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Concerning the one world theory

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Hm... Could it be that there was more than one writer, especially for the supports and the sidequests/DLC? That could explain the oddness regarding some dialogue suggesting that Tellius is in Iris' world while Paris' map has people talking about Ike coming from a different world.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Legends are usually true in fiction. It's something everyone should expect.

Of course, we know that there was at least one portal from Tellius to Varm/Iris. It's quite possible that the occasional appearances of Laguz in the Awakening world inflated over time, misleading the Taguel into thinking that they were the same species.

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Pardon me for jumping back to the original post and out of the current conversation, but as some people have already mentioned, it's most likely that the Jugdral saga takes place after the Scouring. I seem to recall hearing that IS has confirmed that the Jugdral games take place around 600 years or so before the Akaneia saga, but I can't offer any confirmation to that fact.

I would also argue, though, that the Elibe games have to take place chronologically before the Jugdral games. If I may elaborate...

At the end of The Scouring, the Ending Winter happens. Dragons in Elibe have to become Manakete as a result. Humans overpower them, and they flee through the Dragon's Gate to... somewhere else. An alternate dimension? A different continent? We can't say for sure. However, FE7 tells us pretty definitively that they can live as Dragons, not Manakete, in this new land. (This would seem to imply to me that it's not part of the same world, but that's irrelevant to the rest of the theory).

Now, at some time before the Akaneia saga, a great catastrophe of some sort happens, the Divine Dragons decide that the dragons in Akaneia need to become Manakete, the Earth Dragons disagree, etc etc. At first, this seems like The Ending Winter again. But... if we assume that the Dragon's Gate leads from Elibe to Akaneia, this can't be the case - after all, in FE7, nearly 1000 years after the Ending Winter, the dragons on the other side of the Gate aren't in Manakete form.

Now, where does Jugdral come into all this? Well, if I remember my timeline correctly, Dark Archbishop Galle makes his pact with Loptous about 300 years before the events of FE4. Now, if we trust the information given to us in the Akaneia saga as accurate, we know that Medeus was the only Earth Dragon not sealed away following the Divine Dragon/Earth Dragon war. And yet, 200 years after the pact is sealed, the 12 "gods" appear before the 12 Crusaders in human form. Thus, the Divine Dragon/Earth Dragon war presumably ends somewhere in that 200 year stretch. By our earlier logic, the Elibe games thus have to take place chronologically before the Jugdral games.

From this point, more speculation can take place on the exact nature of the Dragon's War, the pact with Loptous, and the Miracle of Darna. I have some rather crazy theories (Including one that I believe provides a compelling narrative link between FE7 and FE4), but I'll hold off on those as to not completely derail the thread. Again, sorry for being a little off-topic.

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I almost forgot about the 1000 year gap between the Ending Winter and the events of FE7. You're right that Ninian and Nils are still in dragon form, almost 1000 years after the Scouring (and they only use dragonstones upon landing on Elibe).

I personally believe the Dragon's Gate propelled the Elibe dragons to Archanea in the past, presumably during the Golden Age of the Dragon Tribe. The Golden Age lasts for 3000 years, before Archanea's dragon collapse occurs, which allows plenty of time to fit the above (the Elibe dragons being dragons for 1000 years) to make sense.

Edited by VincentASM
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Well something to take into account is that Elibe is most likely on another planet because in the TikixNn support, Tiki calls Nn the first person to have human and manakete blood, which means they've never heard of Arcadia and people like Sophia and possible Roy depending on canon. A little off topic but I've realized that Manakete can't be dragon Laguz for a few reasons. One Tiki tells Nn that she is the first mix breed of human and manakete, second Nn lacks a brand, which means that they can't be the same species. Now this might also mean that Taguel can't be laguz either due to the lack of chambrey's mark.

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Nn and Chambrey do not necessarily have to have a brand, as not all offspring inherit that, but if memory serves, children of beorc and laguz should be unable to transform at all. Thus whatever Manakete and Taguel are, they are clearly not laguz as shown in Tellius. But regardless, that is still no indicator as to whether or not Elibe is on another world or merely another continent; we have seen time and time again how isolated all of them are.

Here is where I would ordinarily present my own insane theory, but everything I think of still seems implausible.

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Well something to take into account is that Elibe is most likely on another planet because in the TikixNn support, Tiki calls Nn the first person to have human and manakete blood, which means they've never heard of Arcadia and people like Sophia and possible Roy depending on canon. A little off topic but I've realized that Manakete can't be dragon Laguz for a few reasons. One Tiki tells Nn that she is the first mix breed of human and manakete, second Nn lacks a brand, which means that they can't be the same species. Now this might also mean that Taguel can't be laguz either due to the lack of chambrey's mark.

While I actually agree with pretty much everything you've said there, Tiki isn't entirely a reliable source of info. She certainly has more knowledge than most, but she's hardly omniscient. There's no real reason to believe that she's wrong, but she could very well still BE wrong.

But the huge difference between both laguz and manaketes/taguel firmly suggests that they're a different species, despite the similiarities.

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