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Chronicles of Eternity character submissions


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Alright i'm making this thread to not only start over the character submission but also give a little explanation as to what I'm doing with this hack.

To start off, the reason I want character submissions first is because I want to get them so I can get a general idea on some chapters, get supports done, and set up a storyline. However, rather then go through the process of making around 30 individual characters, I want to have the members of the forum submit characters.

I want to get the entire story done first before I program the stuff in. In fact, I don't have much of a choice in the matter.

Because I do not own a personal computer, nor do I have the money to, I can't install the programs needed. I tried doing it with one of the family computers, only to find that the programs were deleted the very next day.

I have an idea for a story, and I am still planning out chapters and enemy units, but I want to get usable units from the people of Serenes.

So this topic will be character submissions and discussions of balancing out characters if they are broken.

If you wish to submit a character then i require the following:

Name (dont use your username unless if it has a bunch a jumbled numbers and letters)

Gender (for those who want their own gender to remain unknown)


Growths (do NOT give base stats i will make those myself. If the growths seem too broken then i WILL edit them no questions asked)

Mug (im not making mugs for every character, you make it yourself. yes, i know it seems lazy, but i have a LOT of shit to deal with)

There will be a second topic for submitting ideas and feedback.

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Name: Matt

Gender: Male

Cass: Myrmidon

Personality: Is brave and clever but gets reckless when people are in danger, also makes a lot of mistakes.

Affnnity: Dark


HP: 45

Attack: 55

Skill: 65





I'll post the Mug later, I' m trying to make it better, also if growths are too high let me know and I'll change them.

EDIT: Man why does this post keep messing up

Edited by Matt Snow
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Ok since i can only have one topic per hack i might as well submit my own idea.

Soldiers that can use swords; bows; or axes. My reasoning is that I just don't understand why mercenaries are helping the enemy army like a loyal soldier. I don't see any reason why they can't abandon them and run from the battlefield.

For any mode that isn't hard mode, i'll just make the soldiers with decent stats. Granted this won't be for EVERY map, just ones that I feel some classes don't really make sense even being there. For hard mode, however, every soldier will be Aran with speed. (I'm gonna get a ton of shit for this idea)

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Ok since i can only have one topic per hack i might as well submit my own idea.

Soldiers that can use swords; bows; or axes. My reasoning is that I just don't understand why mercenaries are helping the enemy army like a loyal soldier. I don't see any reason why they can't abandon them and run from the battlefield.

For any mode that isn't hard mode, i'll just make the soldiers with decent stats. Granted this won't be for EVERY map, just ones that I feel some classes don't really make sense even being there. For hard mode, however, every soldier will be Aran with speed. (I'm gonna get a ton of shit for this idea)

the reason they dont run is they arent paid unless they stay and fight you cant collect your pay if you arent there also for the soldiers that use all weapon types are you doing new animations or are you re-using the annimation and wasting a class slot on a class that only has a new name and is a copy of another class

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Soldiers that can use swords; bows; or axes. My reasoning is that I just don't understand why mercenaries are helping the enemy army like a loyal soldier. I don't see any reason why they can't abandon them and run from the battlefield.

Well soldiers first, I think the axe and sword thing makes sense but bows kinda don't work, you already have archers, why would you need to have a special soldier using a bow?

On the mercenary thing for people who are a separate group or by the story are mercenaries than yes it would make more sense for them to retreat if things got bad (unless they're the golden company).

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No I meant like, uhh I don't know of an in game example but say I have 2 enemy groups, one is called mercenary and the other one Laus. You could make it so that after a certain number of bad units die, the mercs don't want to risk dying and they flee and the Laus units stay and fight (I'm not sure if you can do this since I don't know much about hacking). That's what I meant by separate group.

Edited by Matt Snow
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No I meant like, uhh I don't know of an in game example but say I have 2 enemy groups, one is called mercenary and the other one Laus. You could make it so that after a certain number of bad units die, the mercs don't want to risk dying and they flee and the Laus units stay and fight (I'm not sure if you can do this since I don't know much about hacking). Thats what I meant by separate group.

this is sort of what i meant

also, yeah soldiers with bows dont really make sense.

and yes im actually doing a hard mode.

The reason id make soldiers have high defense like aran is so soldiers have the benefits of an armor knight (high defense) but arent held back by other things (low movement and weakness to armor effective weapons)

its one way of putting down a challenge

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No I meant like, uhh I don't know of an in game example but say I have 2 enemy groups, one is called mercenary and the other one Laus. You could make it so that after a certain number of bad units die, the mercs don't want to risk dying and they flee and the Laus units stay and fight (I'm not sure if you can do this since I don't know much about hacking). That's what I meant by separate group.

That's a decent idea :P It sounds like dandragon is talking about the class name being stupid. What you're saying is possible, though, Arch actually has a tutorial for "Kill X number of units" on FECafe somewhere.

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im talking about how if they ARE mercenaires (not the class, im talking about hired people) then if they saw the guys they're working for getting slaughtered (hopefully) then wouldn't they just abandon them? Hell, if i were them, i'd just join the other side.

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Hell, if i were them, i'd just join the other side.

I like this idea. Pleas make this happen in a chapter, you could make the mercs go NPC once you kill X number of enemies.

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I like this idea. Pleas make this happen in a chapter, you could make the mercs go NPC once you kill X number of enemies.

you realise you have defense equal to gilliam 40 percent is typical armor knight def and 20% is what kent and sain have (this is a huge pet peeve)

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