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Figure I will try one... Choose my team!

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Davinator, et al.

Who is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to follow this thread? It's simple. If you think this isn't worth your time, then back off. If you think this is not worth anyone else's time, then what? Are you magically able to change his game to hardo modo from easy modo (when clearly, fe8 EZ is easiest of the easy)?

I really don't see the problem here. He didn't post in the wrong thread. He isn't flaming or spamming. He isn't pressing opinions in other threads on his personal preferences. This is a Snowy_One thread, where he can post all the on-topic crap he wants (within the rules).

If there really is a problem with someone having a challenge with something you consider simple, you deal with it. You don't insult people for attempting. My (albiet incomplete) LP of POR is on Easy, and no one was hot and bothered like you are now. It happens to be my first attempt at it, so I figured I'd try. It's a slight challenge to me because I don't know spawn points, true hit formulas, and I'm just unfamiliar with it. Wanna come at me for LP'ing Easy mode? I don't care. Hell, I encourage it. It'll make you look rather silly for jumping on someone for biased reasons.

Someone brought up the whole easy mode thing, I expressed my opinion about the matter. Did I ever accuse him of flaming or spamming? Did I ever try and force him to restart on a higher difficulty? No. I brought up my reasons for thinking about restarting on a higher difficulty. You have no excuse to sound and act extremely hostile about it.

Edited by Davinatorman
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I really wasn't typing that aimed at you per se, I just placed your name on the top because you were the most recent poster warning Snowy of the likely consequences he'd endure. Aeine was primarily the et al, and the last paragraph was aimed at those sharing his opinions of the matter. I should've explained that, but oops'd, and didn't.

However, my second paragraph could apply to you, as though I don't see you accusing him of flaming etc, I also don't see how he is really that likely to be mocked for this. Sure, there is always one or two who will, but I'm still unsure as to why he is on the receiving end of it from anyone, at all. It's the principal of the matter, really, that I'm arguing for, and anyone can feel free to jump on that as they see fit.

Was I extremely hostile? The most offensive word I used was "silly", imo.

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Davinator, et al.

Who is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to follow this thread? It's simple. If you think this isn't worth your time, then back off. If you think this is not worth anyone else's time, then what? Are you magically able to change his game to hardo modo from easy modo (when clearly, fe8 EZ is easiest of the easy)?

I really don't see the problem here. He didn't post in the wrong thread. He isn't flaming or spamming. He isn't pressing opinions in other threads on his personal preferences. This is a Snowy_One thread, where he can post all the on-topic crap he wants (within the rules).

If there really is a problem with someone having a challenge with something you consider simple, you deal with it. You don't insult people for attempting. My (albiet incomplete) LP of POR is on Easy, and no one was hot and bothered like you are now. It happens to be my first attempt at it, so I figured I'd try. It's a slight challenge to me because I don't know spawn points, true hit formulas, and I'm just unfamiliar with it. Wanna come at me for LP'ing Easy mode? I don't care. Hell, I encourage it. It'll make you look rather silly for jumping on someone for biased reasons.

I'm not allowed to express my opinions on a forum made for discussion?

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I'm not allowed to express my opinions on a forum made for discussion?

It's one thing to express an opinion. It's another to act like a total tool because someone has the audacity to play a 7 year old video game on a mode you personally don't approve of.

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It's one thing to express an opinion. It's another to act like a total tool because someone has the audacity to play a 7 year old video game on a mode you personally don't approve of.

Wow you must be following me around to make smartass comments.

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I'm not allowed to express my opinions on a forum made for discussion?

Only if you can take the consequences of opening your mouth, which you are doing rather poorly.

Any luck with Marcia?

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Yea. She double-critted the first two people who attacked her leaving Ike with a fairly straight-forwards run. I'm now at chapter 7, which I plan to tackle today, and working on figuring out how to use Mia when she is going to be much weaker than Ike (and thusly targeted) as well as figuring out how to keep Ilyana safe on chapter 8.

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yes yes, we already know that.

It's cute that you hate me so much and have to flame me to seem smart.

Only if you can take the consequences of opening your mouth, which you are doing rather poorly.

Any luck with Marcia?

What consequences? Get scolded by a girl with the humor of a teacup? Lol.

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What consequences? Get scolded by a girl with the humor of a teacup? Lol.

Then I guess whatever offhand comments I make about your self-esteem issues shouldn't affect you in the least, right?

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It's cute you're enough of a narcissist that you think I have some sort of raging vendetta against you.

You follow me around, and all of your posts towards me are filled with ad hominem just like this one. It's obvious you're obsessed with me. If you want to prove anything at all you should stop replying, but we both know you're too stubborn and wannabe witty for that.

Then I guess whatever offhand comments I make about your self-esteem issues shouldn't affect you in the least, right?

Huh? Where'd you get that I have self-esteem issues? You're not very funny.

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You follow me around, and all of your posts towards me are filled with ad hominem just like this one. It's obvious you're obsessed with me. If you want to prove anything at all you should stop replying, but we both know you're too stubborn and wannabe witty for that.

Ok dude, whatever you say emot-jerkbag.gif

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This is really sad. Like, REALLY sad. You're fighting over freaking easy mode! I think there have been more posts in this topic about if I should play on easy or not than posts actually about my run. I've actually been avoiding the game because of this incident. I'm actually contemplating just giving up on it because I don't want a fight to happen here. Fighting about the value of easy mode should be handled in a tier topic or the debate forums. They're the congress/senate of this place. By compare, this topic is little more than a local business in terms of rule-making importance.

Edit: Yea, I know about my own outbursts in other topics. I don't deny them. But now that I've had a fight happen in my own topic I know how it feels and I am sorry for those things.

Edited by Snowy_One
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This is really sad. Like, REALLY sad. You're fighting over freaking easy mode! I think there have been more posts in this topic about if I should play on easy or not than posts actually about my run. I've actually been avoiding the game because of this incident. I'm actually contemplating just giving up on it because I don't want a fight to happen here. Fighting about the value of easy mode should be handled in a tier topic or the debate forums. They're the congress/senate of this place. By compare, this topic is little more than a local business in terms of rule-making importance.

Edit: Yea, I know about my own outbursts in other topics. I don't deny them. But now that I've had a fight happen in my own topic I know how it feels and I am sorry for those things.

My apologies. I'm kinda following this because you had an Ilyana vs. Tormod debate earlier, and I'm curious to see how you'll handle both of them.

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