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Whoo, first post but long-time lurker. Great hack!

Just a few comments on the beta:

-I'm also getting the two glitches at the end of Pent's chapter. In the first, after the scene with Renault's death concludes, Pent and Louise turn into glitch squares, the game freezes and the sound flips out, like so:


-The second occurs of I skip the end scene and choose to continue to the next tale. I get this bit of dialogue on a black screen from Pent:


I'm getting this same glitch. Also the black screen dialogue with Pent ends with a box asking if you want to continue... and it loops back to Pent's dialogue if say yes. So it's impossible to continue play part 2 while still keeping all the goodies from part 1.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I'm getting this same glitch. Also the black screen dialogue with Pent ends with a box asking if you want to continue... and it loops back to Pent's dialogue if say yes. So it's impossible to continue play part 2 while still keeping all the goodies from part 1.

I can go one better (or worse). Same glitch (/s), same problem. However, on returning to the Tale Select portal, while Karel and Zealot's tales have now appeared and are playable, Douglas has not. So, I can't get to Douglas' tale with goodies or without.

For the record, I'm currently using the beta v. 7.

Also... Merlinus' dialogue with Marcus in 'Rebuilding Pherae' seems to have vanished, both the pre-bandit incursion one and the one that normally unlocks after Onslow and friends pop up.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Pent's tale ending causes a freeze in VBA. Using the most recent patch.

Edit: It's just the dialogue at the end that causes a crash. Skipping the dialogue results in similar problems to what others have described(Pent w/ black screen, being unable to progress to part 2 with all your loot, etc.)

At least I can play Zealot's and Karel's Tales now.....

Edited by shinpichu
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I can go one better (or worse). Same glitch (/s), same problem. However, on returning to the Tale Select portal, while Karel and Zealot's tales have now appeared and are playable, Douglas has not. So, I can't get to Douglas' tale with goodies or without.

For the record, I'm currently using the beta v. 7.

Also... Merlinus' dialogue with Marcus in 'Rebuilding Pherae' seems to have vanished, both the pre-bandit incursion one and the one that normally unlocks after Onslow and friends pop up.

Did Louise appear? You have to talk to her to play part 2, not Douglas.

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In my opinion, Legault's tale needs some revising, as it doesn't seem on par with the rest of the tales. For me, not enough exploration into the characters' backstories was made, making the experience not as enjoyable. Since there are 7 oc's in it, it seems right to explore their backstories a bit more. I do get though that the tale's ending is still being finished, and at the end of the day the gameplay was fresh and original.

In Everett's death quote, who's Amanda?

I think that Nando should have his stave rank bumped up to B so he can use the physic staff straight away. Its nearly impossible to get Nando's stave rank up atm without abusing the mend, and there aren't many safe opportunities to do that.

In my opinion, Vaida's unhooded mug is styled too much like the Thracia 776 mugs. There is lots of detail but I think her head is too small in proportion with other characters.

I think the hunters have the wrong description, it says 'pirates staking out their turf'.

In Pent's tale, in the convo between Renault and Kishuna, I think it would make sense to give Kishuna black speech boxes like the ones Roland and Durban use in FE7, to show that he is dead/a ghost. From what I understood Kishuna was the first morph to have emotions, but couldn't speak, so that's the reasoning behind what I'm saying.

That was a long post...I just wanted to give some constructive criticism so you can make this amazing hack even better than it already is. :D:

Keep it up Arch!

Edited by KoopaTroopa
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The ending of Legault's tale. The New Black Fang reach their hideout and the chapter ends just like that. Is there supposed to be dialogue there? Seems like an odd place to just end it. But overall, I really enjoyed Legault's Tale and Karel's tale as well as

kill 'em all (almost) ending of Raven's tale

Makes me really want to use Zealot, Echidna and Lott

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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In my opinion, Legault's tale needs some revising, as it doesn't seem on par with the rest of the tales. For me, not enough exploration into the characters' backstories was made, making the experience not as enjoyable. Since there are 7 oc's in it, it seems right to explore their backstories a bit more. I do get though that the tale's ending is still being finished, and at the end of the day the gameplay was fresh and original.

In Everett's death quote, who's Amanda?

attachicon.gifElibian NIghts Updated Beta203.png

Did you skip the talks that are scattered in the chapter? Most if not all of their back stories are explained there, as well as who Amanda is(iirc his deceased wife).

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Now that I'm thinking about this one, what if the game's event ID system is just unstable as fuck? We've had it reported before where achievements were randomly unlocking, so it could be that the game's just randomly triggering/forgetting the IDs that run the tale select function. So basically I just built an entire hack on a foundation of quicksand and EN is doomed :P:. It's just a theory; but fuck, I really hope I'm not right and that it's just something stupid and fixable...

I was quickly browsing through the comments and I found this.

I don't know if this piece of information helps, but I know for sure that:

- VBA (don't know if only my version or all) tends to reset any event ID is used through the chapter, when quitting the game to resume it later. It always happened when I betatested my own chapters to trigger the same AREA event again after quitting. Also applied to the Village events (since tile changes in FE8 aren't covered yet and I can't close the gates, thus allowing to step on that tile again). And yes, I hack FE8 so I don't know if this applies to FE7 as well, or for other emulators too (always used VBA).

- Sometimes an event that was supposed to trigger... just didn't trigger. For no reason. If I redid the chapter (without absolutely changing anything in the hack) in a second time that same event... triggered. This shit is totally random sometimes, heh.

Never really used permaIDs so far so I don't have a clue about the other problems, but if you can't find a solution looking in the events, it's almost certainly a problem of the emulators, based on my experience. For example, a friend of mine who's helping me with the betatesting is using a different emulator and he encountered problems that on mine didn't occur.

I think that Blazer was trying to say pretty much the same some pages ago.

After all in this topic it's not the first time that I read about "glitches that aren't supposed to happen because the events are right", so this is pretty much the only (il)logical explanation..

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Did you skip the talks that are scattered in the chapter? Most if not all of their back stories are explained there, as well as who Amanda is(iirc his deceased wife).

Fair enough, I played the chapter again and there seemed to be dialogue that I hadn't seen beforehand. May have been pressing the B button on VBA instead of A again -_-

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Tale Select:

  • Clear the first three tales: Unlock Pent and Raven's.
  • Clear Pent and Raven's: Unlock Karel and Zealot's.
  • Clear Karel and Zealot's: Unlock Legault's.
At least that's how it oughta work. But you can never fucking know these days, I guess.

Yeah about that...Legault was unlocked for me before I even unlocked Karel's or Zealot's. And before I beat Pent's. That's a thing that happens.

so i have to unlock karel and zealots without beating pent's tale since its unbeatable atm?... how do i do it?...

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so i have to unlock karel and zealots without beating pent's tale since its unbeatable atm?... how do i do it?...

Beat the tale, skip the dialogue at the end. Unfortunatley, when the game asks you if you want to continue to part 2 you'll have to say "no."

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Something I've been noticing in a lot of tales, and something you should probably think about Arch, is the sheer amount of ambush spawning. Dear god. I mean, sure, ambush spawn is fine...IN MILD AMOUNTS. The sheer amount of spam I've had to deal with in certain tales, like Eliwood's for example, is just nasty. I feel like it's adding artificial difficulty. Now in something like Raven's tale...yeah that's fine. That I can understand. But something like Legault's tale pt2? Where you are horribly outnumbered, and one of your units, at least in my opinion, is dead weight? That's another thing. EVERETT SUCKS. Holy crap does he suck. At least for me. He doesn't seem that good of a unit compared to just about everyone else. His stats don't really reflect his class to me. Maybe a couple more points of defense, or speed? Just something so he can survive a little bit easier.

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i actually far prefer ambush spawns on a rout map

if they're ambushing you, that means they aren't there on your turn, which gives you time to mop up and potentially clear the map before they can spawn (as opposed to them appearing at the start of the phase and you can't deal with them fast enough so you're resigned to another set)

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Something I've been noticing in a lot of tales, and something you should probably think about Arch, is the sheer amount of ambush spawning. Dear god. I mean, sure, ambush spawn is fine...IN MILD AMOUNTS. The sheer amount of spam I've had to deal with in certain tales, like Eliwood's for example, is just nasty. I feel like it's adding artificial difficulty.

I believe arch addressed this before, which is why Werner has a quote warning that the berzerkers come. I believe they start spawning (every other turn) before you're within first turn range of them, and continue on a pattern, so you should know they're coming, and make the appropriate preparations.

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I believe arch addressed this before, which is why Werner has a quote warning that the berzerkers come. I believe they start spawning (every other turn) before you're within first turn range of them, and continue on a pattern, so you should know they're coming, and make the appropriate preparations.

Does Werner's warning explain all of that?

Ambush spawns will always be bullshit IMO. It's a horrible example of trial-and-error or memory based gameplay, which really isn't something we should see much of in a strategy game IMO.

EVERETT SUCKS. Holy crap does he suck. At least for me. He doesn't seem that good of a unit compared to just about everyone else. His stats don't really reflect his class to me. Maybe a couple more points of defense, or speed? Just something so he can survive a little bit easier.


Edit: Major bug: After clearing Karel's tale, I no longer have access to Louise's/Kent's tale. O_O

Edited by shinpichu
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Does Werner's warning explain all of that?

You can deduce most of it yourself, really. It doesn't take a strategy guide to see the exact pattern, especially since you'll still be away and safe from the spawn point by the time you can realize "Oh hey, there's Steel Axe Berserkers on the left popping up, and Swordreaver ones on the right. Better be prepared to fight them."

Ambush spawning only really adds "artificial" difficulty whenever their placement/timing/composition doesn't make any sense and you don't have the brute power to deal with them. Last I checked, all the reinforcements in EN are either announced directly (like in Eliwood/Hector) or indirectly thanks to the story context (like in Merlinus/Kent/Raven-2). The ones that aren't announced, generally have too many targets and not enough power to fuck you up in one round (Lyn/Rath).

Really, the only ones I can think off that would be detrimental would be the big pile of enemies at the end of Douglas's Tale (not ambush spawns, IIRC), the ones from Hector's Tale UNTIL Arch had them announced one turn before they appear, and the ones from Rath's Tale.

But for Rath, you're pretty much playing a "be careful everywhere" map with 3 more units than what the map was originally designed to be played with, so...

(i don't remember where exactly the reinforcements in Legault-2 were, though. Weren't they like, way up north? But I did remember the Tale being a bit rough, so yeah, maybe a buff to Everett would help.)

Edited by Miacis
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Edit: Major bug: After clearing Karel's tale, I no longer have access to Louise's/Kent's tale. O_O

There's nothing in the code that should be causing that, so the only conclusion I can come to is that the hack is broken. Permanent event IDs, somehow, must've been completely borked.

Honestly, I can't release the game if it's in this sort of condition. It's just not up to my standards with this many major glitches. The hack's really built on those permanent event IDs, that's what makes the entire thing work. I've got one idea on what it could possibly be, so I guess I'll give it a shot. Crossing my fingers, but if it doesn't work, I'm going to have to figure something else out.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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Well, all my Achievements are still there. Even ones for tales the game won't let me access....

Edit: Should clarify that I mean all achievements that I've gotten. I'm not randomly getting/losing achevements

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Something I should address when I said the ambush spawns seemed to add artificial difficulty. I SHOULD have mentioned which tales it added it for me. Now mind you this is off PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, so others may have other opinions. Eliwood's didn't hurt me as much, since I KNEW they were gonna be there from previous patches. Also Swordreaver Berserkers cry in the face of the mighty Espontoon. Seriously man. That thing rocks! I have horrible memory, so other ones from here on out may be incorrect. The spawns in Kent's tale are actually fairly well placed, being out of the way, but an ever present threat to urge you along. EXCEPT FOR THE ONES ON THE RIGHT SIDE. Now this might be because I tend to turtle hard, but those guys tended to wreck me if I wasn't careful...until I remembered Natalie and Dorcas had an A Support. That was a thing that was useful. Legault part 2....Oh Legault Part 2 you and I will have words one day. ONE. DAY. Words cannot describe how often I got screwed by the spawns. Mostly because of horrible RNG luck(I forgot to make my ritual sacrifice to Anna. I HAVE SINNED), but still. Especially when you're vastly outnumbered and outgunned in this chapter. Really though, once you can actually ATTACK Montressor(surprise enemies!), he falls quickly. I am VERY grateful for that Arch. Holy crap. Vaida, Legault, and Opal were MVPs. Opal pulled so much weight it wasn't even funny. Vaida and Legault were just awesome. Nando...Nando I'm iffy on. He's good, but he can't auto-use Physic. I would like him to have a B in staves but...Eh. And as I've said before, Everett is a piece of trash. His only saving grace is his monstrous damage with the Hrunting...except he only hits once. That's a problem. Especially with the fact that if you leave an enemy alive, it WILL bite you in the ass. Legault's Second Tale might need some adjusting. Hector's tale I was okay with. I could easily turtle those. I don't think there are any more ambush spawns...well other than Raven pt 2 but that's understandable. I am okay with that because well...that's how it works.

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Forgive me if this is a silly question, but could the following factors contribute to the glitches?

- Not patching a clean ROM

- Using previous saves

- Using previous save states

I can try playtesting this with a clean everything. I wanted to wait until you were done before playing EN. However, if it'll help with troubleshooting, I'm willing to jump the gun a little early.

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Did Louise appear? You have to talk to her to play part 2, not Douglas.

Ah. Turns out I'm just unobservant, must have been so keyed into the 'General search' that I completely failed to notice a Sniper popping up in the top right. Okay, so I can get to what was formerly known as Douglas' tale. Still can't carry things like Meteor or ArchSage Pent/Dark Druid Canas over though, thanks to the aforementioned glitches.

Also, good to see the Rune Bow no longer works on Efta. No longer a pushover, now it's a case of "everyone but Pent and Louise, get the [bEEP] out of there!"

And regarding the new Black Fang members, in typical Elibian Nights fashion, there is more information scattered around, lurking in other tales. Zealot's tale; someone in a house gives backstory for Everett, Pent's Tale; Hawkeye mentions Opal in one of the optional 'Talk' convo's. There's probably more such fluff as well, I haven't exactly finished checking everything yet. (Blast you Arch, Elibian Nights has given me the boot I needed to push on further into FE6!)

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