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Ana's Updated Sprites


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Okay, before I go back to mugshots, I'm gonna do these. Remember Azura, the lord character I created? Well, I've been fixing her battle sprites too. :)


She would be the only character with the Lord class that has three tiers. Heh heh.

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Huh. I was trying to go for light blue armor, but I guess I failed... >_<

I'm pretty sure there's no pillow shading though. I mean, after how many times people have pointed it out on my older sprites, surely I'm able to avoid it by now...

Edited by Anacybele
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Huh. I was trying to go for light blue armor, but I guess I failed... >_<

I'm pretty sure there's no pillow shading though. I mean, after how many times people have pointed it out on my older sprites, surely I'm able to avoid it by now...

The light blue actually looks good in the T1, IMO. It only gets muddied in her promotions.

The chest of her Tier2 is a little pillow-y.

If you're using 3 shades in armor, you generally want their RGB values to be between 20 and 40 apart, successively, as that's the way FE does it.

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Aw dang it. xP

But, well, if I change the colors in tiers 2 and 3 only, wouldn't that make tier 1 look out of place?

I don't have much understanding of RGB values though. I mean, I think the letters stand for red, green, and blue respectively, right? But that's all I ever figured out...

Edited by Anacybele
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Aw dang it. xP

But, well, if I change the colors in tiers 2 and 3 only, wouldn't that make tier 1 look out of place?

I don't have much understanding of RGB values though. I mean, I think the letters stand for red, green, and blue respectively, right? But that's all I ever figured out...

You can probably tweak the shading. I think it's more an issue of placement than of color.

They're just numbers representing value, since all colors can be made up of red, green and blue color rods. (How monitors and your tv work, etc. etc.)

In terms of sprites, it's probably best if I just link Yeti's explanation on it (since his tutorial, while generally focusing on full customs, is tremendously useful for all sorts of spriting)



About a third of the way down talks about palettes and colors.

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I understand you aren't working under restrictions, but you have a ton of stray colors that're giving your sprite a dirtier feel than standard FE sprites. I took out the duplicate spear handle tones, but didn't touch any of the others.

On the breast plate/armor/otherpieces you need to watch where your lighting is coming from and where you're placing your highlights. The arm is probably the easiest example: on the shoulder you have the light coming from the upper-right, but on the arm brace you had it coming from the left.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since no one has said anything else about my Azura battle sprites, I went and updated another old mug. Well, two to be technical.


For those who've forgotten this guy or are just seeing him for the first time, this is Skye, the early archer of the story and Bryan's best friend (I posted his new mug earlier in the thread). An archer of great skill, he's known for his hot temper and is rather harsh with criticism. But he and Bryan care deeply for one another and have been close friends since they were children. It easily becomes apparent that their bond is very strong, comparable to that of Ike and Soren. And later, it's discovered that they had even gone so far as to suffer trauma together.

Skye isn't without a softer side, however, and is also shown to care just as deeply for his younger brother and wishes to forge a stronger bond with him as well. He can break into tears of joy and give someone a hug if prompted enough, though it's not easy to make him do so. It's also revealed that he has had a deep fear of Sleep staves ever since he suffered a nightmare after the first time one was used to make him doze off. Because of this, a Cleric named Raela often teases him with one. lol

Skye has two mugs because at some point in the story, he loses his hair tie and just doesn't bother to get another one. I used to have four colors in his hair, but I reduced it to three because I honestly haven't seen any official mugs with more than three colors in the hair.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think he meant on paper.

I think his hair is too high up on his forehead and it makes the head look weird. The angle of his neck is looks really off as well.

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His hairline doesn't follow the curve of his head and his body and head are at badly conflicting angles. His head also looks really biig compared to his body and his forehead is huge.

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So, basically redraw the whole thing? Sorry, but that's something I really don't wish to do.

The chin came straight from Kyle, just pointing out.

If you have enough free time then yes you should

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If you have enough free time then yes you should

...Seriously? Again, sorry, but no. I don't have the free time to do it anyway. I also find it kind of discouraging. That mug originally took me a long time to make. I'm not just going to erase all of that work. I'm willing to make some edits here and there, but nothing more.

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As long as you know that the sprite looks wrong and why, I don't really care anymore

I will take a moment and say that I've pitched mugs I've worked on for up to a couple of years because they looked wrong though.

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Oh, I know. I'm going to make the edits suggested and see if I can figure something out WITHOUT having to redraw everything. I'm not shooting down anyone's critique entirely. I appreciate that a few people have taken the time to give me critique, in fact. So I'm going to use it as best as I can.

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