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A wild Shiny Pokemon appeared!


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Shiny Zigzagoon that the staerter in 3rd gen has to fight.


Shiny mons before I get the pokeballs


It's been happening alot recently..>_>

I saw a video of a guy who had this happen to him.

Man, he went insane... Then cried.. then Raged.

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shiny graveler in pokémon silver. ONLY SHINY I HAVE EVER FOUND xD

And my GBA died right after i caught it. THOSE BATTERIEEES

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've seen and gotten some shiny Pokemon. :D

The first I ever saw was Nincada in Emerald. Back then though, I didn't know how valuable shinies were and I didn't want a Nincada at the time, so I just defeated it like any other wild Pokemon.

Second was Kricketune in Platinum. I caught it, but later traded it to someone who wanted it more than I did. lol

Third was Rattata in FireRed. I still have it and evolved it into a Raticate.

I also caught a shiny Zubat in HeartGold, which I evolved to Crobat and replaced my Pidgeot with. I love Crobat too, so I was happy to have a shiny one. :D

I also found a shiny Aron that I evolved to Aggron and use on my Emerald team. Aggron is one of my favorite shinies and favorite Pokemon! He has the best nature possible too! <3

I saw a shiny Tentacool in SoulSilver, but unfortunately, I was out of Pokeballs due to wasting them all trying to catch a Lapras. What was worse, I was on my way back to Olivine City at the time to GET more Pokeballs when I saw this bugger. :dry:

Lastly, shiny Vullaby in Black, and my most recent shiny. I like its chocolately color and she has a great nature too! I've already evolved her to Mandibuzz, but I'll train her further for use in more competitive battles some time.

I've tried using the Pokeradar in DPPt, but my luck with it is horrible. I've never found a shiny with it because my chains always break early, no matter how hard I try using tips I've seen. -_-

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In order:

Emerald: Poochyena, Slugma, Mawile, Banette, Geodude

Pearl: Gligar

White: Litwick(Caught it in my birthday, a few hours after getting the game), Swadloon and Lilipup.

I also got the event shinies and a few gems i found on gts, like a shiny Japanese Kingdra :D:

Edited by Viyut
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