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[FE13]Let's try again to get one started


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Mark, Richt

EDIT: ^ you mean the first thing where you beat up Fauder? I don't think it matters either way since it's basically impossible to screw up. Might as well call it free since there's no reason not to.

Edited by cheetah7071
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Just letting any lurkers know... this is a pretty tough draft as a whole. Frederick kills everything senseless and eventually Krom/MU do the same, but getting other units powerful is difficult.

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You have MU and buyable Nosferatu. I don't think you need other units.

That's certainly a powerful strategy, but it'll definitely get a lower turncount than the person who aggressively rushes down the enemies with mounted units. Even in boss-kill chapters you'll get a faster turncount having your nosferatank be carried by a competent taxi.

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Well, time to get this show on the road!


Name: Eirika

Best Stat: Defense

Worst Stat: Magic

Intermission: Free?

This is free, I guess.

Prologue: 4/4

Eirika doubled with Frederick and head up to the boss. Krom and Liz stay behind and kill some things.

Chapter 1: 4/8

Nothing special here. Eirika and Krom got some much needed levels.

Chapter 2: 5/13

Everyone went up! Frederick got a Shin!

Chapter 3: 5/18

Eirika doubled with Frederick so Fred can double things and avoid the hammer fighter.

Unit         Class         Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks
Krom         Lord          3.95  22  9   2  10  9   5   9   1  Sword-D             
Eirika       Strategist    4.15  21  8   7  7   8   6   10  5  Sword-D Tome-E
Frederick    Great Knight  3.78  30  14  2  13  11  7   14  3  Sword-D Lance-A Axe-D
Liz          Cleric        2.80  17  1   6  5   4   8   3   4  Staff-E
Viole        Archer        4.30  21  7   2  10  6   7   6   1  Bow-D
Callum       Knight        6.10  22  11  0  7   5   3   13  2  Lance-D

Skills and Supports

Krom: Dual Attack+ [Eirika C]
Eirika: War Knowledge [Krom C, Frederick C]
Frederick: Discipline, Outdoor Battle [Eirika C]
Liz: Miracle [Viole C]
Viole: Skl+2 [Liz C]
Callum: Def+2  

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FeMU: Best Mag, Worst Skl, name Miledy

Intermission: lol (2)

double MU with Krom and attack with silver sword lol

Prologue: 4/4

Frederick killed a Mage and two Myrmidons. Miledy doubled with Frederick killed the boss.

Chapter 1: 4/8

Frederick doubling made this chapter easier, it gave Krom and them some levels and Soiree/FeMU is actually a pretty powerful combination to have. Krom's speed boost to Frederick doubled and killed the boss. (Rout map)

Chapter 2: 4/12

Had Frederick rush up and kill everything in his path, and Krom/Miledy/Soiree/Sol got some residual kills. I could've saved a turn, but I need to get some EXP to the weaklings...

Chapter 3: 5/17

Frederick rushed up, opened the door and took on some enemies. Krom doubled with Frederick killed the boss with the Rapier.

Sidequest 1: 5/22

Frederick and Sumia doubled and rushed towards the boss, Sol/Soiree and Krom/Miledy doubled took the scraps. I did not recruit Donny but he did get a kill. Fuck Donny.

Chapter 4: 3/25

Sumia killed Marth, and everyone else took the scraps. Krom and Miledy are very good together, since they cleared like 4 enemies in this chapter. Sol/Soiree have quite a bit of catching up to do...

Chapter 5: 7+4/36

I had to do a lot of shuffling around, but generally I Ronku take care of a bunch of axemen because they only have ~40% hit on him. He killed around 3 Dracos on a fort. Krom killed the boss with some help from Ronku and doubled wtih Miledy (who I had to ferry to Krom through Miriel). Frederick did a lot of scouting and pulling so my units could attack the enemies in time. I also had to make sure the Dark Mage/Myrmidon/Fighter nearby were killed before I did anything else so Richt and Mariabel didn't get attacked.

I forgot I didn't draft Mariabel, so I'll take the 4 turn penalty. She did help get shit done though.

Chapter 6: 6/42

I had Frederick take on Fauder... he was doubled with Sumia. Sumia killed Fauder cause Frederick and Sumia both hit him twice in the double. They charged him from the right side, and Ronku/Sol/Soiree were helping take down the enemies there. Krom/Velvet/Miledy took on the left side.

            Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Krom         Lord           09.82 27  12   2  13  12   8  11   3 C SWORD
Miledy       Strategist     12.65 29  12  15   6  11   9   9   6 E SWORD C TOME
Frederick    Great Knight   05.76 32  16   3  14  10   9  17   6 D SWORD A LANCE C AXE
Soiree       Cavalier       05.19 22   8   1  10  10   9  10   2 D SWORD D LANCE
Sol          Cavalier       06.36 26  11   0  11   6   8  11   3 C SWORD E LANCE
Sumia        Pegasus Knight 05.39 20   9   4  15 14+2  9   5   7 D LANCE
Ronku        Myrmidon       06.33 21   7   1  13  15   7   8   2 C SWORD
Velvet       Taguel         07.70 29   8   1  10  10   8   8   3
                                     +3      +5  +5  +4  +1

    Kro Mil Fre Soi Sol Sum Ron Vel
Kro   --   S   C  --  --  --  --  --
Mil    S  --   C   C  --  --  --  --
Fre    C  --  --  --   C   C  --  --
Soi   --   C  --  --   B  --  --  --
Sol   --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --
Sum   --  --   C  --  --  --  --  --
Ron   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Vel   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Promotion path

Krom:  Dual Attack+
Miledy:  War Knowledge, Magic Square
Frederick:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Soiree:  Discipline
Sol:  Discipline
Sumia:  Speed +2
Ronku:  Avoid +10
Velvet:  Even Biorhythm

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Chapter 7: 4/46

Frederick charged to the right doubled with Sumia. I had everyone stay behind to kill the enemies, and eventually Miledy used Elwind to get the boss down to 4 HP; Sumia then got the kill and a level up.

Sidequest 2: 7/53

Easy chapter after a couple chapters, it was mainly self-help for my weaker units. I could've saved a turn by sending someone to the northwest sooner, it was those damn archers.

Sidequest 3: 7/60

Damn soldier boss, took him forever to make it over.

Chapter 8: 7/67

I had Frederick double into Sumia and sent them straight down. Frederick killed everything in the bottom half save some enemies near the master seal village (which Velvet/Sol took care of). I saved all 3 villages by the way. Frederick killed the boss. Used the Master Seal on Sumia.

Chapter 9: 4/71

Almost the same exact strategy as last chapter. Frederick/Sumia doubled gets sent down with Sumia first, then she switches with Frederick and Frederick kills everythign with a Hand Axe/Javelin. Sumia kills the boss.

Sidequest 4: 7/78

Sumia/Frederick charged north and killed everything in their way, everyone else held back and tried to kill off everything else. Sol killed the boss.

            Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Krom         Lord           13.32 31  14   2  15  13  11  11   4 B SWORD
Miledy       Strategist     16.97 32  13  18   8  14  12  10   6 E SWORD B TOME
Frederick    Great Knight   10.72 38  20   3  18  11  10  20   7 C SWORD A LANCE A AXE
Soiree       Cavalier       08.48 25   8   2  12  12  12  11   3 D SWORD C LANCE
Sol          Cavalier       11.76 31  15   0  16   8  13  14   3 B SWORD D LANCE
Sumia        Falcoknight    02.83 27  14   8  22 20+2 14  11  13 B LANCE E STAFF
Ronku        Myrmidon       11.43 23  12   3  14  20  10  10   2 B SWORD
Velvet       Taguel         13.00 35  13   1  16  15   9  11   5
                                     +3      +5  +5  +4  +1
Anna         Trickster      01.33 36  12  17  23  22  26   8  10 C SWORD D STAFF

    Kro Mil Fre Soi Sol Sum Ron Vel
Kro   --   S   C   C  --  --  --  --
Mil    S  --   C   B  --   C  --  --
Fre    C  --  --  --   C   S  --  --
Soi    C   B  --  --   B  --   C  --
Sol   --  --  --   B  --  --  --   C
Sum   --   C   S  --  --  --  --  --
Ron   --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --
Vel   --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --

Promotion path
Sumia:  L11 Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight

Krom:  Dual Attack+, Charisma
Miledy:  War Knowledge, Magic Square
Frederick:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Soiree:  Discipline
Sol:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle
Sumia:  Speed +2, Refresh
Ronku:  Avoid +10, Vantage
Velvet:  Even Biorhythm
Anna:  Picklock, Movement +1

I used a Str Drop on Ronku and a Dracoshield on Sumia.

I was almost tempted to make Frederick a Dracoknight before I realized that his bow weakness will give him lots of hell if I'm trying to charge forward. I think Paladin is better for him... thoughts?

Edited by Lord Raven
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Dragonmaster Frederick is fantastic if/when you have other characters ready to take over his previous Fredding duties for whenever Archers show up, which is often. If not, it doesn't seem worth it.

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Female MU, named Lyrina. Strong Magic weak Luck

Intermission: 2/0

attack with silver sword

Prologue: 4/4

Krom and Lyrina doubled to get some love points. Fred used the bronze sword where appropriate but broke out the silve lance to OHKO a mage and almost OHKO the boss.

Chapter 1: 4/8

Wanted both Krom and Lyrina to gain exp, so I didn't do any doubling. Lyrina took the north, Krom took the south, and Fred took the boss.

Chapter 2: 4/12

Took a bunch of attempts, sinnce upt to this point I have vake as my only drafted character. Fred took a beeline for the boss, and OHKOed the entire northern section with his silver lance. Krom, Lyrina, and Vake joined forces to take out the sourthern section. And my next drafted characters aren't until Richt and Mariabel...

Still working on chapter 3, which is proving challenging with Vake as my only drafted character.

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Do the two of you guys have skype? I think a group chat to discuss the downs and ups of this draft is a good thing, because it's the first draft on SF for this game. I know I have a couple complaints, and frankly I'm getting high TCs with like 10 characters whereas you guys don't have nearly the early game support I do.

If not Skype, then I'll just start a private thread. We can sum all of our complaints up and post them on this thread at the end or something. I'm having fun, but I also have a *ton* of units.

Edited by Lord Raven
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