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TearRing Saga: The Draft.

Wen Yang

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Guys, if you can, when you finish can you guys give me the impression you guys got on your units and on the stages if any gave you difficulties in particular?

Thanks beforehand. :)

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Map 10: 7/91 turns.

Chaaaarge straight to the castle, Raffin deployed so I can get Billford. I didn't bother with Dragon Flute, and sent Plum off to get kidnapped ASAP. Runan did most of the crowd-clearing himself, and Vega killed the boss so he could seize on turn 7.

Map 11: 15/106 turns.

This map is infuriating. I kept getting blocked by enemy reinforcements. The only silver lining is that my folks levelled very well here.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	16.6	31	9	10	16	12	2	10	10
Enteh	Cleric		8.0	18	0	6	8	1	7	9	10
Plum	Priest		4.52	19	0	2	3	1	7	8	5
Luca	Bowman		6.63	21	4	6	12	3	0	3	8
Vega	Myrmidon	12.91	30	10	15	18	6	3	6	12
Raquel	Bow Master	15.42	25	12	19	18	9	1	11	19
Meriah	Mage		4.3	19	0	8	8	2	8	7	6	

Holmes	Bow Hero	7.37	30	11	10	11	8	0	6	10
Katri	Cleric		3.38	18	0	5	10	1	8	6	9
Alicia	Mage		3.0	20	0	7	7	3	7	5	7
Shigen	Myrmidon	10.9	27	10	12	16	6	0	6	11
Garo	Pirate		18.80	43	15	7	14	7	0	1	15
Julia	Myrmidon	16.57	35	8	19	19	8	1	11	12

Map Encounter 1 (Wellt Bridge): 6/112 turns.

Went to pick Sylpheed (which Alicia can use at base), and used this chance to feed Alicia the Agi+ and to Promote Julia. Otherwise, just wiped off the enemy.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Agi	Def	Mag	Lck	Wlv
Runan	Knight Lord	16.6	31	9	10	16	12	2	10	10
Enteh	Cleric		8.0	18	0	6	8	1	7	9	10
Plum	Priest		4.52	19	0	2	3	1	7	8	5
Luca	Bowman		6.63	21	4	6	12	3	0	3	8
Vega	Myrmidon	12.91	30	10	15	18	6	3	6	12
Raquel	Bow Master	15.42	25	12	19	18	9	1	11	19
Meriah	Mage		4.3	19	0	8	8	2	8	7	6	

Holmes	Bow Hero	7.91	30	11	10	11	8	0	6	10
Katri	Cleric		3.97	18	0	5	10	1	8	6	9
Alicia	Mage		3.75	20	0	7	7	3	7	5	7
Shigen	Myrmidon	10.87	27	10	12	16	6	0	6	11
Garo	Pirate		18.80	43	15	7	14	7	0	1	15
Julia	Swordmaster	17.37	37	11	22	21	9	1	12	14

Edited by Kopfjager
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Chapter 10: 9/80

Map Encounter 1: 3/83

On the way to Wellt. Fought on the Bridge, but it was the one where you start at the end of the bridge and not the beginning.


Map Encounter 2: 7/90

On the way to C11, fought in Verje. Got Narron to level 6, and he also got a couple STR procs. :D: I might even be able to promote him mid C11.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Oops, I'll edit that in. I thought something seemed off..

Map Encounter 3: 3/93

STILL on the way to C11, didn't think I'd get another encounter... Narron is level 9. Fought in Taurus.

Map 11: 16/109

Eh, I guess I improved by one turn. It was actually surprisingly difficult to get Narron that last kill because it was inside and the majority of the enemies were fought at a chokepoint. But he got it near the end. Ezekiel also promoted near the beginning.

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Starting the final division, Plum, Lyria, Samson, Rennie, Sharon, Narsus, Rebecca were in Runan's group cause I needed an Awareness user to face Ernest at Map 34. bought some Iron Shields for Garo.

Encounter Map 14: 1 Turn (Sealed Bridge)

Just use Renee's Anti-Evil staff, which removes a random number of Monsters. Only one was left, so I moved Yoda to enemy's attack range then took the last one on enemy's turn.

Map 31: 2 Turns

Garo solo'd in this map. I gave him an Iron and the Magic Shield then Warped him to where the enemies are. I attacked the witch first and ended the turn. then the Dark Knights were ambushing Garo, but Garo was kicking ass! :D on the second turn, Zeek was the last one standing, Good thing Garo had a higher AS than Zeek, allowing him to double attack to break his Silver Shield. Then I ORKO'd him on enemy phase and cleared the map.

Map 32: 2 Turns

I gave Holmes a Master Sword, Warped him to the boss. ORKO'd Him, then Seized the map on the next turn.

Map 33: 4 Turns

Tomaharn tome is annoying! 18 Power, 1-3 range, 100 accuracy and prevents counter attack. D: Thank god, I gave Holmes the skill Geomancy at Map 30, it activated along with Rising Dragon.. Taking the boss out in one hit. unfortunately, the boss had an Elixir. I had to face him again.

Map 34: 12 Turns

This map can very hard the first time you play this. If you know what you're doing then it'll be less harder. I used the Power Staff on Samson to solo against the Wood Shooters at the east area while units trying to prevent the endless reinforcements from coming every turn. I deployed Mintz in this map to recruit Hagaru. Once I took out most of the enemies and blocked all the forts (except one). I went to face Ernest, a Gold Knight boss. at first, I let Estelle standing two range away, so Ernest would use Hand Lance to attack her, decreasing his AS, then I attacked him to break his Silver Shield. and Samson took him out. After Ernest got defeated, Runan will automatically move to the gate. seized the map.

Map 35: 2 Turns

I only copied the strategy on YayMarsha's Mock Run video. But with Rennie, She had 10 movement (thanks to her 10% movement growth) and capped Str, Skil and Speed. ORKO'd Julius with a Gatling Bow.

Map 36: 7 Turns

Eh? Killed Monsters and stuff. oh, and I used the Mov Plus on Hagaru and He turned out to be useful. :D with his Elite skill, he'll gain 2x EXP. after I cleared, I bought some door keys for Map 39.

Map 37: 15 Turns

I find this map annoying, should've bought some Bridge Keys. Lots of Zombie Dragons at the southwest of map, Warping Witches, 3 Dark Bishops with Summon staves, and It has another Boss with the Tomaharn tome. Good thing, I still had the Thief Sword from Map 26B, I used that to steal the Tomaharn from Nefka.

Map 38: 1 Turn

Just warped Holmes to the boss, ORKO'd him with a Master Bow. and cleared the map.

Map 39: 7 Turns

gave Estelle the Luna Sword, so she take out Zeek in one round.

Map 40: 7 Turns

This is it, the final map. warped Holmes to Runan's door. then I moved Rennie to open Sennet's door, while others are killing stuff. on the 7th, I weakened the Dark Dragon, then used Tia to finished the job. and that's it. I beat the game. I am finished. This was my first draft!NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Here's a recap of turn counts of each Map.

[spoiler=Recap]Map 1: 8 Turns

Map 2: 12 Turns

Map 3: 10 Turns

Map 4: 12 Turns

Map 5: 4 Turns

Map 6: 10 Turns

Map 7: 8 Turns

Map 8: 12 Turns

Map 9: 13 Turns

Map 10: 16 Turns

Map 11: 17 Turns

Map 12: 4 Turns

Map 13: 4 Turns

Map 14: 9 Turns

Map 15: 2 Turns

Map 16: 25 Turns

Map 17: 8 Turns

Map 18: 25 Turns

Map 19: 10 Turns

Map 20: 5 Turns

Map 21: 11 Turns

Map 22: 4 Turns

Map 23: 4 Turns

Map 24: 9 Turns

Map 25: 19 Turns

Map 26B: 18 Turns

Map 27: 7 Turns

Map 28: 3 Turns

Map 29: 6 Turns

Map 30: 1 Turn

Map 31: 2 Turns

Map 32: 2 Turns

Map 33: 4 Turns

Map 34: 12 Turns

Map 35: 2 Turns

Map 36: 7 Turns

Map 37: 15 Turns

Map 38: 1 Turn

Map 39: 7 Turns

Map 40: 7 Turns

Encounter Map 1: 6 Turns (Welt River)

Encounter Map 2: 3 Turns (Road)

Encounter Map 3: 6 Turns (Riguria)

Encounter Map 4: 6 Turns (Riguria)

Encounter Map 5: 5 Turns (Where all the mummies are)

Encounter Map 6: 6 Turns (South Ilial Cave)

Encounter Map 7: 5 Turns (North Ilial Cave)

Encounter Map 8: 4 Turns (Sealed Bridge)

Encounter Map 9-13: 1 Turn each floor (Morse Tower)

Encounter Map 14: 1 Turn (Sealed Bridge)

TOTAL: 402 (406, with penalty for using Kate at Map 1.)

Final Stats

Name    Class		Level   HP      Str 	Skl 	Agi 	Def 	Mag 	Lck 	Wlv
Runan   Lord		31.05   51      15      21      23      11      6   	11      16
Enteh   Sister          10.05   18      0   	6   	10	1	8	10      12
Estelle Paladin		40.00   51      20      22      22      14      8   	18      19
Rennie  Bow Master      40.00   45      22      21      21      15      2   	20      19
Sharon  Arrow Knight    25.56   34      12      21      19      13      2   	14      19
Lee 	Bishop          33.19   31      0   	11      13      4   	21      4   	14
Narsus  Thief		21.63   42      8   	12      22      5   	4   	9   	8
Rebecca Priest          10.31	24      0   	4   	7   	2   	9   	9   	11
Plum    Priest          15.44   21      0   	2   	6   	1   	7   	17      6
Holmes  Hide Hunter 	27.64   46      19      20      21      14      1   	14      19
Shigen  Swordmaster 	23.84   38      16      24      20      11      0   	10      12
Katri   Sister          6.77    21      0   	4   	10      1   	11      7   	11
Yoda    Swordmaster 	32.41   40      16      22      21      8   	6   	13      18
Renee   Saint		16.60   23      0   	13      12      4   	16      9   	20
Xeno    Hero            29.79   44      16      23      22      15      2   	11      16
Garo    Pirate          37.14   60      19      16      18      12      0   	2   	16
Samson  Warrior		36.73   60      22      20      23      14      1   	11      20
Lyria   Priest          15.43   20      0   	4   	8   	1   	7   	17      7
Hagaru	Wood Shooter	28.98	42	20	19	16	24	0	12	11
Tia	Leda Princess	23.43	35	18	23	25	13	25	22	20
Sennet	Prince		22.03	47	23	21	20	20	14	15	20
Alfred	Sage		35.00	38	0	22	18	9	19	8	20

Edited by ☆ Holmes
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Before the chapter : sold a Wind and 2 Gold Bags.

Chapter 13 : 2/101

Lionel storms the boat with his high movement as the others follow in his wake. Krisheen tries to grab items from her attackers, but fails. At least she lives and keeps her items.

Bought a Killer Sword in Marl

Chapter 14 : 6/107

Lionel, Barts and Holmes go northeast first, then head northwest towards the gate. The others visit villages and kill Thieves for some experience and cash.

Plum is recruited again, and helps Barts fight in the arena for a couple of turns.

Chests taken : Knight Proof, Pow Plus, Mag Plus, Agi Plus, Def Plus

Also bought 3 Door Keys, sold 3 Gold Bags

Chapter 15 : 2/109

Lyria, Power staff, didn't lay a finger on the girls, Frontier Fighter Lionel

Bought a Repeater Bow and a Scissor Axe

Encounter 3 (Fort Ligria) : 5/114

Holmes gets Frontier Fighter, Barts gets Arena Fighter and gets us some dosh, most of the Opi are taken care of by Lionel and Shigen.

Arkis and Estelle also serve as temporary bargain shopkeepers. Since Barts' Iron Axe was almost broken, I'm getting a new one. Also an Iron Lance for Lionel.

Chapter 16 : 18/132

Lionel rushed to kill the Lord of Mermel as fast as he could to keep the Opi number at a minimum. Sadly, none of them would even dare to attack him, preferring Garo or Katri's summoned zombies instead.

Holmes opened the southern chests while Yuni took the northern ones. Both Barts and Lionel promoted at level 20.

Name       Level   HP St Sk Ag De Ma Lk Wl Skills

Runan      11.19  |30| 7|12|10| 6| 2| 8| 9|Sea Fighter, City Fighter, Continue
Enteh       6.82  |15| 0| 6| 8| 1|10| 8| 9|No skills
Kreiss     20.00  |40|16|15|13|11| 3| 8|15|Remove, Gale
Mahter     12.70  |32|13|14|13|12| 3|12| 9|Gale, Remove
Norton      7.36  |37|10| 7| 4|14| 0| 2| 7|Life or Death, City Fighter, Arena Fighter

Holmes     14.16  |37|15|14|17|10| 1| 7|14|Picklock, Sea Fighter, Frontier Fighter
Katri       4.25  |18| 0| 5| 9| 1| 7| 6| 7|Summon
Shigen     12.59  |30| 8|16|18| 6| 0| 7|12|Continue, Sea Fighter
Garo       18.08  |46|19| 6|15|12| 0| 1|16|Continue, Sea Fighter
Barts      20.00  |48|21|15|23|13| 0| 4|14|Mountain Fighter, Arena Fighter, Charge
Plum        8.21  |19| 0| 2| 4| 1| 4|10| 4|Dance
Yuni        2.89  |18| 1| 8|13| 0| 2| 7| 6|Steal, Picklock
Lionel     21.00  |43|18|16|21|14| 1|13|12|Life or Death. City Fighter, Frontier Fighter, Awareness, Arena Fighter
Krisheen    4.09  |21| 4| 8|11| 3| 7| 7| 6|Steal
Lyria       4.89  |19| 0| 2| 4| 1| 4|13| 3|Sing

Edited by Dio
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Map Encounter 4: 2/111

Map Encounter 5: 3/114

I swear you're not supposed to run into this many encounters.

Map 12: 3/117

Narroooooooooooooon is amazing. He literally ORKOs or OHKOs everything and procs Mighty Shield quite often.

Map 13: 2/119

Narron chaaaaaarge. Also sent Shigen and Ezekiel to pick up the Thunder Sword.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Sold all three promotion items obtained in Chapter 16 for dosh.

On Runan's team, sold Meriah's Fire, bought a Hatchet.

Chapter 17 : 5/137

Kreiss promotes and rushes to the bridge to open it. Mahter flies at Kernel's troops and kills the Sword Knight with the Skl PLUS.

Kreiss kills Melisal with the Needle Spear, Norton chips an Archer and Runan seizes. Rakis didn't even show up.

Chapter 18 : 12/149

Extremely frustrating, but I pulled it through with only five units. Kreiss destroys the door and lures most units at him. Mahter goes south and fights Bow Knights, Ballistae and Wood Shooters.

Norton is somewhat useful in fighting off monsters, but he takes a ton of damage from rocks. He does manage to promote by the end of the chapter.

Barbarossa needed Kreiss cutting his Sol Sword before piercing him with his Needle Spear. With 5 HP left, Runan decided to be useful (and he had an Arch Ogre in his face, so he wouldn't seize anyway) and stabbed him with his trusty Rapier.

Chapter 19 : 7/156

I really regret leaving so few units to Runan, but Barts and Garo were better fits with Holmes anyway.

Kreiss goes to the northeast help Rofarl with Sasha behind him, while Norton, Mahter and Runan take the middle section. The Gargoyles are by far the worst monsters around, with enough speed not to be doubled and just enough HP not to be OHKOed by my best weapons.

After cursing my head a good dozen of times, I manage to kill the Ogre and Gargoyle Exorcists, while the Skeleton one gives free experience for Runan. Sasha recruits Rofarl completely unharmed. He goes south to meet Runan and deliver him the Mainstar and Runan seizes soon after.

Runan at least got 8 levels in this map, a good amount of them buffing his pitiful Strength and Defense. He even got into a kill frenzy on one enemy phase, activating Rising Dragon three times in a row against opposing Skeletons.

Encounter 3 (Fort Ligria) : 3/159

Barts breaks the right door to let Lionel, Shigen and Holmes pass. Then he breaks the left door so he can kill and annoying Gargoyle. The women have fun in the arena, Krisheen in the lead.

Encounter 4 (Aerial Mountains) : 3/162


Shigen got most of the spoils and, considering he got a lot of Strength, inspired me for this TF2 reference above.

Lionel's movement helped him get to the northern Mummies faster.

And I got the Wlv Plus.

Encounter 5 (Aerial Caves South) : 5/167

Got an Armorslayer and a Super Proof yay.

Encounter 6 (Aerial Caves North) : 4/171

I think the only thing interesting about this chapter is that I managed to steal the Necromancer's Earthquake spell thanks to Krisheen. That's 10 uses of full map AoE for me.

Chapter 20 : 4/175

Holmes rushes with Lionel, equipped with a Short Sword so he could ORKO Gargoyles. Garo tried going south for experience since he has the least movement penalty in lava. Still not enough for a level.

Name       Level   HP St Sk Ag De Ma Lk Wl Skills

Runan      20.16  |36|11|17|15| 9| 4|10|12|Sea Fighter, City Fighter, Continue, Rising Dragon
Enteh       8.33  |15| 0| 7| 8| 1|11| 9|10|No skills
Kreiss     26.05  |48|19|20|15|18| 5|10|19|Remove, Gale, Geomancy
Mahter     19.67  |36|15|19|15|12| 3|19|11|Gale, Remove, Earth Saint
Norton     13.20  |39|14| 8| 5|17| 0| 5|11|Life or Death, City Fighter, Arena Fighter, Big Shield
Rofarl     25.04  |41|17|16|13|13| 2|12|15|Big Shield, Life or Death, City Fighter

Holmes     15.97  |38|15|15|18|10| 1| 8|14|Picklock, Sea Fighter, Frontier Fighter
Katri       4.91  |18| 0| 5| 9| 1| 7| 6| 7|Summon
Shigen     18.71  |35|13|19|18| 6| 1|10|14|Continue, Sea Fighter
Garo       18.96  |46|19| 6|15|12| 0| 1|16|Continue, Sea Fighter
Barts      22.60  |50|22|16|23|14| 0| 4|14|Mountain Fighter, Arena Fighter, Charge
Plum       10.79  |20| 0| 2| 5| 1| 4|12| 4|Dance
Yuni        2.89  |18| 1| 8|13| 0| 2| 7| 6|Steal, Picklock
Lionel     26.27  |48|19|20|21|15| 1|16|14|Life or Death. City Fighter, Frontier Fighter, Awareness, Arena Fighter
Krisheen    8.21  |24| 5| 9|14| 4| 7| 8| 9|Steal
Lyria       7.64  |19| 0| 2| 6| 1| 4|14| 4|Sing

Edited by Dio
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9: 7 turns clear = 79 turns total







okay now time to not play trs because fuck chapter 9

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I think the fact that getting Narron before Map 11 caused to have my 5th encounter before Map 12 when Dio didn't have his 5th encounter until after Map 19 is enough reason to let Holmes!Narron be draftable, even if he's still awesomesauce as soon as he promotes.

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I think this proves that Raffin does not need to be banned/free. Dio is actually ahead of where I was after Map 4.

I think the fact that getting Narron before Map 11 caused to have my 5th encounter before Map 12 when Dio didn't have his 5th encounter until after Map 19 is enough reason to let Holmes!Narron be draftable, even if he's still awesomesauce as soon as he promotes.

Right you have Lionel what that's so unfair.

bbm, I usually like you but you're being a fucking woman dude ;/

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Hey that's sexist

The first two comments were because Wen asked me to tell him whether or not I thought Raffin/Zeek/Narron needed to be banned, since they're all good combat mounted guys. The third was me being whiny.

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Map 14: 6/125

Holmes goes to recruit Plum and is then danced forward twice for a quicker seize. Narron ORKOs the boss. I decided to get the 3 promo items, the Far-Healing Staff, and the Elixir.

Map 15: 2/127

Well I got FRAU (and Lyria). Sadly I also realized that I forgot to buy a Dragon Flute for her in Map 10 so she'll probably have to wait a couple chapters longer than she might have had to otherwise for promotion. Because I'm also bad at managing money, I don't have enough to buy any of the Fighter skills.

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I figured Runan only really needed 10K dosh for the Dragon Flute. The other items didn't seem that interesting, while the fighter skills costing 7k each could quickly add up. Then there's the freedom to shop, better items (PILA <3) and the Fort Ligria discounts, I fugred Holmes could have all the money.

Even if you have to recruit Narcus, all that means is to leave 2000 with Runan, lose half of that and sell the three gold bags you should have. There's even Dagon's Hellfire to sell if you wish.

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Chapter 21 : 9/184

Holmes raids for the chests early on while Katri's zombies and Lionel shield the other units from the dragon. Barts and Lionel take care of the northeast reinforcements while Shigen tags with Holmes for the northern ones.

I manage to get my hands on both the Master Axe and Sylpheed, but the latter costs me a turn in doing so since Alfred was a bit too far away.

Sold an old Iron Bow for a new one in Fort Ligria.

Chapter 22 : 3/187

Most of the work is done by Lionel, but I want him to learn Anti-Evil, so Barts gets to cut Zachariah down after Lionel softened him.

Sold a Gold Bag, bought 4 Pila.

Chapter 23 : 3/190

Lionel rushes ahead, trying to get hit with little success. It doesn't matter since he 2HKOes Ahab without a critical even with a Pilum. Rishel was ultimately ignored despite his best attempts to douse Lionel in a rain of flames.

Encounter 7 (Sealed Bridge) : 5/195

Shigen needs to die so I can recruit Sierra early, so I send him west alone with the Dullahan to lower his avoid. He also promotes so he can get a bit of experience in doing so, since he hit 20 in chapter 21.

He still manages to kill a few Gargoyles, but he dies on Enemy phase 4 with four of them left. Leonheart and Holmes clean up nicely with their bows.

Route split 2 :

Runan gets Garo, Barts, Plum, Lionel and Lyria. Holmes gets Kreiss, Norton and Rofarl.

Just in case, Runan gets 15K dosh total. Holmes is at 37K.

Chapter 24 : 8/203

Plum blessed Mahter and Runan with her Defense staff, which helped shield against rocks. Lionel rushed and killed Dolmu on turn 5 while Barts and Garo got some experience on his leftovers.

Garo took a helping of Skl Plus and a Super Proof, but I'm unsure if he'll even reach level 30.

Name       Level   HP St Sk Ag De Ma Lk Wl Skills

Runan      20.64  |36|11|17|15| 9| 4|10|12|Sea Fighter, City Fighter, Continue, Rising Dragon
Enteh       8.33  |15| 0| 7| 8| 1|11| 9|10|No skills
Garo       20.94  |48|19| 9|16|13| 0| 2|16|Continue, Sea Fighter
Barts      27.74  |55|22|17|23|15| 0| 5|15|Mountain Fighter, Arena Fighter, Charge
Plum       14.21  |20| 0| 2| 6| 1| 5|15| 5|Dance
Mahter     21.23  |38|16|19|15|13| 3|20|13|Gale, Remove, Earth Saint
Lionel     32.01  |54|21|20|21|18| 2|20|16|Life or Death. City Fighter, Frontier Fighter, Awareness, Arena Fighter, Anti-Evil
Lyria      10.48  |20| 0| 2| 7| 1| 5|17| 4|Sing

Holmes     18.27  |40|16|18|20|11| 2| 9|17|Picklock, Sea Fighter, Frontier Fighter, Rising Dragon
Katri       6.22  |19| 0| 5|10| 1| 7| 7| 7|Summon
Shigen     21.16  |40|18|23|22| 8| 2|11|17|Continue, Sea Fighter, Arena Fighter
Kreiss     26.05  |48|19|20|15|18| 5|10|19|Remove, Gale, Geomancy
Norton     13.20  |39|14| 8| 5|17| 0| 5|11|Life or Death, City Fighter, Arena Fighter, Big Shield
Yuni        2.89  |18| 1| 8|13| 0| 2| 7| 6|Steal, Picklock
Krisheen    8.41  |24| 5| 9|14| 4| 7| 8| 9|Steal
Rofarl     25.04  |41|17|16|13|13| 2|12|15|Big Shield, Life or Death, City Fighter
Leonheart  14.28  |34|14|12|13|10| 0| 6|12|Heaven Saint, Continue, Remove, Plains Fighter
Sierra      8.00  |25| 0| 7|10| 3|11| 3|12|Warp

Edited by Dio
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