say things about them when they are right in front of them.

6. In Merlinus' tale, when Merlinus visits a village, it says that the supplies are delivered but the village doesn't actually rebuild :/

1. I'll have to go investigate that one.

2. No, I just gave her one before the last patch. You're sure that you're playing the most updated one?

3. Ok.

4. Well, that's a crock of shit if that's happening. You're using VBA?

5. Nah.

6. Just tested the villages, they're rebuilding on my end.

Not a bug, but could you possibly move Yorrick's spawn point in Kent's Tale? He ambushed spawned, moved, fired off a Bolting at an NPC General... and missed. Okay, that doesn't bother me. What does is that the spot he moved to was right on top of the cliff in front of Caelin castle. Hence putting himself in range of the surviving NPC Ranger and Short Spear equipped NPC Paladin. He bit the dust before I could even react to his return.

So... perhaps move his spawn point so he can't kamikaze like this? Because, frankly, that was a bit of a let down.

That's actually pretty funny. I'll take a look. Edited by The Second Archsage
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Arch, I don't remember the chests in Rath's Tale ever opening on the map. I always thought it was a part of the whole "troll chests" thing, to confuse players. .-.

Edited by Miacis
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I just finished Leagault's Tale part 2.

After Vaida goes to distract Bern and once the Fangs return to the base, they all turn green and the chapter ends. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen.

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Arch, I don't remember the chests in Rath's Tale ever opening on the map. I always thought it was a part of the whole "troll chests" thing, to confuse players. .-.

Nope. They're definitely supposed to work, and I'm not really seeing any reason why they aren't doing so.

4. Not all of the talk and village events in several tales could be activated at times, but I think that's an emulator problem, because it happened in other FE hacks i've played too like FE Forever.

Now that I'm thinking about this one, what if the game's event ID system is just unstable as fuck? We've had it reported before where achievements were randomly unlocking, so it could be that the game's just randomly triggering/forgetting the IDs that run the tale select function. So basically I just built an entire hack on a foundation of quicksand and EN is doomed :P:. It's just a theory; but fuck, I really hope I'm not right and that it's just something stupid and fixable...

Just so we're all on the same page, I run the hack in VBA 1.8.0-beta 3.

tl;dr: Fuck hacking.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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If it helps, there are quite a few event ID's that don't work later on. Like, past the second triangle event IDs, IIRC they can get kinda glitchy. The only solution I know of is to not use them and they caused some bugs in TLP because well, I ended up using so many "perma-IDs" that I had little choice and yeah...

I also remember having an issue in Sacred Contention with permaIDs, I think the game just doesn't appreciate them after some point ._.

Maybe... after 0x92 or 0x97 or something, I'm not sure but if there are issues with achievements and unlocking and they use some high-level #'s or anything below 0x65, that *could* be it... ._.

tl;dr fuck hacking indeed

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Are you supposed to be able to go to Kent's Tale right after Lyn's? Because I unlocked it but was not able to directly proceed to it. Nothing major, but I would have liked to keep the Wind Sword I took from Guy.

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Funny glitch happened to me - on ravens tale part 2, (using the save a couple of posts ago) the first house had some really weird speech - Eliwood talking to Juno, with the converstation from when Eliwood and Erik fight in Chapter 14 in vanilla FE7.

Then I got a Hammerne.

Sorry if this has already been reported

EDIT: Seized the first slave fort, and got the speech from when you enter priscilla's vilage on chapter 14. No NPC's came out either.

Edited by SuperXela69
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Funny glitch happened to me - on ravens tale part 2, (using the save a couple of posts ago) the first house had some really weird speech - Eliwood talking to Juno, with the converstation from when Eliwood and Erik fight in Chapter 14 in vanilla FE7.

Then I got a Hammerne.

Sorry if this has already been reported

I ran in to the same problem on an earlier beta, and reported it. It's not there as of the most recent patch.

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