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Elibean Nights


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Makes me think you disabled the map layer and either made it transparent or colored it white... more likely the latter though I'm too lazy to actually test. or it could actually be the map, I mean I've had totally black maps on multiple occasions and TLP has a totally white map, why not? Maybe a nod to Final Fantasy IV and we get to face Zephiel's dark half but ultimately lose, turning him into FE6 Zephiel lol

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Maybe a nod to Final Fantasy IV and we get to face Zephiel's dark half but ultimately lose, turning him into FE6 Zephiel lol

Kain Highwind. ;____;

now I'm not sure if I'm getting trolled or not. ._.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah, that looks like it could be Kent's Tale! Now I'm anticipating you miraculously retrieve Lundgren from the heap of one dimensional, forgettable, horribly clichéd villains. (Although, let's face it, he was up against Nergal... whatever that insane Dark Druid was after by the end of that mess. Ch. 19xx just made things even more confusing...)

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not only that but when their name is Nergal or Lundgren it's like their parents didn't feel it was enough to pass the bad guy gene down, they wanted to remind them about the destiny of the heritage but then again it's an RPG and if the bad guy's names were like "Mary" and "Sue" I'd have a harder time taking it seriously

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not only that but when their name is Nergal or Lundgren it's like their parents didn't feel it was enough to pass the bad guy gene down, they wanted to remind them about the destiny of the heritage but then again it's an RPG and if the bad guy's names were like "Mary" and "Sue" I'd have a harder time taking it seriously

But they must have a Name to Run Away From Really Fast. Or something. Because that makes them all the more scary. Or something I dunno.

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not only that but when their name is Nergal or Lundgren it's like their parents didn't feel it was enough to pass the bad guy gene down, they wanted to remind them about the destiny of the heritage but then again it's an RPG and if the bad guy's names were like "Mary" and "Sue" I'd have a harder time taking it seriously

For all you know, Nergal was the equivalent of the name Kevin thousands years ago in Elibe, you know. We haven't any information of what are the common name given in the FE World after all.

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For all you know, Nergal was the equivalent of the name Kevin thousands years ago in Elibe, you know. We haven't any information of what are the common name given in the FE World after all.

From what we do know, there aren't any. Or every one that exists is equally common.

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Wanted to test this out, since thieves in hacks don't properly exit the map (they'll usually just sit around and wait to die if all the chests/doors are open). This way, we've got thieves that flee after they nab an item. Adds a bit more challenge, especially in contrast to the thieves standing there waiting to just drop the item for you.

Dunno, I just sorta felt like doing this. Got it working, so that's a plus. You can find instructions explaining the system here (for all of you event hackers out there). I don't know if I've mentioned this recently, but I also plan on releasing the Elibian Nights source alongside the final patch. Soon enough, all of my trickery will be referenceable. Hypehypehype. I'm hoping that people find it a useful resource.

From what we do know, there aren't any. Or every one that exists is equally common.

Nobody ever has the same name ever. That's the rule. Duh. Edited by Stallinbald
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Heh, guess those rogues in Eliwood's tale just got a lot more annoying! (Just as long as they are removed from the game and we don't end up sitting around wondering where the last enemy is (that being a 'Defeat All' map and all).)
Hold on... did those chests have a false bottom or something..? With a convenient escape tunnel concealed underneath..?


...Oh shoot, no more cautious advances for Pent's tale...

Edited by Wayward Winds
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