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The second batch of DLC

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personally i think katarina deserves the spot more than eliwood because eliwood is overrated

Don't worry, Katarina'll be overrated soon.

Stop. Please.

It's only making me feel pain.


I'll shut up now

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How the hell is Eliwood overrated? The fact that no one except me even cares that he wasn't included anywhere despite being the main character of the first internationally released Fire Emblem game suggests otherwise.

terrible unit

awful game

bland story


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he wasn't included anywhere

But he's a Spotpass character. That counts. If you really want to know about somebody not included, go with Joshua, or Erk, or one of the hundreds of other characters you can't get under any circumstances. And, by the way, some people actually like Lyn more than Eliwood. Sorry to break it to you, but it's true. Sometimes, people just don't care for the "main character" that much.

This topic is going by too fast and I can't keep up ahhh

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That's totally different. Ninian isn't the main character of FE7. Eliwood is. Eliwood is also the only true main character not included in the DLC. Do you guys have any reason for this besides "I don't care about Eliwood so fuck him", "Brawl", or "patterns that conveniently screw over Eliwood but no one else except MAYBE Sigurd but even then Celice is in so it's fine".

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omg cam we have diadora god

but but omg ardan

ardan is the true hero of fe4

he exists for half the game

and is the true epic conqueror


yep hemad

Edited by CT075
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That's totally different. Ninian isn't the main character of FE7. Eliwood is. Eliwood is also the only true main character not included in the DLC. Do you guys have any reason for this besides "I don't care about Eliwood so fuck him", "Brawl", or "patterns that conveniently screw over Eliwood but no one else except MAYBE Sigurd but even then Celice is in so it's fine".

does it really matter

this is DLC, it doesn't affect the main story, and Eliwood is there anyway, he just doesn't have any fancy art

get over it, kid

What I'm wondering is whether there'll be more DLC maps.

this would be nice to know

maybe something winter themed would be cool.

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Would have been better :D

Considering Katarina, I just have one word: Why? Why couldn't they gives us a real character instead of her? (At least her art is really beautiful)

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What I'm wondering is whether there'll be more DLC maps.

I'm really hoping there's a third set (and maybe a forth after that). We could get the last few Lords, just to complete our DLC Lord collections, and maybe we could get something even harder than the hardest maps we've gotten so far! Plus, more story and conversation based maps would be great. Basically, I will buy any and all DLC they release.

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That's totally different. Ninian isn't the main character of FE7. Eliwood is. Eliwood is also the only true main character not included in the DLC. Do you guys have any reason for this besides "I don't care about Eliwood so fuck him", "Brawl", or "patterns that conveniently screw over Eliwood but no one else except MAYBE Sigurd but even then Celice is in so it's fine".

what did i fucking tell you

What I'm wondering is whether there'll be more DLC maps.

Hmm, yes. The map itself suggests otherwise, being "MAX" and all, yet the fact that it's called the "Series 2" finale rather than the overall DLC finale is intriguing. Perhaps we'll hear more within the next couple of weeks? The Series 2 announcement came a week and half after the Series 1 finale, if I'm remembering right.

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this would be nice to know

maybe something winter themed would be cool.

Whoo~ Christmas themed DLC~

Hmm, yes. The map itself suggests otherwise, being "MAX" and all, yet the fact that it's called the "Series 2" finale rather than the overall DLC finale is intriguing. Perhaps we'll hear more within the next couple of weeks? The Series 2 announcement came a week and half after the Series 1 finale, if I'm remembering right.

And the DLC generates a crap ton of MONEY for them to stop now. >___>

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That's totally different. Ninian isn't the main character of FE7. Eliwood is.

I can't even believe how focused you are on Eliwood that you completely took me seriously.

"I don't care about Eliwood so fuck him", "Brawl", or "patterns that conveniently screw over Eliwood but no one else except MAYBE Sigurd but even then Celice is in so it's fine".


Lyn is the first main lord you see when you start FE7. As the tactician she is the first one you see. Who cares if she isn't the "true lord" like you said? She's on the cover. She's easily relatable to the player's My Unit, who is the refined result of the tactician that befriends Lyn. The tactician was the prototype to My Unit/Avatar. Lyn also gets more recognition just from sheer "WHO IS THAT!?" from Brawl.

Fire Emblem is a niche fanbase. Lyn is more easily recognizable to someone outside the fanbase. Ask someone about Eliwood who isn't an avid FE player. "Who the HELL is that?" "Roy's Father". "Okay". His SON gets more recognition because he was the one who appeared alongside Marth when Fire Emblem recognition took off elsewhere outside of Japan.

Again. Money.

People have been saying it over and over to you: Deal with it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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The point is, it's a dick move to include the main character of every game EXCEPT one:

FE1/3/11/12 - Marth was included

FE2 - Alm and Celica both included

FE4 - Celice was included, who's a teeny bit more important than Sigurd or equal at worst

FE5 - Leaf was included

FE6 - Roy was included

FE7 - Lyn, who isn't the main character, was included

FE8 - Eirika and Ephraim both included

FE9 - Ike was included, Elincia was too even though she's not really a main character/lord

FE10 - Ike and Micaiah were included, Elincia's still along for the ride

Is there any reason for this? If they had left out Ike, or Celice, or hell even Micaiah or something I would've let this go. But IS included every other true main character but left Eliwood out even though they had plenty of opportunities to add him. He could've replaced Ephraim or Katarina just fine, but he's nowhere to be seen... why? You can say "main characters aren't always popular" but why the hell did they include Alm, Celica, Celice, Leaf, and Miccy Sue then? Eliwood got singled out and screwed over; why can't any of you see this?

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Considering Katarina, I just have one word: Why? Why couldn't they gives us a real character instead of her? (At least her art is really beautiful)

The possibly wanted a FE12 representative?

Katarina also, from what I've seen, is tied somewhat closely to the FE12 MU.

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I like how Katarina's new art is better than her her old art.

Also I like the armor, didn't know Grandmasters wore any.


That's great now go away

Edited by Tyrant Sage
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as someone who played their first fe as fe7 the 'first lord' that comes to mind isn't eliwood, it's lyn


[1:08:15 AM] Tiamo: MAN

[1:08:17 AM] Tiamo: THIS GUY

[1:08:18 AM] BwdYeti: 'wait what /what/'

[1:08:20 AM] Tiamo: SO MAD

[1:08:27 AM] Tiamo: so funny

[1:08:47 AM] Tiamo: clearly japan hates eliwood

[1:08:57 AM] THE MIGHTY THOR: [11/22/12 1:04:54 AM] ReyRey: On 11/22/12, at 1:04 AM, THE MIGHTY THOR wrote:

> Elibe have so many cool women

I don't give a crap except for one of them.

and you gave a crap about that one who isn't a total badass

[1:09:06 AM] THE MIGHTY THOR: get better tastes rey

[1:09:10 AM] BwdYeti: |D

[1:09:41 AM] Tiamo: japan just hates fe7

[1:09:51 AM] BwdYeti: dealwithit japan

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If they had left out Ike, or Celice, or hell even Micaiah or something I would've let this go.

No, you would not have let it go.

They left out Sigurd, and Hector, and you didn't let it go. If they'd left out one of them, you'd still be complaining about it right now. Like I said, a few posts back, this isn't helping you, or us, and it isn't changing anything. Please, before you get in trouble, stop.

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