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"That one boss..."

Gold Vanguard

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The Spider mini boss in Rosparck's stage in Mega Man ZX Advent.

Like Aztek Falcon, this thing is a wonderful example of "who thought it was a good idea to put this guy here!".

It's right in the 2 or 3 stage, depending on which one you do first.

Defeating him, requires to hit the head. With this beasts size and arms, it's difficult to even jump without hitting something.

The Spider takes takes up most of the screen and therefore requires you to use trial and error to find out which parts of the body won't harm you.

He loves to spin his arms around, and trying to jump over the hurty parts without hitting a hurty part, requires very precise jumping and needs to be done several times in the row.

And he drops spiders into the stage from all over the place. And he will throw a massive load of electric charges at you.

For added fun, the sides of the arena contain instant kill spikes.

For even more fun, he loves to destroy the platforms below you. Take too long and you will find yourself on the ground of the elevator, which is electrified.

And of course, you only have Model A and Buckfire at this point. With only the Buster and Missles, you will probably be mislead into using the missiles. You will find out, that you can also aim for the spiders arms and shoot missiles on all of them at once. That doesn't do any good and you will probably die a few times, learning this.

I have never seen any effect in attacking the arms and it definitely doesn't deal 5 times the damage to the body as one might expect.

And Buckfire is huge and is even harder to maneuver here.

And you can't get back through to a savepoint, like you can on Chrono's stage. If you defeat this thing and then get crushed before defeating Rospark... Well, don't die to Rospark.

Just to add insult to injury, you fight the same kind of spider again later on. But without the spikes or the falling platforms.

And you will have Model F, so you can just shoot upwards and annihilate this thing in a few seconds.

It could be considered sweet revenge... if it weren't for the cutscene afterwards, showing that you were unable to even damage the damn thing...

Admittedly, it was still pretty therapeutic.

Edited by BrightBow
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Going back to Pokemon, Thug Zook in Pokemon XD has a Shadow Zangoose that's liable to go first (if not, it'll go second) and lay down the hurt on one of your Pokemon (and since Shadow moves are super effective on non-shadow Pokemon, don't be surprised to see one of yours get one shotted), which means that you'd have to pick away at it with the survivor and hope it goes down before it mops the floor with your team. For added fun, you have to face him again later on.

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