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Need help with inserting animation


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So, I reskinned Lyn's durandal animation sheet to use for my hack.

But now I have to make the individual png files and insert one by one into FEditor.

I tried reading the tutorial on how to do it but creating the template just doesn't click in my mind and I'm having quite a bit of trouble figuring it out.

I can't seem to find a pre-made script for Durandal Lyn's animation anywhere. If anyone could help me create it, it would be awesome.

Or if anyone could even go as far as helping me format it into an insert ready package, please PM me. It would be much appreciated.

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To get a script for it, you can use Cam's FEditor Script Converter (If you can't find it, Google should be able to) Uhhh it's pretty self explanatory.

To get the frames you could just rip Lyn's Durandal anim using VBA (You hit Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, which hides layers, until only the layer with the battle sprites (and some other misc shit) is showing, then hit Ctrl+P for Pause, save a screenshot [screen capture], then Ctrl+N for next frame and repeat.)

then replace Lyn with yours.

It's extremely tedious and you'll have to get rid of some other stuff that's on the same layer, but your positions will be 100% right on.

unless the screen bounces

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I personally think you should just do a little more research and insert it as a custom animation

I think it'd be easier and it might help other people who are having the same problem as you

though of course it's a bit of work

but hacking in general is and I don't know of any easy ways out of this, TBH :\

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I tried to find a shortcut and thought about just copy and pasting bits and pieces of the sprite sheet over to the Lyn animation sheets I dumped from Feditor, but the sheet is all mixed up and cut in the strangest places, so that in itself would be an ordeal.

I even tried searching if there was anybody who already made the frames of Lyn in the proper positions.

What confused me was when I got the script from Cam's converter, it shows over 80+ frames in use, but the Lyn sheet that was supposedly complete, that I reskinned only has about 70 frames.

Sigh, I guess as Luffy said, there really aren't shortcuts to doing this. Guess I need to just sit down and beat this information into me so I can make this animation of mine work.

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What confused me was when I got the script from Cam's converter, it shows over 80+ frames in use, but the Lyn sheet that was supposedly complete, that I reskinned only has about 70 frames.

Because pieces of, or the same sprites are used in different positions. Since it's referred to as a different frame in the actual Frame Data file, Cam's converter sees it as a completely different frame.

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Because pieces of, or the same sprites are used in different positions. Since it's referred to as a different frame in the actual Frame Data file, Cam's converter sees it as a completely different frame.

Ah, that makes a lot of sense.

Still... I wish there were frames already done of Lyn in that animation so that I have something to work with.

eJubs, that method you mentioned,

Would you say it's pretty accurate in getting the same amount of frames as the script needs?

As I press Ctrl+N to advance to the next frame, sometimes the screen doesn't advance at all.

Edited by TheoryDS
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just because my converter spits out "frame80" doesn't necessarily mean that there are 80 frames

as far as i know there are 70 and frames 69-79 don't exist or whatever


the reason that the screen doesn't advance at all is because some frames are held for longer than others

ctrl-N just advances the game forward a frame, not the animation.

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Doing the Ctrl+N thing will give you literally every frame in the animation. Sometimes, too, Cam's script converter does some stuff with like, piercing frames and causes those to show up as extra frames, when really it's just the tip of Lyn's sword or something. You also have to get rid of Modes 2 and 4, which will be in the script Cam's converter spits out.

The script isn't perfect, but it's a lot easier than doing the timings and such yourself. :P

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Okay so I was doing eJubs method in taking a screenshot of every frame for the animation, and then I noticed that when Lyn hits the enemy unit, the screen shakes a little bit causing the 2 sprites to shift around by 1-2 pixels per frame. Has anyone had any experience with this? Is this a mechanic embedded in the game as a simple screen shake, or do I actually have to adjust my custom frames accordingly and copy the movements?

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Here's a little bit of a contribution from me that I worked on.

Following eJubs advice, I took each frame of Lyn's animation and edited it and repositioned them in the proper locations.

I've done the frames for Attack, Critical, and Dodge.

I did not work on the piercing frames, which I thought were more trouble than it's worth seeing as the animation barely had any.

I also did not do the ranged animation (I just believed that people would be using this for the sword animation and not her ranged one).

I also left the enemy unit there to give you a visual of where it would be so you could play around with the positioning yourself.

So for anyone else looking to reskin Lyn's durandal animation, here are the individual frames that I've compiled, along with the script dump from Cam's converter.


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Here's a little bit of a contribution from me that I worked on.

Following eJubs advice, I took each frame of Lyn's animation and edited it and repositioned them in the proper locations.

I've done the frames for Attack, Critical, and Dodge.

I did not work on the piercing frames, which I thought were more trouble than it's worth seeing as the animation barely had any.

I also did not do the ranged animation (I just believed that people would be using this for the sword animation and not her ranged one).

I also left the enemy unit there to give you a visual of where it would be so you could play around with the positioning yourself.

So for anyone else looking to reskin Lyn's durandal animation, here are the individual frames that I've compiled, along with the script dump from Cam's converter.


Can you also release that saber reskin? it looks pretty sexy!

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