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First Hard Mode Run.

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Anyone with half a brain is not going to promote a unit at level 14.

Perhaps. But those of us with a full brain realize that once a unit caps Spd and Str, an early promotion is the best thing for them. Giving a unit Bexp at the tail end of tier 2 to gain additional Luck, Skl, and Res is a poor use of Bexp - which is in short supply in HM. Feeding them Cexp to gain 1-2 of these inferior stats is even less rewarding.

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Perhaps. But those of us with a full brain realize that once a unit caps Spd and Str, an early promotion is the best thing for them. Giving a unit Bexp at the tail end of tier 2 to gain additional Luck, Skl, and Res is a poor use of Bexp - which is in short supply in HM. Feeding them Cexp to gain 1-2 of these inferior stats is even less rewarding.

This is a case-by-case situation. Some units can greatly benefit from getting more HP, Skl, and/or Def. If the promotion bonuses in Str and Spd won't make an immediate noticeable impact, letting them gain some more levels can be preferable, and a level or two of BEXP may be worth sparing.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Jill wouldn't mind a few BEXP levels by the end of her Tier 2 to solve her Skill and Defense problems.

Jill went from lvl 14 to lvl 6 in 4-p so i won't be putting any bonus exp into her at the moment. My end game team seems to be changing with every fight as Kieran bit the dust in 4-p. But Oscar can pretty much take his place. if any thing i add other royal to end game.

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Perhaps. But those of us with a full brain realize that once a unit caps Spd and Str, an early promotion is the best thing for them. Giving a unit Bexp at the tail end of tier 2 to gain additional Luck, Skl, and Res is a poor use of Bexp - which is in short supply in HM. Feeding them Cexp to gain 1-2 of these inferior stats is even less rewarding.

What else do you actually use BEXP for, aside from improving stats in poor growth areas?

Jill went from lvl 14 to lvl 6 in 4-p so i won't be putting any bonus exp into her at the moment. My end game team seems to be changing with every fight as Kieran bit the dust in 4-p. But Oscar can pretty much take his place. if any thing i add other royal to end game.

Titania. Not Oscar. Oscar is next to useless by 4-E in Hard mode. Pathetically low caps in both Strength and Speed means he won't be killing much. Titania is quite fragile but in terms of Strength and Speed she's good.

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What else do you actually use BEXP for, aside from improving stats in poor growth areas?

False dilemma. I chiefly use Bexp for improving Spd or Str on a unit who has capped other stats (for example: Ike's Spd, Titania's Spd, Shinon's Str, Mia's Str). That these units also gain other low-growth stats is an added bonus (especially if it's Def), but not a prime attraction. Bexp is in short supply in Hard Mode; using it on a unit that has already capped Spd and Str is generally a waste.

However, I also use some Bexp to:

  • level-up (or Blossom-slowplay) laguz like Janaff and Ulki
  • get high-growth units closer to promotion (especially tier 1 DBs)
  • level-up units with a good growth spread and high caps (like Naesala)

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What else do you actually use BEXP for, aside from improving stats in poor growth areas?

Titania. Not Oscar. Oscar is next to useless by 4-E in Hard mode. Pathetically low caps in both Strength and Speed means he won't be killing much. Titania is quite fragile but in terms of Strength and Speed she's good.

Figuring this one out as i'm having a hell of a time with 4-4. No matter what i do, some one i need gets kill, usually by a critical hit. I try going all out in a attack mode and that didn't work and i tried to sit back at let the ememy come to me and that also didn't work. If i fail any more i'm just going to bring Ike and Nailah to the lvl and just run through it with them.

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Soren->Restore Staves.

Did you raise Soren, he's passeable at best.

Also, if Mist/RHys/Laura is there, bring them with Restore if Soren/Illyana isn't raised and built up to Restore rank in staves.

Or, pure water too.

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Finally beat the damn lvl today. Luck was on my side for once as the ememy didn't land one critical hit the whole fight and every one lived except for Muarim who i don't care about. Now time to go kick a lot of Laguz but with Edward and Nolan.

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How important has he been for you, Rafiel is usually the best for endgame since the maps are small enough to cross quickly with his help. But since you used reyson, he needs a gem turn 1. I'd say you can still complete the game easily without reyson, Deghinsea is mostly stalling out the dragons by standing on tiles and plugging a Northwestern chokepoint with kurthnaga. A 1 turn doesn't work anymore since you need rafiel for it.

Sephirans map is the easiest, just stand on wardwood tiles as much as you can, have ranged weapons equipped and inch closer every turn. Use pure waters as well.

If you can defeat both of them, ashera shouldn't be to much of a problem.

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False dilemma. I chiefly use Bexp for improving Spd or Str on a unit who has capped other stats (for example: Ike's Spd, Titania's Spd, Shinon's Str, Mia's Str). That these units also gain other low-growth stats is an added bonus (especially if it's Def), but not a prime attraction. Bexp is in short supply in Hard Mode; using it on a unit that has already capped Spd and Str is generally a waste.

However, I also use some Bexp to:

  • level-up (or Blossom-slowplay) laguz like Janaff and Ulki
  • get high-growth units closer to promotion (especially tier 1 DBs)
  • level-up units with a good growth spread and high caps (like Naesala)

Fair enough. I don't use Laguz extensively because the transform limits get on my nerves a bit. I disagree that you shouldn't use it on a unit with already capped Str and Spd, but defences are important to my preferred defensive strategies in about 80% of the game's chapters (pretty much all of them bar most of Ike's Part 3 chapters, where it's easy to use offensive strategies).

I never thought to do that with Naesala, though. Might just try it.

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