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The second batch of DLC

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Checking the video, "Future of Despair" seems to be actually about Krom's group travelling to the ruined future to stop its destruction, rather than just a side story covering Lucina's original battle there.

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Checking the video, "Future of Despair" seems to be actually about Krom's group travelling to the ruined future to stop its destruction, rather than just a side story covering Lucina's original battle there.

If that's the case, I have just become a lot more interested in this DLC (and I was pretty interested from the get-go). I wonder what revelations will be revealed during all of this.

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Checking the video, "Future of Despair" seems to be actually about Krom's group travelling to the ruined future to stop its destruction, rather than just a side story covering Lucina's original battle there.

Very interesting. Hmm. Can't wait.

Kinda wish it was just Lucy and pals escaping to the past like an epilogue(in the future, lol)

Edited by L95
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Can't wait for the high school chapter

Why did they wait so long to show us actual decent looking DLC. The obnoxious anime ones ignored, the new chapter gimmicks actually look interesting and 200 new conversations is a shitton.

The 200 new conversations are being presented as the main draw for the anime maps.

But yeah, the ultimate set looks fantastic and I'm getting really excited for the alternate future set. Wonder how many of those there'll be. Maybe five for an even 12 maps in Series 2? They do seem to like the number three with DLC, although they don't seem to be following it directly anymore.

One thing's for sure: we should be back to getting at least one DLC every week, having only eight weeks remaining in the SpotPass content.

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They should have something planned for Eliwood in this batch. He is the main character of the first internationally released Fire Emblem game, so they can't just ignore him.

Sure they can. ( ¬‿¬)

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They're done with the redesigns, so we're not going to see more clones of characters they've already released like Eliwood. On the other hand, it's possible that we'll get more new but not redesigned characters as random bonuses from unrelated maps, as we did with Eltshan.

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The interesting thing to me for folks clamoring for more character DLC is that most of the folks they're asking for are already (or will be) available for free via SpotPass. As has been pointed out, it'd be kind of strange to offer a priced version of a character that's already available for free.

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The interesting thing to me for folks clamoring for more character DLC is that most of the folks they're asking for are already (or will be) available for free via SpotPass. As has been pointed out, it'd be kind of strange to offer a priced version of a character that's already available for free.

Exactly. The only ones that haven't been released yet as SpotPass are Ike and Micaiah, and they've already been released as DLC.

If we look at the pattern, they've made sure to release the DLC versions first whenever there was overlap, carefully rearranging the SpotPass release dates to fit with that. There's no question that it was intentional, and it makes perfect sense.

And then there's the matter of people typically disliking redesigned art anyway. So be careful what you wish for.

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If that's the case, I have just become a lot more interested in this DLC (and I was pretty interested from the get-go). I wonder what revelations will be revealed during all of this.

Same here, I wonder what will happen.

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Can't wait for the high school chapter

Why did they wait so long to show us actual decent looking DLC.

These chapters would be the easier ones and all of the re-designed character ones would be all post-game tough chapters if they did it that way. which would be dumb because the chapters specifically designed for challenges could be outlevelled, or if they kept the difficulty and released these first few would buy the DLC because they'd have had to completed the game and grinded a team before they'd be able to play any of it.

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I don't mean because they're hard, but because they have something more going on than "Remember this lord? Well he's back!". All the DLC should've had this stuff.

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The DLC maps have always been good, having a variety of powerful enemies with fancy weapons and skills to make for exciting battles. The main draw of these is that the enemies are even stronger and the maps have even greater challenges.

That, and they saved the best for last as an awesome surprise. Makes perfect sense.

Edited by Othin
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The DLC maps have always been good, having a variety of powerful enemies with fancy weapons and skills to make for exciting battles. The main draw of these is that the enemies are even stronger and the maps have even greater challenges.

That, and they saved the best for last as an awesome surprise. Makes perfect sense.

When they're asking you to pay money for them, they should all be "the best".

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When they're asking you to pay money for them, they should all be "the best".

That's an impossible standard to meet. With optional DLC you buy what you think is worth it for yourself, would the challenge DLC be "the best" for someone who wouldn't like the difficulty of them? Probably not, but then by that persons perspective IS shouldn't be asking for money for it.

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When they're asking you to pay money for them, they should all be "the best".

That's not possible and would be overly limiting.

It's certainly not like they didn't bother to make the earlier DLC as good as they could have; they're all great maps. Can't have everything be flashy.

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The interesting thing to me for folks clamoring for more character DLC is that most of the folks they're asking for are already (or will be) available for free via SpotPass. As has been pointed out, it'd be kind of strange to offer a priced version of a character that's already available for free.

It's more out of principle than anything. Actually, I am thankful that Eliwood didn't get a crappy redesign like Eirika or Ike. But, why should FE7 be the only game without proper representation? Lyn does barely anything during the main game, so she's not suitable to be the only FE7 rep the same way no one was expecting Elincia to be the only FE9 rep. And why was Eliwood excluded when he's objectively one of the more important lords? If IS doesn't include something for him then they're proving they have a vendetta against him and FE7.

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^So Lucina is naturally flat and not just bound?

I approve! Wonder if this will be commented on in the hot springs thing.

Apparently so, judging from the artwork.

And each time I see the words 'Hot springs', I'm like, "Dude, they should break the fourth wall and have Pit with them. Guy LOVES hot springs."

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