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Your favorite and least favorite levels and in Fire Emblem.

Gold Vanguard

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Well, here's from what I remember playing:


FE4: Chapter 10. This has a lot of pathos story-wise. Celice confronts Alvis, Tinny/Arthur confront Hilda, and we get an introduction to just how insane Yurius is without Narga. The map itself forces you to play quickly and because it is relatively small, you can warp foot units to the front easily to have them contribute. The music is also very effective, and Alvis is a tough boss fight without being the level of BS that is non-Narga Yurius.

FE5: I guess Chapter 5. You have to fight through an entire castle with a somewhat weak team while Eyvln tries to protect Nanna from otherwise imminent doom. A good amount of difficulty here (hope you like capturing!) and you just recruited Asvel assuming you did things correctly, so you can start tearing things to shreds. Plus, the story element in this chapter helps.

FE6: Remember how I mentioned story elements? Well, here it's mostly thrown out. Chapter 21, which is a giant freaking enemy rush. I really like this chapter, if you are not prepared then it will kick your ass, but not in the same way that 7 does. Chapter 7 is just unfair, up against a ton of opponents who have really good stats, outmaneuver you, with a ticking clock on some rather BS reinforcements. Your Jeigan characters are by far the strongest, and they are starting to falter as well. By Chapter 21, your main team is leveled up and ready. You're a match for this onslaught of enemies (if you don't avoid the spawn zones, at least) and can take them on, unlike Chapter 7 where you are not prepared for the chaos to follow at all.

FE7: Cog of Destiny. Again, massive enemy rush helps give that feeling that you are being challenged. It has some pathos for Nino and her plight, but not as much for the main cast. It is the huge enemy rush chapter of the game, and it works.

FE8: I really do not know. None of the maps in FE8 stand out to me that well, FE8 itself was rather 'meh' to me. I guess my favorite one would be the final chapter because... well, decent enemy rush and it finishes the game. I have nothing else to say, really...FE8, to me, was always sort of 'eh.'

FE9: Chapter 27 (Black Knight) and Chapter 18. I like the Black Knight fight, even if it is a bit of a chore to get through. No special tricks to make it easy (Aether or Wrath, take your pick), no BS cop-out for why he shows up, and it helps cement Ike's development as the main character. Either the strength (aka luck) to beat the BK, or maturity to run from him. The map itself is also entertaining, charge all three entrances with your absurdly strong team and watch everything vanish.

FE10: 4-E1, just because you get to kill off all those annoying as hell senators who have been nothing but massive douchebags for both Tellius games. Good riddance, and may your entrails be devoured by rabid dogs.

FE11 and 12: ... I remember nothing. Moving on. No, really, I remember nothing. I do not remember ANYTHING of note about some of these maps, they left absolutely no impact on me.

Least Favorites:

FE4: Chapter 4. Yes, there is a lot of emotion going on in this chapter for Levin and Fury, but from the game perspective, it has really low enemy density, you capture one castle that's away from everything, and then you get to move everyone/dick around as scripted events occur. Then you get to cross mountains (Hope all your mounts are promoted! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif) which in and of itself sucks, and then deal with annoying enemy wave. The main thing here is getting Holsety. Give it to Levin and let him kill everything because this map has annoyed me too much already.

FE5: Chapter 18: Xavier. That is all, recruitment requirements BS and allies attacking people who stop fighting and GAAAAAAA make it stop.

FE6: Chapter 7. Yes, 14 is annoying. I am aware, believe me, I am *very* aware. But you do have a lot of trained units by that point. You do not at Chapter 7, when the game stops playing around and starts throwing things at you. Dragons coming? Hope you like bad archers. Lances everywhere? Well, you're using your Jeigans or one of the two pitiful warriors to counter that. Ugh, this chapter... when I first got the game, I was stuck on this chapter for a month. Not kidding. I really do not like this chapter...

FE7: Lyn's mode for one reason. Boring. Boring as tar, the entire dang thing. I understand the reason to make a 'prologue/tutorial' because IS knew that Fire Emblem would be brought to the US, finally, but that doesn't mean it needs to be boring. FE9's opening is close to a tutorial, and it's not boring. FE7's tutorial is tedious and dull. Moving on.

FE8: While this game does not come anywhere near the level of apathy I have towards the Akaneia games, I still have a lot of trouble picking one map. Mostly it is because I have no strong emotions about FE8 one way or the other. If I had to pick, I guess it would be the Phantom Ship because of how RNG reliant the game becomes. Hope you have good RNs for everyone to dodge attacks--and for L'achel to not die.

FE9: Chapter 15. Desert maps are always tedious. They become more tedious when your opponents have ludicrous movement compared to your cast, disgusting stats when transformed, a lot of swag to get, and oh yeah--You are expected to NOT KILL as many of them as possible. ... I hate this map...

FE10: 4-3. Gee, I hope you like being stuck in a desert map with some of the worst characters in the game! Have fun! smug.gif

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yeah. Recruiting the wolfguard made it even more annoying :/

Especially Vyland. Fuck Vyland.

I remember being very fond of a Lunatic chapter though, but I can't pinpoint which one. :/ It's been a while.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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One of my least favorite maps is 20x on Maniac/Lunatic in FE12 because it's all like "Yo guyz all the enemies here are Berserkers, Snipers, and Generals and they have nearly capped stats and forged weapons btw the Snipers use Longbows and they cheap shot you in places where it's hard to get to plus it's FoW. Please ignore the boss who can attack 10 spaces away with 29 attack while targetting resistance. Problem fags?"

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Especially Vyland. Fuck Vyland.

I remember being very fond of a Lunatic chapter though, but I can't pinpoint which one. :/ It's been a while.

haha true about vyland. I hate him.

Always found chapter 9,17, and 18 fun. I also remember Chapter 20 with the insane reinforcements. took forever.

One of my least favorite maps is 20x on Maniac/Lunatic in FE12 because it's all like "Yo guyz all the enemies here are Berserkers, Snipers, and Generals and they have nearly capped stats and forged weapons btw the Snipers use Longbows and they cheap shot you in places where it's hard to get to plus it's FoW. Please ignore the boss who can attack 10 spaces away with 29 attack while targetting resistance. Problem fags?"

Oh yeah, this level. words cannot express how much i hate this chapter. those longbow snipers were so cheap.

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Didn't mention these, bit I also like chapter 27 in FE7 and chapter 26 in FE9, and am not fond of the BK fight in chapter 27 in FE9 (well, I actually like the chapter itself, but the BK fight puts you at the mercy of more elements of luck than I'd care to have to put up with). And also echoing dislike for FE9 chapter 12. Damn those ravens. It doesn't help that your only effective tools aginst them are either not that great against them (wind magic) or force you to use a garbage unit (bows).

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FE4 : Chapter 10 and 11. Your team (and your body) is ready. You have like six users of divines weapons and anothers broken units like Leaf or Lakche. The bosses are epic and have also divine weapons (too bad Azel's kids can't wield falaflame). The musics help a lot I guess.

FE5 : I'm still playing it (starting chapter 14 which looks pretty hard) but I liked chapter 5 to 7 because we have the choice to escape without fighting or fighting to gain experience and some weapons. And chapter 5 has a cool plot too.

FE6 : Chapter 21. Too much reinforcements and Roy sucks but with some powerful units, it can be really awesome (Gonzales promoted is broken in this chapter).

FE7 : Final Chapter, you recruit Athos (he comes also with Armads and Forblaze, good guy Athos) and you fight ten bosses (or more ?) really powerfuls. You can open the doors to fight the bosses earlier, that's cool.

FE8 : ... Nothing, not

FE9 : Final Chapter with a broken Ike. This game has also one of the best "level design" in the serie in my opinion.

FE10 : Same here. Chapter 2-E, 3-5 and 3-13 because defense chapters are cool in this game. All epilogues are good too.

FE11 & 12 : Nothing...

Least favorites :

Fog of war maps, the enemy can attack, you can't.

FE4 : Maps when you just move your units without fighting like chapter 2 or 3.

FE5 : - FoW maps especially in this map, YOU SEE NOTHING.

- Indoor maps are annoying.

- Maps with ballistae.

- Maps where you must drain hundreds of attacks and obtain a tired unit (or dead if RNG screws you) at the end.

FE6 : - Early chapters, your team is too weak in hard mode.

- Gaiden chapter, break walls = boring, trap = annoying, disappearing floor = frustrating, berserk Miledy who kills Roy = what a great leader.

- Final Chapter : Destroy thousands of dragons and seize, amazing. Fortunately, Roy had +6 in movement

FE7 : Lyn story, boring as hell.

FE8 : Chapter 10, Ephraim's route. Too many enemies, too many flying enemies.

FE9 : Chapter 17, too long and too easy.

FE10 : Rout maps in part 4, too much enemies, not funny.

FE11 & 12 : Don't remember...

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One of my least favorite maps is 20x on Maniac/Lunatic in FE12 because it's all like "Yo guyz all the enemies here are Berserkers, Snipers, and Generals and they have nearly capped stats and forged weapons btw the Snipers use Longbows and they cheap shot you in places where it's hard to get to plus it's FoW. Please ignore the boss who can attack 10 spaces away with 29 attack while targetting resistance. Problem fags?"

Oh my god that one too

Was just

asdkf;ajgfajklajlgj fuck

I enjoyed 21, though, now that I'm remembering the not-so-painful chapters.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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fe5 24x, on non-elite mode.

When I first did this, it was with units with 0 magic.......

The horror.......




fe6HM-ch4,5,7, and ch21 and Sacae.


Even with my luck, this is a PITA on HM.


Oh god, everyone gets 2HKO'd from full health and Ellen and Clarine can't heal enough.


Normally easy, until the wyverns rush.


Even with ridiculous units like a capped out Miledy and the durability of a capped out Lott.

It's still hard as hell.


First HM run.

With spd/defense screwed units.


ch14 is easy though.



When Pent/Harken/Hawkeye can't do everything and everyone else gets statused/killed by magic....




Oh god, so many of them are annoying.

Good thing Titania exists.







Can Skrimer stop going all over the place?


**Missess the deadline by one turn





hahaha, sleep staves.

Fuck you Oliver.


Minervas chapter

hahaha, fuck this shit.

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hahaha, sleep staves.

I consider that one of the major inconveniences that makes me hate this chapter. Having two nigh useless units forced doesn't really help. Plus the rancid dressing on the awful salad that is 4-4 is there are are just too many reinforcements (most of which pop up in inconvenient locations). I didn't mind the other part 4 chapters, but...

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FE7- Battle Before Dawn. Just because I always end up getting gameovers due to stupid AI. I once had Nino sit in Ursula's range for no reason in Turn 3. I was mad. And jaffar likes dying a lot.

FE8- Chapter 5 because of Joshua. I dont mind it If I have Nessie since she can completely bypass him and drop Eirika on boss. But If I dont, its the worst chapter ever.

FE9- Chapter 21 tied with chapter 26. I hate sleep staves, specially when they're 3 consecutive ones. I dont like hoping something misses that could ruin my entire strategy and make me reset. Chapter 26 is because of Bertram. Ohai, I have ridiculous durability and I also have a runesword for healing myself! Makes it so hard to 3 turn.

FE10- ahahaha. It has to be 3-7 because its boring as fuck. I used to hate 1-8, 1-E and 4-4 but now I love them. Well, maybe not 4-4 because FUCKING SLEEP STAFF.

FE11- Chapter 1 H5 hands down. Its just plain stupid design. Mainly because of the boss though.

FE12- Chapter 12. It forces Marth to have to take hits if you want to 5 turn. Which forces lots of Base Arena grinding. Which is annoying, timeconsuming and makes your wallet poor.


FE7- definetely Uhai's chapter and 19x. Just because thats when I get Fiora and I get hyped to start using her already :p. Other than that, Cog of Destiny in non-HHM, because its pretty cool, avoiding the reinforcements line and all.

FE8- Chapter 18. Also known as EGG CHAPTER. Idk, LTC'ing that chapter feels good for some reason.

FE9- Chapter 17, all of it. I love it for some reason. Tied with Chapter 20.

FE10- Part 1 Chapter 9 and Part 2 Prologue. I like 1-9 because its awesome to watch resolve micaiah go nuts on enemies and I think its a very cool map even without resolve micaiah. Its like, IS's way of trolling. 2-Prologue i like because it has MARCIA and ITS FULL OF CLOUDS AND STUFF ITS PRETTY COOL.

FE11- idk...If I had to say one it would be, uh... ....... .....hmm.....uh.....................uhhhhhhhhhhhhh....OK THEYRE ALL PRETTY BAD.

FE12- The rest of the non-chapter 12 chapters. Lunatic Chapter 3 is pretty clever imo.

EDIT: Oh wait, I forgot 3-P. Having to hope Skrimir behaves it just stupid design too.

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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