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TearRing Saga: The Draft.

Wen Yang

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Map 12: 4 Turns

Holmes and Team were killing stuff here in this map. Luckily nobody bothered attacking Attrom.

Map 13: 5 Turns

Krisheenu got killed in this map, was hoping for her to survive for free Amulets but I guess not.

Map 14: 9 Turns

Visited Houses to get the Hero Proof, Repair Hammer, and Super Proof (for Garo). and After I cleared this map, I got 5 stat-boosting items from the treasure chests. Speed and Skill Plus for Garo, Power Plus for Samson cause he hasn't gain any Strength from leveling up, and saving Magic Plus for Lee.

Map 15: 2 Turns

Sun and Frau were the only enemies in this map, Sun survived but Frau didn't :(. I recruited Lyria as well, so she'll received Power Staff from Yuni.

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4: 13 turns clear = 39 turns total

that was gay

12 turns p. easy and then garo was ONE TURN from the far heal

I decided to spend the turn and get it because GOOD LEVELS (sasha grew str) and whatnot.

EDIT: also kate shot mel for xp which made me shed a little tear but don't worry she lived and so did roger

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Encounter Map 3: 6 Turns

I wanted Opus to appear at Riguria cause Holmes needs the Frontier Skill for Map 16. but before I go to Riguria, I bought some Scissors Axe for Samson and Garo, cause they're the most accurate Axes in the game.

Map 16: 25 Turns

This map is freaking annoying, Lots of Opuses everywhere and the mission is to get all the treasure chests. I used the Power Staff on Xeno, so he could OHKO Opuses, I used him to get rid of Opus at the southwestern area of the map along with Garo, Samson at northwestern and Shigen at the northeastern area. Once I got rid of them, I had Holmes to get all the chests.

Map 17: 8 Turns

Back to Runan's team, Saved the Bridge Key from Map 7 so I can get to the seize gate at the north. Recruited Rennie.

Map 18: 25 Turns

God, I hate this map. Lots of monsters being summoned by Dark Bishops. Long-range attacks from 2-4 crossbows, Ballistas, etc. Estelle solo'd against most of the enemies inside while Runan, Sharon and Lee go against monsters. I trained Rennie by taking out Zombies and dodging attacks from them. oh yeah, she's level 13 (not promoted yet) and has 7 movement now. :D I took out Barbaross with Estelle using Sword Breaker to break his Sol Sword, then used Needle Spear to finish him.

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Guys, if it's not too much to ask, can you guys put your Total number of turns and the occasional statsheet?

Data and suggestions to improve the quality of the draft will also be much appreciated.

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Map 5: 4/47 turns.

Simple map. The NPCs did most of the work, leaving me to mop up. Raquel also made Zeek into her bitch. :D

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	9.86	26	8	8	11	8	2	6	9
Enteh	Cleric		5.6	16	0	5	8	1	7	8	9
Plum	Priest		1.90	18	0	2	3	1	4	6	4
Julia	Myrmidon	7.29	29	6	14	16	6	0	7	12
Luca	Bowman		5.4	21	4	6	11	3	0	2	8
Garo	Pirate		11.87	38	12	5	12	6	0	1	13
Vega	Myrmidon	5.22	27	7	13	13	6	2	5	9
Raquel	Bowmaster	11.48	24	12	16	16	7	0	8	17

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Map Encounter 2: 7/110

Enemies who actually move away from you are bad and the designers should feel bad.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Holmes	Bow Hero	9.81	32	12	11	12	7	0	7	13
Katri	Cleric		5.12	18	0	4	8	1	8	6	10
Garo	Pirate		16.12	42	15	4	15	8	0	2	11
Ezekiel	Axe Knight	12.23	29	9	10	7	9	0	4	11
Shigen	Myrmidon	12.34	26	7	14	17	5	0	6	12

Garo hasn't procced a single point of SKL and Shigen hasn't procced a single point of STR...

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So bad news. I forgot that you need a Wellt unit on your Holmes team to pick a second Verje unit. No way am I skipping Narron, so I'm going to restart. Hopefully some of my characters will be better this time...

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So bad news. I forgot that you need a Wellt unit on your Holmes team to pick a second Verje unit. No way am I skipping Narron, so I'm going to restart. Hopefully some of my characters will be better this time...

I learned from my mistake and kept backup saves. Use the other memory card if you have to.

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Map 19: 10 Turns

Runan was going up north to talk to Loffaru, so he can give him Mainstar. While Estelle, Sharon, and Rennie were killing the enemies. Lee and Enteh were healing using Libro staff where I bought from Map 18's Secret Shop

Encounter Map 4: 6 Turns (Riguria)

Back to Holmes' team, A Red Orge has appeared at Riguria, since they're blocking my path to Map 20, might as well as face them.

Encounter Map 5: 5 Turns (Where all the mummies are)

I love this map! a map where it's full of mummies, perfect place to gain EXP. I had Samson killing a few mummies to reach level 20 to get the Awareness skill before he promotes. then I used Xeno, Holmes, Garo and Shigen to kill all the mummies. too bad you can only visit this map once.

Encounter Map 6: 6 Turns (South Ilial Cave)

Map with random treasure chests. Ignored the monsters except I killed the ones that was in a way. I got a Libro Staff and Armor Killer sword.

Encounter Map 7: 5 Turns (North Ilial Cave)

Another random chest map. Did the same thing, and I got a Gold Bag and a Harpy Staff this time.

Map 20: 6 Turns

eh? I ignored the treasure chest at southern area and just went to seize the map. I was bringing Samson along to take out monsters that was blocking Holmes' path.

Map 21: 11 Turns

This was tough, I was using the Defense Staff on Samson and Garo to receive halved damage from that dragon. Power Staff was used on Xeno, Shigen, and Garo to OHKO most of enemies. Then NPC reinforcements arrived to help out. I got a Master Axe by talking to Katina with Samson. :D

Map 22: 4 Turns

Map 23: 4 Turns

Samson did most of the killings in this map. Used Master Axe to ORKO enemies the boss. oh yes. I usually wait for Bud to arrive, so she can recruit Rishel. but not this time. I took Rishel out with Samson :( Then I used Xeno to defeat the boss and cleared the map.

Encounter Map 8: 4 Turns (Sealed Bridge) / Total 276 Turns

A map full of gargoyles, I formed a line with Xeno, Shigen, Garo and Samson while Holmes standing behind them, in case if one of them didn't OHKO a Gargoyle.

and this brings us to a second division. I love that music that plays in the overworld map during the second division.

Question: Can I still re-visit Map 15 or 30 after I finished them? cause I wanna buy a Master Bow for Holmes, and Master Swords for sword-users on Map 15's secret shop. and There's good skills (like Continue, Dragon Saint, Life or Death, Gale, etc.) to learn at Map 30.

Current Stats

Name    Class		Level   HP      Str 	Skl 	Agi 	Def 	Mag 	Lck 	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	23.43	40	10	13	18	8	1	9	10
Enteh	Sister		8.90	18	0	6	9	1	8	10	10
Estelle	Paladin		40.00	51	20	22	22	11	8	18	19
Rennie	Bow Master	22.22	36	16	21	21	11	2	13	15
Sharon	Arrow Knight	18.45	32	9	17	15	11	2	9	14
Lee	Bishop		27.25	30	0	10	12	4	14	4	14
Holmes	Bow Hero	21.80	41	17	16	29	11	0	11	17
Katri	Sister		6.77	21	0	4	10	1	11	7	11
Shigen	Swordmaster	21.17	37	14	24	20	11	0	9	12
Xeno	Hero		25.54	44	16	19	21	13	2	11	16
Garo	Pirate		29.54	55	18	13	18	11	0	2	16
Samson	Warrior		25.38	51	19	15	23	10	1	7	20
Lyria	Priest		8.51	19	0	3	4	1	6	12	4
Plum	Priest		9.24	19	0	2	5	1	6 	13	6

Edited by ☆ Holmes
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If I don't give any info, assume I used the same strategy as I did the first time.

Map 1: 7/7

Map 2: 9/16

Map 3: 7/23

Cut a turn AND saved a Charm here. All I really had to do was fiddle with the placements so that Garo and Ezekiel were at the front and not the back. I also got all the items. Garo is better than he was last time; Raffin, if it's even possible, is worse...

Map 4: 11/34

Except this time I killed Mel and Roger.

Map 5: 4/38

If Raffin had Needle Spear crit I could have 3 -turned it. Oh well...

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Chapter 5 : 4/38

Runan and Barts take the left side while Enteh, Kreiss and Plum go right. I let Zeek and Marj recruit themselves while the Mages try to fight the Dark Mages and Dark Soldiers.

A critical hit from Barts on Dagon proves good enough for a kill.

Chapter 6 : 7/45

Garo and Barts take the west side, Runan is helped by Kreiss ahead of him, Mahter and Plum take the east side. Norton is recruited by having a shielded Mahter dance around his troops.

Domes is killed by a combined effort of Kreiss, Garo and Barts.

Chapter 7 : 6/51

Runan and Kreiss go south, Mahter goes west to the throne to ambush the boss from behind with an Estoc, Barts goes chip the door on the other side and Norton hits the arena for some quick dosh.

I buy 8 Pilums and I sell a Fire, a Wind and a LUK Plus. Mel leaves because Roger's always late to the party.

Chapter 8 : 10/61

Runan, Barts and Mahter go to the northeast while Kreiss and Garo take the coast and Norton goes Mummy hunting in the eastern forest. Yuni gets the Agi PLUS and the Knight Proof only, but that's all I wanted.

Name       Level   HP St Sk Ag De Ma Lk Wl Skills

Runan       9.03  |28| 7|11|10| 5| 2| 7| 7|Sea Fighter, City Fighter, Continue
Enteh       6.19  |15| 0| 6| 8| 1|10| 8| 9|No skills
Kreiss     15.61  |36|14|13|11| 8| 2| 5|14|Remove
Garo       11.98  |39|14| 5|12|10| 0| 1|13|Continue, Sea Fighter
Barts       9.99  |34|13| 7|15| 7| 0| 2| 8|Mountain Fighter
Plum        3.34  |18| 0| 2| 3| 1| 4| 7| 4|No skills
Mahter     10.10  |26|10|11|13| 7| 9|11| 7|Gale, Remove
Norton      6.28  |36|10| 7| 4|13| 0| 2| 7|Life or Death, City Fighter, Arena Fighter
Katri       1.15  |17| 0| 4| 8| 1| 7| 5| 7|Summon
Yuni        1.75  |18| 1| 7|12| 0| 2| 7| 6|Steal, Picklock

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Map 24: 9 Turns

Estelle took most of the enemies out near starting point, then I had to get Runan, Rennie and Sharon to the other side of river.

Map 25: 19 Turns

Desert Map, I used Defense Staff on Estelle, so she could take on the Dragon Knight Squad without worrying about the crit. Runan went south to get the Frontier skill and recruit Rebecca and Narsus, After I took out the Dragon Knight Squad, then Narsus took some of the hidden items before seizing the map.

Map 26B: 18 Turns

This map annoys me a little bit. Lots of enemy Swordfighters equipped with Thief Swords, and there's a locked room with enemies hidden in it, they can attack you from there without you seeing it. Rennie took care of that enemy thief before going for that chest containing a Mov Plus, thanks for her 8 movement (+1 from terrain bonus). Rennie was very lucky leveling up, she has 10 movement now, that's what I needed for Map 35. There were lots of reinforcements of Dark Soldier coming from the west, which was slowing Runan down from reaching the Throne. I got Mov Plus, and I'm gonna have a hard time deciding who gets it. Will it be Garo, Runan, or maybe Hagaru? @__@

Map 27: 7 Turns

Holmes team is up next. but I re-visited Map 15 to buy some items at the Secret Shop before going to Map 27. Just took out the enemies and grabbed the treasure chests. Yay!

Map 28: 3 Turns

This was pretty easy, Xeno OHKO'd the boss using Armorslayer with Blazing Wind being activated.

Map 29: 6 Turns

I was trying to recruit Renee as fast as I can. Holmes, Shigen, Samson and Attrom went west. while Garo and Xeno went up north. After I recruited Renee, then Samson went to Dragon Knight boss's attack range, so he could move away from the gate. He got ORKO'd by Samson's Master Axe and the next turn, I warped Holmes to the gate and seized the map.

Map 30: 1 Turn

Just warped Holmes to the gate and seized it. but I re-visited this map again to learn the skills.

Holmes got the Geomancy skill.

Shigen got Dragon Saint, Blazing Wind, Rising Dragon.

Yoda got Life or Death.

Xeno got Gale and Continue.

and Samson got Heaven Saint and Earth Saint.

Encounter Map 9-13: 1 Turn each floor (Morse Tower) / Total 344 Turns

pretty much Warpskipped each floor except for 5th floor. I don't know how many tries it took me to refresh Holmes with Lyria's Sing, and Plum is in Runan's group. I kept restarting until Holmes is refreshed.

and this marks the end of second division and the third and final division is up next.

Name    Class		Level   HP      Str 	Skl 	Agi 	Def 	Mag 	Lck 	Wlv
Runan   Lord 		26.13   46      14      18      23      11      6	11	16
Enteh   Sister          8.90    18      0   	6   	9   	1   	8   	10      10
Estelle Paladin		40.00   51      20      22      22      14      8   	18      19
Rennie  Bow Master      37.08   43      22      21      21      15      2   	20      19
Sharon  Arrow Knight    22.20   33      9   	19      17      12      2   	12      17
Lee 	Bishop          28.85   30      0   	10      13      4   	17      4   	14
Narsus	Thief		11.06	29	5	9	17	2	4	7	7
Rebecca	Priest		6.13	22	0	4	7	2	9	8	11
Plum    Priest          12.07   21      0   	2   	6   	1   	7   	14      6
Holmes	Hide Hunter	23.25	44	19	18	20	13	1	12	17
Shigen	Swordmaster	22.95	37	15	24	20	11	0	10	12
Yoda	Swordmaster	30.01	40	16	22	21	8	6	13	18
Renee	Saint		14.18	22	0	12	12	4	16	7	18
Xeno	Hero		28.79	44	16	22	22	14	2	11	16
Garo	Pirate		32.54	58	18	16	18	11	0	2	16
Samson	Warrior		29.48	55	20	16	23	11	1	9	20
Lyria	Priest		10.92	19	0	4	4	1	6	14	5

Edited by ☆ Holmes
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I should clarify: Re-visiting the map to shop/learn skills does NOT cost turns. I count that under "map shopping"

If you ran into an encounter while revisiting, THAT costs turns.

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Map 6: 8/55 turns.

A bit harder than usual with so few people. I sent Runan with Julia and Raquel down the middle, letting Vega and Garo rape the ballistae by the side. Norton is ignored. Hammer and Estoc ensured that both Ballistae died on round one. Garo went together with Julia and Raquel to frag the boss, while Runan gets to pick off leftovers for exp. Vega raped half of Norton's team during that time. Some poking by Raquel turns the boss into a one-hit-hatchet kill for Garo.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	11.86	27	8	8	13	8	2	7	9
Enteh	Cleric		5.72	16	0	5	8	1	7	8	9
Plum	Priest		2.63	18	0	2	3	1	5	7	4
Julia	Myrmidon	8.59	30	7	15	17	6	1	10	12
Luca	Bowman		5.28	21	4	6	11	3	0	2	8
Garo	Pirate		14.81	40	13	5	13	7	0	1	14
Vega	Myrmidon	7.21	28	8	14	14	6	3	5	9
Raquel	Bow Master	12.54	24	12	16	16	7	0	9	18

Map 7: 8/63 turns.

Garo and Vega goes crazy inside. Buying that Hammer for Garo many maps back really paid off as he OHKOed any punk that crosses his path. On the outside, Raquel busts the door for Runan, then races to the boss to weaken him, while Julia picks the Armorslayer and starts to rape the armored enemies near the start. Much exp were had. Runan offed the Boss at turn 7, and seized on 8 (Garo was one square too far).

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	13.6	28	9	8	15	10	2	9	9
Enteh	Cleric		6.37	16	0	5	8	1	7	8	10
Plum	Priest		3.47	19	0	2	3	1	6	7	4
Julia	Myrmidon	10.93	30	8	16	18	6	1	10	12
Luca	Bowman		5.28	21	4	6	11	3	0	2	8
Garo	Pirate		15.88	41	14	5	13	7	0	1	14
Vega	Myrmidon	7.58	28	8	14	14	6	3	5	9
Raquel	Bow Master	13.24	24	12	17	17	8	0	10	19

Edited by Kopfjager
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Map 8: 10/73 turns.

Yuni gets me the Iron Shield, Agi+, and Knight Proof. Everyone else grabs a buttload of Exp. Julia and Garo gets to handle the enemy pirates.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	13.6	28	9	8	15	10	2	9	9
Enteh	Cleric		6.58	16	0	5	8	1	7	8	10
Plum	Priest		3.47	19	0	2	3	1	6	7	4
Luca	Bowman		5.28	21	4	6	11	3	0	2	8
Vega	Myrmidon	9.38	28	8	14	15	6	3	5	11
Raquel	Bow Master	14.70	25	12	18	18	8	1	10	19

Route Split 1:

Runan Team:







Holmes Team:






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5: 4 turns clear = 44 turns total

lol the boss ran into my little knot of people and got crit twice in the head by arkis


6: 8 turns clear = 52 turns total

maharaj isn't that bad ok

7: 10 turns clear = 62 turns total


fucker stalled my clear but he did get sasha to promo level

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Map 9: 11/84 turns.

Gods this map is infuriating. Having so few combatants + enemy reinforcements just makes it worse. I split my team with Luca and Raquel in the desert and everyone else charging the enemy. Meriah was priceless, OHKOing enemies left and right with Starlight, while Runan and Vega needed a LOT of healing to survive. Raquel weakens the boss for Meriah to kill off, allowing Runan to seize.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	16.6	31	9	10	16	12	2	10	10
Enteh	Cleric		8.0	18	0	6	8	1	7	9	10
Plum	Priest		4.52	19	0	2	3	1	7	8	5
Luca	Bowman		6.63	21	4	6	12	3	0	3	8
Vega	Myrmidon	12.91	30	10	15	18	6	3	6	12
Raquel	Bow Master	15.42	25	12	19	18	9	1	11	19
Meriah	Mage		4.3	19	0	8	8	2	8	7	6	

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Route split : Kreiss, Plum, Mahter and Norton remain with Runan, while Holmes gets Garo, Barts, Yuni and a few mules. Most of the money is sent to Holmes' team as well.

Chapter 9 : 6/67

Plum blesses Mahter to lessen the damage of arrows and blades first, then she rushes ahead with Runan and Kreiss. After some fighting in the middle of the map, Kreiss and Mahter leave the slower knights and armorknights behind and go for Chamos. Runan follows.

After Chamos is targetted on turn 5, Dagon pops out, equipped with Hellfire, and is defeated in one round by Kreiss with a Pilum. Runan seizes the turn after. Oh and Norton got a kill in the desert to the south. Woo.

Chapter 10 : 7/76

Runan and Kreiss go east, while Mahter initially goes south with Norton and Enteh behind her. After recruiting Sharon and Billford, the former zip past them with Mahter for the gate.

Enteh goes down to get the Dragon Flute and Mahter promotes after clearing Runan's way a bit. Kreiss kills the boss and even reaches level 20 on the last turn, so a promotion is awaiting him next chapter.

Oh and Norton got another kill.

Keep in mind I may have to restart this. I'm unsure if Plum keeps her Defense staff when kidnapped. Since it's a staff only she can use I'm thinking yes, but you never know.

Encounter 1 (Taurus) : 2/78

Only Holmes, Barts and newcomer Lionel got kills. Katri got one heal though.

Chapter 11 : 12/90

Lionel and Barts lead the charge, with Holmes, Shigen, Garo and Yuni behind. Garo stays behind to block tunnels and Barts heads west to help Samson while a badly damaged Lionel storms the boss room with the others.

Holmes gets the chest and the map is done.

Encounter 2 (Welt Bridge) : 6/96

Lionel and Holmes take the enemies on the bridge and south of it, while Shigen and Barts take those at the west of the river.

Chapter 12 : 3/99

Lionel goes to the front to take most of the beating, but most of the enemies avoid him for Shigen and Barts. Shigen kills Doruk with an Iron Sword. Attrom was unharmed.

Name       Level   HP St Sk Ag De Ma Lk Wl Skills

Runan      11.19  |30| 7|12|10| 6| 2| 8| 9|Sea Fighter, City Fighter, Continue
Enteh       6.82  |15| 0| 6| 8| 1|10| 8| 9|No skills
Kreiss     20.00  |40|16|15|13|11| 3| 8|15|Remove, Gale
Mahter     12.70  |32|13|14|13|12| 3|12| 9|Gale, Remove
Norton      7.36  |37|10| 7| 4|14| 0| 2| 7|Life or Death, City Fighter, Arena Fighter

Holmes     10.27  |33|13|12|15| 8| 1| 6|12|Pîcklock, Sea Fighter
Katri       1.90  |17| 0| 4| 8| 1| 7| 5| 7|Summon
Shigen      9.70  |27| 8|13|15| 6| 0| 7|10|Continue, Sea Fighter
Garo       13.63  |41|16| 6|13|11| 0| 1|14|Continue, Sea Fighter
Barts      13.77  |38|15| 9|17| 8| 0| 3|10|Mountain Fighter
Plum        3.57  |18| 0| 2| 3| 1| 4| 7| 4|No skills
Yuni        2.33  |18| 1| 8|13| 0| 2| 7| 6|Steal, Picklock
Lionel     10.41  |31|10| 9|14|10| 0| 5| 9|Life or Death. City Fighter

Edited by Dio
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