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The second batch of DLC

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Hm. The character is someone with purple hair.

Stats from the first wave are the same on Lunatic...

If it's going to be somebody that had a major role in a video game, Hector.

I haven't seen the trailer yet, so if the person's clearly feminine, Marisa? I have no idea.

Edited by Quick
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Interesting. You can stop between waves.

ETA: Oh. Second wave? The 5 Falcon Knights have Absolute Hit.

Boss Other-Worlder

Falcon Knight









Move+1, Lance Expert, Holy Shield+, Evil Dragon Scale, Absolute Hit

Double forged Spear, Fortify

The other Falcon Knights have double forged Silver Lances and a Fortify. Skills: Lance Expert, EDS, Absolute Hit, Holy Shield+

The 5 Berserkers on the right (by the mountain) have Axe Expert, Vengeance, EDS, Great Shield+. Four have double forged Silver Axes, one has a double forged Tomahawk.

... They don't seem to move until you get into range.

Stopping after the 2nd wave. Maybe I'll try again later.

Edited by Remnant Sage
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Not who I was expecting, honestly, but it's still pretty cool. Especially with the patch releasing on the same day. The small part of her new artwork in the image looks cool; I hope the full thing ends up being the most awesome out of all of the redesigned characters.

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Beated it , pretty disappointed with the reward


It seems okay, but if somebody planned an all cries unit for somebody, they would've done it FARRRRRR after this DLC. It's been months now since units like Lyndis and Elincia came out. If they wanted units to put at least Love Cry, Rainbow Cry, and another Cry on, it would've been with them.

Still, it seems nice, and if somebody hasn't gotten a unit meant for supporting, Katarina's your girl.

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Strange ,I played in Lunatic+ mode but I didn't see Anna or this enemy :



Secret ?

I think it's based on the choices you make. When I answered "no" to the second question (the first being "do you want to stop?"), it sent me Battle Monks and Dragon Masters instead of Falcon Knights and Berserkers.

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Fuck you IS. Eliwood was the ONLY -MAIN- CHARACTER NOT INCLUDED IN THE DLC and you include FUCKING KATARINA from a game that wasn't even localized because its predecessor was shit. Meanwhile you ignore the fact that Eliwood is the MAIN CHARACTER OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL FIRE EMBLEM so singling him out like this is even more of a slap in the face. And no, Lyn isn't a suitable replacement when they included BOTH ALM AND CELICA and EIRIKA AND EPHRAIM even though those two people in those two pairs are equally important and it would've made sense to exclude one of them but they include both just to be fair while Lyn is clearly less important than Eliwood and she gets to be the sole representative for no good reason. Even if Eliwood wasn't suitable for the Spirit Talisman section just because of some stupid patterns that could've been broken without anyone caring, he should've at least been here instead of FUCKING KATARINA. There's no excuse, not even fanservice or affirmative action since THERE'S NOW MORE FEMALE DLC CHARACTERS RELEASED THAN MALES even if we count the half-assed Eltoshan.

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All things considered, they didn't have to give us any character at all. I'd say, no matter how much you do or don't like Katarina, you should be able to agree that getting Katarina is better than getting nothing, right?

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All things considered, they didn't have to give us any character at all. I'd say, no matter how much you do or don't like Katarina, you should be able to agree that getting Katarina is better than getting nothing, right?

No. Katarina being included is just even more of a slap in the face. If it was Minerva, I might've been able to let it go but Katarina is way out of left field and including her when FE7 is still the only game to not be represented by a true main character (Lyn is A main character but not THE main character, or even a co-THE main character like Sigurd, Celica, or Ephraim) makes me think that IS has some sort of grudge against Eliwood and/or FE7. Is there any good reason Eliwood wasn't included when considering this slot was effectively a total wildcard?

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I could list ten different reasons, such as they were only releasing female characters in the Ultimate Training set, or that they were only releasing characters from the 11/12 games, but none of my reasons would make you feel any better. There's no real point in complaining though, it won't change anything, and in the end, it's not that big of a deal.

You can just get the spotpass version of him if you want to use him, with the bonus of it being completely free, and it using his older artwork, meaning there's no chance they'll make it look horrible, or completely different than him.

Also, they didn't include Hector, either, and his story was actually longer than Eliwoods, so I'd say he has just as much right being included as Eliwood, yet he's not here, either. That's just the way it worked out.

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Fuck you IS. Eliwood was the ONLY -MAIN- CHARACTER NOT INCLUDED IN THE DLC and you include FUCKING KATARINA from a game that wasn't even localized because its predecessor was shit. Meanwhile you ignore the fact that Eliwood is the MAIN CHARACTER OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL FIRE EMBLEM so singling him out like this is even more of a slap in the face. And no, Lyn isn't a suitable replacement when they included BOTH ALM AND CELICA and EIRIKA AND EPHRAIM even though those two people in those two pairs are equally important and it would've made sense to exclude one of them but they include both just to be fair while Lyn is clearly less important than Eliwood and she gets to be the sole representative for no good reason. Even if Eliwood wasn't suitable for the Spirit Talisman section just because of some stupid patterns that could've been broken without anyone caring, he should've at least been here instead of FUCKING KATARINA. There's no excuse, not even fanservice or affirmative action since THERE'S NOW MORE FEMALE DLC CHARACTERS RELEASED THAN MALES even if we count the half-assed Eltoshan.

Fire Emblem DLC

Serious Fucking Business

(incidentally Katarina>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eliwood, at least she's more interesting as a character)

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Hector's story is clearly a ripoff of Eliwood's. The plot still focuses on finding Eliwood's father (clearly focused on Eliwood), then Bern (no focus on any lord), and finally the legendary weapons & dragons (which involves Eliwood more). Plus the game itself is called Blazing Sword, not Thunder Axe or Sun Blade. And most ironically, the game itself even tells you that Eliwood is the main character at the start of Hector's mode! Clearly a glitch, but the fact that they didn't catch such an obvious mistake further proves that Eliwood's mode is the true one.

And it's the principle more than anything. I'm actually grateful that Eliwood was spared a crappy redesign, but I really hate that IS somehow deemed him not important enough despite his credentials, and it implies that Eliwood will continue to get screwed over and swept under the carpet.

Edited by Orange Crush
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I answered "no" to everything and ended up with the following waves:

Round 1: Generals and Battle Clerics

Round 2: Battle Monks and Dragonmasters

Round 3: Snipers, Generals, and Bow Knights

Round 4: Dark Pegasi, Falcon Knights, Dragonmasters, Griffin Knights

Round 5: Heroes, pretty much everything else

Other than the first wave, where the Battle Clerics are just a pair off to the side, and the last wave, where everything is blended together, they're in sets of five of that class, creating sub-waves, which is interesting and makes it more reasonable. Still absurdly tough if you're not properly prepared, though.

I haven't actually even played to the end yet. I went in with a team that mostly filled Limit Breaker caps yet was incredibly ill-prepared for anything it couldn't curbstomp with brute force; by the start of the fifth wave, I had lost 10 of the 20 characters I brought, so I had to reset anyway, and I wasn't going to get any farther. Even killing a single other enemy with their enormous defenses and mass Fortify support would've been difficult.

So yeah, despite not finishing it, I made it to what seems like it's supposed to be the end, yet I didn't encounter the Berserker or Anna, either, so I'm very confused. Maybe they're linked to some other reward?

Say, for anyone who tried it, how does the midway stop work? Can you resume from there later or is it Tower of Valni style?

Edited by Othin
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Fuck you IS. Eliwood was the ONLY -MAIN- CHARACTER NOT INCLUDED IN THE DLC and you include FUCKING KATARINA from a game that wasn't even localized because its predecessor was shit. Meanwhile you ignore the fact that Eliwood is the MAIN CHARACTER OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL FIRE EMBLEM so singling him out like this is even more of a slap in the face. And no, Lyn isn't a suitable replacement when they included BOTH ALM AND CELICA and EIRIKA AND EPHRAIM even though those two people in those two pairs are equally important and it would've made sense to exclude one of them but they include both just to be fair while Lyn is clearly less important than Eliwood and she gets to be the sole representative for no good reason. Even if Eliwood wasn't suitable for the Spirit Talisman section just because of some stupid patterns that could've been broken without anyone caring, he should've at least been here instead of FUCKING KATARINA. There's no excuse, not even fanservice or affirmative action since THERE'S NOW MORE FEMALE DLC CHARACTERS RELEASED THAN MALES even if we count the half-assed Eltoshan.

My opinion of your blatant fanboying:



Hector's story is clearly a ripoff of Eliwood's. The plot still focuses on finding Eliwood's father (clearly focused on Eliwood), then Bern (no focus on any lord), and finally the legendary weapons & dragons (which involves Eliwood more). Plus the game itself is called Blazing Sword, not Thunder Axe or Sun Blade. And most ironically, the game itself even tells you that Eliwood is the main character at the start of Hector's mode! Clearly a glitch, but the fact that they didn't catch such an obvious mistake further proves that Eliwood's mode is the true one.

And it's the principle more than anything. I'm actually grateful that Eliwood was spared a crappy redesign, but I really hate that IS somehow deemed him not important enough despite his credentials, and it implies that Eliwood will continue to get screwed over and swept under the carpet.

This almost feels like Deja-vu. Oh, I remember now... your Tales fanboying and how you expect people to bow down to your favorite character choices.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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