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TearRing Saga: The Draft.

Wen Yang

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Nah, I'm good. I'll just do Map 2.

EDIT: Just finished Map 2, I took about 4 tries to finish cause one of my characters just keep dying to those mountain bandits and their Mountain Fighter skill.

Map 2: 12 Turns

4th attempt; I start by trying to get Enteh to the village, while Lee is going south to guard the villages from enemy thieves, he managed to make it in time to stop the Thieves. meanwhile I lead Runan, Garo, and Estelle to protect Enteh from the Mountain Bandits and it wasn't easy, Runan and Estelle isn't strong enough and Garo had a hard time catching up due to his 4 movement. After taking care of enemies in the south. I tried going for the boss but reinforcements showed up and almost killed one of my units. but thankfully, I got Lee, he comes with a Libro staff. Before I get to recruit Plum, I let Barts visit first to get the Poleaxe for Garo in the next map. 11th turn, Runan lost 10 HP from one of bandits near the boss, I moved him near Yazam, equipped the Rapier and healed using a Herb. On the next turn, Yazam took 12 damage from Runan, so I tried attacking him with Garo using Hatchet, and I was very lucky. He activated Continue, the first one missed but the second didn't. Took out the boss and seized the map! Now Plum can get the Defense Staff . :D

Edited by Ryunan
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Map 3: 10 Turns

This map can be annoying sometimes, lots of cavaliers coming at you. but with Plum's Defense Staff, which halves the damage received from the enemy, it's slighty less annoyinh. I used it on Estelle first. and before putting her on enemy's range, I gave her Wpn Lvl Plus, Wooden Shield, and the Kill Blade, re-arranged her weapon inventory so she can auto-equip the Kill Blade after I use the Wpn Lvl Plus. Then I moved Runan, Garo, and Lee to the road and ended a turn. One enemy went to attack Estelle and she only took a little damage, then she ORKO'd the enemy, thanks to a crit. Then I started taking them out one by one with Estelle, Lee, and Garo. I used Runan and Enteh to visit the villages. After taking out most of the enemies, some of mounted thieves escaped cause I saved all the villages. I let Estelle face the boss on Turn 9, was hoping for a crit but didn't land one. I took him out on the next turn and finished Map 3. Estelle is now only 2 levels away to promotion, I also gave her a Re-Move skill, which is acquired in one of the villages.

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Map 6: 6/45

Why does the boss have so much defense, ughhhh. Anyways, had Runan, Zeek, and Enteh go down the bridge, while Raffin and Garo took the left, and Ezekiel and Plum took the right. Garo cleared Raffin's path as much as he could to allow him to get to the boss as soon as possible. Raffin was attacked by him on Turn 4 EP, and then didn't attack on Turn 5 PP because he would've died. The Boss's AI is weird and he just moved forward instead of attacking Raffin or Garo Turn 5 PP (maybe trying to get to the healer?). Then Turn 6, Garo and Runan both attacked the boss to allow Raffin to finish him off. Meanwhile Ezekiel and Plum tried not to die in the right side. Ezekiel has good DEF, but his hit is so shoddy that he has to fight more to kill things.

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2: 11 turns clear = 18 turns total

18:34 - Twilight Sparkle: well ARKIS is too much of a FAILURE to do the pushing

18:34 - Twilight Sparkle: so ronan had to do it for him

basically sums it up p. well and I made the executive call to have BARTZ move right instead of left because I didn't anticipate ARKIS' FAILURE.

also I sorta didn't buy any herbs so my only one was used up by the time I got to the boss and only luck saved my charm from breaking

3: 8 turns clear = 26 turns total

fight fight fight

go go garo go

arkis isn't as bad as he was before but kate is cooler so there

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Map 7: 6/51

Runan full-moves towards the throne every turn, while Raffin and Zeek clear the way (Raffin from the top, Zeek from the bottom). Enteh gets the Armorslayer, Plum gets the Bridge Key, and then Garo and Ezekiel kill the Generals that Raffin and Runan ran right by near the Gate. I also recruit Thomas for the hell of it. I don't bother waiting around for Roger.

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Map 4: 12 Turns

I let Estelle kill most of the enemies here so that she'll reach level 10 and be promoted to Paladin. Recruited Vega, in case if he attacks Runan. and I was using Lee to get the another Libro staff in the southeast village.

Map 5: 4 Turns

Pretty much the NPC Mages were stealing all the kills in this map (including the boss), I only managed to kill the dark mages with Estelle and Lee. ahh yes, and recruited Zeek, so I can take his Magic Shield.

Edited by Ryunan
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Map 7: 8 Turns

Estelle OHKO'd the boss with a crit, thanks to her Life or Death skill. Bought a bunch of Piluim lances for Estelle to use. I didn't recruit Roger, and I noticed Mel has left the army.

Map 8: 12 Turns

I usually get all the treasure chests on most of my playthroughs, but I only got the Knight Proof for Sharon since she joins at level 6. I also wanted to get the Speed Plus for Garo to get his Attack Speed up but Yuni won't get there in time. I used Runan, Xeno and Estelle to clear the zombies near the gate area.

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Chapter 1 : 7/7

Runan, Kreiss and Garo get all the villages. Runan and Kreiss get some Leather Shield, the former gets an Herb and an Amulet while the latter uses a Wlv Plus to use some nice early weapons.

NPCs come from the west, bridge goes down, fights with the pursuers, Runan and Kreiss get level ups (though Runan's wasn't as awesome as my other one ;/)

Chapter 2 : 9/16

Runan and Kreiss race for the fort while everyone else goes south. Julia and Raphin make effective blockades since the Thieves don't attack, while Garo gets there in time to fight the Bandits.

Barts visits all three villages for an HP Plus, a Poleaxe and a Gold Bag while Enteh recruits Plum. Plum gets the Lan's Mirror right away and Lee gives her the Defense Staff at the end of the chapter.

I CANCELLED REALLY GOOD LEVEL UPS ON RUNAN FOR THIS ;/ Apparently I forgot you needed Lan's Mirror to get the Defense Staff, which made me restart the whole thing since I saved over.

Chapter 3 : 7/23

The fighting quatuor rushes ahead, the healers behind them. After the initial knights are killed, Barts goes solo to kill Eritz, Garo attempts to intercept the Thieves and everyone else goes north for the villages.

Leaving the Iron Lance village unexplored as a decoy, Kreiss rushes south to help Garo kill the remaining Thieves. All of them were visited in the end.

Chapter 4 : 11/34

Everyone cuts through the woods. Kreiss and Mahter get most of the kills since they're in the frontlines. I did get the Far Healing staff and didn't have to kill Roger or Mel. Raquel wasn't so lucky. I shielded Mahter in case an Archer would get lucky, but she only got hit once by an arrow.

Runan       5.43  |25| 6| 8| 9| 5| 1| 6| 6|Sea Fighter, City Fighter
Enteh       4.75  |15| 0| 5| 8| 1| 8| 7| 8|No skills
Kreiss      8.65  |30|11|10| 6| 5| 2| 4|12|Remove
Garo        9.12  |37|13| 4|11| 8| 0| 1|12|Continue, Sea Fighter
Barts       6.94  |31|11| 6|12| 7| 0| 2| 8|Mountain Fighter
Plum        2.39  |18| 0| 2| 3| 1| 4| 6| 4|No skills
Mahter      4.23  |23| 7| 8|11| 5| 8| 6| 5|Gale, Remove

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Map 4: 12/43 turns.

I used Mahter to block the entrance to Raquel's village while making best speed there with everyone. Runan and Julia heads for the seize point, while Garo goes to fetch the Far healing staff. Julia almost dies due to Vega and recruits him, then Runan ORKOs Roger, while Vega ORKOs Mel who stupidly attacks him.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	9.2	26	8	8	11	8	2	6	9
Enteh	Cleric		4.84	15	0	5	8	1	7	7	9
Plum	Priest		1.90	18	0	2	3	1	4	6	4
Julia	Myrmidon	7.29	29	6	14	16	6	0	7	12
Luca	Bowman		5.4	21	4	6	11	3	0	2	8
Garo	Pirate		11.87	38	12	5	12	6	0	1	13
Vega	Myrmidon	4.82	26	6	13	13	5	2	5	9
Raquel	Bowmaster	11.16	24	12	16	16	7	0	8	17


If anyone ran into a situation where a map is unwinnable without taking a penalty/recruiting a drafted unit is impossible, please let me know, thanks.

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Map 9: 13 Turns

Recruiting Narsus was a pain. Why is he standing in the sand? Also, Runan, Lee, and Estelle were only the offensive units on Runan's team.

Map 10: 16 Turns

Looks like drafting Hagaru was a bad idea cause I needed to wait until Mintz enter the gate and saves Rennie from getting executed. Mintz is required to recuit Hagaru.

Map 11: 17 Turns

This was annoying. Xeno kept dying a lot in this map cause enemies bonus from the Mountain Fighter skill. I had to use Samson to clear out the enemies at the upper map.

Map Encounter 1: 6 Turns

While on the way to Map 12, There were enemies (Maerhen's Troop) waiting at the Welt River, so I had no choice, but to face them.

Map Encounter 2: 3 Turns

Just after I finish the encounter, Another one of Maerhen's men has appeared and when I moved to the road, they moved towards Holmes and started another Encounter.

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Map 10: 9/82

Had to wait around for Mintz, bleh. Also, RAFFIN PROMOTED YESSS.

Map Encounter 1: 4/86

On the way to Map 11, some annoying people were blocking my way.

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