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Another staff EXP gain editing question


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As I'm sure you're all aware, staff EXP is determined by the formula

Total EXP = Constant + Variable

where Constant = 10 and Variable = (cost per use / 20) normally and an array when autopatched with FEditor.

The variable amount is easy enough to change in either circumstance; what I wanted to know was how to change the constant amount. According to Cam, this constant should have been ignored when FEditor autopatches the ROM, but it isn't... Which is why staves on a patched ROM give 10 more EXP than staves on an unpatched ROM.

[3:23:51 AM] Cam: this source actually nop's the add command

[3:23:58 AM] Cam: but apparently FEditor's autopatch doesn't do it right

[3:24:13 AM] Cam: 0x0802A032

[3:24:22 AM] Cam: 00 00 out two bytes there

yay problem solved /credit

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technically you should be nop'ing out the instruction (instead of doing lsl r0, #0x0 since that does nothing but costs a cycle)

but i dunno what the hex for .nop is anyway

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