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Are Paladins good?


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How are Paladins in this new Fire Emblem game? Paladins were always great units but I haven't seen much in playthroughs but I have seen a lot of Great Knights. I'm merely curious so that way I can make a decent dream team for when the game finally decides to reach the US.

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I'm fond of the class, they have good speed and resistance over great knights. I think doubler and holy shield are both great skills to have compared to Luna and Dual Guard+. Whenever I get royal weapon on Krom I try to reclass him to paladin.

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I'm fond of the class, they have good speed and resistance over great knights. I think doubler and holy shield are both great skills to have compared to Luna and Dual Guard+. Whenever I get royal weapon on Krom I try to reclass him to paladin.

Holy Shield seems like a decent ability due to the decent amount of mages (at least I've seen some decent amount so far), and axe users like Dracoknights are weak to lances.

The weapon triangle doesn't seem to have a major impact on the game though, so it doesn't surprise me that people like the extra defense on Great Knights just so they can take the hits.

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Wait, how does the Weapon Triangle work exactly?

Lances beat Swords, Swords beat Axes, and Axes beat Lances. It does what Lord Raven said but it also lowers your crit rate iirc.

The Trinity of Magic however doesn't exist, and I think Wind beating air units is the closest magic got to it in this game, shame really.

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Wait, how does the Weapon Triangle work exactly?

Quick made a typo, I think he meant Swords are effective against Dracoknights.

I don't know about lowering crit, but I think it's +/- 10 in this game with no adjustment to damage (aside from getting rid of weapon level bonuses).

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Quick made a typo, I think he meant Swords are effective against Dracoknights.

I don't know about lowering crit, but I think it's +/- 10 in this game with no adjustment to damage (aside from getting rid of weapon level bonuses).

Holy crap, I don't know why I put lances lol, I meant swords.

I'm not sure how different the weapons triangle is from the GBA series, but I know it would lower crit rates, as well as lower dodge rate. Again though, I've only seen playthroughs.

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I don't think the weapon triangle ever affected crit rates.

Weapon level bonuses are gained at C, B, and A rank, like in the DS games. At A rank:

Swords: +3 Mt

Lances: +2 Mt, +5 Hit

Axes: +1 Mt, +10 Hit

Bows: +2 Mt, +5 Hit

Tomes: +2 Mt, +5 Hit

Staffs: +3 Healing

I'm not sure which parts of the bonuses correspond to what levels, and I'm not entirely certain about all of this, but I know axes are changed to increase Mt now and the rest seem to be the same.

Edited by Othin
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Axes gain the extra point of might at A-rank. For Swords,Lances and Axes I'm pretty certain for C,B,A the bonuses go

Swords: 1mt,2mt,3mt might

Lances: 1, 1mt+5Hit,2mt+5Hhit

Axes: +5Hit,+10Hit,1mt+10Hit

Personally I like using Great Knights more than Paladins in this game, Luna can be pretty good later on when it can add 10-20+ to damage per hit depending on the enemies. Though I do make Krom a Paladin when reclassing because the higher Skill and Speed(so he attacks twice more frequently) makes him more likely to activate Aether in a round of combat.

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Luna almost never does 10-20+ damage, maybe 10-15 but never 20 more. Against a General it'll be doing a lot... but that's what a Hammer's there for anyway.

Well it is mostly 10-15(with Generals,Dracomasters,Sorcerors and Great Knights going a bit above that) but counting Paris's map it will be doing 15-20 damage on every enemy(even the Sages have 30 defense on it) up to 25/26 against the Generals.

Edited by arvilino
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