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If you see on a future FE an unusually weak boss what do you do?


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Let's say that is your first playthrough of a new Fire Emblem and in a certain chapter you see that the boss is a really low level unit in comparison with other enemies. What do you do? Kill it without much thinking, try to recruit him with a your units? or come to SF to see what to do because you don't like to play blind or are to lazy to experiment a little.

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I'd probably evaluate the situation depending on whether the character had previously appeared before, had spoken with anyone, or shown any questionable or interesting traits worth poking.

In Fire Emblem, most recruitable or special characters/events are generally obvious :/

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If there on a throne then I kill him. If there on the front lines with the other soliders then I go over there to recuirt them,. If the only way to recuirt them is to let them lives then I just ingore them.gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Most recruitable characters are obvious anyways like an earlier post said, so I try to recruit those whenever possible. (Not many actual bosses in the series are recruitable though.) If anything else, I would just sic my Jagen unit or anyone else who's a good unit on a boss depending on which FE I'm playing, and what I'm doing in that FE.

Edited by Little Al
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Now think that said boss is indeed easy to understand, with whom he has to talk. But what if talking is not enough, something like re-recruiting Shinon in Fe 9. You must beat him with someone specific, or you must make a chain of talks in a given number of turns.

Better yet, it is the second coming of Xavier.

Edited by ragnell.
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Well I suppose that there are a lot of things that would help me decide what to do. First is the objective of the map seize or rout? Most of the time IS doesn't make the objective seize unless you have to kill the guy on the throne to get there first. If it's kill the boss, then the obvious answer is that he or she wont be living anymore. Secondly is to look at the mug, generally attractive characters are more likely to join than unattractive ones. Secondly dialogue tends to have a lot to do with it. I'm yet to see a boss recruitment that starts with "Kill the women and children! Kill'em all!" from the guy that we are supposed to be bringing over to our side. After all, they want these characters to appear sympathetic as possible to get us to use them. Lastly I look at their standing in the story. If they are just a foot note in a larger battle, then chances are they are expendable. If they are the big antagonist of an arc, chances are they will have to die for the story to have closure. Really the only ones that have a chance at survival is the dragon for the big bad, the random lieutenant or soldier who is unwillingly serving the jerk ass commander (whom we will be killing).

So really, if the chapter has a boss then chances are that if our objective is kill boss, that he's gonna die or be recruited automatically after the chapter is over via defeat equals friendship. If it's seize and thus far the character has seemed nice, personable or has good qualities there is a good chance that he or she can be recruited at some point during the narrative. If he or she isn't required to defeat due to just being a normal soldier in the enemy army, whom happens to have special dialogue at some point, then my best bet is probably to have the lord talk to that person and see if that doesn't bring them over. Or you know, check and see if the unit page doesn't show a 'talk' option for them on that map. Otherwise, I'd try to ignore that person and see if the recruitment objective isn't just survival. But that is just me.

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