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An FE9/10 CYOA!


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Right, I don't know if this should go here or in Forum Games so I just took my best guess.

Anyway this is a GameFAQs style CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure). I'll post some story and some choices, just pick one of the choices available!

I'll update whenever I feel is appropriate, using the majority option (if it's a tie I'll just pick one of the tied options).

Anyway, onto the first part!


After a long trip by sea you get off the ferry into Crimea. Looking around you see a number of things: A road leading to the Greil Mercenaries' headquarters, a small tavern, a horse rental shack and a tour wagon planning to visit Crimea Castle.

Where do you do?

A) Go down the road to visit the Merc HQ.

B) Enter the tavern.

C) Go to the horse rental shack.

D) Approach the tour wagon.

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Sounds interesting, good luck with this.

Thank you very much!

Hmm, well I've got a tie between A and B... Coin flip time!


You enter the tavern and are immediately hit with the unmistakable smell of booze. A short look through the room shows Shinon drunk off his head, ranting to Gatrie about "sub-humans" at a table and Makalov nearly passed on the bar.

Now what do you do?

A) Buy a drink.

B) Go over to Shinon and Gatrie's table.

C) Go bother Makalov.

D) Leave.

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Well, since A and B are even, I'll go with...


You walk over to Gatrie and Shinon's table and immediately Gatrie attempts to put the moves on you, how do you respond?

A) You point out that you are actually a dude.

B) Slap him and chastise him for perving on anything with a skirt.

C) Act flattered at this.

D) Ignore him and try speaking to Shinon instead.

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Only been a short while but it's pretty unanimous. A!

Gatrie is stunned speechless, he hasn't been hit by a trap this hard since he first met Soren! Shortly afterwards Shinon starts venting his Laguz hatred at you, your response?

A) Join in with his ranting.

B) Offer to get him another drink if he shuts up.

C) Walk away in disgust.

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